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Messages - Nick McIntyre

Pages: 1 ... 343536 3738 ... 105
I remember the 90's.  My friend and I would play out violent Star Wars scenes,  pretend to shoot at each other with guns, and just be a over imaginative kids. The parents and teachers would just watch us with a smile.

Nowadays you're prone to be a psychopathic murderer if you even think of playing cowboys and Indians.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 01:45:04 PM »
y'all niggas need jesus.

Halo: Last Light

Leak'd cover

The Flood / Re: Somebody get Camnator banned from Bungie
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:46:44 PM »
*looking at the majority of replies in this thread*

Did you expect sympathy?

Actually for once, I did. Just once. Just fucking once, because nobody should have to put up with this shit.

Well, it's just called "karma catching up with you."  You posted Felicia's pictures, admitted to revenge-fapping (just...what the fuck?), among other things.  Just quietly accept it and move on.

The Flood / Re: Somebody get Camnator banned from Bungie
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:44:04 PM »

It's going to take a very long time for you to ever earn my respect again.
Because I totally give a shit if I have your respect


This is why people dislike you.
You're hardly one to talk.
Plus numerous people here have said they like me, so...

The Flood / Re: Somebody get Camnator banned from Bungie
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:43:27 PM »
*looking at the majority of replies in this thread*

Did you expect sympathy?

The Flood / Re: Somebody get Camnator banned from Bungie
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:40:10 PM »
meh i wouldnt mind seeing her naked
I almost fapped to the nudes

you puss'd out didntchya
I just figured I could fap to better things.
But yeah kinda

Jim fapped to his avatar instead.

Much more appealing.

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:03:20 PM »
Napalm, you're getting trolled by Chally..

Gaming / Re: New DOOM (4) teaser
« on: May 18, 2015, 06:26:09 PM »
Pls Doom 4 AND Fallout 4.

Best E3 ever

The Flood / Re: So Sansa Stark Bowed, and then was Bent and Broken
« on: May 18, 2015, 02:06:35 AM »
The Dorne scenes are boring as fuck though.

The Flood / Re: So Sansa Stark Bowed, and then was Bent and Broken
« on: May 18, 2015, 01:57:18 AM »
Sansa enjoyed it, you know she did.

The Flood / Re: So Sansa Stark Bowed, and then was Bent and Broken
« on: May 18, 2015, 01:02:11 AM »
why did they kill Bazza the Bold but leave Grey Worm alive to keep the boring love story going
Because Niggers need love too, I guess.

Besides, apparently a Eunuch nigger falling in love with a translator nigger is more appealing than Barristan the Based killing a bunch of Essosi soldiers.  Better kill him off with sneaky mask-wearing people!

The Flood / Re: ASoIaF fan theories thread
« on: May 18, 2015, 12:50:20 AM »
Hodor Ahai

The Flood / So Sansa Stark Bowed, and then was Bent and Broken
« on: May 18, 2015, 12:49:27 AM »

Gaming / Re: The Last of Us Remasterd
« on: May 17, 2015, 06:22:19 PM »
Fantastic game, and the multiplayer is pretty good.  I spent a good chunk of my gameplay on the MP.

What's the multiplayer like?

Same shooting mechanics as the base game, has a scavenging aspect to it, and you can even connect it with your Facebook account to make a little Survivors camp.

Gaming / Re: The Last of Us Remasterd
« on: May 17, 2015, 05:58:43 PM »
Fantastic game, and the multiplayer is pretty good.  I spent a good chunk of my gameplay on the MP.

Gaming / Re: capcom sale
« on: May 17, 2015, 02:49:41 PM »
Resident Evil 4 HD or RE 1 HD are the only ones ever worth buying.

The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 17, 2015, 01:13:13 AM »
Now that's annoying. Throwing in villains Spider-man 3 style is not going to help, they already have Lex Luthor in it.
Lex is more of an anti hero in a lot of continuities and having 2 villains isn't exactly gonna saturate the movie.
But they already have like a million heroes. We only need 2 heroes and 1 villain.
it is the setup for the birth of their Justice League, you know
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd? They're seriously going to do the whole "oh we're all friends!" thing at the start of JL? Hahahaha. Yeah sorry but there's a reason The Avengers worked. Even if you didn't see the rest of the MCU you could watch the Avengers and know that it was about a team coming together to stop a bad guy with a magic mcguffin. DC are desperately playing catchup and them cramming as much into Bats V Sups as possible is just stupid.

Bats V Sups should just be about Batman and Superman starting out as enemies then teaming up when the big bad guy starts being a big bad guy, they don't need half the Justice League showing up.
the avengers worked because it was a $$$$-driven popcorn machine, not because it had a solid narrative.
I smell a DC fanboy. Sorry but with the plans WB has for the DCCU.... It's gonna suck. The decisions that have been made so far are mostly terrible to confusing while the only real fan rage in the MCU was Iron Man 3's Mandarin. And it's not that the DCCU is going to be dark and gritty, Dredd was dark and gritty but it was awesome, MoS and from the looks of it Bats V Sups and Suicide Squad are going to be dull, grey and take themselves waaaaaay too seriously.
DC media is at its best when its gritty. See: Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, Teen Titans, The Dark Knight, Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, Assault on Arkham.

Marvel excels at being irreverent eye candy. DC excels at being meaningful.
The Dark Knight Returns was horrible.

Dark Knight Returns 2 was even worse.


The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 17, 2015, 01:10:07 AM »
Now that's annoying. Throwing in villains Spider-man 3 style is not going to help, they already have Lex Luthor in it.
Lex is more of an anti hero in a lot of continuities and having 2 villains isn't exactly gonna saturate the movie.
But they already have like a million heroes. We only need 2 heroes and 1 villain.
it is the setup for the birth of their Justice League, you know
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd? They're seriously going to do the whole "oh we're all friends!" thing at the start of JL? Hahahaha. Yeah sorry but there's a reason The Avengers worked. Even if you didn't see the rest of the MCU you could watch the Avengers and know that it was about a team coming together to stop a bad guy with a magic mcguffin. DC are desperately playing catchup and them cramming as much into Bats V Sups as possible is just stupid.

Bats V Sups should just be about Batman and Superman starting out as enemies then teaming up when the big bad guy starts being a big bad guy, they don't need half the Justice League showing up.
the avengers worked because it was a $$$$-driven popcorn machine, not because it had a solid narrative.

That's essentially Man of Steel in a nutshell.
MoS didnt have nearly the amount of $$$-hype behind it and it actually had a meaningful conflict. it had a lot of flaws but i think its fundamentally a much better movie.
MoS a better movie?...... LMAO
the avengers may as well have not even happened. that movie could literally disappear from the franchise and nothing would change.

Not really.  That movie is truly the driving point for the Infinity Stones story arc playing throughout the movies, and is our sample introduction to the Marvel Cosmic Universe (with Guardians of the Galaxy being the welcome train).

Now that's annoying. Throwing in villains Spider-man 3 style is not going to help, they already have Lex Luthor in it.
Lex is more of an anti hero in a lot of continuities and having 2 villains isn't exactly gonna saturate the movie.
But they already have like a million heroes. We only need 2 heroes and 1 villain.
it is the setup for the birth of their Justice League, you know
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd? They're seriously going to do the whole "oh we're all friends!" thing at the start of JL? Hahahaha. Yeah sorry but there's a reason The Avengers worked. Even if you didn't see the rest of the MCU you could watch the Avengers and know that it was about a team coming together to stop a bad guy with a magic mcguffin. DC are desperately playing catchup and them cramming as much into Bats V Sups as possible is just stupid.

Bats V Sups should just be about Batman and Superman starting out as enemies then teaming up when the big bad guy starts being a big bad guy, they don't need half the Justice League showing up.
the avengers worked because it was a $$$$-driven popcorn machine, not because it had a solid narrative.
I smell a DC fanboy. Sorry but with the plans WB has for the DCCU.... It's gonna suck. The decisions that have been made so far are mostly terrible to confusing while the only real fan rage in the MCU was Iron Man 3's Mandarin. And it's not that the DCCU is going to be dark and gritty, Dredd was dark and gritty but it was awesome, MoS and from the looks of it Bats V Sups and Suicide Squad are going to be dull, grey and take themselves waaaaaay too seriously.
DC media is at its best when its gritty. See: Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, Teen Titans, The Dark Knight, Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, Assault on Arkham.

Marvel excels at being irreverent eye candy. DC excels at being meaningful.

I'm not disagreeing, except for I believe that Batman is at his best when he's gritty.  We had grotesque "gritty" flops like Cry (gay) For Justice, Identity Crisis, Rise of Arsenal, etc. (and Marvel is guilty of the same thing, most glaringly with Ultimatum)

A gritty Superman and Wonder Woman just can't cut it for me, which is why I had such a hard time getting into Man of Steel.  The action was great, cinematography wasn't bad, and Zod was awesome.  But the plot was a fucking mess, especially when cutting between Superman just walking around being a Boy Scout (except when he Shreks a truck) and rather decent childhood scenes.  I think it would've been much better if the scenes were played in some order instead of just randomly cutting back to and fro.

The Flood / Re: Doomsday will be in Batman vs Superman
« on: May 17, 2015, 12:54:38 AM »
Now that's annoying. Throwing in villains Spider-man 3 style is not going to help, they already have Lex Luthor in it.
Lex is more of an anti hero in a lot of continuities and having 2 villains isn't exactly gonna saturate the movie.
But they already have like a million heroes. We only need 2 heroes and 1 villain.
it is the setup for the birth of their Justice League, you know
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd? They're seriously going to do the whole "oh we're all friends!" thing at the start of JL? Hahahaha. Yeah sorry but there's a reason The Avengers worked. Even if you didn't see the rest of the MCU you could watch the Avengers and know that it was about a team coming together to stop a bad guy with a magic mcguffin. DC are desperately playing catchup and them cramming as much into Bats V Sups as possible is just stupid.

Bats V Sups should just be about Batman and Superman starting out as enemies then teaming up when the big bad guy starts being a big bad guy, they don't need half the Justice League showing up.
the avengers worked because it was a $$$$-driven popcorn machine, not because it had a solid narrative.

That's essentially Man of Steel in a nutshell.

The Flood / Purge, or Gladiatorial Combat on PPV
« on: May 16, 2015, 09:48:28 PM »
You are now President.  You walked into office with extremely high inmate and crime percentages.  Thinking they know human instinct because they watched some high budget movies, Congress is now asking you to address these issues, and they offer you two choices.

A)  Purge.  Essentially the same deal as the movie where for one night a year,  all crime including murder is legal for 12 hours.  Congress believes that this can solve crime rates because people can release their inner beasts for just one night, and will therefore be "cleansed" for a whole year, leading to lower crime rates since their bloodlust should be sated for a whole year.


B)  Gladiatorial combat.   Basically you turn the prison system into one big orgy of fighting, but only for perpetrators of serious crimes like murder, rape, etc.  They all fight for their right to survive while entertaining the masses on Pay Per View, and there can be a volunteer system for people who just want to go in and fight.

The Flood / Re: is jeremyjahns the most pleb critic of all time?
« on: May 16, 2015, 06:20:11 PM »
98% of YouTube critics are annoying, cringey little fucks.

Serious / Re: Wisconsin bans poor people from buying potatoes
« on: May 16, 2015, 04:47:24 PM »
Well it's their fault they're poor in the first place, so I'm not gonna cry a river over this. If they hadn't made terrible life decisions they wouldn't be struggling to provide for themselves.
Could have sworn this was serious

And I'm being serious. We live in a time where people are fucking morons and they're only breeding more morons, so I have no sympathy for idiots that make stupid decisions that get them nowhere. Nobody takes responsibility for themselves or their own actions anymore, even though it's exactly that that got these poor people where there are now. If this was a couple decades or longer ago, then I might sympathize, but today? You can go cry me a river for putting yourself in such a situation. Not my fault, and not my tears to shed.
please dont ever copulate

Sorry that you can't handle the truth.
thats not truth, thats fox news tier uninformed gibberish. your brain matter must be composed of kool-aid

>taking midget seriously

But yeah,  this is an incredibly stupid law.

Seems like a solid idea.

I never would have thought of it

The Flood / Our management is a team of geniuses, I tell ya hwat
« on: May 16, 2015, 03:56:20 PM »
So in the Grocery area of our store, management has decided to reduce markdowns (where we lower the price of food about to expire,  or if we have an overabundance of it) by telling us to only stock to the rate of sale.   That means if we sell 4 Eye of Round steaks we only put out 4 for the whole day essentially.

However last Saturday, because we followed this new rule (and we were shorthanded all throughout the grocery side ) we had empty shelves EVERYWHERE.  Our market manager happened to shop that day, and ripped our managers a new one.

So what plan do these managers concoct to make sure something like that happens?

They give us "a new gameplan"...


Like:  Nerdy Star Wars convos that we have.

Dislike:  Your fapping over Brienne of the Empire.

The Flood / Re: Life or Death?
« on: May 16, 2015, 01:05:15 AM »

The Flood / Re: Which one of you British fuckers tried to swat me?
« on: May 15, 2015, 09:34:20 PM »
100% over it now. I know who did it and I've already reported it to the proper authorities. They can handle it. Just don't be surprised when a certain someone won't be online for awhile.


The Flood / Re: ITT: Verbatim might get angry
« on: May 15, 2015, 08:43:32 PM »
Doesn't the deli do that same, but after like 8 hours?

Yup, and now we're copying Little Ceaser's by having 5 dollar hot and fresh pizzas...except they taste like shit.  After sitting in the warmer for about 4 hours, they get tossed out.

There were maybe 35 boxes of it next to the trash.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Verbatim might get angry
« on: May 15, 2015, 05:03:41 PM »
Sigh, you could feed quite a few mouths with that man

But why do that when we can throw it all away to piss off the Vegans?

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