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Messages - Nick McIntyre

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Serious / Re: Anders Breivik to study Oslo classes from his jail cell
« on: July 17, 2015, 09:35:03 PM »
What, would you rather they treat him like a slave and have him to manual labor for life?

It's called basic human decency.

Sorry, but after he bombs innocent people, and then goes to a Summer Camp to murder dozens more, he doesn't deserve any human decency or sympathy.  He's even full of glee after murdering all those people.

The Flood / A Nigger stole $30 from two little girls' lemonade stand
« on: July 17, 2015, 09:07:15 PM »

It was the perfect hot day for a lemonade stand.

Two 13-year-old girls set one up Wednesday in Rancho Cucamonga, California, but they didn’t expect what was coming next.

A young man approached the table and told the two entrepreneurs he didn’t have any cash on him, police told ABC News today.

The girls decided to give him a free cup of lemonade anyway, and he started walking away.

But seconds later, he came back and allegedly knocked over the lemonade stand before grabbing the pink and turquoise money box with $30 inside, a spokeswoman with the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department said.

The perfect model of Niggerism.

Serious / Anders Breivik to study Oslo classes from his jail cell
« on: July 17, 2015, 09:02:43 PM »
...and his fucking cell is now designed to look like a university dorm

Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik won a place on Friday to study at Oslo University from solitary confinement in prison, despite outrage at his massacre of 77 people four years ago.

"He meets the admission requirements. We stick to our rules and he will be admitted," Oslo University rector Ole Petter Ottersen told Reuters, saying prisoners are eligible to study as long as their academic grades are good enough.

Many were appalled when Breivik, who holds far-right anti-Muslim views and has shown no remorse, applied for the three-year bachelor's course in political science. Some students now at the university survived his attacks, while others had friends or relatives killed.

"I realise there are many feelings involved here. He tried to demolish the system. We have to stay faithful to it," Ottersen said. The course includes study of democracy, human rights and respect for minorities.

Breivik, now 36, planted a bomb on July 22, 2011 in central Oslo that killed eight people and destroyed the government headquarters. He then travelled to an island where the then-ruling Labour Party was holding a summer camp and shot dead 69 people, many of them teenagers.

Under the terms of his sentence, Breivik is held in solitary confinement and will be unable to attend lectures or seminars. All his work will go via prison staff, with no direct contact with professors.

"His study will be carried out exclusively in his own cell," Ottersen said. Breivik has access to books but not the Internet.

Norway will open a "July 22 Centre" next week in Oslo with information and exhibits about the attacks. Some relatives and survivors fear it risks becoming a Breivik "hall of fame"

I'm kind of surprised, thought we'd have to wait several more months before the new episode <__<

I'm kind of nervous about Rodrik because I think the poor bastard has suffered enough, and seeing him being flayed will probably just end up pissing me off lol.

And we finally get to encounter Wights/White Walkers!

The Flood / Re: The Walking Dead Season 6 Trailer
« on: July 16, 2015, 12:48:06 PM »
Daryl makes too much money for AMC, hell he'll probably be the only survivor left.

Serious / Re: National Republican Primary Polls
« on: July 16, 2015, 02:31:28 AM »
Hahahahaha, oh Jesus I hope either Trump or Bush make it past the Republican Primaries, especially Trump.  I don't think Donald is serious about this, but if he makes it into the General Election, it'll be one hell of a show against Sanders or (UUUGHHH) Clinton.

Serious / Re: Well Germany has the right approach here <.<
« on: July 14, 2015, 12:20:24 AM »
Max is sexually attracted to pre-pubescent girls — typically between the ages of six and 11.

God damnit Max you fucking sicko.

The Flood / Re: Suicide Squad trailer officially released
« on: July 13, 2015, 05:14:52 PM »
I must be the only one who is not looking forward to this movie now.

I'm not.  I mean, unless they do like a two-minute "quick origin story" for all the characters involved, this movie might be a long sit-through like Batman vs Superman.
I don't know about that... BvS has the potential to be good. I'm fairly sure that Goyer isn't writing it, so it may be more action-packed than MoS.
Plus, the last 20 minutes or so are rumoured to be pure action.

Nah, Goyer is writing.

Also judging from the trailer, and the rumors, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman might be fighting Doomsday if the last 20 minutes are pure which I say "WHAT A WASTE."

Harley looks nice, I still don't buy Joker, and Killer Croc hahahahahahahahahahaha.
Harley and Joker look so out of place, in my opinion. I don't but either of them (or Lex/Diana, for that matter).

Harley seems inspired by the Arkham series, which is probably why I like it a little.

Joker...just no.

The Flood / Re: Suicide Squad trailer officially released
« on: July 13, 2015, 04:59:48 PM »
I must be the only one who is not looking forward to this movie now.

I'm not.  I mean, unless they do like a two-minute "quick origin story" for all the characters involved, this movie might be a long sit-through like Batman vs Superman.

Harley looks nice, I still don't buy Joker, and Killer Croc hahahahahahahahahahaha.

People are actually wasting energy being upset over this?
I would "waste energy" to defend secularism in my town government, and anyone who respects and values the constitution should too.
Yeah I'm more worried about police brutality, mansanto protection acts, and the consistent warfare going on in the Middle East. But hey, priorities right?
Oh, right. I forgot that I can only worry about one thing.
When it's something as trivial as this, it's clear you're not worried about much else. Just sayin.
That's absolutely retarded and you know it.
Nah. Anyone who worries about something this small that affects no one is simply not preoccupied with more important matters. Trivial shit like this barely even makes the news because no one really cares. There's more important things going on.

So we should give up our principals just because the problem isn't the most important problem at the moment?
We literally have God on our currency.

Added only because of America's "TEH EBIL COMMUNISUMZ" period in the 50's.

The Flood / Re: You know your bored when
« on: July 11, 2015, 09:21:26 PM »

« on: July 11, 2015, 09:12:27 PM »

pls assemble.


But I think it's rather forced as fuck to have Batman in Metropolis at the same time as Superman fighting Zod...guess they'll have some sort of explanation, but still.

By the way, I just noticed the Robin Suit that Joker spray-painted.

So I guess Tim Drake is dead in this universe.

LOL is that seriously the best take they got from Eisenburg as Lex Luthor?  Christ that's going to blow up in their face.

Also, Batman is a killer now?  It looked like he snapped that Neo Nazi's neck.

Serious / Re: Women have always been the primary victim of war
« on: July 11, 2015, 12:39:25 PM »
—->Woman's feelings

—->Soldier being killed/tortured/imprisoned.

Yup, women definitely have the worst of it.

Ah, it's good to see characters running in a Star Wars movie, instead of taking a brisk walk in an obvious studio next to the break room.

>This is the same guy that thinks MW2 was good

Because it was.
You're right if you're talking about just the campaign.
Even the multiplayer was good.
If unbalanced clusterfucks where it's pretty much impossible to do well without using a certain type of loadout is your thing, sure.
You're literally complaining about the fact that you need to play to the meta, and it's fucking hilarious.
It's fucking hilarious that you're too stubborn to realize that a meta where only one playstyle is viable is indicative that the game is shit. Also, stating facts =\= complaining

But hey, if you like broken games, keep playing them. Nobody is stopping you.
>One playstyle
Next you'll be complaining about damage being a necessary component of team comps in MOBAs

>Thinking Call of Aim Assist : Explosive Commando 2  is balanced
It just as balanced as any other game.
If you don't play the meta you're probably going to have a bad time.

It's so balanced, Infinity Ward allows all the hacks and shit to slip under the radar.

The Flood / Re: Mr. Psychologist was pronounced dead a few hours ago
« on: July 10, 2015, 02:44:31 PM »
Well, he's left his physical body and has transcended into his machine form.

Praise Allah.

Gaming / Black Ops 3 comes with a mini fridge.
« on: July 09, 2015, 10:29:48 PM »

This version not only comes with the game, the season pass, and “The Giant”—a remake of Der Rise, a fan favorite zombie map—it also comes with a full-sized, fully functioning mini-fridge. And it’s a damn fine looking mini-fridge, though it only holds about 12 cans.

The fridge is modeled after the Juggernog Perk-a-Cola dispenser from Call of Duty Zombies, and must be Activision’s way of trying to one-up Bethesda and their Fall Out 4 Pipboy Edition.

First a DLC console bundle, now a fucking mini fridge.

The Flood / Re: Dear Forum Trolls:
« on: July 08, 2015, 11:49:55 AM »
Oh I get it, you're pissed because we won't let Elegiac turn this into his hugbox.

That's not trolling, that's everyone being fed up with literal piles of shit.

Sol shut your whore mouth, no.
I would hate for this place to become a fucking hugbox you dolt.
The only whore mouth here is yourself

You fucking wish.
Eww get away from me

I don't want AIDS

You are the worst of them all. You try to be so funny, but in reality you're just washed up.
You are the saddest of the wannabe trolls. You need a warning label: "Pool closed for aids".
Can you back up a little you're spitting in my face

is that you

oh wrong image... sorry. This is the right one:

You are terrible at photoshop.
Give me a break I'm on my phone.

Okay here is your break:

why do you have my pic saved to your phone... fapalert
I got it from the thread I made. Don't flatter yourself.

Oh look I found a picture of you and your doge:

I think we found Elegiac during one of his killing sprees.

Gaming / Re: Smash 3DS tournament *SEMIFINALS IS UNDERWAY*
« on: July 07, 2015, 09:44:09 PM »
Luis and Catzirra pls fuck already.

Gaming / Re: Destiny: The Taken King PS4 BUNDLE!!!!
« on: July 07, 2015, 09:29:40 PM »
i like the PS4 though. looks nice.

I'm surprised it isn't Bedazzled with




Gaming / Destiny: The Taken King PS4 BUNDLE!!!!
« on: July 07, 2015, 09:21:59 PM »
Destiny publisher Activision is teaming up with Sony once again for a limited-edition PlayStation 4 bundle, this time for the upcoming expansion The Taken King, Sony announced today.

The PS4 from the original Destiny bundle last fall came in a solid "glacier white" color. This time around, the top/right side of the console is imprinted with Destiny's map of the cosmos in gray and the Guardian seal in gold. The unit includes a 500 GB hard drive, and comes with a matching white controller.

Must Read
Hands-on with Destiny: The Taken King and Bungie's return to its Halo roots

Also included in the bundle is a physical copy of the Legendary Edition of The Taken King, which costs $59.99 on its own. The package consists of The Taken King — $39.99 by itself — along with Destiny and its first two expansions. The PS4 bundle also comes with a token for an upgrade to the digital Collector's Edition of The Taken King.

The Collector's Edition, which regularly costs $79.99, offers three exotic class items with XP bonuses; three class-specific emotes; three armor shaders; and the early access weapons pack. That exclusive content has proved controversial, since Activision initially wasn't offering the items outside of the Collector's Edition. Now the content will be available on its own, but for a whopping $20.

As usual, The Taken King also offers exclusive content on PlayStation 3 and PS4. Those items will remain exclusive to PlayStation until at least fall 2016.

Oh.  My.  Fucking.  God.

Serious / Re: Bernie Sanders breaks Election Records
« on: July 07, 2015, 07:34:43 PM »
Character-wise, I'd much rather have Sanders elected over Clinton. He's got very little leadership experience, but Clinton has none. And the president isn't as powerful in moving legislation through Congress as we make it out to be, so he can't really do a vast amount of damage. Being a consistent voter, as opposed to someone like Obama who has flipped on a laundry list of major points, we'll know what we're getting which is better than the obscenely corrupt political machine of the Clintons.

And the best part is that he'll be easy to beat. Yeah he's got an impressively obnoxious viral advertising campaign going on, but he'll get torn to shreds when those ads actually matter for something.

I belive Bernie actually balanced out a city's budget when he was elected as Mayor, so I'd say that's a plus. Yeah Nation>City, but having knowledge of economics helps.

Serious / Re: Worst president in history?
« on: July 07, 2015, 03:41:40 PM »
Obama because nationalist healthcare

it shouldn't be for everyone like those Euro countries.
ACA was a pretty poor implementation of how healthcare reform should happen if we're going to try and emulate national single payer systems without even coming close to being a single payer system.

ACA was a watered down appeasement for the Republicans.

The Flood / Re: Mr P Appreciation Thread
« on: July 07, 2015, 02:38:57 PM »
15 minutes have passed.
You have failed.
For something as glorious as this, patience is more than enough <.<

Jesus, I didn't realise I was being held to that time...

Profile-style and again, a clean version. (Only while making a profile version I realised I'd missed some bits, so it's a tad better.)

This is a thing of beauty

The Flood / Re: Mr P Appreciation Thread
« on: July 06, 2015, 08:13:37 PM »
If you wanted him to deal with less trash, you'd get your shit together and act like an actual human being. The butthurt crew have reached new lows today. If I take any consolation from this it's that you're all ugly and dumb lol. And that I'm smarter, sexier, funnier... well, better in every way, which I suppose would account for a lot of the hate, if you're honest with yourselves. But I've never used any of that against you people. I'm supportive of those around me. All this is your choice. Ugly inside and out. You know that inner beauty can shine through, right? Like, that's a real thing. So why the hell do you lot choose this? When you could be attractive human beings? It's fucking absurd.


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