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Messages - Nick McIntyre

Pages: 1 ... 345 67 ... 108
Gaming / Re: Resident Evil 7 launch trailer and thoughts so far
« on: January 27, 2017, 01:02:19 AM »
So how'd you guys like that cake?

It was a goddamn lie.

Anyways, I'm towards the end myself and like Luci said it finally hits that good ol' Resident Evil feeling pretty damn late into the game, and I'm kind of getting sick of the bullet sponge bosses.  Otherwise, it's a decent game I'd say 6.5/10 right now.  Nothing too great, but not terrible either.  It just feels like something Capcom churned out to cash in on the success (and eventual cancellation) of Silent Hills/PT.

Gaming / Re: Resident Evil 7 launch trailer and thoughts so far
« on: January 26, 2017, 06:49:12 AM »
It's decent so far, but I can't seem to get along with the gun controls that well.  Just finished the second boss encounter and came across those black enemies...fuck those guys hard, seriously.

Serious / Re: Net neutrality may be another hot topic under the Donald.
« on: January 25, 2017, 10:42:15 PM »

Really no reason for the hostility, there's a reason why I put "may" in the topic headline.  I read through the article (couldn't look through the links at the time because I was coming back from break) and thought it'd be interesting to discuss about.  With net neutrality being such a huge debate a couple of years ago, and Trump bringing in an opponent of it, it's worth raising an eyebrow and keeping an eye on.

Now should I have done some more googling around?  Perhaps but as I said I was posting this on my break after finding some friends of mine discussing it using the article I posted in the OP and had no time to do investigating of my own.  I'll look over your links later though.

Serious / Re: They said he wouldn't do it.
« on: January 25, 2017, 07:34:32 PM »

Walls don't work. We need a streamlined path to citizenship; no administration should be turning away millions of potential taxpayers.

I saw someone say that instead of wasting billions on a wall that can be dug under (hell they would still get in through trucks at the border checks), use the time and money to instead make applying for visas better.

And Trump is trying to make Mexico "reimburse us" (HAH) by cutting off humanitarian aid.  Ten bucks says they still wouldn't budge if he followed through on that.

Serious / Re: Trump doing his thing
« on: January 24, 2017, 04:04:33 PM »
And he just pushed out an executive order to let Keystone and Dakota Access pipelines be built.

At this rate he'll have made more executive orders in his first year than Obama did in all 8.

Serious / Re: Trump doing his thing
« on: January 23, 2017, 07:32:48 PM »
You know what else is unconstitutional? The NDAA. Drone strikes. What goes on in Guantanamo. PRISM. Let's hope he doesn't do anymore of that. Or stuff like pedaling false intelligence so you can go to war. Going to war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

Apparently he's all for bringing back waterboarding  even though Mattis is more of a "Gimme a pack of cigarettes and I'll sing for you" kind of man.  Should be interesting as to how they both approach this.

EDIT: noticed I didn't emphasise what Trump was bringing back sorry

Serious / Re: Trump doing his thing
« on: January 23, 2017, 12:25:23 PM »
Not to mention the Executive Orders he's just shelling out already.  I remember Republicans crying about Obama abusing his power but now they're just silent.

Serious / Net neutrality may be another hot topic under the Donald.
« on: January 22, 2017, 06:15:14 PM »
Trump has tapped net neutrality foe Ajin Pai to become Chairman of the FCC, the agency responsible for  enforcing and promulgating rules that assure an open Internet. His appointment, like many Federal appointments, will not require initial Senate approval (although he will need to be reconfirmed by the Republican-dominated Senate in 2017).

Why is this important? Because as head of the FCC, that agency will now be dominated by officials  opposed to the idea of an “open Internet:”

Net neutrality is the idea that your Internet provider must treat all Web traffic equally. A court decision in January struck down FCC rules meant to ensure that Internet providers do not discriminate by blocking or slowing certain content.

That decision opened the door for Internet providers like Comcast and Verizon to cut deals with content providers, which would pay to stream their content in an Internet “fast lane.”

Under President Obama’s leadership, the FCC reacted to this Court decision by reclassifying broadband access as a telecommunications service and thus applying Title II (common carrier) of the Communications Act of 1934 as well as section 706 of the Telecommunications act of 1996. The new Rule took effect in June, 2015. This nullified the prior Court decision and effectively made “net neutrality” the law of the land, at least temporarily. In 2016, the FCC’s new Rules were upheld by the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. We have enjoyed an “open Internet” since that time.

That is all going to change, and not because of any Court decision, but because of Donald Trump.

His nominee, Ajin Pai, will, in position as Chairman, be empowered to revoke the old rules.

Here we go again.

Good.  I have no problem protesting, but if you start looting, rioting, and blocking the street, you need the book thrown at you.

jane was unjustly murdered

Totally justified.

The Flood / Gus, I'm a grenade
« on: January 19, 2017, 10:49:29 PM »

Namely, his proposed "Drain the swamp" policies
The others ones are valid reasons to like him, but this? Brosepsh, he's done nothing but get billionaires as his staff and use sweet sweet nepotism to fill in the rest.

There is nothing "draining the swamp" about any of those.

B-b-but Luci, they're businessmen, not p-p-politicians!  Surely they know how to run the country!

i wonder what barack and michelle are thinking right now

^ Wouldn't be surprised if this was their reaction.

Trump posted a tweet about the issue, before any official statement.


Is it bad that I'm smiling at the thought of him having a total aneurysm from this?

The initial story that Meta linked has now been picked up by various media outlets.

The Trump team has remained stone silent so far.

Do you think this will absolutely destroy Trump's cred/political capital in DC?


Lmao at that video. Let's just ignore the fact that in the first fight sequence between Clark and Zod, they start out in the middle of no where and then the fight gets brought into Smallville by Clark because he's mad or some shit, putting all the townspeople's lives at risk. I would think it should be obvious that decisions like this were literally only for the sake of showing a cool splosion, and yet we still have people, almost four years later, trying to act like there was some deeper meaning when there clearly wasn't. I really think it's safe to say that Zach Snyder wasn't counting the seconds that Clark was down and factoring it in Clarks mind, rather than just keeping him out of the picture long enough for Zod to do something before the fight resumes lol. Man of Steels story was complete schlock, let's not kid ourselves.

Of course there was a deeper meaning.

We needed that deep iHOP scene.  And we needed every other sponsor logo shoved into our faces during that fight.

Gaming / Re: Scalebound is canceled
« on: January 10, 2017, 12:39:59 PM »
I wasn't too impressed by the initial gameplay reveal, but that still looks like years of a product just going down the shitter and that's a lot of money and developer time just wasted.

Serious / Re: Trump's son-in-law to be senior advisor to the President
« on: January 09, 2017, 07:26:51 PM »
My friend you have a typo and I don't want to quote it

Weird, looks like my auto-correct didn't pick that up.

Serious / Re: Can we talk about TYT?
« on: January 09, 2017, 02:43:54 PM »
I watched them a few times during my edgy liberal high school days.

Now I view them, and Cenk in general, as loudmouth punks.

Serious / Trump's son-in-law to be senior adviser to the President
« on: January 09, 2017, 02:41:37 PM »
It has been expected for weeks. Now, Trump transition officials confirm that Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law and a major real estate developer in New York, will be named senior adviser to the president.

The rumored post has focused attention on Mr. Kushner’s myriad potential conflicts of interest, including a Chinese development deal that’s in the works. Then there’s the issue of whether a son-in-law in the West Wing violates antinepotism laws.

But the Trump team will muscle through — as it usually does.

People close to transition warned that Mr. Kushner’s title might be adjusted. An announcement could come as early as Tuesday.

Rest of the article just goes on about the Meryl Streep bullshit, unfortunately.

The Flood / Re: 'If you hate DC movies you're just a Marvel fanboy'
« on: January 08, 2017, 06:11:53 PM »
DC should just make high quality animated movies

They were untill Killing Joke
Why was it bad?
You could tell where they padded for length.

Especially the part where Batman pads Batgirl with his length.

...Even though he's a decent decade older than her?

The director basically whittled Barbara Gordon down to a frustrated female who wants more from her "lover", a sex object, and someone who is  repeatedly looked down on as weak and needs her man.

do you walk around in the store all plainclothesy and watch for shoplifters or are you like the greeters at walmart who stop people before they leave

I'm like the door greeters, I was on vacation when they had the plainclothes position opened.

"This is an unlawful thing you're doing."  *proceeds to recite the amendment.*

Cool story, but I'm not a public servant, haven't taken an oath, and have been approved by the state to ask for your receipt when you are trying to walk out with expensive shit.

I'm meeting some pretty interesting people in this LP (loss prevention) job.

The Flood / Re: who needs a new avatar?
« on: January 06, 2017, 07:06:33 AM »

The Flood / Re: who needs a new avatar?
« on: January 06, 2017, 01:38:41 AM »

Serious / Re: White Trump supporter tortured on stream by a couple blacks
« on: January 05, 2017, 03:37:55 PM »
This shit is disgusting.  No better than the Trump supporters that assaulted people.

Hope karma catches up with them in prison.  Lock them in a dark hole with only bread and water.

Serious / Re: GOP Push to Gut Congressional Ethics Committee
« on: January 03, 2017, 01:08:06 PM »
The House wants to replace the current Ethics committee that has caught three congress members in breaking the law and getting them jailed with a new ethics committee that wont take anonymous complaints and must answer to The House itself whereas the current one is made up of a small group that only answers to a slightly bigger group.

Can I get a tl;dr version of this?
So basically the Republican party is once again trying to work around the laws to further maintain its grip on power. Nice.

I know this thread is pretty much shot with the news update, but didn't the Republican party and governor of SC try this shit with the incoming Democratic governor and limit his power?

I'd still be wary of them trying to do it again later when things start to calm down.

They most likely will, probably when other hot news topics take hold so they can try and get it under the table.  But pulling this move just got everyone's attention on them, and I'm sure some watchdogs will be paying very close attention to pretty much every move they make now.

Alright, going to give Trump credit here for that.  That was a completely stupid move on the Repub's part.

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