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Messages - Nick McIntyre

Pages: 1 ... 456 78 ... 105
The Flood / Re: AssCreed wasn't too bad to be honest
« on: December 21, 2016, 11:46:06 PM »
Just like WarCraft, then?

Yeah, without totally fucking up the lore.

(That's just going off my WarCraft nerd friend though, that was his biggest issue with WarCraft)

The Flood / Re: AssCreed wasn't too bad to be honest
« on: December 21, 2016, 08:30:43 PM »
They vaguely hinted at the First Civ, but that's about it.

The Flood / AssCreed wasn't too bad to be honest
« on: December 21, 2016, 07:59:16 PM »
It had some problems with the camera during chase scenes and some of the character development was a little "eh", but overall not a bad movie if you do what I did and walk in with average expectations.  It was a pretty faithful adaptation and did explain shit for the general movie audience without being a total exposition dump.

It's not Oscar Award material, but it is a nice popcorn flick if you just wanted to kick back and watch a cool action movie.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 21, 2016, 01:11:52 PM »
I wonder if RLM were in the theater sitting next to the kind of people that loudly go "AHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" whenever a reference shows up, which is probably why they're so condescending lol.

But otherwise, their review had good points.

The Flood / Re: Trigger the user above you ITT
« on: December 21, 2016, 04:45:57 AM »
Jeffrey Dean Negan is overrated

The Flood / Re: Aaaand the Ass Creed movie reviews are in.
« on: December 19, 2016, 08:33:13 PM »
Eh I'm still going to check out the movie and decide for myself.  Even Jeremy Irons think it's pretty good and I believe he shat all over BvS.

I thought he hated safe spaces?

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 16, 2016, 05:31:07 AM »
I enjoyed the film, and funny enough I think I enjoyed it more than The Force Awakens.  I don't know, it just feels like something new, i.e. it's not Jedi vs Sith for the 1000th time.  It's not without flaws, though.  The characters weren't...horribly developed, but it was just weird at times, like

When Jyn is mad that Cassian almost fulfilled orders to kill Mads, and upset that the Rebels bombed her dad to hell.  Next scene, she seems cool with all of them.

However, I appreciated the somewhat darker atmosphere, the wonderful attempts at bringing Tarkin and young Leia back through CGI (I barely noticed Tarkin's CGI, but it was kind of weird when he talked).  And those Vader scenes...just absolutely badass.

I'd say it's a 8 or 9/10.  Not perfect, but still a nice movie to watch.

Like TFA I need to see it again in order to better formulate my opinion on the film. It's kind of overwhelming trying to take everything in, and it doesn't help that the people sitting next to me were so fucking annoying I was barely paying attention for the first half.

You're the third person I know that's sat next to shitty people.  Thankfully the theater was packed so I had to take a third-row seat.  There was a guy in the upper rows that kept having these horrible choking and hacking fits during emotional scenes and he was loud as shit.

The Flood / Re: Just got back from seeing Rogue One
« on: December 16, 2016, 04:57:13 AM »
I enjoyed the film, and funny enough I think I enjoyed it more than The Force Awakens.  I don't know, it just feels like something new, i.e. it's not Jedi vs Sith for the 1000th time.  It's not without flaws, though.  The characters weren't...horribly developed, but it was just weird at times, like

When Jyn is mad that Cassian almost fulfilled orders to kill Mads, and upset that the Rebels bombed her dad to hell.  Next scene, she seems cool with all of them.

However, I appreciated the somewhat darker atmosphere, the wonderful attempts at bringing Tarkin and young Leia back through CGI (I barely noticed Tarkin's CGI, but it was kind of weird when he talked).  And those Vader scenes...just absolutely badass.

I'd say it's a 8 or 9/10.  Not perfect, but still a nice movie to watch.

The CGI was pretty damn good, I was blown away by Leia's look.

I wasn't totally distracted by CGTarkin, but the whole time I looked at his face all I could think was, "Yeah Charles Dance would be a bomb-ass Tarkin, or any Imperial/First Order officer.

Gaming / Re: Convince me to play Witcher 3
« on: December 09, 2016, 06:43:29 PM »
I never played the first Witcher, and the second one just felt off-putting to me.  I finished the tutorial/siege level and put it away.

I bought Witcher 3 because my friend would not stop hyping it up to me, and the game did look pretty good.  At first, the combat was irritating to work with, so I turned the game off for a day.  I went back in after clearing my head, and I didn't put the game down since then, even playing it alongside newer releases like Arkham Knight.  I was truly blown away by how much depth there was in the game, to the point where the smallest side quest was fleshed out, and you could actually feel for minor characters that may only be involved for that one quest.  The character building is done really well, even for someone like me who is pretty much a newbie when it comes to the Witcher universe.

The environment is absolutely stunning, both in the untouched countryside and in the gritty, bloody and muddy war-stricken areas.  The soundtrack is great.  The boss fights and monster hunts are pretty good, requiring you to chug the proper potions and add oils to make your blade stronger against certain enemies if you want to even have a chance at surviving.

And the DLC is terrific.  Hearts of Stone had a good, rather emotional story while Blood and Wine felt like a great send-off.

Gaming / Re: Assassins Creed 3 PC is free today
« on: December 09, 2016, 03:27:48 AM »
I just beat Unity and uh... yeah. What a shitty story. What a horrible horrible story.

The only reason I'd say it's better than 3 is because of the gameplay and environment (i'm playing with all patches, so it was fine). It's the MGS V of Assassins Creeds though, and there are some plot holes/loose ends that just make me go "what?"

Syndicate is better imo.  Unity, and Arno in general, just felt like Diet Ezio
I felt the same way with Arno being Ezio lol

But no, Syndicate is objectively better. Better performance, better combat, brought back whistling from AC4, the dialogue is better, etc.

I'm already enjoying it more.

Definitely.  I hopped onto Unity out of boredom on my XBone, and it's still so pathetically choppy and slow at times that I have to ask if the game actually did get patched.  Ubisoft pretty much dropped Unity like a hot potato and put more time into Syndicate (and with the two-year gap, Empire should be pretty damn solid.)

The Flood / Re: Is Avenged Sevenfold a good band?
« on: December 09, 2016, 03:00:06 AM »
They're okay, I guess.  Trying too hard to sound like Metallica though.

Gaming / Re: Assassins Creed 3 PC is free today
« on: December 09, 2016, 02:57:48 AM »
I just beat Unity and uh... yeah. What a shitty story. What a horrible horrible story.

The only reason I'd say it's better than 3 is because of the gameplay and environment (i'm playing with all patches, so it was fine). It's the MGS V of Assassins Creeds though, and there are some plot holes/loose ends that just make me go "what?"

Syndicate is better imo.  Unity, and Arno in general, just felt like Diet Ezio

I'm not really hyped, more like...intrigued.  After The Phantom Pain I'm going to be a little cautious about hyping this game up.

It does seem interesting though, and poor Mads has his eyes fucked up again

Gaming / Re: Anyone has Infinite Warfare / MW Remastered?
« on: November 30, 2016, 02:56:01 PM »
Haven't played the Multiplayer (especially since it looks like an exact copy of Black Ops 3's MP), but the campaign, for all its faults, is actually the best since the MW series and the first two B.O. games.

Also Ethan is best.

Gaming / Re: Hey Verbatim.
« on: November 30, 2016, 02:05:07 AM »

Ok so in addition to my question, what are everyone's thoughts on the game as a whole?

At the time it came out?  Pretty overhyped.  Otherwise it's a pretty nice game.  Great visuals and alternate costumes, decent story, the Arkham Knight has a pretty fucking cool design.

The Batmobile missions were ass though, and Rocksteady's use of Hush and Deathstroke was just disgusting.

Gaming / Re: Wargame Red Dragon on the steam sale, buy it!
« on: November 23, 2016, 06:49:18 PM »
I already have it fatsbae

Probably because some part of him still cared for Batman, but in his pre-Red Hood state he'd most likely just claim Batman is only his to torment.

The Flood / Re: what the fuck cheat
« on: November 22, 2016, 05:31:47 PM »
Literally report yourself

The Flood / It gets faster everytime they say "bee"
« on: November 22, 2016, 05:20:10 PM »

what am i doing with my life

Gaming / Re: Total War: WARHAMMER - Realm of the Wood Elves
« on: November 17, 2016, 07:11:23 PM »

Serious / Trump to be coached by Obama, surprised by "scope of job."
« on: November 14, 2016, 07:21:12 PM »
President Obama was so shocked at how little Donald Trump and his advisers appeared to understand about the myriad duties and responsibilities the President-elect would be taking on at the White House that he will "spend more time with his successor than presidents typically do" to provide him with additional guidance, a new report claims.

Obama and Trump met inside the Oval Office Thursday in a wide-ranging 90-minute sit-down that ended with the President-elect — who had for years criticized the sitting-commander-chief and who campaigned on vows to dismantle his legacy — stating that he "looked forward to dealing with the President in the future, including counsel."

And Obama — who after the meeting vowed to do "everything we can to help you succeed, because if you succeed the country succeeds" — apparently took Trump up on the offer.

According to a report Monday in The Wall Street Journal, Trump "seemed surprised by the scope" of responsibilities he would be taking on as President and his aides were not even aware that the President-elect would have to hire a full White House staff.

Oh my God.  "I'm gonna run for office but then not bother researching what my job entails!"

Never trust a Bolton

Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer Megathread - Out NOW! gooo play
« on: November 13, 2016, 12:44:41 PM »
Well, it appears that Chaos unites everyone.  After beating the Vampires back to Castle Drakenhof, the Warriors of Chaos emerged in force and started their apocalyptic march down south.  As I ended my turn, I was greeted with multiple pledges of alliances from the remaining Empire and Bretonnia factions, as well as some Dwarfs.  I accepted them with haste, and then made peace with the Vampires (as well as Jewing 3000 coins from their treasury to accept the peace offer) so I could focus on driving back the Chaos threat.

Ostermark, who declared themselves an independent kingdom several turns before, came before me to join my Empire, which I gladly accepted, taking in their lands and armies.  But I discovered I had to move fast, as Varg was closing in on the former Ostermark holdings.  I quickly moved Karl Franz north to meet with the former ruler of Ostermark, and together we drove back the Varg tribe and seized a couple of their holdings, while I move another force up to meet with them.  Only time will tell if he will meet with them however, because several Skaeling armies are creeping their way towards the Emperor...

I haven't been this excited about a Total War campaign in the longest time.

Oh, guess I should finish up here.

So I ended up driving the Chaos factions to ruin, since Varg and the Skaelings kept throwing themselves at me with shitty tier 1 Chaos units and ended up getting completely manhandled.  I managed to take over Kislev after purposefully letting them go extinct against Chaos (seriously they are THE hardest faction to get an alliance with) and beat back the waves of Chaos before they could venture too far south.

Eventually Archaeon himself and Kholek marched towards Kislev, where Karl Franz and three high-ranking generals were recouping their losses from previous battles.  Upon seeing the Everchosen emerge, Balthazar Galt marched his Imperial forces towards Kislev to aid his Emperor.  He made it just in time, and the combined forces of the Empire wiped out the forces of Chaos.  They had no home to retreat to either as two Empire Lords burned the Chaos North to the fucking ground.

As time went on, with no more foes of Chaos to destroy, Karl Franz campaigned and conquered all of Bretonnia and brought the Southern Realms to heel while exterminating the filthy Greenskins.  With the Empire and the Dwarfs (who resided completely on the Eastern side of the map) being the only powers left standing, I declared the campaign a victory and quit.

Gaming / Re: Total War: Warhammer Megathread - Out NOW! gooo play
« on: November 12, 2016, 05:17:36 PM »
Haven't bought a game for a while, do I buy the Call of the Beastmen DLC?

It's an enjoyable experience with them, though you might be able to draw some parallels between them and Chaos/Dwarfs.  They do feel rather overpowered, but I kind of like it that way.  I can run over filthy Man settlements with a couple hoards and a brayherd.

I'd say it's worth it, but if you're still unsure just wait for the Christmas sale.

Also they delayed the Free Bretonnia DLC to February. Elves DLC and a free lord to drop before Christmas.

FUCK I want my Bretonnians already.

Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump
« on: November 09, 2016, 01:08:36 AM »
BREAKING: John Podesta headed to Javitz center to tell Clinton supporters that the race is "too close to call" #ElectionNight #CBSElection

And from the NYT

Here is John Podesta at the Javits Center.
He is telling Clinton supporters to head home and get sleep.
“We’ll have more to say tomorrow,” Podesta says.
“Your voices and your enthusiasm mean so much to her and to Tim and to all of us. We are so proud of you, and we are so proud of her,” Podesta says.
“She has done an amazing job, and she is not done yet,” Podesta says.

"Oops, all these red-leaning states just flipped blue!"

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