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Messages - Nick McIntyre

Pages: 1 ... 798081 8283 ... 105
The Flood / Re: >MRW MRW MRW MRW MRW
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:33:58 AM »


The Flood / Re: My Resignation from Ninja
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:23:44 AM »

The Flood / Re: Well, that was definitely pretty lulzy.
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:21:12 AM »
There are no trolls on this forum.


Do not give me that shit boyo.

The Flood / Re: PSA:Anarchy Will Return; Icy Was Lying
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:18:42 AM »

The Flood / Well, that was definitely pretty lulzy.
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:14:49 AM »

tl;dw Cajun Santa is a geocentrist

The Flood / Re: Who's side are you on?
« on: January 05, 2015, 01:03:33 AM »
How I swing in this situation:

The Flood / Re: I'm being stalked by the mods
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:42:19 AM »

Should have been banned ages ago but wait...



That's definitely not stale.

The Flood / Re: Anarchy afterparty thread
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:10:44 AM »

The Flood / Re: Anarchy afterparty thread
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:10:10 AM »

The Flood / Re: An End Once and for All for Shitposting
« on: January 04, 2015, 11:02:50 PM »
You leaving the site would be a great start
I would say something, but I don't see it kind to the mods to get an influx of reports and PMs cause poor you got offended on a website. Lol. Hey. Threaten to sue me.

YOU OFFERING SOMEONE FO... oh forget it.
Please continue, that report button is just begging me to click it
That post. Oh my god, Kinder that post.
How does it feel knowing that you have to act like a decent human being from now on?
Idk, how does it feel to be a faggot cock monster?
It must be difficult for you, exhausting your entire vocabulary in one sentence
Why is you upset dog? You know the mods don't care about you at all. They only stopped the jokes because of your incessant crying about it.
You know, I'm really trying to see things your way, but I just can't stick my head that far up my ass. But face it, you're here because your parents are pro-life
Lol, so mad.
Can't come up with anything else without resorting to your slanderous arsenal of fat jokes? Oh how the "mighty" of fallen, and a I use mighty in a gracious term; comparable to that of a shit larger than average
Honestly, I don't really care that much anymore. I mean, I could have done the fat jokes on Anarchy, but I don't think I did. Sorry Kinder. You're not as important to me as you think you are. I do like your avatar though.
If you don't care that much then why still try to push the train that's obviously breaking down? Take it to the scrap yard instead and let it be over with. What much do you think you will accomplish with these type of responses? Because there is nothing to accomplish unless you like getting warned and scaring off others because of the way certain members are treated.

If I'm not that important to you then why persist to acknowledge me on a constant basis? If you have something to discuss, then there are plenty of people like Psy and Sandtrap you can talk with.

Leave me alone then I won't have a reason to retaliate. Notice my attitude with several members who don't ride the hate train; I don't give them hate. Simply stop the non-sense and maybe we can have a few laughs but not at the expense of others
You know, before this "Hate train" started, you came off as a giant asshole to me. And not just to people on this site. You cannot act like you're this innocent party when you are not. And the obese jokes are petty insults, and you retaliate in very extreme ways that do nothing but bolster people's reason to fuck with you in the first place.
Oh the contrary as you came off as a giant asshole to me. But does it actually matter that much anymore?  Hey though, won't deny that I have a cocky attitude but I don't deliberately target specific individuals on a random basis for no reason. I might have acted extreme at times but all I'm doing is simply trying to post on a forum and go on with my day. There's no reason to alienate people part of the same community

The Flood / Re: An End Once and for All for Shitposting
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:57:02 PM »




also the salt.  would kill off the world's slug population.

Serious / Re: Breaking smartphones
« on: January 03, 2015, 08:02:18 PM »
I've been told my screen will break when my phone drops.

My phone fell out of my pocket at work several times, all on hard ground.  All I have is a little scratch on the corner.  The more amazing one was when I was done unloading turkeys from our truck, I went to close the trailer door.  I had to use my phone as a light source in the trailer and had it in my vest pocket, but when I leaned over to pull down the door, my phone slipped out.  It hit the ground, bounced off and smacked into the trailer and then finally fell several feet, screen-face-down, onto pavement.  I went out to retrieve it, and by something short of a miracle there were no new dents, scratches, or even cracks on my phone.

People makes mistakes. Point is?

That it's hilarious the people (though Republicans in Florida aren't particularly smart) elected such an incompetent idiot.  You'd think he would have done his homework or checked his schedule on who he was meeting with instead of thinking, "Oh look Indian people.  They must be from the Indian government and I will continue making this assumption."

And some aid just got fired for not briefing him properly.

Also, ffs don't ever post Upworthy in Serious again.

They both should be fired tbh.

And why not?  It's not like I posted satire or shitposted ala Door, this article had a video of the conversation tagged along with it.

Now let's make two things clear: ISIL is not Islamic

Want to continue to talk about incompetent idiots? If it sounds like a cow then I'm going to assume it looks like a cow. If a person has a certain last name or a certain color, then you will wonder where they're from. I seriously doubt you would think so otherwise

Sorry Kinder, this thread is not about Obama as much as you would like it to be.  But for shits and giggles, I give Obama a pass on that.  He was pretty much out campaigning all day and was pretty damn exhausted.  He did correct himself mind you.

And no, I wouldn't.  Especially if I was a politician being televised by C-SPAN or some other news network where people were watching.  If I couldn't make the connection beforehand, I would promptly apologize and ask if they were representing America or India.

So you can talk bad about one guy, but I can't bring up that others, including Dear Leader Obama, has made mistakes? You can excuse the fact that a simple task such as talking some how makes it okay, but an aid not telling a person is no excuse?

So what you're saying is that you would still insult them because you don't know what country they're from?

I was more or less commenting on the "57 states" video, because I'll admit to have mistakenly glossed over your other link, as I thought it was just a "57 states" article to reinforce your point.  Let me comment on that really quick:

Now let's make two things clear: ISIL is not Islamic

They're not, imo (and honestly anybody's opinion.  ISIL believes they're Islamic, anti-violence Muslims believe they're not Islamic, etc) Islamic.  They're perverting teachings to make it all about violence against the damn dirty Infidels, when they're supposed to befriend the other religions and help defend them.  Honestly it's like the Bible:  You can only cherry-pick what you want to follow, because if you tried to follow the whole Scripture your life would be a cluttered fucking mess.

As far as "insulting them goes", the apology would be somewhere along the lines of, "I'm sorry I was not briefed on who I would be meeting with today and ask what government you are representing" or something rather (I don't have to deal with Politics 24/7, so that's the best I got lol).  I wouldn't continue assuming they're Indian and look like a fucking incompetent dork on TV.  Sure I would still get some flak from the overzealous media, but I would rather accept humility and be truthful than babble on with assumptions.
The thing is they are Islamic. They may not follow the path others want them to and may commit horrible acts, but they're still Islamic and denying it by establishing certain criteria is effective the concept of no true scotsman

And so the same can't go for the guy? The video doesn't show him making an apology but that doesn't mean he said one. You and him would be in the same boat of having misinformation and if his aid was more clear, he wouldn't have given a response. It's like if dispatch told an officer that there are 10 people outside all armed with semi-auto rifles but in reality, it's just kids playing with some Super Soakers

I did some research
and this story is actually from a few months ago, it just showed up as "recent" on a news website I go to.  Way to go Newsvine, you fucking piece of shit

And he did apologize...on Twitter...after the story broke.  Lol.

Yes I would have been in the same boat, but this guy is supposed to be a politician.  When you're a politician on National TV, it's better to accept some humility, smile and admit you made a mistake.  Not try and hide it like a child who broke the cookie jar until the media/parent finds out.  It makes you look slightly better when you just have some goddamn damage control then and there.

People makes mistakes. Point is?

That it's hilarious the people (though Republicans in Florida aren't particularly smart) elected such an incompetent idiot.  You'd think he would have done his homework or checked his schedule on who he was meeting with instead of thinking, "Oh look Indian people.  They must be from the Indian government and I will continue making this assumption."

And some aid just got fired for not briefing him properly.

Also, ffs don't ever post Upworthy in Serious again.

They both should be fired tbh.

And why not?  It's not like I posted satire or shitposted ala Door, this article had a video of the conversation tagged along with it.

Now let's make two things clear: ISIL is not Islamic

Want to continue to talk about incompetent idiots? If it sounds like a cow then I'm going to assume it looks like a cow. If a person has a certain last name or a certain color, then you will wonder where they're from. I seriously doubt you would think so otherwise

Sorry Kinder, this thread is not about Obama as much as you would like it to be.  But for shits and giggles, I give Obama a pass on that.  He was pretty much out campaigning all day and was pretty damn exhausted.  He did correct himself mind you.

And no, I wouldn't.  Especially if I was a politician being televised by C-SPAN or some other news network where people were watching.  If I couldn't make the connection beforehand, I would promptly apologize and ask if they were representing America or India.

So you can talk bad about one guy, but I can't bring up that others, including Dear Leader Obama, has made mistakes? You can excuse the fact that a simple task such as talking some how makes it okay, but an aid not telling a person is no excuse?

So what you're saying is that you would still insult them because you don't know what country they're from?

I was more or less commenting on the "57 states" video, because I'll admit to have mistakenly glossed over your other link, as I thought it was just a "57 states" article to reinforce your point.  Let me comment on that really quick:

Now let's make two things clear: ISIL is not Islamic

They're not, imo (and honestly anybody's opinion.  ISIL believes they're Islamic, anti-violence Muslims believe they're not Islamic, etc) Islamic.  They're perverting teachings to make it all about violence against the damn dirty Infidels, when they're supposed to befriend the other religions and help defend them.  Honestly it's like the Bible:  You can only cherry-pick what you want to follow, because if you tried to follow the whole Scripture your life would be a cluttered fucking mess.

As far as "insulting them goes", the apology would be somewhere along the lines of, "I'm sorry I was not briefed on who I would be meeting with today and ask what government you are representing" or something rather (I don't have to deal with Politics 24/7, so that's the best I got lol).  I wouldn't continue assuming they're Indian and look like a fucking incompetent dork on TV.  Sure I would still get some flak from the overzealous media, but I would rather accept humility and be truthful than babble on with assumptions.

People makes mistakes. Point is?

That it's hilarious the people (though Republicans in Florida aren't particularly smart) elected such an incompetent idiot.  You'd think he would have done his homework or checked his schedule on who he was meeting with instead of thinking, "Oh look Indian people.  They must be from the Indian government and I will continue making this assumption."

And some aid just got fired for not briefing him properly.

Also, ffs don't ever post Upworthy in Serious again.

They both should be fired tbh.

And why not?  It's not like I posted satire or shitposted ala Door, this article had a video of the conversation tagged along with it.

Now let's make two things clear: ISIL is not Islamic

Want to continue to talk about incompetent idiots? If it sounds like a cow then I'm going to assume it looks like a cow. If a person has a certain last name or a certain color, then you will wonder where they're from. I seriously doubt you would think so otherwise

Sorry Kinder, this thread is not about Obama as much as you would like it to be.  But for shits and giggles, I give Obama a pass on that.  He was pretty much out campaigning all day and was pretty damn exhausted.  He did correct himself mind you.

And no, I wouldn't.  Especially if I was a politician being televised by C-SPAN or some other news network where people were watching.  If I couldn't make the connection beforehand, I would promptly apologize and ask if they were representing America or India.

People makes mistakes. Point is?

That it's hilarious the people (though Republicans in Florida aren't particularly smart) elected such an incompetent idiot.  You'd think he would have done his homework or checked his schedule on who he was meeting with instead of thinking, "Oh look Indian people.  They must be from the Indian government and I will continue making this assumption."

And some aid just got fired for not briefing him properly.

Also, ffs don't ever post Upworthy in Serious again.

They both should be fired tbh.

And why not?  It's not like I posted satire or shitposted ala Door, this article had a video of the conversation tagged along with it.

Serious / House Foreign Affairs Committe Member fails FIRST DAY OF JOB.
« on: January 03, 2015, 06:08:45 PM »
Freshman Rep. Curt Clawson (R-Florida) came to his first day on the House Foreign Affairs Committee trying to lay down the law using his impressive experience of being the boss-guy everyone had to listen to in his private-sector job. He didn't realize he was speaking to senior U.S. officials from the State Department and Commerce Department even though they were introduced as such by one of the chairmen. Nisha Biswal and Arun Kumar were exceedingly gracious about the whole thing, I must say!

Essentially, the fucking retard just looked at some Indian people with Indian names and assumed they were from the Indian government when they were actually United States government officials.

Take one look at the crowd and the guy behind Clawson:  They're all trying their goddamned hardest to not laugh.

Alien: Isolation

Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition

Space Engineers

State of Decay and its DLC

Mount and Blade: Warband

Saints Row IV: Gat Edition

Borderlands 2

Final Fantasy VII

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

The Flood / Re: Something I have to admit
« on: January 01, 2015, 09:12:04 PM »
how do I wash away this shame and extreme humiliation?
For you?
That's not even possible.
Somebody sounds upset
You know that's a really nice mirror and all, but we should probably put that away for you before you start yelling into it.
Yeah, you're totes upset and ass fucking mad. Go back to your pathetic little circlejerk
Where the hell did you get another mirror from? Damn son, stop pulling them out of your pockets.
Only thing I'm pulling out of my pockets is money
Careful, you might get mugged walking around with a wad of cash in your hands.
At least I have money, poor fag

So does Nuka.

Gaming / Re: What's wrong with Halo Reach and Halo 4 multiplayer?
« on: January 01, 2015, 04:34:13 AM »
People can't accept change.


I played the Halo 5 beta, and I'm actually enjoying it.  It's definitely feeling a LOT better than 4.

Septagon / Re: Anarchy should be renamed The Purge
« on: January 01, 2015, 04:20:05 AM »
sa fuvckiing stupid dea

Lol go back to Anarchy.

The Flood / Re: Anarchy fallout bunker
« on: January 01, 2015, 04:02:43 AM »

I just figured out what anarchy is good for

It's good for cookin' dingos.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Septagon / Anarchy should be renamed The Purge
« on: January 01, 2015, 03:58:40 AM »
Since people go over there and post what is considered criminal on this forum is legal until the forum closes, then things go back to being normal.

Yey or Ney

Gaming / Re: Literaly the worst Halo fanfiction of all time
« on: December 31, 2014, 05:18:10 AM »
My head hurt.  As a writer, this just made me fucking sad and is another example of why I fucking hate fanfiction made by retards who don't understand a fucking thing about lore or proper story-writing.

The Flood / Re: LC's too fat to go get his ice cream.
« on: December 31, 2014, 05:04:35 AM »
Eggman stole your ice cream, and you're too lazy to even attempt at planning to retaliate.



What if one of them WAS Eggman?



« on: December 31, 2014, 05:04:07 AM »
Wait Chris was dressed up as a woman?

The Flood / Re: LC's too fat to go get his ice cream.
« on: December 31, 2014, 04:15:03 AM »
Eggman stole your ice cream, and you're too lazy to even attempt at planning to retaliate.



What if one of them WAS Eggman?

The Flood / Re: LC's too fat to go get his ice cream.
« on: December 31, 2014, 04:13:15 AM »
Eggman stole your ice cream, and you're too lazy to even attempt at planning to retaliate.


The Flood / LC's too fat to go get his ice cream.
« on: December 31, 2014, 04:09:25 AM »
Apparently some fatass ate LC's ice cream, and now LC is just whining about it instead of going to Wal-Mart to get his ice cream.

You lazy bastard.  You call yourself a mod?

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