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Messages - Nick McIntyre

Pages: 1 ... 959697 9899 ... 105
Serious / Re: Why are you against the legalization of medical cannabis?
« on: November 03, 2014, 10:57:32 PM »

Serious / Re: Which US president would you want to hang out with?
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:37:26 PM »
Obama:  You may not like his policies, but you would want to have a drink with the fucker.

JFK:  He's awesome, young and Irish.  And he'd get you hooked up with any hot woman you wanted.

Serious / Re: Why are you against the legalization of medical cannabis?
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:27:27 PM »
jacked up potheads

You've been drinking far too much caffeine, alcohol and BaracKool-Aid.

Joke's on you, Nuka doesn't like The Barack.

But yeah, smoking and drinking laws should apply with marijuana users when it's inevitably legalized nationwide.  I shouldn't have to drive home from work worrying if the guy next to me is swerving because he's high as a kite.

The Flood / Re: Why is Durge the best Star Wars Character ever?
« on: November 03, 2014, 08:40:27 PM »
Grievous vs Durge.

And if Durge survives, let's see him try to take on Exar Kun.

The Flood / Re: The Walking Dead: Andrea
« on: November 02, 2014, 05:48:20 PM »

No really, she is.  She's in love with an old man, then she's in love with an asshole, then she's in love with the Governor, and then just blows herself.

The Flood / Grumpy Cat movie
« on: November 02, 2014, 05:46:10 PM »

I'm so happy for this.  This will be the best movie of the year.  Even Avengers: Age of Ultron can't top this shit.

Serious / Re: Should The United States of America Revolt?
« on: November 02, 2014, 07:21:16 AM »
This whole thread is just prime NSA bait.

Why do you think I'm dodging around the questions and not being totally anti-government?  Obama will enact the NDAA and detain me forever in Guantanamo while dragging my family out in the middle of the night to shoot them in the middle of the streets.

Serious / Re: Why are you against the legalization of medical cannabis?
« on: November 02, 2014, 06:04:15 AM »
I think it should be a combination of tabacoo laws and alcohol laws. I'd rather not want to have someone go out for a smoke break and come back high. Especially since we work around knives and other things that can kill you. Same with driving.

I think you should be judged by your work and not what happens to be in your body. If you're incompetent and irresponsible you should be fired. Just like I would have fired all of the people on my old construction people that took cigarette breaks every 15 minutes wasting all of that time.

How the hell does taking a smoke break every 15 minutes (you could legally fire them btw, I wouldn't cry about it) equate to smoking a joint and coming back to work high as a satellite?

By making the person far less of a value than I was. They'd be out smoking for five dang minutes while I'm doing all of the work. Not everyone that uses cannabis gets ridiculously high, or even high at all. My question is if they are doing their job well, whose business is it what they've done in their own personally allotted time?

But what Rinev said is that you shouldn't smoke weed during break, because it can affect your judgement.  It can make your reaction times slower.

...or are you saying that you're in your "personally allotted time" while you're on break, still being the company's bitch for another 2-6+ hours?  To which, I say HA.  No, your personally allotted time would be you at home, smoking a joint and attacking a bag of Doritos afterwards.  If you had THC in your system but still worked fine, then I'd most likely look the other way.  If you had THC and started fucking things up, or going too slow, then I'd have to slap you around a little.

Serious / Re: Should The United States of America Revolt?
« on: November 02, 2014, 05:58:25 AM »

1)Are you honestly saying government laws don't negatively effect you? Look at the massive waste everything they are involved in has, look at the gangs and prisoners drug and prostitution has created. Look at how often they infringe upon us. 2)The fact is they have NO authority to detain people for life without due process of law. 3)And it HAS happened to many people at Guantanamo. 4)You are clearly not educated at all on this discussion if you actually believe everyone in the military would blindly kill their own people 5)while at the same time the economy is becoming worthless and they are being taken over. 6)A revolution is very possible, and absolutely necessary for the survival of this country and possibly species if we don't stop the way things are going. 7)Not to mention this criminal some people still choose to call president is responsible for the direct deaths of three Americans, two of whom were children. 8)If that's not telling you of the blatant tyranny, nothing will break your cognitive dissonance.

1)  Mind telling me where I said that government laws didn't negatively affect me?  I'll be waiting.

2)  They don't.  If you want to try and fight it, then go to the Supreme Court.  If they vote to bring down that provision, then it'd be the only time I'd agree with Antonin Scalia and the other activist judges.

3)  Many would argue that they were "prisoners of war."  Not intending to remove the fact the prisoners there were treated HORRIBLY and inhumanely, by the way.

4)  Again, mind if you point out where I said "everyone" in the military?  The military would obviously be splintered.  There would be pro-Citizen, pro-Government, and "Military Rule" factions at the very least.  So yeah, you'd probably have to still deal with drones blasting your ass off the face of the Earth.

5)  Economy is being worthless?  Huh...probably explains why it's been doing better lately.  I think?   ???

6)  Alright, go ahead and lead the charge.  No point in spouting this drivel over the internet when you don't intend on doing anything.

7)  What "three Americans that included two children"?  Are you honestly trying to canonize the Al-Quaeda supporters that were bombed out of the sky?  If that was the wrong incident I was thinking of, then please point it out to me.  Also in regards to your "HURR DURR PEOPLE STILL SUPPORT A MURDERER PREZIDENT", may I point out to you that Bush caused the deaths of thousands of Americans, but people still idolize him?

8)  Blatant tyranny.  Can you still hold onto your guns?  Can you still pray to whatever God you desire?  Can you be allowed to protest against the government in the open?  Can you love who you wish?  Can you go to work without Obama blaring today's scheduling into your ear?

Yeah.  That's some greaaaat fucking tyranny.

The Flood / Re: keep this thread at the top of the page
« on: November 02, 2014, 05:43:25 AM »


Serious / Re: Why are you against the legalization of medical cannabis?
« on: November 02, 2014, 05:42:09 AM »
I think it should be a combination of tabacoo laws and alcohol laws. I'd rather not want to have someone go out for a smoke break and come back high. Especially since we work around knives and other things that can kill you. Same with driving.

I think you should be judged by your work and not what happens to be in your body. If you're incompetent and irresponsible you should be fired. Just like I would have fired all of the people on my old construction people that took cigarette breaks every 15 minutes wasting all of that time.

How the hell does taking a smoke break every 15 minutes (you could legally fire them btw, I wouldn't cry about it) equate to smoking a joint and coming back to work high as a satellite?

Serious / Re: Should The United States of America Revolt?
« on: November 02, 2014, 05:37:21 AM »
Why would we.

Government tyranny out of control.
but it isnt

Plenty would argue it is.

A few backwoods, inbred secessionist retards and their mother's neckbeards don't count as "plenty" out of the millions of Americans.
Fucking what?

If you actually support the government mass collecting personal data without probable cause or a warrant or if you support the idea the government can detain a person indefinitely through the NDAA then fucking leave this country. Same shit we fought the British over and it will be the same thing we fight over again

I don't, actually, so don't put your words into my mouth.  But you and Camnator are thinking about running around like little Cliven Bundies wanting to spill blood, which--given today's military tech compared to the Revolutionary War's--would be a fucking DISASTER.  You'd end up blowing at least half the country apart just because you live under an imaginary threat of the NDAA (show me where a person's been detained indefinitely please?).  Also the NDAA has been around way before Obama.

But if you guys feel like charging with your homemade explosives and store-bought guns against the might of the military, have fun with the drone bombs crashing on your heads.

(And just for your information, I'm not against the idea of a revolution, I'm just against the idea of a bloody one.  Just look at the fucking TEA Party before the Republicans hijacked it and took over.)

Serious / Re: Should The United States of America Revolt?
« on: November 01, 2014, 10:54:09 PM »
Why would we.

Government tyranny out of control.
but it isnt

Plenty would argue it is.

A few backwoods, inbred secessionist retards and their mother's neckbeards don't count as "plenty" out of the millions of Americans.

Plenty of passionate and intelligent people agree as well.

The framers of this very country would agree.

Actually they'd be worried why women can vote, why blacks don't count as "three fifths" a person, why gays are allowed to be open, and why the country is ruled by a black man.

Serious / Re: Should The United States of America Revolt?
« on: November 01, 2014, 10:38:01 PM »
Why would we.

Government tyranny out of control.
but it isnt

Plenty would argue it is.

A few backwoods, inbred secessionist retards and their mother's neckbeards don't count as "plenty" out of the millions of Americans.

The Flood / Re: In 30 minutes, The Finale Begins
« on: November 01, 2014, 09:33:42 PM »
I found it quite surprising how they just dropped that onto our laps. I was thinking she was that Tardis-Lady from a few Doctors' back.

Plus that guy who had to say something nice before she killed him - couldn't he have just said "fuck you you crazy bitch" and left unimpeded?

I honestly think that was just Moffat trying to do something clever...when it came across just dreadfully awkward.

I'm still fuming.  I'm not fussed about The Master being Female, it's just that she's now just an over-sexualized River Song clone that wants the Doctor to investigate her with his sonic driver.`

What an odd character development for The Master. First, hates the Doctor, now he has turned into a she and wants to psycho-fuck him. I want a really good explanation for all this.

Perhaps the sound of drums has turned the Master from being a psycho killer with Palpatine electric fingers...and changed the tune to make him/her want to fuck the Doctor?

I don't know.  I just DO NOT trust Moffat with this at all.  He can't write female characters for shit.

The Flood / Re: In 30 minutes, The Finale Begins
« on: November 01, 2014, 09:25:10 PM »
I found it quite surprising how they just dropped that onto our laps. I was thinking she was that Tardis-Lady from a few Doctors' back.

Plus that guy who had to say something nice before she killed him - couldn't he have just said "fuck you you crazy bitch" and left unimpeded?

I honestly think that was just Moffat trying to do something clever...when it came across just dreadfully awkward.

I'm still fuming.  I'm not fussed about The Master being Female, it's just that she's now just an over-sexualized River Song clone that wants the Doctor to investigate her with his sonic driver.`

The Flood / Re: In 30 minutes, The Finale Begins
« on: November 01, 2014, 09:12:32 PM »
....Very disappointed with this episode.

And Missy is the Master.  Not even subtly hinted at, just dropped like a fucking atom bomb.  No build up outside of "I have two hearts lol~".

Just.  Fuck this episode.


The master, previously played by an cool guy and an also cool guy, was played by an grill with what sounds like all the subtlety of a brick shed.


Moffat a shit.

Yup.  And Moffat is trying too hard to make The Mistress into an "evil" River Song.  Basically a woman that wants to sex up the Doctor, because that's ALL that Moffat can do with female characters.  No development outside of shagging the Doctor.

Also, the Cybermen are controlled by The Mistress and they're "programmed" by having the souls of the dead inhabit their bodies, and they march around the Earth, with people seemingly not caring.


The Flood / Re: In 30 minutes, The Finale Begins
« on: November 01, 2014, 09:01:07 PM »
....Very disappointed with this episode.

And Missy is the Master.  Not even subtly hinted at, just dropped like a fucking atom bomb.  No build up outside of "I have two hearts lol~".

Just.  Fuck this episode.

The Flood / Re: In 30 minutes, The Finale Begins
« on: November 01, 2014, 08:13:43 PM »
It's barely 20 minutes into the episode and I'm already feeling so MEH about it.

The Doctor can now magically go to "Heaven" and "Hell".  Go to hell RTD-haters that called the Tenth Doctor "LOLSPACEJESUS".

The Flood / Re: In 30 minutes, The Finale Begins
« on: November 01, 2014, 07:52:14 PM »
>Cybermen again

People like to bitch at RTD for "OMG LOVEY DOVEY OMG ROSE OMG "TEN"NANT WAS CASANOVA" but completely FORGIVE Moffat and suck his dick whenever Daleks, Cybermen, and Weeping Angels appear for about their 100th time in a single episode.

Yup, I vastly prefer RTD's episodes to Moffat's. He's not bad but it's just not interesting for me. The whole super gigantic galactic conspiracy over Amy Pond just annoyed the fuck out of me and doubly so when River Song turned up again with SPOILERSSSSSS :OOOOOOOO

And god damn it gets old when the Daleks come back for the 500th time after being wiped out of reality every other season.

I just... *sigh* I lost interest when it went all crappy like that <.<

Yeah.  RTD did have some campey moments, but they're somewhat superior to Moffat's "I'M SO TIMEY WIMEY AND INTELLIGENT", SEASON-LONG overcomplicated storylines.  Yes Moffat has that occasional gem like "Mummy on the Orient Express" but he has let down so much.  Like the War Doctor.  I wanted a grim, war-torn Doctor who just wanted to say "fuck it" to everything.  Instead, John Hurt is a happy old grandpa who has a lighter personality than the Second and Eleventh Doctors combined.

And Mr. P, don't diss River Song.  Yes they tried so hard with her in the storylines, but Alex Kingston was fucking perfect >>

EDIT:  And don't even, EVEN, get me fucking started on ret-conning RTD's Time War and the destruction of Gallifrey.  "Oh you'll never remember this because the time lines were out of synch or some bullshit LOLOLOLOLOL"

The Flood / Re: In 30 minutes, The Finale Begins
« on: November 01, 2014, 07:35:53 PM »
>Cybermen again

People like to bitch at RTD for "OMG LOVEY DOVEY OMG ROSE OMG "TEN"NANT WAS CASANOVA" but completely FORGIVE Moffat and suck his dick whenever Daleks, Cybermen, and Weeping Angels appear for about their 100th time in a single episode.

Gaming / Re: So I just got Destiny
« on: November 01, 2014, 07:34:33 PM »
It's repetitive, overhyped, and just a downright DISAPPOINTMENT.

....but it does have its fun moments, mainly when you're playing with friends.  Play alone and you might as well just go play a pure single-player game for about 20 hours and be bored with yourself.

The Flood / In 30 minutes, The Finale Begins
« on: November 01, 2014, 07:32:24 PM »

...and I hope to got Steven Moffat doesn't try to fuck this up.

Gaming / Re: TitanFall is $10 for PC version from Amazon
« on: November 01, 2014, 05:57:21 PM »
Cool, an overhyped CoD clone that includes MEKZ AND WALL CLIMBUNS.

And a terrible attempt at merging the campaign and the Multiplayer together because they realized last-second that they fucked up and forgot to put in a story or something.

So I was right, your Conservatives are our (extremist) Liberals, and your Liberals are our Conservatives.

Fucking what.

Gaming / Re: Assassins Creed Unity goes WWII
« on: October 31, 2014, 12:09:30 AM »
I wonder if this is to get the "OMFG WE NEED WORLD WUR 22222222" shitheads to shut the fuck up.  Ubisoft said that a modern-day Assassin game would be difficult to do, especially given the timeline.  Maybe this'll show why?


The Flood / Re: Have you ever not had any friends?
« on: October 30, 2014, 11:58:01 PM »
I think the only time I didn't have immediate friends was when I first moved to Oregon.  Just moved from Iowa during the summer and didn't have any kids my age (I was 12) nearby.  Stayed that way until I started middle school.

The Flood / Re: Cheat, what did you do?!
« on: October 30, 2014, 11:54:12 PM »

Serious / "7th Heaven" Father molested children
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:49:41 PM »
I usually take what TMZ says with a heavy grain of salt, but fuck there's audio for this one.

Stephen Collins -- who played the pastor/dad on "7th Heaven" -- confessed to his estranged wife he was a child molester, and it's all on tape ... a tape obtained by TMZ. And the New York Police Dept. is now conducting an active criminal investigation involving sexual contact with multiple children.

Collins -- who is in the middle of a nasty, prolonged divorce with actress Faye Grant -- revealed to her in 2012 he had molested and/or exposed himself to several underage girls years before. Collins and Grant went to a therapist where she peppered him with questions about the incidents ... and he not only answered, he was specific.

Here's what Collins didn't know at the time. Grant taped the therapy session. We're told her lawyer advised her it was legal to secretly record the conversation because in California you're allowed to secretly record conversations to gather evidence the other person committed a violent felony ... and molesting a child under the age of 14 qualifies.

We have protected the names of the victims Collins mentions on tape. As you listen ... you will hear Collins refer to a "disclosure" and a "list." This refers to a confession Collins had already made to his wife ... which triggered the therapy session.

You hear Collins flatly confess to molesting an 11-year-old New York girl -- a relative of his first wife -- saying, "There was one moment of touching where her hand, I put her hand on my penis." He also acknowledges exposing himself to the girl "a couple of times" ... he says when she was 11, 12 and 13.

Grant asks, "When you exposed yourself ... did you have an erection?" He responds, "No, I mean, no. Partial, maybe I think."

Grant then inquires about other girls. Collins mentions an L.A. girl who lived in their neighborhood, but says he tried righting the wrong by apologizing to her years later.

And then they talk about yet another girl. It's incredible ... Collins has trouble keeping the girls straight, but then he gets clear and confirms the incident. We're told this girl was also from New York and was between 12 and 13 at the time.

Read more:

This is just pretty surprising considering 7th Heaven was an uber religious family show and I believe Stephen Collins is a devout Christian.

The Flood / Re: American Horror Story
« on: October 30, 2014, 02:15:14 PM »
I was actually let down towards the climax of Asylum.  Great season overall, though like with Heroes I can't take Zachary Quinto seriously when he has sex with women. can't work.

Glad I haven't seen Coven.  Like, how bad is it?

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