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Messages - Nick McIntyre

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Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer Megathread - New BRETONNIA GAMEPLAY
« on: April 25, 2016, 03:39:39 PM »
good news everyjuan

it looks like i'll be able to get that PC before my basudei so like 2 months and I should have it all ready e.e

I tried to play shogun 2 today. It took 30 minutes to load then crashed before getting to the title screen ;-;
how much are you looking to spend on it?

last night when i was thoroughly braindead i was looking over a website, logicalincrements and their rough benchmark stuff for what to expect for games with what hardware

so I *think* about £800 should cover it nicely for the foreseeable future, that'd do stuff like Fallout 4 and GTA 5 on extranoice graphics at around 60fps so that'd do me nicely. as for what bits I'd actually stick into the machine, i'll need sep7agooks to help me figure that one out a bit later <_<

You, Goots and I need to have some sort of three-way campaign.

Dibs on Bretonnia
tfw no bretonnia campaign at launch only custom skirmish
something to do with sega limiting them to 4 factions and then 1 for pre order

...wait what.


think they are being added properly later on as FreeLC

That's...that's still dumb.

Fine, dibs Vampire Counts.  I'll turn your imperial Legions against you <.<
You can try, but I'm gonna deck my army out with the most god-bothering, holier than thou, fanatical screaming priests.




Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer Megathread - New BRETONNIA GAMEPLAY
« on: April 25, 2016, 03:31:19 PM »
good news everyjuan

it looks like i'll be able to get that PC before my basudei so like 2 months and I should have it all ready e.e

I tried to play shogun 2 today. It took 30 minutes to load then crashed before getting to the title screen ;-;
how much are you looking to spend on it?

last night when i was thoroughly braindead i was looking over a website, logicalincrements and their rough benchmark stuff for what to expect for games with what hardware

so I *think* about £800 should cover it nicely for the foreseeable future, that'd do stuff like Fallout 4 and GTA 5 on extranoice graphics at around 60fps so that'd do me nicely. as for what bits I'd actually stick into the machine, i'll need sep7agooks to help me figure that one out a bit later <_<

You, Goots and I need to have some sort of three-way campaign.

Dibs on Bretonnia
tfw no bretonnia campaign at launch only custom skirmish
something to do with sega limiting them to 4 factions and then 1 for pre order

...wait what.


think they are being added properly later on as FreeLC

That's...that's still dumb.

Fine, dibs Vampire Counts.  I'll turn your imperial Legions against you <.<

Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer Megathread - New BRETONNIA GAMEPLAY
« on: April 25, 2016, 03:25:21 PM »
good news everyjuan

it looks like i'll be able to get that PC before my basudei so like 2 months and I should have it all ready e.e

I tried to play shogun 2 today. It took 30 minutes to load then crashed before getting to the title screen ;-;
how much are you looking to spend on it?

last night when i was thoroughly braindead i was looking over a website, logicalincrements and their rough benchmark stuff for what to expect for games with what hardware

so I *think* about £800 should cover it nicely for the foreseeable future, that'd do stuff like Fallout 4 and GTA 5 on extranoice graphics at around 60fps so that'd do me nicely. as for what bits I'd actually stick into the machine, i'll need sep7agooks to help me figure that one out a bit later <_<

You, Goots and I need to have some sort of three-way campaign.

Dibs on Bretonnia
tfw no bretonnia campaign at launch only custom skirmish
something to do with sega limiting them to 4 factions and then 1 for pre order

...wait what.



Why did the mutineers just leave Jon's body in the snow????


I originally assumed it was some sort of message to other Night's Watch members from the mutineers

Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer Megathread - New BRETONNIA GAMEPLAY
« on: April 25, 2016, 03:22:15 PM »
good news everyjuan

it looks like i'll be able to get that PC before my basudei so like 2 months and I should have it all ready e.e

I tried to play shogun 2 today. It took 30 minutes to load then crashed before getting to the title screen ;-;
how much are you looking to spend on it?

last night when i was thoroughly braindead i was looking over a website, logicalincrements and their rough benchmark stuff for what to expect for games with what hardware

so I *think* about £800 should cover it nicely for the foreseeable future, that'd do stuff like Fallout 4 and GTA 5 on extranoice graphics at around 60fps so that'd do me nicely. as for what bits I'd actually stick into the machine, i'll need sep7agooks to help me figure that one out a bit later <_<

You, Goots and I need to have some sort of three-way campaign.

Dibs on Bretonnia

The Flood / Re: Some leaked GoT S6 pics HEAVY SPOILERS
« on: April 24, 2016, 03:45:33 PM »
Jesus, does Jamie go back and slaugther the Dornish?  Or do the Sand Snakes rebel?

Also, called Mel either being a corpse or an old-ass woman.

Gaming / Re: Age of Charlemagne help
« on: April 22, 2016, 12:49:44 PM »
You co-op with me, and we continue our Lombard-Avvar Conquest.
I totes will and I haven't forgot but bls lemme finish my exams first

It's gud, Ace those exams bb

Gaming / Re: Age of Charlemagne help
« on: April 21, 2016, 08:25:38 PM »
You co-op with me, and we continue our Lombard-Avvar Conquest.

Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer Megathread - New battle gameplay
« on: April 13, 2016, 06:00:03 PM »

New gameplay
Be warned the 1st dudes tactics will piss you off

I don't know, the first guy did almost win.
yeah i know but it's still annoying to watch a single line

Going to finish the video when I get off work, but that single line formation made me furious.  Unless he's melee units only (only got about 2 minutes into the video before I had to stop), that's a terribly stupid tactic.  It's like CA can't play their own fucking game.

Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer Megathread - New battle gameplay
« on: April 10, 2016, 04:25:58 AM »

When I saw how he laid out his army I knew it was already over.

If he'd concentrated his army on a hill with Franz at the centre, half of them wouldn't have spent the entire battle running away/back to the fight.

Then the demigryphs could have gone Ham for the hellcannons and beepboopbap it's a proper fight instead of a massacre.

Looks more like they were trying to hype up Chaos as a super badass, Sparta-tier faction for the pre-orders. It looks like the Empire player isn't even trying to put up a decent fight, he's just getting paid to get his ass kicked and show off the Chaos faction.

Gaming / Re: Playing shogun 2 fall of the Samurai
« on: April 07, 2016, 02:08:32 AM »
Shogun 2 is one of my favorites, up there with Medieval 2 and Attila.

The Flood / Re: So I'm watching WrestleMania
« on: April 04, 2016, 12:02:57 AM »
Can't believe they fed Dean Ambrose to Brock.

Fuck that.

The Flood / Re: TWD Season 6 Finale Thread
« on: April 03, 2016, 11:27:47 PM »
So the reports were right huh?  Wow.

He's a fucking God, no reason to be scared.
They killed doomsday in like ten minutes.

He's not literally a god, you realise...

I'm sure the mild-mannered farm boy from Kansas doesn't share your opinion on his mortality.

He sleeps inside of the sun and breaks out of the universe. He then resurrects the woman he loves.

He is a God

That's Superman 10,000 right?

Fuck whoever decided to write that storyline, there's no reason to turn Superman into a wanna-be Dr. Manhattan

The Flood / Re: Mtn Dew Black Label: Finest Dew to Date?
« on: March 29, 2016, 10:34:16 PM »
About to try some tonight.  Baja Blast is my favorite, but I've heard this one tastes really good.

The Flood / Re: Walking Dead Season 6...
« on: March 29, 2016, 06:36:54 PM »
Fuck that shit. Still hoping it's fake.

They would be screwing up one of the best moments of the comic to make a shitty cliffhanger. The wait will kill all emotional impact of the death. And if it turns out that they kill only a supporting character like Aaron or Gabriel or some red shirt from Alexandria then I'm fucking done. A main character needs to die.

The rumor grapevine is that it'll either be

Maggie or Daryl

But waiting 6 months to find out will just kill any impact.  Just show us the death, brains and all, and then cut to black.  THAT is an appropriate cliffhanger.

I hope it's both. Despite all the hype Negan pretty much only killed Glenn. Dwight didn't even kill Abraham in the show. And in the show the group have killed like 40 Saviors so the price should be higher than in the comics.

Both of them biting it would be nice, but I have a feeling the cliffhanger was a last-second decision from the creators, like they feel the need to kill off a main character but probably lost their balls and will spend the next few months debating on who to kill.

The Flood / Re: Walking Dead Season 6...
« on: March 29, 2016, 06:18:43 PM »
Fuck that shit. Still hoping it's fake.

They would be screwing up one of the best moments of the comic to make a shitty cliffhanger. The wait will kill all emotional impact of the death. And if it turns out that they kill only a supporting character like Aaron or Gabriel or some red shirt from Alexandria then I'm fucking done. A main character needs to die.

The rumor grapevine is that it'll either be

Maggie or Daryl

But waiting 6 months to find out will just kill any impact.  Just show us the death, brains and all, and then cut to black.  THAT is an appropriate cliffhanger.

The Flood / Spoiler Walking Dead Season 6...
« on: March 29, 2016, 05:59:39 PM »

I'm so glad I don't follow this show as religiously anymore.





The Flood / Re: Batman V Superman isn't getting great reviews
« on: March 24, 2016, 10:01:41 PM »

I don't think it's fair to blame DC for this, ultimately everyone was basically expecting DC to follow Marvel (And Marvel just got lucky with timing it first, otherwise the roles would be kind of reversed) to the point where everyone was downright demanding it. I don't think it's a situation of DC trying to compete with Marvel (despite what Marvel purists would have you believe) but more of DC trying to give comic book fans in general more of what they want, and I've been dying for a Justice League movie for ages.

And the movie's biggest weakness was that it definitely showed that it's trying so hard to ride Marvel's coat tails.  You want to see DC make an impact to show it can rival Marvel, but you realize it's too little too late now.

I actually want to see DC rival Marvel, it causes competition for both companies to try and release superior products and put more effort into it.  However DC seems to only be winning the animation battle (I've heard the comics have been downhill since New 52) and, after seeing this movie, they should just stick with that.

I'm also not looking forward to Snyder directing Justice League.

The Flood / Re: Batman V Superman isn't getting great reviews
« on: March 24, 2016, 09:46:47 PM »
Just got back from it...yeah it was a pretty bad movie.

Batfleck is actually pretty damn good, certainly blowing away my expectations.

Wonder Woman showing up and the following pose was really cool.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited.

The music score was pretty epic (except for Lex Luthor's slow-mo walk down the hall of the lab.  That was corny as fuck)

...and that's really all the positives I have for this movie. I walked in open minded and still walked away disappointed.  The movie felt like it was trying so hard to set up all of these future events and movies, but along with an incoherent narrative and a disjointed story (especially the first half) it just falls flat on its face.

Also Snyder needs to fuck off with his action scenes going on at night.  His lighting was terrible and I couldn't tell what the fuck was going on.  The biggest offender of this was

The Batmobile chasing after Luthor's Kryptonite truck.

And, yes, Jesse Eisenberg's Luthor was campy as shit.  Even the rowdy opening-premiere crowd was mostly dead silent whenever he delivered a joke or something that was supposed to stick as a funny phrase.  It was just embarrassing to watch.

And the movie's biggest weakness was that it definitely showed that it's trying so hard to ride Marvel's coat tails.  You want to see DC make an impact to show it can rival Marvel, but you realize it's too little too late now.

Overall, it's a substandard movie that just suffered from months of Halo 5-style hype that just backfired.



Well, Ian McShane decided to go ahead and spoil things

Confirmed Stannis' death, and his character will be playing "a former soldier who lives a life of peace who brings back a character that people thought dead."  SO yeah, Cleganebowl confirm

As far as Jon's Resurrection, I feel his family ties will differ in the two medias.  I think he'll appear as more Targaryean-ish in the books, and more of a Stark in the show

Since he's sporting Stark battle armor when he lays siege to Winterfell.

McShane's quotes are all fucked up, though. He basically straight-up confirmed he revived the Hound (which doesn't have any significance because the gravedigger theory is already considered true), but he also says he's the leader of a band of traveling healers, men and women...the Elder Brother doesn't travel, and it's a group of men. So either he's full of shit or they drastically changed the character.

Probably changed the character to have him challenge Gregor in the name of the Faith, because...ratings and Cleganebowl hype.



Well, Ian McShane decided to go ahead and spoil things

Confirmed Stannis' death, and his character will be playing "a former soldier who lives a life of peace who brings back a character that people thought dead."  SO yeah, Cleganebowl confirm

As far as Jon's Resurrection, I feel his family ties will differ in the two medias.  I think he'll appear as more Targaryean-ish in the books, and more of a Stark in the show

Since he's sporting Stark battle armor when he lays siege to Winterfell.

What's the problem here besides the OP being a capitalist pig?

Hopefully just a parody of how FOX and Republicans are blowing this out of proportion on astronomical levels.


Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer Megathread - New battle gameplay
« on: March 15, 2016, 11:41:38 PM »
Vampire Counts raising dead foes into an army? 

PLEASE let that be in the game.

Serious / Re: Super Tuesday round 2
« on: March 15, 2016, 10:24:10 PM »
It's hilarious that Ohio was given to Kasich, considering that a lot of Ohioans are not fond of him at all.

The Flood / Re: If Vision is on Stark's team...
« on: March 13, 2016, 03:09:34 PM »
Shouldn't that automatically mean Stark's team is morally correct?

I mean, the dude lifted Mjolnir, which means he's morally pure or w/ever, so whoever he sides with has the moral high ground, right?

Seems like Cap is injecting his emotions into this because Bucky was a gu boi, he dindu nuffin.
I thought it meant he was "worthy". Don't remember anything specifically about morality.
Isn't the whole point of 'worthiness' being morally just or whatever?
I don't think it was ever explained in the MCU.
In Thor 1 he had to act selflessly in order to obtain Mjolnir again, so it seems like the prerequisite for lifting it is being moral.
Rogers couldn't lift it though (even though yeah, eventually he will be able to as the comics show).

We'll he did budge it during the party in AoU, but I assume he didn't want to piss off Thor and acted like he couldn't lift it.

Serious / Re: Based (feel the) Johnson weighs in on the Donald.
« on: March 09, 2016, 06:20:26 PM »
He's about to go on a 3K mile mountain bike trip goddamnit!

Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer delayed to May 24th
« on: March 09, 2016, 01:09:57 PM »
Good, gives me more time to play Dark Souls 3

The Flood / Re: I decided to watch Family Guy today
« on: March 05, 2016, 11:49:50 PM »
Watched season 12 since I got bored of Better Call Saul. The Simpsons episodes were pretty funny (the funniest the show has been in fucking years), and after wasn't funny.  Ragequit after the 4th episode.

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