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Messages - Nick McIntyre

Pages: 1 ... 747576 7778 ... 105
The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:24:13 PM »
I'm not searching through seven pages, somebody please tell me the open carry katana interview got posted
desk-flipping hissy fit.

Yeah, he's totally angry.

Nah he's just laughing at you.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:45:04 PM »
He's not, but I am.

And the insults are absolutely unnecessary. Stop dragging your own names in the mud with pettiness. There is no need to be get aggressive. Even when someone tries press your buttons. Their insults, condescension, abrasiveness, annoyance is meaningless. Getting worked up doesn't help, it's just unbecoming and useless.

Cut the shit.
It was one word, and it wasn't even that big a deal.
You're acting like I went way overboard.
It only takes one little spark to set a whole forest on fire, bub.

Ah yesh.  The fire rishesh.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:35:07 PM »
Whenever I see people talk about their big guns I just think to myself

"Wow, they must be compensating for something"

That's my initial thought whenever I see a guy walk into fucking Wal-Mart with dual pistols strapped around his chest, or a guy walking around with a giant-ass handgun strapped to his hip.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:32:35 PM »
I know a good Halal hamburger shop in Irvine, CA that you would absolutely love.
...there's a halal burger shop here?

There's one in a food court near the Mariott <.<

Fucking delicious.

Serious / Re: BBC reporter under fire for "anti-Semitism"
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:31:03 PM »
Well, at least the Jews wouldn't blow up or shoot you down for saying such a thing.

They'd just defund you and take all of your money.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:29:46 PM »

You are a truly evil man and I hope Allah serves you justice soon.

You're just mad because when you attack me, I'll erupt into a could of noxious white gas with pieces of super-hot metal flying every which way and embedding it's self in your skin as it slowly burns into your body.

God, Whiskey Pete is fucking brutal, and Metal.

الله أكبر

I know a good Halal hamburger shop in Irvine, CA that you would absolutely love.

The Flood / Re: If people are allowed to carry firearms
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:26:16 PM »
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
"the chance that I might be able to kill someone out of 'self defense' someday excites me"

I enjoy combat. The rush of adrenaline, the triumph of beating an opponent, the feel of their blows, etc.

But that's because of my rather messed up life and just general necessity. I've adapted to my surroundings; and combat skills are necessary in my surroundings.
People like you shouldn't be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public.

Why not? I'm perfectly qualified, responsible, careful, and safe. Better a good madman than a bad madman.

Its not like I walk around waving a handgun in the air, occasionally popping rounds off.
How about we just don't have people walking around with lethal weapons at all times?
That would be better, rather than being so paranoid that you think you need it.

But I mean hey, if you want to look like ultra geek walking around with a sword/mace...good luck not having people think you're mental.
Who wants to mess with the guy carrying a sword/mace? Checkmate.
Someone with a gun/bow.

And that's why I carry a gun too.
Where the fuck do you live where you need all these weapons? Compton? Detroit?

I live in a place where you have to worry about both criminals and wildlife. We got bears walking past drug dealers here, bro.
So instead of fearing for your life around every corner, why don't you move to someplace where everything isn't trying to kill you?
Where would be the fun in that? I enjoy the challenge.
...are you a Neanderthal? This is 2015, you don't have to fight for your life everyday.

Why not? I'd rather die in a glorious fight than let some stupid illness kill me.

And? Best case scenario is just a quiet and painless death. I'm saying that of those two, dying in combat is preferable. If I die, its because of my own fault and weakness; not because some genes say so.
You're a paranoid twitchy gun advocate who wants violence and there's no reason anyone like you should be allowed to carry lethal weapons in public because you pose a bigger threat to the public than any actual criminal and you're as far from responsible as anyone can get.

He said it all himself.
He likes fighting, he's paranoid, and he is a gun advocate. Paranoid and liking fighting doesn't mean he's going to open fire on a crowd of people because he thinks they're plotting to arm a nuke in town's square.
But he's much more likely to be judge, jury, and executioner in a situation that doesn't require it.

In such a situation, you have no choice but to be so; or you risk innocent lives being ended. While loss of life of any kind is a shame, is it not better for the criminal to die than the innocents? In such situations, there is no third option. Either you act, or you don't; and all evil needs to achieve victory is for good men to stand by and do nothing.
Yeah, no.
Get a taser or pepper spray. You're not the kind of person who should be deciding who lives or dies.

Why do you make such a basis? You're not at all qualified to make such statements, either.
Didn't I tell you already that I wasn't talking to you, pothead?

I don't think many people care what some worthless loser has to say. If you had reading comprehension you'd understand I'm aware of this fact.

Thank God you've come to terms with yourself.

The Flood / Re: Conceal Carry Weapons. Your feelings?
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:10:45 PM »
I won't be doing so, as I have cop family members to assist me.

Assuming they don't murder you when they desire a vacation.

Are you implying my uncle is going to murder me?

Anyone could, it's just more likely when they are a cop.

I find that stance laughable.
That is a moronic thing to say Cam. My uncle is a cop and he is nothing close to a bad cop or a murderer.

It's not moronic at all, though, as cops often get away with murder and all are corrupt. There's no such thing as a "good cop." Just good people that happen to be cops. Factually, cops are more irresponsible with firearms than citizens, and far more likely to cause innocent causalities.
How are all cops corrupt? The few that I've met all seemed to be nice and reasonable.

What does "There's no such thing as a good cop, just good people that happen to be cops" mean? Isn't that an oxymoron?

They must be corrupted because they have to give out a certain amount of tickets as a revenue generator for the State, not to mention enforce many other unjust laws. They also have to ignore other bad cops.
I don't think they have a quota, at least where I live. Why would they need to generate revenue for the state when taxes are so high? They also enforce just laws, too. Police deal with a lot of messed up people and situations, they might go over the top sometimes, but police officers are assaulted and killed by thugs and such kind. I wouldn't know about having to ignore bad cops, but I suppose that's possible.

They all have a quota. There's no written one, but if they aren't giving out enough tickets they'll be talked to or fired. The State is always looking to rob from us more. Anyone can enforce just laws, which is why we don't even need police and they only cause us all harm.
Well, I don't know about that, but I won't argue as I've got nothing else to say.

In theory anyone can enforce just laws, but what's the likelihood that your average citizen is going to make arrests by themselves, or know how to handle disputes, or deal with reckless/drunken drivers? I don't see it very likely that anyone other than an authority figure that has some kind of training would do those things.

In my experience plenty of people are willing to take such an initiative, but are less likely when they have a false sense of security and believe cops will solve all of our problems. Really, they're just glorified investigators and show up too late. You should ensure your own security. I have personally helped others before, and I'd hope others would do the same.
Well, I guess you've had some different experiences then. Do you really think that a regular joe in his car would be able to get a drunk/reckless driver to pull over without causing a bigger accident than if a police officer did the same?

In some cases even better, as they can covertly follow them until they stop, whereas a cop is likely to cause a chase and increase the chances of a wreck.
But isn't it in some ways better to have people that are dedicated to that as their job? Nevermind how you say the police actually act.

Not to mention, unless you're an absolute fucking moron you should instinctively pull over when you see the police sirens flash behind you.

Now if some average joe was tailing you, riding your ass or shouting at you to pull over (not sure how often that last one is), then there's going to be a drastic increase in a chance of a bigger incident happening.

The Flood / Re: Conceal Carry Weapons. Your feelings?
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:06:13 PM »
I won't be doing so, as I have cop family members to assist me.

Assuming they don't murder you when they desire a vacation.

Are you implying my uncle is going to murder me?

Anyone could, it's just more likely when they are a cop.

I find that stance laughable.
That is a moronic thing to say Cam. My uncle is a cop and he is nothing close to a bad cop or a murderer.

It's not moronic at all, though, as cops often get away with murder and all are corrupt. There's no such thing as a "good cop." Just good people that happen to be cops. Factually, cops are more irresponsible with firearms than citizens, and far more likely to cause innocent causalities.
How are all cops corrupt? The few that I've met all seemed to be nice and reasonable.

What does "There's no such thing as a good cop, just good people that happen to be cops" mean? Isn't that an oxymoron?

They must be corrupted because they have to give out a certain amount of tickets as a revenue generator for the State, not to mention enforce many other unjust laws. They also have to ignore other bad cops.
I don't think they have a quota, at least where I live. Why would they need to generate revenue for the state when taxes are so high? They also enforce just laws, too. Police deal with a lot of messed up people and situations, they might go over the top sometimes, but police officers are assaulted and killed by thugs and such kind. I wouldn't know about having to ignore bad cops, but I suppose that's possible.

They all have a quota. There's no written one, but if they aren't giving out enough tickets they'll be talked to or fired. The State is always looking to rob from us more. Anyone can enforce just laws, which is why we don't even need police and they only cause us all harm.
Well, I don't know about that, but I won't argue as I've got nothing else to say.

In theory anyone can enforce just laws, but what's the likelihood that your average citizen is going to make arrests by themselves, or know how to handle disputes, or deal with reckless/drunken drivers? I don't see it very likely that anyone other than an authority figure that has some kind of training would do those things.

In my experience plenty of people are willing to take such an initiative, but are less likely when they have a false sense of security and believe cops will solve all of our problems. Really, they're just glorified investigators and show up too late. You should ensure your own security. I have personally helped others before, and I'd hope others would do the same.
Well, I guess you've had some different experiences then. Do you really think that a regular joe in his car would be able to get a drunk/reckless driver to pull over without causing a bigger accident than if a police officer did the same?

Well if the average joe wasn't ramming his car into the perp's car or suffering from road rage when the driver would refuse to pull over and end up causing more harm than good....

Then he might have a slight chance.  Very slight.
The average prick should stop that drunk ass motherfuck from leaving the bar in his own car to begin with, yo.

That would require action.  Instead, they'd likely just sit back with their little smartphone and record everything and upload it to Youtube for dem dank hits yo.

The Flood / Re: Conceal Carry Weapons. Your feelings?
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:03:04 PM »
Why are people still reacting this way to Camnator's responses?
Like a broken record baby.

It's sad to see you've become this way. Try not taking the internet so seriously.
The casting technique was rather weak for this one. Try using a new net.
You've gone incoherent.
You don't fish?

I find this surprising.
If by fish you mean use the same lines over and over again, then sure.
Otherwise, not really.

Only to those with simple minds.
Well yeah only those with simple minds won't be able to come up with any new material and stick to reusing the same garbage over and over again.

At least you're aware of that fact about yourself.
Thank you for proving my point.

You proved it about yourself long ago. You didn't need my assistance.

It's a shame I have made so many obsessed. People like you need to seek help. This forum is not a good place for you to be spending your time.

>Has made 3 posts about you since your return

fucking lel.  Staring at fat asses all day and smoking a joint seems to have made you paranoid.

That just proves you're obsessed. Thanks!  :P The only paranoia appears to be your own.

I've seen trolls on Youtube with better tricks up their sleeves.

The Flood / Re: Conceal Carry Weapons. Your feelings?
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:02:30 PM »
I won't be doing so, as I have cop family members to assist me.

Assuming they don't murder you when they desire a vacation.

Are you implying my uncle is going to murder me?

Anyone could, it's just more likely when they are a cop.

I find that stance laughable.
That is a moronic thing to say Cam. My uncle is a cop and he is nothing close to a bad cop or a murderer.

It's not moronic at all, though, as cops often get away with murder and all are corrupt. There's no such thing as a "good cop." Just good people that happen to be cops. Factually, cops are more irresponsible with firearms than citizens, and far more likely to cause innocent causalities.
How are all cops corrupt? The few that I've met all seemed to be nice and reasonable.

What does "There's no such thing as a good cop, just good people that happen to be cops" mean? Isn't that an oxymoron?

They must be corrupted because they have to give out a certain amount of tickets as a revenue generator for the State, not to mention enforce many other unjust laws. They also have to ignore other bad cops.
I don't think they have a quota, at least where I live. Why would they need to generate revenue for the state when taxes are so high? They also enforce just laws, too. Police deal with a lot of messed up people and situations, they might go over the top sometimes, but police officers are assaulted and killed by thugs and such kind. I wouldn't know about having to ignore bad cops, but I suppose that's possible.

They all have a quota. There's no written one, but if they aren't giving out enough tickets they'll be talked to or fired. The State is always looking to rob from us more. Anyone can enforce just laws, which is why we don't even need police and they only cause us all harm.
Well, I don't know about that, but I won't argue as I've got nothing else to say.

In theory anyone can enforce just laws, but what's the likelihood that your average citizen is going to make arrests by themselves, or know how to handle disputes, or deal with reckless/drunken drivers? I don't see it very likely that anyone other than an authority figure that has some kind of training would do those things.

In my experience plenty of people are willing to take such an initiative, but are less likely when they have a false sense of security and believe cops will solve all of our problems. Really, they're just glorified investigators and show up too late. You should ensure your own security. I have personally helped others before, and I'd hope others would do the same.
Well, I guess you've had some different experiences then. Do you really think that a regular joe in his car would be able to get a drunk/reckless driver to pull over without causing a bigger accident than if a police officer did the same?

Well if the average joe wasn't ramming his car into the perp's car or suffering from road rage when the driver would refuse to pull over and end up causing more harm than good....

Then he might have a slight chance.  Very slight.

The Flood / Re: Conceal Carry Weapons. Your feelings?
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:59:15 PM »
Why are people still reacting this way to Camnator's responses?
Like a broken record baby.

It's sad to see you've become this way. Try not taking the internet so seriously.
The casting technique was rather weak for this one. Try using a new net.
You've gone incoherent.
You don't fish?

I find this surprising.
If by fish you mean use the same lines over and over again, then sure.
Otherwise, not really.

Only to those with simple minds.
Well yeah only those with simple minds won't be able to come up with any new material and stick to reusing the same garbage over and over again.

At least you're aware of that fact about yourself.
Thank you for proving my point.

You proved it about yourself long ago. You didn't need my assistance.

It's a shame I have made so many obsessed. People like you need to seek help. This forum is not a good place for you to be spending your time.

>Has made 3 posts about you since your return

fucking lel.  Staring at fat asses all day and smoking a joint seems to have made you paranoid.

The Flood / Re: Conceal Carry Weapons. Your feelings?
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:56:01 PM »
Why are people still reacting this way to Camnator's responses?
Like a broken record baby.

It's sad to see you've become this way. Try not taking the internet so seriously.
The casting technique was rather weak for this one. Try using a new net.
You've gone incoherent.
You don't fish?

I find this surprising.
If by fish you mean use the same lines over and over again, then sure.
Otherwise, not really.

Only to those with simple minds.
Well yeah only those with simple minds won't be able to come up with any new material and stick to reusing the same garbage over and over again.

At least you're aware of that fact about yourself.
Thank you for proving my point.

You proved it about yourself long ago. You didn't need my assistance.

The Flood / Re: Rocketman
« on: January 12, 2015, 04:13:25 PM »
You're abusing your mod powers AGAIN Rocket?

*sigh*  Cheat, fucking fire him.

The Flood / Just your daily cringe in here.
« on: January 12, 2015, 04:10:35 PM »

This guy seems like kinder....

things were said about him before he made this video.

The Flood / Re: Dredd sequel
« on: January 12, 2015, 12:14:20 PM »
The reboot was fucking awesome and Karl Urban was a nice Dredd.

People just can't get that horrible Stallone adaption out of their minds I guess.

The Flood / Re: "Benefits"
« on: January 11, 2015, 09:15:28 PM »
You want a job, you can work for me. If I catch you yiffing the pizzas though, the balls come off and get served as a topping.

Sounds ballin'

The Flood / "Benefits"
« on: January 11, 2015, 09:02:51 PM »
Just doing a bit of job browsing and came across this fucker.

And right under the Benefits section...







ಠ__ಠ  Yes.  That is a fucking benefit.


The Flood / Re: I Have Returned!
« on: January 11, 2015, 08:15:30 PM »
There are those who said this day would never come. What are they to say now?

Yay, I guess?

The Flood / Re: I Have Returned!
« on: January 11, 2015, 08:10:49 PM »
How long until you get bant again?

The Flood / Re: I need some assistance going to the toilet
« on: January 11, 2015, 06:00:07 PM »


The Flood / Re: Everyone just needs to chill....
« on: January 11, 2015, 05:55:40 PM »





As a side note, do yanks actually put fucking butter on their popcorn?

yes.  Butter and salt on popcorn makes it fucking delicious you vanilla piece of shit.

God, you're blander than vanilla ice cream.

Wonder bread has more personality than you do.

The Flood / Re: Everyone just needs to chill....
« on: January 11, 2015, 05:54:56 PM »
Needs more beta.

The Flood / Re: Yeah, FUCK YOU PSY
« on: January 11, 2015, 05:53:31 PM »

The Flood / Re: No, no, no--this is how not to be beta
« on: January 11, 2015, 05:52:30 PM »
This is great.
He really ought to be thanking us all. It's not every day I let other people know how to be alpha.

He needs to lighten up.

The Flood / Re: Yeah, FUCK YOU PSY
« on: January 11, 2015, 05:49:52 PM »
Check again.


Hey, I don't have fancy mod powers where I can reply to locked threads you quacking piece of quack.


I mean quack.

The Flood / Re: No, no, no--this is how not to be beta
« on: January 11, 2015, 05:48:55 PM »
This is great.

The Flood / Yeah, FUCK YOU PSY
« on: January 11, 2015, 05:47:50 PM »
I got the last comment.

You slow motherquacker

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The Flood / Re: Really, go screw yourselves
« on: January 11, 2015, 05:44:05 PM »

Gaming / Re: Dying Light
« on: January 11, 2015, 02:12:08 PM »
I've  already played Dead Island twice, not interested in doing it a third time.

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