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Messages - Nick McIntyre

Pages: 1 ... 141516 1718 ... 105
This is EXACTLY what "moderate" Muslims want, though. They want us to think that they're all friendly and nice so we let down our guard as they continue to pour in through our borders, and take advantage of our open arms and commit Jihad. This is what idiots don't realize about these guys - they're all radicals in wait.

I'm sure you can peer into the minds of every single Muslim and know they want that.

Gaming / Re: Total War: Attila Age of Charlemagne night
« on: December 10, 2015, 12:59:03 PM »
Yeah, I have Friday off so we can play whenever.

Plus gives me a day to get used to the new units, updates and what have you.
I was going to play as the Avars because they have better cavalry units but I also just read that cavalry charges have been nerfed so no more steamrolling through a band of missile infantry ; _ ;

Wait seriously

Fuck that

Gaming / Re: Total War: Attila Age of Charlemagne night
« on: December 10, 2015, 05:01:13 AM »
Yeah, I have Friday off so we can play whenever.

Plus gives me a day to get used to the new units, updates and what have you.

The Flood / Re: le dead forum meme
« on: December 10, 2015, 02:32:46 AM »
It's 3:30AM on a Thursday, guess we should call Angry Brute to save this forum.

The Flood / Re: Godzilla: Resurgence trailer by Toho
« on: December 09, 2015, 06:53:28 PM »
Toho what are you doing

Gaming / Re: Total War: Attila Age of Charlemagne night
« on: December 09, 2015, 06:29:17 PM »

Info on the units.

That's actually a pretty neat change.  I think I can get onboard with that.

Gaming / Re: Total War: Attila Age of Charlemagne night
« on: December 09, 2015, 03:48:15 AM »
What faction are you guys playing as? I'm surprised you can't play as Wessex since that is what heavily influenced modern England. But I guess at the time Mercia was the strongest.

I know mods will add it in.

I might play as The Lombards, could help a Charlemagne player sandwich Carloman <.<

Serious / Re: Meet the Final Eight for TIME's Person of the Year
« on: December 07, 2015, 09:01:15 PM »
I thought Bernie already won

He won the online poll, but apparently TIME removed him from and the option to vote for him from the shortlist.

Serious / Meet the Final Eight for TIME's Person of the Year
« on: December 07, 2015, 08:56:11 PM »
Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, who as leader of ISIS has inspired followers to both fight in his self-declared caliphate of Iraq and Syria, and also stage attacks in countries like Tunisia and France.

Black Lives Matter activists, who have protested inequality towards African Americans, especially in their treatment by law enforcement.

Caitlyn Jenner, whose coming out as a transgender woman prompted widespread conversations about gender identity and issues of equality for the LGBT community.

Travis Kalanick, who as CEO of Uber drove his car-hailing company to a nearly $70 billion valuation, but also drew criticism about the downside of the sharing economy.

Angela Merkel, who as German chancellor has been at the center of major news events this year, from economic strife in the Eurozone to Europe’s ongoing migrant crisis.

Vladimir Putin, who as president of Russia has defied Western sanctions over his country’s military activity in Ukraine to play a critical but precarious role in the war on ISIS.

Hassan Rouhani, who as president of Iran is seeking to bring his country out of pariah status and repair its sanctions-crippled economy by pursuing a nuclear deal with the West.

Donald Trump, whose populist rhetoric has made him frontrunner in the race for the Republican presidential candidacy and stirred debate about the party’s future.

So our finalists are:  A fucking moron, Vladimeme Putin, a killer, the leader of ISIS, a car CEO, a group of segregationists, the Iron Lady, and the President of Iran (I don't know much about him lol).

From what I've seen, the only person on that list who's even remotely qualified seems to be Merkel.

The Flood / Re: Most painful moment of your life? Surgery/Accidents etc
« on: December 07, 2015, 05:56:32 PM »
Held down in a doctor's chair while a surgeon cauterised (as in burned shut) an open wound up in my nose that had caused the worst nosebleed I've ever had. No anesthesia for the first 10 minutes until they realised it wasn't working. I've broken bones,  snapped my lower arm 90 degrees in the wrong direction as my elbow gave out and fell right through a solid glass table, and none of them even came close to what the nose surgery felt like. It's been 15 years and I still dream about it happening and me drowning in my own blood.

Thanks for the memories <_<  During our trip to the hospital to get my nosebleed disaster taken care of, we were told to sit and wait.

A kid came in 4 minutes later with a cast to see a doctor for a check-up, and was immediately let in.  "Thanks guys, I'm just going to bleed out all over your floor here."

The Flood / Re: Most painful moment of your life? Surgery/Accidents etc
« on: December 07, 2015, 06:34:04 AM »
I had a lot of shit happen to me, but the two I can think of are pretty recent.

When I was still a cart pusher, I'd have to go in and out through the cart Bay doors, which are low enough that even I have to duck low to get under.

One day I stood up too quick and cracked the top of my head on the wall.  I've done this a couple of times before, but this one ended up being a little nastier and knocked me into a concussion.  It was fairly mild, but put me out of physical duties for about three weeks.  Bright side was that Walmart paid for all my medical bills and CAT scans, and I got to be inside the store during the worst part of winter.

Another one was earlier this year.  I was in the Produce department's backroom to get a spare battery for our scanner.  Some asshole sprayed water on the floor and didn't mop it up, so I ended up slipping quit comically, arms flailing up in the air and everything...except the back of my left hand decided to meet the edge of the department's sink at 20 miles per hour.  After much swearing I just iced and wrapped the son of a bitch and worked the rest of my shift.  Turned out I had a neat bone fracture in my left hand between my middle and ring-finger knuckle.  Thing took about 4 months to fully heal.

Let's face it, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamil both looked like shit before they shot for TFA.

Apparently Carrie was bitching about it and saying that it's just Hollywood wanting "good looking women" in their roles.

Even though Hollywood paid for her nutritionist and trainers, and she said it was the best time she's had in a while.
Carrie Fisher isn't gonna be a sex symbol like she was in ROtJ, she can lose a few pounds for her own sake.

And Mark?

Oh, Mark, Jesus...

Jesus Christ I knew he looked bad at a convention a couple of years ago, but he just looks fucking unhealthy in that picture.  Glad that being a Jedi made him shed off that fat.

Let's face it, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamil both looked like shit before they shot for TFA.

Apparently Carrie was bitching about it and saying that it's just Hollywood wanting "good looking women" in their roles.

Even though Hollywood paid for her nutritionist and trainers, and she said it was the best time she's had in a while.

Mark's dropped a lot of weight.  Saw him in a video dressing up as a Stormtrooper for charity, and he looks like he's in peak shape again.

Gaming / Re: Total War: Attila Age of Charlemagne night
« on: December 06, 2015, 06:36:55 PM »
if only I had a pc stronk enough ;-;7

Ah well, I'll get around to building one in the new year I think.

Warhammer.  It's calling to you.

Just let it in

Gaming / Re: >tfw Poland fucks up (EUIV)
« on: December 04, 2015, 03:35:27 PM »
Does anyone else own this game?

I'd love to play and wreck your shit

I have it.  Wasn't going to play until I finished my CK2 play through, but I can make exceptions

Serious / Re: CNN/ORC Poll: Donald Trump at 36% among Republican Voters
« on: December 04, 2015, 02:58:43 PM »
Saw a Facebook post that I thought would actually be pretty fucking hilarious if it came true, but would definitely be bad at the same time.

Essentially, Trump secures the nomination and right before the Elections, he comes on stage to drop out, but not before announcing his campaign was just a giant social experiment and that the populace is fucking retarded.

This is going to be a very long, but entertaining, 11 months.

Gaming / Re: Hey fam, TellTale is releasing *ANOTHER* game next year
« on: December 04, 2015, 02:40:48 AM »
I saw this announced at The Game Awards and I just don't understand how they can handle making so many games at once

They release them one episode at a time, all within a few months of each other.

Oh, and there's also the Marvel video game.

Gaming / Re: Hey fam, TellTale is releasing *ANOTHER* game next year
« on: December 04, 2015, 02:40:03 AM »
So for next year that means:
The rest of Minecraft
The Walking Dead Season 3
The Walking Dead: Michonne
Game of Thrones: Season 2
Hopefully this means Telltale have gotten their shit together regarding their schedules.

If Game of Thrones and TFTB is anything to go by, it will take them almost a full year to release the fucking thing.

Gaming / Hey fam, TellTale is releasing *ANOTHER* game next year
« on: December 03, 2015, 10:40:18 PM »

Telltale Games, with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment, today announced an interactive episodic game series based on DC Comics’ iconic Batman™ that is set to premiere in 2016. The official title for the Telltale series is yet to be revealed.

The episodic game series will premiere digitally on home consoles, PC/Mac, and mobile devices. Specific platform details are yet to be announced.

“At Telltale, we’ve been honored to bring our unique approach to interactive storytelling to some of the biggest entertainment franchises in the world, and we’re excited to announce that we’ll soon be exploring what it means to be Batman in an all-new series starting next year,” said Kevin Bruner, Co-Founder and CEO of Telltale Games. “This iteration of Batman will give fans a first-hand opportunity to dive deeper into the complex life and mind of Bruce Wayne, the duality of his own identity, and the struggle of responsibility in saving a city overcome with corruption and villainy.”

“Telltale has an established track record of creating award-winning content for some of the best properties in the world,” said David Haddad, President, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. “We look forward to working with the team as they deliver a new interactive way for fans and gamers to experience the rich narrative world of Batman.”

Revealed on-stage at The Game Awards 2015 in Los Angeles, the full announcement teaser trailer will be available for online viewing later this week.

Given how "meh" Game of Thrones was, and that Minecraft: Story Mode is apparently not doing so well, I feel like TellTale is getting too ahead of themselves and trying to cash in on their popularity while it's still hot.

The Flood / Re: New Batman vs Superman trailer just came out
« on: December 03, 2015, 10:10:07 PM »
Wow, even the biggest Superman/Batman fanboy of all fucking hates it.


The Flood / Re: New Batman vs Superman trailer just came out
« on: December 03, 2015, 04:29:27 AM »
Oh could practically see the cheese oozing out of Eisenberg's performance, who OK'd this shit?

Oh, and nice job spoiling your whole movie.  Like, what's the point of even seeing it now when I can just watch it under 3 minutes?

The Flood / Re: What sports have you played, and what positions?
« on: December 02, 2015, 01:22:21 PM »
Soccer, played until 4th grade I think.

From 7th Grade to my Junior year I played football.  Defensive line, Offensive Line, and Linebacker.

I also did track and field from Sophomore to Junior year, mostly 100 and 200 meter sprints, Long Jump, and pulled off a 400 meter once.

The Flood / Re: Batman V Superman or Civil War
« on: December 02, 2015, 02:52:46 AM »
Why not both? God you guys are insufferable

One is made by a pair of directors that released the arguably better Marvel film, The Winter Soldier.

The other is being looked at with a curious stare, with people wondering, "How will they fuck this up?"

The Flood / Re: GTA V + Star Wars =
« on: December 02, 2015, 01:03:04 AM »
Palpatine's got nothing on that Middle Finger Force Lightning

The Flood / Re: Batman V Superman or Civil War
« on: December 01, 2015, 06:26:42 PM »
Even though Civil War actually looks decent and doesn't seem to be made for the purpose of selling lunchboxes

I feel like the Avengers movies just aren't serious enough. They joke around a ton and it kind of loses it's gritty feel. Especially in Age of Ultron, because the main villain is just overly sarcastic the whole time.

I'm giving it to Batman v Superman because it won't be half comedy half action.

That's what happens when you got Joss Whedon in the director's chair.

Guy can make a good movie, but the writing can be cheesy as fuck.

The Flood / Re: Batman V Superman or Civil War
« on: December 01, 2015, 12:35:10 PM »
Civil War will be more interesting to me.

BvS will be more amusing because they have to establish SEVERAL new characters in one movie:  Wonder Woman, Batfleck, Jesse Eisenberg, and apparently Doomsday, Aquaman, and Cyborg will have an appearance of some sort in the movie.  That's a lot of characters to develop for one film.

Gaming / Re: GwG December
« on: November 30, 2015, 10:57:51 PM »
At least now I have an excuse to play Thief.

Then remove it from my library upon completion.

The Flood / Re: Anyone else tired of cinematic shared universes?
« on: November 29, 2015, 09:44:29 PM »
It makes sense for a company, say DC, to do it (even though I don't think they're even doing a shared universe, they just have many TV programs and movies set around different universes, which could confuse the casual audience.)  Otherwise, I'm not too fond of the bandwagon myself.

Man of Steel was the first entry to the DC shared movie universe, Batman Vs Superman and Suicide Squad are the next two entries to the list.

I was talking more of the DC tv shows, I'm aware of the movies being in the same universe. :P

The Flood / Re: Anyone else tired of cinematic shared universes?
« on: November 29, 2015, 02:12:13 PM »
It makes sense for a company, say DC, to do it (even though I don't think they're even doing a shared universe, they just have many TV programs and movies set around different universes, which could confuse the casual audience.)  Otherwise, I'm not too fond of the bandwagon myself.

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