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Messages - Nick McIntyre

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Gaming / Re: WWE 2K16 play as... the Terminator?!
« on: July 27, 2015, 09:33:54 PM »
Whaaaaaaaat the fuuuuuuuck

The Flood / Re: I don't forgive you, Sep7agon.
« on: July 27, 2015, 09:12:53 PM »
How's Felicia?

Not really.  I have a co-worker that's a super End-Times Christian that actually believes Obama is a Satanic Muslim and wants to get Trump into the White House.

But we're still good buddies regardless.  We have a little debate once in a while, but we don't ruin a friendship over it.

News / Re: Anniversary Anarchy!
« on: July 26, 2015, 08:54:37 PM »

Serious / Re: And here we go again
« on: July 26, 2015, 08:13:24 PM »
God approves of shooting unarmed Niggers.

It does not matter. Still you can stop it from happening.
I mean, I can try, but it won't accomplish anything. This is a very religious city dominated by conservatives.

There's a reason Irvine is one of the nicest and safest cities in the US.
Iraq is also very religious and conservative.

You're never safe with sand niggers, did you miss where I said "nice" and "safe"?
You said it's nice and safe because it's religious and conservative. Baghdad is very religious and very conservative.


Nope, I only said there was a reason. Islam is not peaceful OR safe
Christianity isn't peaceful or safe either. The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition was done in the name of it and when it comes down to your extremist a radical Muslim is no different than a Christian extremist.   

LOL go fuck yourself, those are moot points considering they happened a thousand years ago. The thing is about these Muslim "extremists" is that they're not extremists - they're fundamentalists, they're literally doing EXACTLY as the Quran says to do.
If I'm not mistaken, the Quran says something about killing all Infidels, correct?
It also says respect all animals, treat women well, and to not kill.

It's full of contradictions like every other religion. Why they focus on the "kill nonbelievers" part more than Christians and Jews I don't know or really care. Religion is garbage. Simple as that. So is being socially conservative.
Religion doesn't necessarily have to have contradictions, it just depends on how you interpret it. Like how the constitution had to to be amended a ton of times, interpretation and perception is everything when it comes to complex pieces of text that map out how to live.
>comparing religious trash to the constitution
The bible has survived the test of time and has been used to influence life for 2 thousand years and counting. I can't consider that trashy.

Religion is still trash.

The Flood / Re: >tfw furry july is almost over
« on: July 25, 2015, 09:05:19 PM »
So go to a furry form if you want furry stuff
thank you for your participation.
Liking Renemon =/= furry July participation

Nah, you were definitely participating.

The Flood / Re: >tfw furry july is almost over
« on: July 25, 2015, 08:15:33 PM »
I'm already a known furry, but I had to show off that Star Wars Pride.

Gaming / Re: Telltale Game of Thrones Episode 5 [SPOILERS]
« on: July 25, 2015, 08:13:30 PM »
I chose Rodrik to live on my main playthrough, mainly out of a "I'll close my eyes and choose that way" kind of situation.  I'm hoping that the "Who gets left behind?" choice is a new thing for Telltale, much like the finale to The Walking Dead Season 2, which had 3 different endings.  While Rodrik may not have the pit fighters' respect, he's still an able lord, and I had him stick it to Ludd and Gryff the whole time.

While Asher is the better fighter and has the pit fighters' respect, would he still be able to marshal that same respect from his court and soldiers?  He's an exiled second son that just came back with a bunch of savages that just want to pillage and kill, and doesn't have Malcolm with him (which, despite what he says, could lead to some resentment from his court.) 

Also, I'll have to admit I was really unsurprised by who the traitor was.  I mean, I was kind of expecting Otengryn to be the traitor, or even Lady Forrester just for a small surprise.  But nope, it was just someone who had to be a little bitch about not being TEH SENTUNAL.  It was Royland on my main playthrough, but on my second one it was Duncan.  I imprisoned Royland and stuck Duncan like a pig.

Asher because Rodrick is bae
asher is infinitely better than rodrick

Asher is the better fighter, but Rodrik is the better Lord.  AND he was still kicking ass while being a cripple.

Serious / Re: Fuck Jeb, let's have Kasich
« on: July 25, 2015, 06:16:19 PM »
America should not be part of the Kyoto treaty, and it's demonstrably more efficient to have corporations effect carbon regulations.
Source? I'm generally quite sceptical of trusting corporations to value the environment over their own profit. The single line on this from the "on the issues" page isn't exactly clear on what Kasich is trying to accomplish either. I'm all in favor for giving the corporations a say in the policies affecting them, but the few quotes I read didn't make it seem as if he wanted any general regulations to protect the environment.

I'm not really sure where this is coming from.
Going on the PBS link Meta posted earlier. "Cut education spending" and advocating cutting funds for public schools.

His overhaul formula included raising revenues for poorer school districts so that they can be on par with richer districts.

   •The state would give more money to districts with low property values so the bottom 80 percent of districts would have the same revenue base as the top 20 percent. Districts with a high concentration of low-income students would get more money, including $90 million a year for preschool.

•A pool of money that helps pay for severely disabled students would be increased from $10 million to $100 million.

•Charter schools would get $100 per pupil to spend on their buildings, and they would get state funding more in line with what their students would get in their home districts.

•Next school year, vouchers for private school tuition would be given to any kindergartner whose family earns below 200 percent of the poverty line. The program then would add a grade each year.

•A $300 million fund would provide grants to schools that innovate to become more efficient and increase student achievement. Schools would have a lot of latitude in how they spend the money, which is not the case with most federal grants.

• School leaders would review and streamline their operating standards to remove unnecessary barriers and mandates. For example, districts would have more flexibility in setting their calendars, having to meet a minimum number of hours instead of 184 days a year.

•Similar districts and schools would be grouped so that parents, taxpayers and educators could more easily compare data on academics and finances.

I'll admit I haven't read about his cutting of school funding, but until I do, I'll hold that it was probably excess or unnecessary funding.

Still, if I were to vote for any Republican right now, it'd be him.

The Flood / $6.9 Million is financially difficult for your family
« on: July 25, 2015, 04:54:30 AM »
If you're a pro basketball player.

I can't even right now, lol.

Serious / Re: Fuck Jeb, let's have Kasich
« on: July 25, 2015, 04:47:22 AM »
He's for the Common Core?  Lol fuck that.

A few good points, especially in regards to rehabilitation, but then there's things like

>companies and not government regulations should protect the environment, anti-Kyoto
>cut education budgets and funding (kinda) and give more power to local schools
>pro-life and firm opponent of abortion
>anti-gay (in general, marriage, adoption)
>FOX news host on a batshit insane program
>insane christian ("it's God's job to judge if the punishment fits the crime", "bible stories are historical facts", "evidence says that the earth did not come about on its own", supporting amendment for school prayer)
>pro death penalty
>pro gun
>demanded that a professor saying 9/11 was brought on by the US got fired

Yeah... Would not vote for, even though he may have some decent economic policies in mind.

He's actually going along with the Supreme Court ruling and saying it's time to move on from Gay Marriage, and he's supportive of banning abortion after 20 weeks, with the exception of saving a mother's life.

And he also just seems to go along with his constituents.  He introduced a bill to curb collective-bargaining for public employees.  Ohio voted NO, and he moved on.  That's someone I'd like, rather than someone wasting my tax money trying to repeal Obamacare for the 48934th time.

Gaming / Re: This is badass, man.
« on: July 24, 2015, 03:24:42 PM »
Didn't Verb sperg about this topic a few months ago?

Anyway, if you want to scream about sexual exploitation, turn your attention to God of War's boob fest instead of claiming Witcher 3's romance scenes are "exploitation for neckbeards."  Them you would have a better argument.

Which one, the link or the RS story?
The story in the OP.

Wait a second, that was written by Paul Krugman? Jesus fucking Christ.

Yup, Paul Krugman wrote it

Hahahahaha the same rolling stone who put a terrorist on the cover? No wonder they love our current terrorist president.

Well since Tsarnev's life was the big story for that issue, much like Obama's presidency is for this issue, it's only fitting for the big story to be on the cover.

Wow that's a shit article.

Which one, the link or the RS story?

Serious / Re: Shootpocalypse '15 Continues- Lafayette Edition
« on: July 24, 2015, 12:54:14 PM »
Don't worry, guys. Guns still aren't a problem.

It's definitely not the shooter's mental instability, oh no, it's those pesky guns! They just grow a pair of legs and think, "I'm gonna go shoot some people today!" and run off to the nearest theatre to blow everyone away.
Don't worry, guys. Guns still aren't a problem.

You're right bro. The 2 guns I own have both gone on killing rampages by themselves. I gotta lock them up better. Damn guns always killing people on their own
These are quite possibly the absolute worst arguments you can make to support a pro gun stance, as not a single person in the world believes that guns on their own actually kill people. People kill people, and the incredibly easy access to firearms facilitates this to a great extent.

Actually, I'm not pro-gun.  I am just pointing out how stupid Max's comment sounds when he seems to place the blame solely on the guns.  Yes there need to be better ways of making sure criminals can't get access to guns, but outright banning them isn't the solution.

He's a good president with good intentions, but the best? Not so sure about that.

Considering the stonewall opposition he had to endure?  Yeah, he's exceeded some expectations.

Don't mind the link source, pulled it off a friend from Facebook

Obama faces trash talk left, right and center – literally – and doesn’t deserve it. Despite bitter opposition, despite having come close to self-inflicted disaster, Obama has emerged as one of the most consequential and, yes, successful presidents in American history. His health reform is imperfect but still a huge step forward – and it’s working better than anyone expected. Financial reform fell far short of what should have happened, but it’s much more effective than you’d think. Economic management has been half-crippled by Republican obstruction, but has nonetheless been much better than in other advanced countries. And environmental policy is starting to look like it could be a major legacy.

I’ll go through those achievements shortly. First, however, let’s take a moment to talk about the current wave of Obama-bashing. All Obama-bashing can be divided into three types. One, a constant of his time in office, is the onslaught from the right, which has never stopped portraying him as an Islamic atheist Marxist Kenyan. Nothing has changed on that front, and nothing will.

There’s a different story on the left, where you now find a significant number of critics decrying Obama as, to quote Cornel West, someone who ”posed as a progressive and turned out to be counterfeit.” They’re outraged that Wall Street hasn’t been punished, that income inequality remains so high, that ”neoliberal” economic policies are still in place. All of this seems to rest on the belief that if only Obama had put his eloquence behind a radical economic agenda, he could somehow have gotten that agenda past all the political barriers that have con- strained even his much more modest efforts. It’s hard to take such claims seriously.

Finally, there’s the constant belittling of Obama from mainstream pundits and talking heads. Turn on cable news (although I wouldn’t advise it) and you’ll hear endless talk about a rudderless, stalled administration, maybe even about a failed presidency. Such talk is often buttressed by polls showing that Obama does, indeed, have an approval rating that is very low by historical standards.

But this bashing is misguided even in its own terms – and in any case, it’s focused on the wrong thing.

The Flood / Re: Titanic will be gone soon
« on: July 24, 2015, 10:05:23 AM »
And it will fade away like Leonardo DiCaprio's dreams for an Oscar.

Serious / Re: Raise the minimum wage
« on: July 24, 2015, 06:25:54 AM »
There's apps for joints like Pita Pit and Taco Bell that let you "skip the line" and order in advance.

Don't see how this is any different.  Or why it matters towards the "Raise the Minimum Wage" argument.

Serious / Re: Shootpocalypse '15 Continues- Lafayette Edition
« on: July 24, 2015, 04:33:53 AM »
Don't worry, guys. Guns still aren't a problem.

It's definitely not the shooter's mental instability, oh no, it's those pesky guns! They just grow a pair of legs and think, "I'm gonna go shoot some people today!" and run off to the nearest theatre to blow everyone away.

Gaming / Re: King of the Hill intro remade in GTA 5
« on: July 23, 2015, 04:22:13 AM »
Bobby is way too skinny 6/10

Serious / Re: Donald Trump continues to drive the GOP Clown Car
« on: July 22, 2015, 07:08:19 PM »
What's so bad about giving a phone number out?

You're busy at work, and your personal phone goes off throughout the day because some jackass gave out your phone number and people are calling just to bullshit and troll, thus filling up your inbox.

Doesn't that sound absolutely frustrating?

Serious / Re: Donald Trump continues to drive the GOP Clown Car
« on: July 22, 2015, 05:23:44 PM »
Lydsey Graham is pretty lame, tbh.  This is funny, though.  If he gets the nomination somehow I'm going to be laughing my ass off until the election.

He is lame and I would never vote for him, but this is part of that "No touch" area in politics, like making fun of a rival's family or children.

But if Trump does get the nomination,  I'll laugh as well, them vote for Bernsie.

Serious / Donald Trump continues to drive the GOP Clown Car
« on: July 22, 2015, 05:15:51 PM »
This time by giving out Graham's number.

Speaking in front of hundreds at a rally in South Carolina on Tuesday, Donald Trump read a number he said people could use to reach South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham's private cell phone.

Trump and Graham have engaged in an ongoing feud in the past few days as they battle for the Republican presidential nomination. In Trump's speech Tuesday, he called Graham an "idiot," after Graham called him a "jackass," in an interview Monday with CNN's Kate Bolduan.

Trump gave out the number and urged attendees to call it.

"Give it a shot," Trump said, urging people to call the state's senior senator.

RELATED: Veterans sound off on Trump

When CNN called the number, it went directly to voicemail and the recorded message said it was the phone number for Graham. The mailbox was full.

What a fucking asshat.  THIS is who Republicans want in office?

The Flood / Re: If you were an admin, who would you permaban?
« on: July 20, 2015, 02:21:55 PM »
camnator is already banned you silly fucks

Ye but he's the only guy I really ever disliked here.  Even Elegiac and Challenger (when I first came to the site and didn't warm up to that Arab fuck) don't get that kind of dislike from me.

The Flood / Re: If you were an admin, who would you permaban?
« on: July 20, 2015, 02:12:47 PM »
Just really bad trolls or people with nothing nice to say. People like loaf, psu, that nick guy, and some others I'm sure. I don't spend a ton of time here but there's probably at least a dozen childish people that don't help this already small forum.

LOL wut.

OT:  The only real person I'd perma would be Camnator

The Flood / Re: A Genuine Miracle has happened!!!
« on: July 19, 2015, 05:23:06 PM »
inb4 it's a miscarriage.

Wow.  Kill yourself.

Serious / Re: Anders Breivik to study Oslo classes from his jail cell
« on: July 17, 2015, 11:24:39 PM »
Max has the right idea. Executing him or keeping him in deplorable conditions would just make us as bad as him.

I wasn't saying to execute him, though I wouldn't shed a tear if he ate a bullet.

As for studying, fine. Keep him occupied. If he really is mentally unstable, then perhaps a little schooling can help rehabilitate him.  I'm just rather amused that they'd go as far as to turn his prison cell into a well-furnished, comfy dorm room.

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