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Messages - Nick McIntyre

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The Flood / Re: Justice League trailer
« on: July 23, 2016, 10:41:29 PM »

is it just me or does the tone seem kind

Because it seems like a goofy Avengers-type movie, completely abandoning the darker, serious tone they set for their previous movies?
there were plenty of light-hearted moments in bvs

I am aware, I've seen that shit show of a movie lol.  What I mean is that this trailer shows they learned nothing form BvS, and think it was critically panned from a lack of jokes, instead of the shit story and having Snyder in complete control.

Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer Megathread - Out NOW! gooo play
« on: July 23, 2016, 06:06:33 PM »
It's a shame it took a mod to fix this, but anyway:  Here's a mod that puts in unit formations like shieldwalls, wedge formations, etc.

The Flood / Re: Justice League trailer
« on: July 23, 2016, 05:44:56 PM »

is it just me or does the tone seem kind

Because it seems like a goofy Avengers-type movie, completely abandoning the darker, serious tone they set for their previous movies?

The Flood / Re: Milo supporters BTFO
« on: July 22, 2016, 02:06:28 AM »
Eh, don't care for Milo.  He seems fake as hell, just someone playing a character just to get reactions out of people.

I will say shit like BLM storming his stage and attacking him is a stupid move though.  If he's not inciting violence and is just out to troll and make money from it, then let him.

The Flood / Re: Just finished Sons of Anarchy on Netflix
« on: July 19, 2016, 07:45:15 PM »
I hated the state of the club by the end man
It's so sad ;_;

The Scottish guy takes over, that's fine by me.

The Flood / Re: get in here you fucking faggots
« on: July 19, 2016, 05:40:54 PM »
They still don't have a mobile app?

Serious / Re: Pence, Gingrich Tops List of Potential Trump VP's
« on: July 15, 2016, 12:29:15 PM »
Ok, I laughed a bit at this.  Good meme, Trump.

Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer Megathread - Out NOW! gooo play
« on: July 14, 2016, 11:53:32 AM »
Total War: Warhammer:  Call of the Furries

EDIT:  Battlefield unit info!

Unique Abilities
Units in the Beastmen roster benefit from some unique passive abilities which confer benefits in combat. These are as follows.

An ability common to all units in the Beastmen roster, Resilience prevents the attrition caused by infighting between hordes in close proximity on the Campaign map.

Primal Fury
Many Gor units (Ungors, Gors, Bestigors and Centigors) have the Primal Fury ability, which brings a constant active buff to their Speed, Charge Bonus and Melee Attack characteristics.

Centigors are emboldened when fighting, drinking and feasting together, although such ‘bravery’ is only temporary at best. In battle, they gain immunity to vigour-loss and a leadership bonus. If their morale begins to waver however, the Rowdy effect is lost.
The Minotaurs’ Bloodgreed makes them vicious combatants, and brings buffs to their Charge Bonus, Speed, Weapon Damage and Melee Attack characteristics.

Soul Eater
The towering bipedal Cygor feasts on the souls of wizards. Any spellcasters within range of a Cygor’s aura suffer an increased chance to miscast.

Thunderous Charge
The porcine, tusky bulk of the Razorgor makes for a Thunderous Charge, granting buffs to its Charge Speed and Charge Bonus characteristics.

Vanguard Deployment
While this ability is not unique to The Beastmen, the majority of units in the Beastmen roster have it. This means that large swathes of the army may be deployed outside the normal deployment zone and deep in the field, ready to close with the enemy and strike in very short order.

Tier 1 units
Ungor Raiders: T1 missile infantry, bow
Abilities: Stalk, Resilience, Vanguard Deployment, Primal Fury

Ungor Spearmen herd: T1 melee infantry, spear
Abilities: Resilience, Hide, Primal Fury, Vanguard Deployment

Chaos Warhounds: T1 melee beasts, very fast
Abilities: Missile Resistance, Resilience, Hide

Tier 2 units
Ungor Herd (shields): T2 melee infantry, axe and shield
Abilities: Stalk, Resilience, Vanguard Deployment, Primal Fury

Ungor Spearmen herd (Shields): T2 melee infantry, axe and shield
Abilities: Resilience, Hide, Primal Fury, Vanguard Deployment

Chaos Warhounds (poison): T2 melee beasts, very fast
Abilities: Missile Resistance, Resilience, Hide, Poison Attacks

Tier 3 units
Centigors: T3 melee monstrous cavalry, very fast, vanguard deployment
Abilities: Resilience, Vanguard Deployment, Primal Fury, Drunken

Gor Herd: T3 melee infantry, axe
Abilities: Resilience, Hide, Primal Fury

Gor Herd (shields): T3 melee infantry, axe
Abilities: Resilience, Hide, Primal Fury

Razorgor Herd: T3 melee monstrous beast, armour-piercing
Abilities: Resilience, Causes Fear, Thunderous Charge

Minotaurs: T3 melee monstrous infantry, armoured
Abilities: Resilience, Causes Fear, Bloodgreed

Tier 4 units
Bestigor Herd: T4 melee infantry, great axe (armour piercing)
Abilities: Resilience, Primal Fury, Hide

Chaos Spawn: T4 melee monstrous Infantry
Abilities: Resilience, Causes Fear, Unbreakable

Centigors (throwing axes): T4 monstrous missile cavalry, armour piercing, shielded, very fast,
Abilities: Resilience, Vanguard Deployment, Primal Fury, Drunken

Razorgor Chariot: T4 chariot, armoured, armour piercing,
Abilities: Resilience, Causes Fear, Thunderous Charge, Primal Fury

Minotaurs (shields): T4 melee monstrous infantry, armoured and shielded
Abilities: Resilience, Causes Fear, Bloodgreed

Tier 5 units
Centigors (Great Weapons): T5 monstrous melee cavalry, armour piercing, very fast
Abilities: Resilience, Vanguard Deployment, Primal Fury, Drunken

Minotaurs (Great Weapons): T5 melee monstrous infantry, armoured, armour-piercing
Abilities: Resilience, Causes Fear, Bloodgreed

Cygor: T5 monstrous artillery, special ranged weapon, very long range, causes terror
Abilities: Resilience, Causes Fear, Causes Terror, Soul Eater

Chaos Giant: T5 monster, armour piercing
Abilities: Resilience, Causes Fear, Causes Terror

The Flood / Re: One of my cats is missing
« on: July 13, 2016, 11:50:33 AM »
In all seriousness, I feel you dude.  When I moved out, I had to leave my favorite cat behind, and I guess she took me leaving the house pretty hard.  I found out around Christmas time that she wandered off and hasn't been seen since.  Shit ate me up for weeks..

The Flood / Re: One of my cats is missing
« on: July 13, 2016, 11:49:12 AM »
Fucking Elegiac.

Serious / Re: Bernie endorsing Hillary
« on: July 12, 2016, 12:42:00 PM »
umm, he's been saying for months that he will do everything he can to stop donald trump from becoming president even if that means endorsing Clinton.
What's your point?

I'm saying the people getting pissed off at this are dumb for not expecting a politician to actually be political.
What other option does he have? Not endorse her and fracture the Democratic Party even more?

Yes, if he actually wanted his "revolution" to take off.

Instead he sold out like a typical politician. And thats what I've been saying for months, hes a politician who has never worked a real job in his life.

Sure, and in fracturing the Democratic party he ends up handing Trump the White House on a silver platter, which is what he's fighting against.

The Flood / Re: Umm... Why do the police have a bomb-robot?
« on: July 09, 2016, 10:34:06 AM »
It was a bomb disposal robot.

And his final mission was trash disposal.

The Flood / Re: GoT Season 7 Delayed
« on: July 07, 2016, 11:36:53 AM »
The last season was the best since the first. I don't understand how you people don't like it.
I've seen so many people trash on it literally just because there's stuff that didn't happen in the books (yet) going on. If WoW came out prior to this season and it validated everything that happened I guarantee you'd see loads more people praising it

Literally this.

The Show board on the A Song of Ice and Fire forums are pure cancer because of the book fans.  For example:  when R+L=J was confirmed, book fans suddenly turned on their decades long theory, claiming that it's not longer possible just because the show "spoiled it" for them.  Instead of directing their annoyance at GRRM's laziness and inability to properly handle his POV's, they'd rather brutalized the show.

Gaming / Re: Prince of Persia: Sands of Time free
« on: July 04, 2016, 03:20:07 PM »
Fucking loved this game when it came out, and I think the only one in the series I thoroughly enjoyed.  I never got on board with Warrior Within, and Two Thrones was alright at best.

Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: July 03, 2016, 06:45:43 AM »
Got Dark Souls 3 as a birthday present, and I think I've thoroughly enjoyed my time with it.  I never played much of Souls 1, and 2 I kind of stopped playing because it couldn't hold my interest.  But with the rather meh-tier games that came out during the spring, I ended up getting the game since my friends were hyping it up to me.   I don't know why, but I kind of preferred the faster, stay-on-your-toes playing style. Admittedly the game feels very easy when you memorize the attack patterns, but I can't say it's not satisfying when you finally take down the bosses.

And I just got Bloodborne in the mail yesterday, so I started going through that for about an hour and a half.  Same as Dark Souls 3, I'm enjoying the play style and don't mind the hyper aggressive AI.  It just teaches you caution to slowly whittle down the mobs instead of rushing straight into them.

Think I might play the first Dark Souls and SotFS again.  DS3 really rejuvenated my interest in the series.

The Flood / Re: GoT Season Finale discussion thread
« on: June 27, 2016, 09:42:32 AM »
If Benjen said the dead can't pass beyond the wall, then how was there a wight at Castle Black in season 1?

I've heard theories the corpses might have been sent as "practice" by the White Walkers to test the magic of the Wall, since it's lost its way and instead of being a barrier to protect the realm, it's now a makeshift prison.

So, essentially, the Wall is failing.  And Bran crossing the Wall may allow the Night's King to just make his happy way down south, and our big budget explosion set next season will be the Wall FINALLY crumbling down.

The Flood / Re: Rogue One News and Images
« on: June 23, 2016, 11:06:44 PM »
I can imagine Donnie Yen and Baze being built up to be these pretty badass fighters throughout the movie...and then get cut to pieces by Vader.

That'd be pretty cool.

Gaming / Re: If you aren't hyped for Bannerlord...
« on: June 22, 2016, 01:22:00 AM »
Looks good, and I'm glad they added actual siege battles instead of "Okay, the eqipment has already breached the castle have fun."

The Flood / Re: GoT S6 episode 9 discussion - ENTER THE BOWL
« on: June 20, 2016, 01:56:54 AM »
Hmmm, did anyone also notice that Lord Umber seemed hesitant to attack Jon?

The Flood / Re: GoT S6 episode 9 discussion - ENTER THE BOWL
« on: June 20, 2016, 01:32:06 AM »
Loved how the battle just showed how horrifying and chaotic a medieval battle really is.

The only thing that didn't make sense was the piles of bodies. They either left how those got there out, or it was plot connivence. People don't die in heaps like that.

Well there was a huge moshpit of cavalry/infantry, and I guess the film crew didn't want to spend precious 20 minutes showing people just dying and falling into a pile.  I just kind of accepted it because it made for some nice TV:  An enemy shield wall pinning our heroes against a wall of dead bodies as Umber badasses fuck them in the ass.

The Flood / Re: GoT S6 episode 9 discussion - ENTER THE BOWL
« on: June 20, 2016, 01:04:05 AM »
Loved how the battle just showed how horrifying and chaotic a medieval battle really is.

Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer Megathread - Out NOW! gooo play
« on: June 14, 2016, 04:12:21 PM »
Well, it appears that Chaos unites everyone.  After beating the Vampires back to Castle Drakenhof, the Warriors of Chaos emerged in force and started their apocalyptic march down south.  As I ended my turn, I was greeted with multiple pledges of alliances from the remaining Empire and Bretonnia factions, as well as some Dwarfs.  I accepted them with haste, and then made peace with the Vampires (as well as Jewing 3000 coins from their treasury to accept the peace offer) so I could focus on driving back the Chaos threat.

Ostermark, who declared themselves an independent kingdom several turns before, came before me to join my Empire, which I gladly accepted, taking in their lands and armies.  But I discovered I had to move fast, as Varg was closing in on the former Ostermark holdings.  I quickly moved Karl Franz north to meet with the former ruler of Ostermark, and together we drove back the Varg tribe and seized a couple of their holdings, while I move another force up to meet with them.  Only time will tell if he will meet with them however, because several Skaeling armies are creeping their way towards the Emperor...

I haven't been this excited about a Total War campaign in the longest time.

So...Sea of Thieves is just basically Guns of Icarus with pirates...

Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer Megathread - Out NOW! gooo play
« on: June 13, 2016, 04:37:24 AM »
By Sigmar, I've done it.  I managed to defeat Karak Norn on the battlefield (with a level 2 general no less, lol) and, after that handy defeat, they asked for peace, which I granted so I could focus on my expanding my borders.  Not long after that, the Vampire Counts moved against my Eastern lands, starting with The Moot.  I moved Karl Franz from Marienburg to rendezvous with said level 2 general (Elgar), and they both marched against von Carstein and his necromancer.  Both had full stacks versus Franz full stack and Elgar's half-stack, but we managed to shove them out of The Moot, causing them both to seperate.  The Necromancer went to Shwartzhafen, and Mannfred to Fort Oberstyre.  Elgar crushed the Necromancer and took Shwartzhafen, then moved with Franz to conquer Oberstyre, which saw the (temporary) fall of Mannfred.

These Vampire bitches will be sent back to the grave.

Thought the episode was pretty good, disappointed though in the Blackfish being killed.

Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer Megathread - Out NOW! gooo play
« on: June 11, 2016, 05:17:53 PM »
You should take out those separatists ASAP and not let others get to them. And be friends with the Dwarves.

Well I'm on great terms with the main Dwarfs faction,  it's just Karak Norn wants to keep fighting me because of Stirland, they wouldn't even take the gold I offered.

Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer Megathread - Out NOW! gooo play
« on: June 11, 2016, 02:56:52 PM »
Got bored playing VC, so I started an Empire campaign.  Did the basic tutorial stuff and completed the first quest.  After quite a few turns I was finally able to start making pacts with the other Men factions, having a very special relationship with Stirland.  I planned to expand, but decided to go at my own pace which ended up being a mistake.  Wiessland ended up taking a couple Separatist settlements, so I sped up my plans and wiped out the remaining Separatist forces and holds.

I then noticed that the other factions were slowly gaining territory, so I went and conquered Marienburg, and managed to absorb Stirland into my Empire (but with that absorption, a Dwarfs faction they were at war with now decided to turn their focus on me.)  Can't wait to see how this plays out.

The Flood / Re: What should I be watching on Netflix right now?
« on: June 09, 2016, 11:04:12 PM »
Animaniacs if you had a childhood.

Hush is a really decent horror movie among a mountain of shit horror-genre titles on Netflix right now.

Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer Megathread - Out NOW! gooo play
« on: May 27, 2016, 11:41:37 AM »
Won't be able to play for about a week because I'm moving, but I managed to make some decent progress as the Vampires.  Obliterated Templehof after I bothered to give them a second chance, and started cutting through a Greenskin WAAAGGGH!!! party after they dared to trespass on my lands.

Filthy mongrels.

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