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Messages - Chakas

Pages: 1 ... 313233 3435 ... 86
The Flood / Re: Cold, hard truths.
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:34:48 PM »
I wouldn't mind being alone in the universe. More stuff for us to conquer. I'd imagine, if we we had enough time and didn't destroy ourselves first; that if we managed to spawn human colonies across the galaxy, that eventually, the colonies would lose contact with each other for a long period of time due to some sort of catastrophic events leading to the restart of civilization on the said colonies. Each colony would then forget the others existed and would build themselves back up to being spacefaring and would re-discover other humans across the galaxy that have adapted to different environments. We would then assume that they are aliens and that we had experienced first contact.

You read any sci-fi books Chalk? I'm reminded of an old Robert A Heinlen novel I read as a kid.
I used to read. Not so much anymore. Primarily because of a lack of books that interest me and me eventually losing interest anyway

The Flood / Re: Cold, hard truths.
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:29:18 PM »
I wouldn't mind being alone in the universe. More stuff for us to conquer. I'd imagine, if we we had enough time and didn't destroy ourselves first; that if we managed to spawn human colonies across the galaxy, that eventually, the colonies would lose contact with each other for a long period of time due to some sort of catastrophic events leading to the restart of civilization on the said colonies. Each colony would then forget the others existed and would build themselves back up to being spacefaring and would re-discover other humans across the galaxy that have adapted to different environments. We would then assume that they are aliens and that we had experienced first contact.

I can't get past the cartoony style of Star Wars: Rebels. It ruins the serious tone.

The Flood / Re: Meanwhile on B.Net... (NSFW)
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:09:00 PM »
What was it?

NSFW 10/10 group of girls

Here you go Chakas, a tutorial.

Is it just me or is his voice hardly audible?
Yeah a little hard to hear, but what he does on screen should be enough I think.
Ok. Got it. Now how do I get the games?

Here you go Chakas, a tutorial.

Is it just me or is his voice hardly audible?

I'd argue that it would be better to but a system and get each game as you complete the previous, just because playing it through an emulator just isn't the same experience as playing the real deal.
But I don't got no moneys

Or, you could try the ethically superior option.
Shit. I'm saving up for a PS3 and Halo 5. I don't have any money to spare on all that.

Right so the replies are lies

Play metal gear rising first
I started it and never finished. It go so repetitive and difficult that I lost interest. I don't even remember what was going on with the story.

The Flood / Re: The new transporter movie looks like shit.
« on: August 13, 2015, 07:12:54 PM »
the transporter films have switched to audis now
I really hope not.
have you not seen the ones with the Jason dude?
I have and I recall them all being BMWs.
nope only the first. The second and third featured an audi

Shutup. The last two movies never happened.

The Flood / Re: The new transporter movie looks like shit.
« on: August 13, 2015, 07:09:47 PM »

It looks like Generic White Person Action Flick 7.
But Generic White Person Action Flick 5 and 6 were so good though.
Literally kill yourself. 5 was terrible.  The plot twist was shit and not surprising at all. Stealing nuclear codes is one of the most cliche action movie plot elements there is.

The Flood / Re: The new transporter movie looks like shit.
« on: August 13, 2015, 07:00:32 PM »
the transporter films have switched to audis now
I really hope not.
have you not seen the ones with the Jason dude?
I have and I recall them all being BMWs.

The Flood / Re: The new transporter movie looks like shit.
« on: August 13, 2015, 06:21:38 PM »
the transporter films have switched to audis now
I really hope not.

I have no idea. Colonizing countless planets would be pretty damn cool though. Someone needs to hurry up and invent some sort of FTL drive. If we did, it would easily be considered one of the most important inventions of all time.

The Flood / Re: There's an FBI building by my parents house
« on: August 13, 2015, 06:10:05 PM »
You better not have any cheese pizza. If you do, raiding your home will be especially convenient for them.

Yeah Chakas, would be best to download the BGB emulator, though be warned I've never used myself, and find the ISO for Pokemon red of Emu paradise.
What is an ISO and what does BGB mean?
ISO is the game file

BGB is the name of the emulator
How do I do both of the things you said I should do?

Yeah Chakas, would be best to download the BGB emulator, though be warned I've never used myself, and find the ISO for Pokemon red of Emu paradise.
What is an ISO and what does BGB mean?

I've become lost in my own thread. What is going on? What does an emulator even look like?
It's virtual. It's a program that you download (illegally, I'll say again). It'll pop up on your computer screen as a window.

If you have any ROMs downloaded (which are easy enough to find), you use the emulator to load them up.
How do I get one? Is there a walkthrough? I am confused

The Flood / The new transporter movie looks like shit.
« on: August 13, 2015, 01:34:40 PM »
The trailer makes it seem like it was written and named by a 10 year old. The casting seems to be terrible. The car is incredibly forgettable and not a BMW. How can you have a Transporter movie without a BMW? It's a fucking staple of the franchise? It's sad that BMW probably lost the bidding war to have their car in this movie. At the same time, I'm kind of glad that they won't have their car in this movie because I think it's going to suck. And no Statham? Without him the movies are unwatchable. This movie looks to be the Terminator: Salvation of the Transporter franchise.


I've become lost in my own thread. What is going on? What does an emulator even look like?

Gaming / Re: Why does Nintendo hate Metroid?
« on: August 13, 2015, 01:26:14 PM »
I was never interested in the franchise because what I've watched of Samus has given me the impression that she is a self-loathing, eternally grumpy ingrateful bitch. I really have no idea what she's like in canon, but what I've seen of the series through cutscenes and reading up on the story gives me this impression.

Samus was never portrayed as self loathing (much less ungrateful about anything, no idea where you could have even gotten that from), not even in Shitroid Other MW3 ...but let's not talk about that game because it's stll shit anyway.

Samus has never been portrayed as emotion heavy charachter, much less self loathing in any way but there have always been small showings of her human side;

>In zero mission she has a nostalgic moment when she see's a small drawing she made after she was rescued and rough to zebes

>In prime one she is clearly angry after finding out Ridley has been revived (agan)

>In Prime 2 she takes a moment to close the eyes of one of the dead marines she found after having watched how he died in a log entry

>Prime 3 was one of the more emotional games. She is forced to kill 3 of her comrades and is forced to watch dark samus devour them afterward. The first time she cant do anything but watch in horror, second dime she tries to save Ghor in vein and is visibly angry afterward. The third time when Gandrayda dies rather horrifically in front of her she can't even bring herself to watch and turns away. Even at the end of the game she takes time out after her mission is complete to silently mourn their death's alone.

>Metroid 2, Samus is sent to exterminate the Metroid species but in he end, she finds a metroid larvae which thinks she is it's mother, so she compassionately spares t's life and takes it with her.

>In Super Metroid, said Mettroid  shows up to save her life at the end, and ends up being killed protecting her from mother brain, Samus, immediately shreks mother brain's shit for it. And on her way out of zebes as the entire planet is about to explode, she still makes time to save a buch of animals along the way.

>In Fusion she reminisces about the metroid hatching after she learns it's DNA  was used to save her life. She feels an emotional connection to the AI sent to assist her since it reminds her of an old freind, and later it is revealed the AI is indeed a computerized version of said person. She becomes clearly angry after  she finds out the Federation plan to use the X Parasite, possibly for bio weapons. Samus even plans to Allahu Akbar the station to stop them, but the AI who shall not be named calms her down and gives her a better solution. In the end she wonders about her future as what she just did was a clear act of aggression against the Galactic Federation.
If the metroid series is anywhere as boring as what I just read, then there is absolutely no chance I'll ever get it

Gaming / Re: Games that you love?
« on: August 13, 2015, 12:22:11 PM »
Damn it man. Don't expect people to post things that meet the criteria of the OP when your Title and OP ask you to post different things. I didn't read the OP until right before I posted this. Non of the stuff I posted meets the aforementioned criteria.

Or you can emulate anything pre-DS and just buy yourself a 3DS.

Emulate anything that came out before Diamond and Pearl (FireRed/LeafGreen/Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald).
What is an emulator and what does it do?

Why won't anyone tell me what I need to play these games? :(

Gaming / Re: Warframe Thread
« on: August 13, 2015, 11:30:17 AM »
Don't you mean

Some people enjoy grinding, you know.
What the hell is grinding?

Gaming / Re: Games that you love?
« on: August 13, 2015, 11:29:08 AM »
Ace Combat 4
Ace Combat 5
Mirror's Edge
The entire Halo series(except those shitty mobile games)
Enter The Matrix

These are all off the top of my head and in no particular order.

Gaming / Re: Why does Nintendo hate Metroid?
« on: August 13, 2015, 11:23:24 AM »
I was never interested in the franchise because what I've watched of Samus has given me the impression that she is a self-loathing, eternally grumpy ingrateful bitch. I really have no idea what she's like in canon, but what I've seen of the series through cutscenes and reading up on the story gives me this impression.

Gaming / Re: Warframe Thread
« on: August 13, 2015, 11:14:14 AM »
Don't you mean

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