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Messages - Nick McIntyre

Pages: 1 ... 444546 4748 ... 105
The Flood / Re: This pisses me off
« on: April 20, 2015, 04:53:10 PM »
Is this guy going to be a boiling mix of Deci and Loaf?

Because that would be fucking hilarious.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 02:07:57 PM »
I'm back, needed more popcorn.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 01:21:35 PM »
Quote from: Verbatim
In order to destroy something, you have to create something.
Destroying things is a negative. Yet, all that is created will be destroyed.
The best way to avoid that is to create nothing at all.

We're unneeded

Holy fuck you are the edgiest mother fucker I've ever seen.
>low tier b8
>expects it to work
>doesn't realize that he will be seen as an idiot by everyone else
Try harder, furrfag/elitefag - I don't even know

Go back to the Flood where you belong.
Says the troll/retard

Pick one, but either one is bad, so you lose.

Yeesh, Dustbin at the end of his run was a better troll than you.

I'm done derailing this thread with the likes of you.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:44:31 PM »
Quote from: Verbatim
In order to destroy something, you have to create something.
Destroying things is a negative. Yet, all that is created will be destroyed.
The best way to avoid that is to create nothing at all.

We're unneeded

Holy fuck you are the edgiest mother fucker I've ever seen.
>low tier b8
>expects it to work
>doesn't realize that he will be seen as an idiot by everyone else
Try harder, furrfag/elitefag - I don't even know

Go back to the Flood where you belong.

Gaming / Re: Win 3 months of PS+ (US only) | ENDED
« on: April 20, 2015, 11:14:16 AM »

Gaming / Re: Win 3 months of PS+ (US only)
« on: April 20, 2015, 09:45:43 AM »

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 08:52:56 AM »
Quote from: Verbatim
In order to destroy something, you have to create something.
Destroying things is a negative. Yet, all that is created will be destroyed.
The best way to avoid that is to create nothing at all.

We're unneeded

Holy fuck you are the edgiest mother fucker I've ever seen.

The Flood / Re: European Union versus United States
« on: April 20, 2015, 06:43:30 AM »
Fuck you all I got my own flag

Welsh people <3

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 06:33:53 AM »

Don't make me laugh.

I love you Flee

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 06:14:06 AM »
I wasn't going to post since midget is Le Ruse Master Supreme of Overlord Meta's Serious Board, but meh.

I don't give a shit tbh.  I'm for abortion, leaning more towards only using it to save a mother's life, in terms of rape, etc

Just because one guy out of millions and tens of millions changed his stance, everyone should follow suit?  Fuck that

lolwut? Ani vs Obi has plenty of emotion in it. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean there isn't.

That's like saying you don't like the color blue, so blue doesn't exist.

Try harder next time.

What kind of emotion, aside from two grown ass men who get pussy at each other going into a duel...just because?

A reminder that we're talking about this guy:

Big deal, he uses humor in his reviews. He's playing a character, you know...

I know, he's hilarious. But that's the point, he's there to rile people up; he's not the word of law on what is and isn't good film content.


The majority of his reviews consist of his dark humor and him comparing the three movies to other films that have nothing to do with, or even resemble the franchise in anyway. His actual points are made in segments 15 minutes apart from each other, to the point that he's used so much nonsense in between, it makes it seem like he's trying to form a constructive argument, when in reality it falls flat on it's face.

EDIT: Gonna get back to my thread about those reviews

You obviously never watched his reviews then if you believe this.

I've watched each of them around 10 times each, and am now slowly writing a review of his reviews.

You've obviously have either never seen the prequels or have had a progressive thought of your own if you use those reviews as an actual base for your argument.

I believe you said you were going to get your "review" up a few days ago.

Anyways, I have seen the prequels.   Yes they were cool to watch in terms of fights but otherwise I was fucking bored.  I was about 7 when Phantom Menace got released and I went to go see it, excitement literally oozing out of me.

90% of the movie had me almost fall asleep.

lolwut? Ani vs Obi has plenty of emotion in it. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean there isn't.

That's like saying you don't like the color blue, so blue doesn't exist.

Try harder next time.

What kind of emotion, aside from two grown ass men who get pussy at each other going into a duel...just because?

A reminder that we're talking about this guy:

Big deal, he uses humor in his reviews. He's playing a character, you know...

I know, he's hilarious. But that's the point, he's there to rile people up; he's not the word of law on what is and isn't good film content.


The majority of his reviews consist of his dark humor and him comparing the three movies to other films that have nothing to do with, or even resemble the franchise in anyway. His actual points are made in segments 15 minutes apart from each other, to the point that he's used so much nonsense in between, it makes it seem like he's trying to form a constructive argument, when in reality it falls flat on it's face.

EDIT: Gonna get back to my thread about those reviews

You obviously never watched his reviews then if you believe this.

Emperor Shiev


Palpatine was not given a first name in any canonical or "Star Wars Legends" sources until 2014, when the character's first name—Sheev—was revealed in the novel Tarkin, written by James Luceno.[1] The Lucasfilm Story Group approached Del Rey Books and asked if they wanted to use the name, which was created by George Lucas, in the Tarkin novel, to which Del Rey agreed.[4]

And I  misspelled it, fuck

Okay, why are you using his first name? That's not really how titles work.

Because it's a hilarious first name and I don't think Palpatine's first name should've just been dropped like that.  Idk, it just feels like it got rid of his air of mystery, and I can't take a name like "Sheev" seriously.

Emperor Shiev


Palpatine was not given a first name in any canonical or "Star Wars Legends" sources until 2014, when the character's first name—Sheev—was revealed in the novel Tarkin, written by James Luceno.[1] The Lucasfilm Story Group approached Del Rey Books and asked if they wanted to use the name, which was created by George Lucas, in the Tarkin novel, to which Del Rey agreed.[4]

And I  misspelled it, fuck

While watching Mr. Plinkett tear apart the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, I found myself agreeing with him 99% of the time.  One of the points he brings up that I like is the total lack of emotion.  It doesn't help that the writing in the Prequel Trilogy is a complete joke compared to the Original Trilogy, and it makes you wonder what happened to George Lucas in the years following Return of the Jedi.

Take for example the Luke vs Vader fight.


There's a lot of emotion going into this fight.  Luke doesn't want to fight Vader and really just wants to turn him back to the Light Side.  He doesn't fight to kill and even deactivates his lightsaber right in front of his father.  He just keeps trying to convince his father that he does have good in him, and only goes in to try and kill Vader when Vader rustles his jimmies regarding his sister.

But even after disarming his father and being goaded by Emperor Sheev to kill Vader and become his new Right Hand, Luke instead tosses his lightsaber to the side and pledges his full allegiance to the Jedi.  After an enraged Emperor Sheev tries to kill him, Vader has an inner turmoil in his head about whether he should help out his sour, grumpy master or save his Gary Sue son.

He ends up turning on Sheev and tosses him down the hole.  SAYONARA SHEEV.

To add up to this, we have a musical number and emotional tone that helps set the mood.  You can tell that Luke doesn't want to fight and keeps holding back to prevent his own fall to the Dark Side while pulling his father back.

Then compare it to....this.


Emotionless and dull.

Yes, the fight is much better choreographed.  But holy shit I don't know how something could look so cool but be completely empty and devoid of any emotion.

Seriously, the lead-up to the fight isn't foreboding, and neither does it build tension like in the Luke vs Vader fight.  It literally goes like this:

Obi-Wan:  "Anakin you're being bad."

Anakain:  "Obi-Wan I hate you."

Obi-Wan:  "Okay, let's fight."

That's it.  Obi-Wan doesn't even fucking try to convince Anakin to come back to the Light, he goes after Anakin with the intent to kill him, scolds him like a child, then proceeds to fight him.  For 9 fucking minutes they just wave their lightsabers around, do a balancing act on a pipe as thin as Tara Reid, and have an irrelevant shouting match over a lava stream.  I'll give credit, Obi-Wan actually admitted he failed Anakin.  But that's the only emotional connection that we could remotely feel in that fight.  Otherwise, it was just two guys fighting each other.

Another thing:  Are we really supposed to be seeing two friends fighting?  I don't see that.  Throughout all three movies, Anakin and Obi-Wan just seem to do nothing but fire pot shots at each other and get pissed off at one another.  Sure they share a couple jokes, but that's it.  All of their "We're best friends" stuff happens off-screen in between the movies.


Alec mcGuinness <3
God he's such a pretentious old faggot. Say what you will about Ewan McGregor's portrayal of Obi Wan, at least he didn't whine like a spoiled brat about how much Star Wars is beneath him.

Funny how he had no problem raking in the royalties after the success of Star Wars though.
Fuck that guy

He was awesome as Obi-Wan though :I

Alec mcGuinness <3


i still don't understand why superman and batman are fighting
People do not trust Superman. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. That's a running thing in the comics, especially with Batman, that people don't trust Superman because of how powerful he is.

They should be glad they're not dealing with Superman Prime.  Seriously, DC decided to make that fucker OP and literally transform him into a God.

Essentially Lois dies and Superman goes all emo, so he flies into the sun and hibernates in there for 10,000 years or so.

After he comes out, he is 10 million times more powerful than he originally was.  Hell he created a "perfect Lois in his image and created a whole  new planet.

Gaming / Re: Battlefront will not use Battlelog
« on: April 19, 2015, 12:48:19 PM »
Thank fuck.  I'm sick of not being able to just jump into a game on PC and have to go through Battlelog.

Gaming / Re: So Cortana's death scene
« on: April 19, 2015, 05:08:33 AM »
I mean at least the thread gets some traffic, doesn't it?

5 pages of arguing with a brick wall?

At least it made for some good popcorn sessions.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: Rebels season two trailer
« on: April 19, 2015, 04:09:58 AM »
So, Ahsoka vs Vader maybe?

Gaming / Re: Win 3 months of PS+ (US only)
« on: April 18, 2015, 04:00:57 PM »
Enter me faggot

The Flood / But seriously though
« on: April 18, 2015, 02:06:52 PM »
I thought it was a dead nigger.

The Flood / Re: Riddle: What's black and white and red all over?
« on: April 18, 2015, 02:04:25 PM »

The Flood / Re: Riddle: What's black and white and red all over?
« on: April 18, 2015, 02:02:37 PM »
Hey Deci

We know it's a fucking dead nigger.

So stop being a dead nigger

The Flood / Re: Riddle: What's black and white and red all over?
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:55:00 PM »

The Flood / Re: Riddle: What's black and white and red all over?
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:32:11 PM »
It's a dead nigger, Deci's holding out on us

The Flood / Re: Riddle: What's black and white and red all over?
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:23:52 PM »
It's a dead nigger's dead nigger.

The Flood / Re: Riddle: What's black and white and red all over?
« on: April 18, 2015, 12:50:05 PM »

The Flood / Re: You guys ready for Terminator Genyshit?
« on: April 18, 2015, 09:02:24 AM »
it happened with LotR
I mean, yeah, The Hobbit Trilogy could have been better and less padded, but they weren't bad movies likee this and the 3rd Mummy.

....I liked The Mummy....

Returns and Dragon Emperor sucked total donkey balls though.

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