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Messages - Mega Sceptile

Pages: 123 45 ... 69
Gaming / Re: Post your Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Pinball Highscores
« on: March 25, 2017, 02:38:30 PM »

That's too bad what was your score if I may ask?
Pretty sure it was in the 5 billion range on my highest score before I lost all my shots, the grind was real to complete the dex tho, took a couple weeks to do.

Gaming / Re: Post your Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Pinball Highscores
« on: March 24, 2017, 04:39:05 PM »
man, I once completed the dex entirely, wish I still had the save file and my old gba to post proof.

The Flood / Re: How often do you get a haircut?
« on: March 03, 2017, 10:55:47 PM »
3 months

good, all of them deserve it for chimping out and stealing / destroying people's property. maybe it'll teach the snowflakes that throwing a tantrum every time something goes wrong is a bad idea.

Gaming / Re: What's the best Halo game?
« on: January 22, 2017, 08:21:10 PM »
H3 was my favourite, had the most fun playing couch co op and it was my introduction to map making, Reach had the best forge, and I love it for that.
 Halo CE was a fun game, but it's soooo outdated and I burned out on it because of the lack of content.
Halo 2 was ok, just not good, ODST was fun, 4 Was ok at best.
4 had a great story, just everything else was hot garbage.
I never played 5, but wars was great for a console rts.

The Flood / Re: Adrenaline is crazy high rn
« on: January 18, 2017, 06:22:49 PM »
call the cops you fucking mong

the only problem I've ever had is when fucking fed ex destroyed the jewel case for my Sm4sh soundtrack from club nintendo.

other than that I've never had problems beyond the usual leaving the package at the wrong entrance, despite leaving clear instructions in the 2nd address line.

Gaming / Re: What is the oldest console you currently own?
« on: December 20, 2016, 10:29:43 AM »
my SNES, the same one Ive had since I was young. still works surprisingly.

Gaming / Re: Why is PSN's download speed so fucking terrible?
« on: December 13, 2016, 08:27:19 PM »
did you try putting your ps4 in rest mode? because that shit like, doubles your speed.

Gaming / Re: What's a popular series that you never played?
« on: December 11, 2016, 12:16:16 AM »
Street fighter
God Of War
and that's all I can really think of.

Really? I found the atmosphere in the section and the lore in the area made quite a good immersion tool, It sucked for the losing weapons, but it made a good moment for noct in the beginning of it.
There was stealth? I just used the new ring's Holy power to simply parry them to death.

Yeah the lore that it just kinda dropped on you and tells you about stuff that happened off screen...

Also yeah it kinda tries to push the stealth on you with making you hide in the little indents but I resorted to just killing them
One thing I REALLY enjoyed about the section is how much of an asshole ardyn is throughout the section, constantly taunting and fucking with you, I don't know how the story ends yet, as I'm only just after chapter 13, but man did ardyn really make the section memorable in my mind.

Really? I found the atmosphere in the section and the lore in the area made quite a good immersion tool, It sucked for the losing weapons, but it made a good moment for noct in the beginning of it.
There was stealth? I just used the new ring's Holy power to simply parry them to death.

The Flood / Re: Have you bought any Christmas presents for anyone yet
« on: November 14, 2016, 08:59:33 PM »
bought my wife a set of art tools, as she likes to draw a lot and I noticed her paints and pencils were running low.

The Flood / Re: $18 haircut
« on: November 14, 2016, 04:15:29 PM »
I pay 5 bucks for a local hair stylist who works out of home, gotta look for that kind of thing fam.

Gaming / Re: Rank the Pokemon generations in terms of their starters...
« on: November 02, 2016, 03:02:03 PM »

Sceptile, blaziken, and Swampert are amazing
the gen 7 starters look on point with interesting typing
Cyndaquil and Tododile are awesome, but Chickorita is just a bean
The og starters are just that, nothing wrong, but nothing really good.
Froakie is ok, I guess, and chestnaught is sorta cool i guess..?
Self cooking bacon and smugleaf
Gen 4 is just a blaziken rip off, Chill Penguin, and a turtle with a tree on it's back.

Gaming / Re: Give me ideas for a mass effect playthrough
« on: October 15, 2016, 01:36:12 AM »
go total bros with the krogans, and be sure to ALWAYS punch the reporter.

The Flood / Re: Most degenerate thing someone from your school ever did?
« on: October 07, 2016, 12:21:20 AM »
Well, in 11th grade we beat a 5 year old school record for most fights broken out in a year, last record was at 38 fights. We totaled out at 12 straight up 7+ person all out ffa brawls, 15 group fights 20 man to man disputes, and 1 kid actually straight up fought a teacher, riled teach up and then punched him, ended up with the teacher fired and the kid expelled. It was a crazy year.

The Flood / Re: Ok, what's going on with the clowns
« on: October 07, 2016, 12:04:51 AM »
I can verify that this shot has gone beyond borders, one of my friend's sons was stuck in a library for an hour because one of these asswipes was camping the enterance

Gaming / Re: If you liked Splatoon...
« on: September 28, 2016, 04:17:34 PM »
fuck colour splash, it and sticker star have killed the franchise.

The Flood / Re: Condiments you like and dislike
« on: September 15, 2016, 02:53:47 PM »
all condiments beyond occasional salt and pepper are a blight on the culinary arts, eat your food as the chef intended god dammit.
You know chefs use more spices than salt and pepper, right?
I'm talking about post cooking, when you're sitting down and eating your meal, the idiots who drown their meals in salt and pepper, or ketchup, or anything else.

The Flood / Re: Condiments you like and dislike
« on: September 15, 2016, 02:50:51 PM »
all condiments beyond occasional salt and pepper are a blight on the culinary arts, eat your food as the chef intended god dammit.
You never make your own food?
I do every day for my family outside of special occasions, and I don't use any condiments outside of the kitchen. in our house we eat every meal that we cook as is without drowning it in ketchup or salt

The Flood / Re: Condiments you like and dislike
« on: September 15, 2016, 02:44:50 PM »
all condiments beyond occasional salt and pepper are a blight on the culinary arts, eat your food as the chef intended god dammit.

The Flood / Re: Scenario: You now have Diplomatic Immunity
« on: September 07, 2016, 09:47:17 AM »
I would go to every cop shop in the country and write "you smell" on their walls.

The Flood / Re: What are you drinking tonight - special treat
« on: September 06, 2016, 08:23:11 PM »
home made chocolate-strawberry milkshakes mostly, today is a chill day.

The Flood / Re: How do you dress?
« on: September 06, 2016, 08:18:45 PM »
I just wear jeans and a T shirt during construction season and add a nice longer coat with some gloves when weather turns to winter, as those are the only two seasons in Ontario.

The Flood / Re: Pick three powers
« on: September 03, 2016, 11:41:07 PM »
Improved suggestion, no limits means the world shall bow to my will with simple commands, like OH, this house is free now, and my hydro and internet bills are zero dollars a month and fully off the record.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: August 31, 2016, 11:37:04 AM »
A drawing from the pathfinder campaign that me and a couple friends do when we have time. Im the art guy in our group so I sometimes draw notable characters from the campaign when Im bored.

The Flood / Re: Anyone here ever played the WH40k tabletop game?
« on: August 17, 2016, 11:02:41 AM »
played the base Warhammer at a friend's, him and his sons are HUGE army buffs and Modelling buffs and as such warhammer was a natual fit for them. they each have an entire army hand painted and built... they even made a giant table dedicated to the game with faux grass and hills built in.

a Bulgari Magsonic watch, that shit is literally worth a house.

Gaming / Re: Pokemon OSTs
« on: August 14, 2016, 05:32:58 PM »

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