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Messages - Nick McIntyre

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Anyway, OT, so the guy's a looney, who cares? Crazy people do crazy shit. I mean it's asinine and all, but, like, fuck, it's fucking 2015. Yeah, homophobia is bad and all, but it's going down the drain fast in the west. The fact that we can all agree it's asinine is reason enough not to worry about it. This shit just turns into a circlejerk of disgust and it's really boring.

I'm not worried, I even stated it'd be laughed out of the fucking state.

For the envy sin he sure did seem pretty envious of the other gods when he wants you to see him as the "One true god" or whatever that one god thing is.

Nut jobs shouldnt be let in high positions like that

Brah, lawyer isn't exactly a high position. Anyone with a degree can be one.

OT: This would be a violation of the US constitution so even in the near impossible event that it would pass it would end up being over turned.

Almost as stupid as that "split California into seven states" gerrymandering scheme.

God I hate this State of Jefferson crap.  It's a bunch of whiny Republicans that blame the "Liberal cities" as to why there's no Republican representation.


Acting on a tip from a reader, the editors at Wonkette have uncovered papers filed with the California Attorney General’s Office by a Huntington Beach attorney, calling for a proposed ballot initiative called  “The Sodomite Suppression Act,” which he hopes will save the Golden State from “God’s just wrath.”

The filing, along with a check for $200, will allow attorney Matthew McLaughlin to begin the process of collecting the approximately 365,000 signatures needed to put the measure before California  voters on an upcoming ballot.

According to McLaughlin’s filing, “The abominable crime against nature known as buggery, called also sodomy, is a monstrous evil that Almighty God, giver of freedom and liberty, commands us to suppress on pain of our utter destruction even as he overthrew Sodom and Gomorrha.”

Saying that it is better if offenders (“sodomites”) be put to death rather than “all of us should be killed by God’s just wrath against us for tolerating wickedness in our midst,” the attorney proposes that “any person who willingly touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual gratification be put to death by bullets to the head or by any other convenient method.”

While a federal judge struck down California’s death penalty as unconstitutional in 2014, McLaughlin has that covered.

“This law is effective immediately and shall not be rendered ineffective or invalidated by any court, state or federal, until heard by a quorum of the Supreme Court of California consisting only of judges who are neither sodomites nor subject to disqualification hereunder.”

McLaughlin’s law would also call for anyone who “distributes, performs, or transmits any sodomistic propaganda” to be fined $1 million and imprisoned for up to ten years for occurrence,” after which they would be cast from the state. Additionally, the law  ban all sodomites, and those who promote sodomy, from holding political office.

As noted at Wonkette, McLaughlin previously filed papers in 2004, seeking a ballot measure to provide public school students with a Bible as a literary text which, thus far, has failed to appear on a ballot for the voters consideration.

So, yeah.  Let's execute all gay people, fine "propagandists" one million dollars, jail them for ten years, and exile them.

This Act will get laughed out of the state.  It would probably be more welcomed in the South or the Middle East.

So is Rome 2 definitely sorted now then? >_>

I won't be getting it until I get a new PC but it's better now right?


Fucking SKIP Rome 2 and go straight to Attila.

I haven't seen that one

This is the one I refer to. Good thing there was a short video on it lol.

Huh, apparently this camera does exist, it's just under a different key binding in this game.

The Flood / Re: So this is Frieza's new form
« on: March 03, 2015, 09:25:37 AM »
Alien Form Frieza is still Best Frieza

Xenomorphs <3

The Flood / Re: Go fuck yourself UPS
« on: March 02, 2015, 02:20:03 PM »
That is fucking amazing

I told myself I'd skip Attila because of the day one Viking DLC... Stop makng me regret not preordering.

You can still get the dlc I think

EDIT yes you can
but I don't want to pay extra for three factions that should be included.

O.  Yeah I completely agree.  They pulled the same shit with R2 and Sparta.

I'll get back to you on that tomorrow, I have to sleep so I can get up in time for work.
I eagerly await your news then.


Well I don't see a cinematic camera.  There is a tactical camera though <. <

I've never actually played any of the Total War games before. I used to watch my Dad play Rome 1 & Medieval 2 when I was younger. Is it worth getting in to? The only other stratergy games I've played are Halo Wars which I thought was garbage, Civilization & X-Com, I fucking love X-Com.

If you like building massive armies to go crush your enemy, then ye.
I meant tactical I think. The one where it's kind of over their shoulders like a movie almost.

I haven't seen that one

Serious / Re: One way to manipulate elections: redistricting
« on: March 02, 2015, 11:35:10 AM »
Redistricting should just be done away like the dodo.

I told myself I'd skip Attila because of the day one Viking DLC... Stop makng me regret not preordering.

You can still get the dlc I think

EDIT yes you can

I'll get back to you on that tomorrow, I have to sleep so I can get up in time for work.
I eagerly await your news then.


Well I don't see a cinematic camera.  There is a tactical camera though <. <

I've never actually played any of the Total War games before. I used to watch my Dad play Rome 1 & Medieval 2 when I was younger. Is it worth getting in to? The only other stratergy games I've played are Halo Wars which I thought was garbage, Civilization & X-Com, I fucking love X-Com.

If you like building massive armies to go crush your enemy, then ye.

I bought Rome 2 thinking that everything would have been fixed a year after release when it was like $15. It's the only Total War game that I just haven't been able to get into.

It's good to hear that Atilla fixes everything Rome 2 fucked up,

Shogun 2 and it's expansions remain my all time favorite Total War games. How does Atilla stack up to them?
Shogun 2 did EVERYTHING right (I've been diving into all of this and know a friend who plays it a lot :P). One thing I noticed back in Atilla that was in Shogun 2 was, as I mentioned in the other post, the whole animations with your men running into the enemies shields when you charge them.

That kind of stuff is just so cinematic looking and amazingly intense. The fact they all just ran and stopped RIGHT before the men in Rome 2 just killed any sort of hype of that game for me. That and formations just didn't work.

Only thing I liked about Rome 2 was the Spartan design and cinematic camera.

Speaking of which, is that camera back in Attila?

I'll get back to you on that tomorrow, I have to sleep so I can get up in time for work.

I bought Rome 2 thinking that everything would have been fixed a year after release when it was like $15. It's the only Total War game that I just haven't been able to get into.

It's good to hear that Atilla fixes everything Rome 2 fucked up,

Shogun 2 and it's expansions remain my all time favorite Total War games. How does Atilla stack up to them?

I don't know if any Total War games can top Shogun 2 at this point (unless they did a Medieval 3, yes I'm fixated on that), but it's damn near up there as the best.  It's a fucking expansion no matter what Sega and CA say, but for an Expansion it is worth every penny.  Definitely third best on my own list, with Shogun 2 and Medieval 2 being the top.

The Flood / Re: do you ever randomly have really gay thoughts
« on: March 01, 2015, 09:53:54 PM »
Neh, I get both gay and straight thoughts if I'm at work and bored out of my mind.  It gets weird if you're working and suddenly have a boner beginning to take shape, but thankfully I have an oversized lab coat at work to keep that guy covered.

Gaming / Re: Anyone here played D4 Dreams Don't Die?
« on: March 01, 2015, 09:50:50 PM »
Meh, apparently it's better if you have a Kinect.  Using a regular controller is a pain in the ass for me at least.  I mean, it's a free game so I can't really complain all that much but I just can't get into this game at all.

This is great news. Having recently gotten into the series, I've been waiting for Angry Joe to review this and learned about much of the flaws of Rome 2. My problem with Rome 2, among everything else, was mainly how formations just broke when you fought and it was just 1v1 fight animations rather than a group. Shield bashing was also gone, so if you rushed into enemies, they'd just... stop, rather than bash against their shields (which is back in Atilla).

Good news to hear all of this, and since I never got Rome 2 (can't run it) and am getting a new PC this summer, I will definitely pick this up. It sounds very interesting and I've watched some gameplay.

If you're getting a great gaming computer (I can run a lot of games on Ultra) then great.  Attila, and generally all Total War games, are fucking resource eaters.  Attila is great fun though.  AND IT BROUGHT BACK FAMILY TREES.

After the catastrophic failure of a launch of Rome II: Total War, followed by many painful months of recovery, Attila: Total War is like a breath of fresh air.  I kept a cautious eye on this game when it first released, but my friends hyped it up to me so I caved.

This game is actually pretty damn epic, chronicling the Dark Ages, the fall of the Roman Empire, and the arrival of the Huns.  You can play as several different factions:  The Huns, the Sassanid Empire, the Vandals, the Saxons, the Visigoths, Ostrogoths, the Franks, the Alans, Western Roman Empire, and the Eastern Roman Empire/Byzantine.  With the Culture Pack, you can play as the Viking Danes, the Jutes, and the Geats.  Each faction comes with its own Cultural and Personal traits and boons.

What's really interesting is that this game isn't centered around building an empire, it's about destroying empires.  Interestingly, the Western Roman Empire--being the diseased cesspool that it is--is not about destroying our building, but is now all about survival as you try to keep the original Rome on stable ground amidst dirty politics, a skeleton of the famous Roman Legions, and being attacked by just damn near every Celtic tribe, Germanic tribe, and the invading Huns.

Another interesting thing is that if you are being invaded, you can use a Scorched Earth tactic, which razes your own buildings, crops and other resources into the bloody ground so that the invading forces can no longer live off of the land you built.  I think this is an amazing feature added into Total War, and I hope this mechanic stays.  It'd be very interesting in, say, a Medieval 3.

However, what pisses me off the most about this game is how epic it is, and then you realize it's pretty much just one giant expansion pack to Rome 2.  This game is what Rome 2 should have been, not that rushed-out piece of shit.  I'm glad Creative Assembly learned their lesson the last time and took their time with this game.  The Battle AI and UI have actually improved, and it feels like you're simulating a real battle rather than watching men have one giant mosh pit/gay orgy session.  There aren't any game-breaking bugs or glitches I found either, which is another plus.

I'd definitely recommend this game if you have not played it yet.

The Flood / Re: Bye
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:51:09 PM »

I'll see you on Skype bae.  We'll three-way Casper.

The Flood / Re: Robert Baratheon vs Aragorn.
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:48:23 PM »
Really though, what are his notable fighting feats besides BTFOing Rhaegar at the Trident? He's a fantastic battle commander sure, but it's not really relevant considering this is a 1v1 fight.
not a whole lot, to my knowledge. all we really know is that he lost to barristan selmy in the jousting tournament at storm's end.

he was among the top fighters in the kingdoms at that time, but possibly not the best. i dont know how he compared to ned, who needed 6 homies to beat dayne, whent, and hightower at the tower of joy.

big bobby b is a good option for fighters from ASOIAF, but i think we can find one even better... perhaps oberyn?
Arthur Dayne is considered the best fighter in recent history of the story. I think he could take Aragorn.

He better have Dawn, then.  Because apparently without Dawn, Arthur Dayne was just a good swordsman.

The Flood / Re: Robert Baratheon vs Aragorn.
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:47:00 PM »
Really though, what are his notable fighting feats besides BTFOing Rhaegar at the Trident? He's a fantastic battle commander sure, but it's not really relevant considering this is a 1v1 fight.
not a whole lot, to my knowledge. all we really know is that he lost to barristan selmy in the jousting tournament at storm's end.

he was among the top fighters in the kingdoms at that time, but possibly not the best. i dont know how he compared to ned, who needed 6 homies to beat dayne, whent, and hightower at the tower of joy.

big bobby b is a good option for fighters from ASOIAF, but i think we can find one even better... perhaps oberyn?

GRRM has stated that Ned is just average, since he was just a second son of a Lord.  He probably was just looking to play Steward to Brandon or be married off to someone in the South.

Also jousting tournies=/=real battles, as Catelyn tactfully put when she went to Renly's camp.

The Flood / Re: Aragorn vs Jon Snow. Who. Is. Deadliest?
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:42:37 PM »
he still fucking died against three Generals while Aragorn solo'd FOUR Nazgul at once.
Eh, it was a cool feat, but I'd hardly call it a "solo." He only really drove them off and had to employ the use of fire in the fight. It was more of a circumstantial result rather than a testament of Aragorn's fighting skills. Keep in mind that not even Arwen or Gandalf could handle the Nazgul.

It showed his smarts though.  While Jon has some cunning, Aragorn is a smart man.  Years and years of being a Ranger honed his survival instinct skills while Jon

let multiple people under his command stab him after he ignored multiple warnings from Melissandre.

Also, Arwen is a very under-powered elf if you compare her to someone like Elrond or the Lady Galadriel.  As for Gandalf, while he was still an underpowered Gandalf the Grey, he took on all nine Nazgul in an all-night battle before leaving with four of them pursuing him.  If you're referencing to the Return of the King movie where The Witch-King broke Gandalf's staff, that was something even I was annoyed with Peter Jackson about.  Yes, he wanted to show off how badass the Witch-King was, but Gandalf the White was a BAMF Maiar, the same level as Sauron.
The consistency of the Nazgul is all over the fucking place anyway. One one hand you have an experienced wizard struggling to hold them off, then on the other you have Eowyn killing their fucking leader. It's like Tolkein just decided to make them whatever he wanted them to be to convenience the plot.

But Eowyn was no man.
le girl power faec


The Flood / Re: Aragorn vs Jon Snow. Who. Is. Deadliest?
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:39:24 PM »
he still fucking died against three Generals while Aragorn solo'd FOUR Nazgul at once.
Eh, it was a cool feat, but I'd hardly call it a "solo." He only really drove them off and had to employ the use of fire in the fight. It was more of a circumstantial result rather than a testament of Aragorn's fighting skills. Keep in mind that not even Arwen or Gandalf could handle the Nazgul.

It showed his smarts though.  While Jon has some cunning, Aragorn is a smart man.  Years and years of being a Ranger honed his survival instinct skills while Jon

let multiple people under his command stab him after he ignored multiple warnings from Melissandre.

Also, Arwen is a very under-powered elf if you compare her to someone like Elrond or the Lady Galadriel.  As for Gandalf, while he was still an underpowered Gandalf the Grey, he took on all nine Nazgul in an all-night battle before leaving with four of them pursuing him.  If you're referencing to the Return of the King movie where The Witch-King broke Gandalf's staff, that was something even I was annoyed with Peter Jackson about.  Yes, he wanted to show off how badass the Witch-King was, but Gandalf the White was a BAMF Maiar, the same level as Sauron.
The consistency of the Nazgul is all over the fucking place anyway. One one hand you have an experienced wizard struggling to hold them off, then on the other you have Eowyn killing their fucking leader. It's like Tolkein just decided to make them whatever he wanted them to be to convenience the plot.

But Eowyn was no man.

The Flood / Fine Slash: Here's a TRUE Deadliest GoT/LotR fight
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:25:27 PM »
In one corner, we have Sauron:  The Dark Lord with an army of hundreds of thousands of Evil creatures and the Nazgul under his command.

And in the other, we have A Song of Ice and Fire's greatest and most feared being.  He is secretly a Targaryen, and the prophesied The Prince That Was Promised--essentially a Jesus that would destroy the White Walkers and bring order and stability to the world.

Mother.  Fucking. HODOR.

The Flood / Re: Aragorn vs Jon Snow. Who. Is. Deadliest?
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:20:27 PM »
he still fucking died against three Generals while Aragorn solo'd FOUR Nazgul at once.
Eh, it was a cool feat, but I'd hardly call it a "solo." He only really drove them off and had to employ the use of fire in the fight. It was more of a circumstantial result rather than a testament of Aragorn's fighting skills. Keep in mind that not even Arwen or Gandalf could handle the Nazgul.

It showed his smarts though.  While Jon has some cunning, Aragorn is a smart man.  Years and years of being a Ranger honed his survival instinct skills while Jon

let multiple people under his command stab him after he ignored multiple warnings from Melissandre.

Also, Arwen is a very under-powered elf if you compare her to someone like Elrond or the Lady Galadriel.  As for Gandalf, while he was still an underpowered Gandalf the Grey, he took on all nine Nazgul in an all-night battle before leaving with four of them pursuing him.  If you're referencing to the Return of the King movie where The Witch-King broke Gandalf's staff, that was something even I was annoyed with Peter Jackson about.  Yes, he wanted to show off how badass the Witch-King was, but Gandalf the White was a BAMF Maiar, the same level as Sauron.

The Flood / Robert Baratheon vs Aragorn.
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:11:13 PM »
Sry Brutie, but this would be a much more interesting fight than Bland Snow vs Aragorn.

One on hand, we have King Bobby B. himself.  Shortly after Eddard Stark's father and brother were killed by the Mad King, Arys called for the heads of Bob Baratheon and The Ned.  In retaliation, their mentor Jon Arryn called forth the banners of The North, The Vale, The Riverlands and The Stormlands to unite and rebel against the Targaryan Dynasty.  Bobby B personally led many battles and won almost every one of them.  During the Battle of the Bells, he took on three armies in one day and won every single time.

Then during the Battle of the Trident, he took his mighty war-hammer and caved in the chest of Crown pussy-ass-pansy-bitch Prince Rhaegar, then marched to King's Landing to take down the King (though Tywin Lannister beat him to that and forsake the dragon forever.)  Shortly after being crowned King, the Iron Islands rebelled against the rest of the Seven Kingdoms.  Bobby B smashed the Ironmen to fucking bloody pieces before going back to his usual rounds of feasting, drinking and fucking every single woman in sight.

He was killed only because his squire (who was sleeping with Queen Cersei) increased the dosage of his wine during a hunting trip, causing him to get gored by a boar.

He also has a high charisma rating, able to turn enemies into friends in an hour and inspire thousands of soldiers to fight and die in his name.

Weapon:  Bobby B's Massive Fucking Warhammer.

In the other corner, we have King Aragorn Elessar.  A Numenorean Ranger raised by the High Elf Lord Elrond, Aragorn is considered the most BAMF swordsman in Middle Earth.  He has survived the War of the Ring and lived for 200+ years, with the later years being spent ruling the Unified Kingdom of Arnor and Gondor.  During his reign, he partook in multiple military campaigns, which successfully wiped away the Men of Harad from old Gondor strongholds, and conquered many Rhun territories.

He has inspired 6,000 soldiers to smash against an army ten times their number, even if Frodo might have failed to destroy the Ring, in an attempt to turn Sauron's attention to him and make it look like he possessed the Ring.

Weapon:  Elven-forged Narsil.


The Flood / Re: Aragorn vs Jon Snow. Who. Is. Deadliest?
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:50:23 PM »

Aragorn fought off 4 Nazgul at the Watchtower.  Talion got buttfucked by three of Sauron's servants.
Now I can't really remember, but weren't all Nine gathered there?
So, not only did he fight off four of them, but, if the others were there, he made all of them run away.

I think that may have just been movie-LOTR, because I know around that same time Gandalf, after escaping Isengard, solo'd three Nazgul and made them run away leaving brown streaks upon the ground.

But still, Aragorn is badass.  IDC if Talion is wraith-possessed, he still fucking died against three Generals while Aragorn solo'd FOUR Nazgul at once.

The Flood / Re: Прощание.
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:46:00 PM »


but srsly

The Flood / Re: Aragorn vs Jon Snow. Who. Is. Deadliest?
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:35:24 PM »

Aragorn fought off 4 Nazgul at the Watchtower.  Talion got buttfucked by three of Sauron's servants.

The Flood / Re: Aragorn vs Jon Snow. Who. Is. Deadliest?
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:27:43 PM »
Jon has Longclaw, a Valyrian Steel sword which is as light as a stick, but stronger than normal swords and apparently makes people more skilled with the blade just by holding it.  He also has Ghost, a direwolf that he can warg into, though his warging abilities are Level n00b.  He's a high-above-average swordsman who can take out multiple enemies, but has trouble with King-Beyond-The-Wall Mance Raydar.  As far as commanding goes, he can give out simple tasks and orders, but cannot make orders without lowering the Opinion Meter of the people serving him.

Aragorn carries Narsil, the sword of Isildur that was reforged under the watch of Elven blacksmiths, who are the best at their craft.  He is an able warrior and, if we go by Peter Jackson's standards, can go Dynasty Warrior on a whole fucking battalion of enemies.  He also does not afraid of anything and can inspire 1,000 men to smash against 100,000 Orcs and Black Uruks.  That's fucking awesome.

Aragorn wins hands down.  It'd be a nice fight, but Jon would lose.

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