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Messages - Chakas

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The Flood / Re: The Concept of Full Sensory Virtual Realty
« on: July 02, 2017, 11:46:51 AM »
Virtual Reality is gay
Hey man, whatever you do in VR is your business. Gay or not. But I'm sure it's probably going to be gay.

The Flood / Re: The Concept of Full Sensory Virtual Realty
« on: July 02, 2017, 11:45:25 AM »
Get yer shit worked out, bro. Legal virtual reality lolis save lives.
Maybe, but I'm not going to be the one that says it and gets my ass chewed up by white knights

The Flood / Re: The Concept of Full Sensory Virtual Realty
« on: July 02, 2017, 11:34:07 AM »
There is just no discussuion value on this damn site.

I'm glad Netflix picked up Young Justice. My body is ready for Season 3.
Need Artemis nudes
I'm pretty sure those are already a thing
But like canon Artemis nudes. None of that R34 bullshit.

The Flood / Re: How safe is your job?
« on: July 02, 2017, 01:25:26 AM »

The Flood / Re: Now when I was a little boy
« on: July 02, 2017, 01:22:59 AM »
Shitposts like this really do reduce the discussion value of this forum. It makes me sad

The Flood / Re: How safe is your job?
« on: July 02, 2017, 01:22:13 AM »
Wear steal toes, no loose clothing or jewelry, no gloves or long hair.. Safety glasses standard and sometimes hearing protection. Even then, you have to use common sense so you don't get sucked into a 600,000$ machine.

The Flood / Re: post times that you've been cock blocked.
« on: July 02, 2017, 01:19:41 AM »
There's a dirty diaper joke in here somewhere, but I'm not going to be the one to make it.

The Flood / Re: The Concept of Full Sensory Virtual Realty
« on: July 02, 2017, 01:16:15 AM »
Cons: weebs get waifus

this outweighs every benefit you could think of
But I wanna play Hunger games with my friends and drive on Hot Wheels tracks! Your fear of anime obsession will not keep me from being Katniss.

The Flood / Re: Right you are Ken
« on: July 02, 2017, 01:01:31 AM »
I fell bad for this thread having no replies. Here, have a picture of Silvermist

Thank you my fairy loving amigo
Flameo, my good man. Flameo

The Flood / Re: The Concept of Full Sensory Virtual Realty
« on: July 02, 2017, 01:00:09 AM »
There are absolutely no cons of FSVR whatsoever as you described it, and I'd say it's imperative that we achieve this technology as fast as possible, because it would change everything for the better. It may even just solve the problem of anti-natalism, which is why I'm personally such a huge shill for it.

All the cons you listed for each category aren't really cons at all, even sexual degeneracy.
Why not sexual degeneracy? Not disagreeing, just want to hear your explanation.
It's pretty simple. People would finally be able to live out their sick taboo fantasies on a near-facsimile basis, without anybody getting hurt or abused or pregnant or anything. The social stigma will perhaps forever be an issue for them, though.

No one likes the thought of pedophiles being able to have sex with children, but if it's just a virtual simulation, what exactly is the harm, other than that the rest of us find it repugnant? If anything, simulations like this will give pedophiles and other sick people an outlet to deter them from actually abusing children.
Maybe for games/programs with some of the less desireable sexual fantasies that are illegal in reality, there'd be a registry. That way youd have to register if you want to register if you want to play Kindergarten Streakfest 4, Vets Gone Wild or Morgue Molestor. That'd certainly be quite the deterrent.

The Flood / Re: Right you are Ken
« on: July 01, 2017, 10:40:58 PM »
I fell bad for this thread having no replies. Here, have a picture of Silvermist

The Flood / The Concept of Full Sensory Virtual Realty
« on: July 01, 2017, 10:35:43 PM »
          Full sensory virtual reality in a form similar to what we see in the matrix where our bodies are completely immobile and all our senses feel is a virtual nervous system in a virtual body in a virtual world. So, for example, a user would be lying in his bed with the full sensory VR deviace and as far as he can tell, he's not in his bed but rather is on Mt. Everest figthing a bear. This form of VR is a concept that has been present in media for many years and has been the basis of much of our fiction entertainment. If it were real, shit'd be crazy, yo. Let's discuss. For the convenience of this thread, I will refer to Full Sensory Virtuals Reality as FSVR.

          So let's jump into a hypothetical situation where in the next several years FSVR becomes a reality. Not only would it be a reality, but it is also plug and play. No medical procedures or bodily modifications needed in order to use it (So that means no big-ass spikes in the back of our head like in the Matrix). It is mass-produced, portable, affordable, online and accesible from home. There are no negative side effects on the user aside from what would be expected from extended periods of immobility caused by over-use. The virtual sensations and environments are vivid and realistic to the point of being borderline indistinguishable from reality but still safely detectable to those in virtual space. The games/programs come out in a timely manner comparable to the AAA game development timeframes we see today. FSVR is essentially, everything that you ever wanted it to be. Sword Art Online fanboys rejoice. Now we go into the implications of FSVR and the social and economic deveolopments in the years that would follow.

          FSVR would be very beneficial to this field. Geographic limitations would no longer exists. What courses your local community college does and does not offer would not matter. You would be able to take any class remotely in a virtual and customizable learning environment. You could learn how to do anything from home. Some would say you could learn the same things online with a laptop. This is not entirely true. Those classes that require physical involvement and training cannot be done on a laptop. While learning physical skills using FSVR might not be as good as real thing because of the lack of actual muscle memory/physical training, it would still be the next best thing for those who do not have access to or cannot afford such a class in reality. In general, any course that requires phyical involvment would be more accesible if a virtual option is given. Also, if you're just being lectured by a proffesor, it be nice to be spared your daily commute and be able to learn remotely in an environment customizable to you. So yes, you can take your philosiphy class in ancient Greece. Loser

  • Take classes virtually from home
  • Customizable educational environment (ie. lectures in space!)
  • No geographic restriction on classes(ie. winter survival course in the desert)
  • Save the tress with virtual textbooks, baby
  • Bullying? I think not.
  • Will add more as they are suggested

  • I can't think of anything
  • Can you? Will add if you do.

          The good would most definitely extend to the job markets as well. I probably wouldn't be to crazy to assume companies and corporations would use FSVR as an asset as well. to train employess on their equipment before being put on them in reality. This would save time and money. Plenty of blue collar jobs that would actually require manual labor would be unaffected, but just the same, a great many cubicle jobs where paper is pushed and data is inputed and managed would suddeny become FSVR exclusive. Why pay for the building and office equipment when your employees can type away in a virtual cubicle and office building. Yay! Sure the nice old hispanic cleaning lady would be out of a job because all the employees now work in virtual space, but hey, virtual water coolers are worth it.

  • Virtual customizable workplace for zombie cubicle jobs
  • Cheaper and less risky virtual training on equipment in blue collar jobs
  • Will add more as they are suggested

  • Less construction as buildings and infrastructure are needed less for paper and button pushing jobs
  • Will add more as they are suggested

          Of course, a large portion of the benefits of FSVR would go to gaming. Gaming would be some serious next level shit. Like fuck yeah let's go drive on a Hot Wheels track and have inner-childgasms(goawayFBI). Open world, sci-fi and fantasy game would be so amazing I just can't even. Not horror though. Fuck that noise. Anyone who would play horror, especially supernatural horror, on FSVR is a masochist. As far as modern combat/ war simulators go, it wouldn't be too far fetched to think the government might impose somekind of regulation on them. Their reasons being, "Terrorists would use them to train!". While this very well may be true. It still would be nice is their were no regulation so we can have as much fun as we please. Even so, the point does seem to be valid. If someone were train extensively with a weapon in FSVR, they would obtain comprehensive mental training, but how would that transalte into msucle memory if the muscles weren't trained? Would the mental knowledge streamline the muscle memory training, making it easier? There are a great many unanswered questions and implications when it comes to a virtual nervious system.

  • Muh Open World
  • Muh Sci-fi
  • Muh Fantasy
  • Role Play to the max. (ie. You be Batman, I be Joker. Try and stop me from setting off a dirty bomb in Gotham)
  • Virtually everything gaming

  • Horror games. Fuck no.
  • Super Natural Horror games. Hell fucking no
  • Possible regulation on war simulators/modern combat games due to terrorism worries
  • Furries and the abominations they could come up with

          This is where things start to get weird. I don't know how far we'd be able to go with a virtual nervous system in a virtual body. Say If I were a dwarf/midget and wanted to be 6'7 purple-skinned woman, would that be something I could do and be able to feel? Let's just say yes. If that is the case, the implications would be massive. If we are able to virtually feel a body of the opposite sex with different organs, how far would we be able to stray from a virtual human physique? Would we be able virtually embody an animal and feel what they would feel? What kind of havoc would this wreak upon out minds? If things went this far, people could essentally be whatever they wanted and socializing in reality would be drastically reduced. People would be able to do what they wanted in a virtual environment with no real world danger or consequences while feeling as good if not better than they would in reality. The streets would be deserted. Virtual bars and restuarants and other social hubs with entirely fantastic settings would be prefered to reality.

  • Be what you want to be, social prejudices be damned
  • All the fun with none of the danger. Woohoo!
  • Furries and otakus rejoice
  • Will add more as they are suggested
  • Uknown sideeffects of overuse with a body drastically different from our own
  • Possible acceleration of social degeneracy due to lack of real world danger and consequence
  • Furries and Otakus rejoice
  • Will add more as they are suggested

          Oh yes. This is where thing get real fucky. Pun intended. Porn and sex would be taken to a whole new level with this kind of technology. Really, I see almost no good to this. If there was no regulation the degeneracy would be on a level of filth that I cannot even describe. While at first, I'm sure things would be pretty vanilla(Basic virtual fucking and whatnot). I'm sure things would become exceedingly distasteful. If no laws regarding what could and couldn't be created, everything would be indulged. Bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia, and much more would become widespread. The thought of what could happen, even with some legislation, makes me sick to my stomach. This implication alone of FSVR almost make it seem not work all the other benefits. The only good I see coming out of it is that over-population would likely be slowed as people may begin to prefer virtual sex as a safe alternative to the real thing. With the previously mentioned nervous system implication in the social life section, virtual sex may very much feel better than the real thing.

  • Safer alternative to real sex
  • Less babies=less overpopulation
  • Pleasure for the sexually impaired(ie. microdicks)
  • Sexual degeneracy to an unspeakable extent
  • Pedophilia
  • Necrophilia
  • Bestiality
  • Basically Everything

          I think it's a given that the military would use this technology the most. They'd save billion a year by training troops with equipment with FSVR. Real world PT would still be necessary, but training with equipment and vehicles virtually would save absurd amounts of money on ammunition, fuel, and maintanence each year. While all this is fine and dandy, the Military may very well go to far and people might protest the virtual scenarios that they might train troops with. They could desensatize them to certain senses and emotions using this technology, which could be very dangerous. As far as intelligence agencies go, the possibilities of virtual torture are terrifying. In places like Guantanimo where priosners and captives could be involunatirly forced into whatever virtual environments their captors please, the things that could be done are nightmare worthy. I'll let you form your own conclusions as to what could be done in this case. Would FSVR be used in the prison system? I don't know. It would certainly solve a lot of problems but at the same time it may also cause quite a few also.

  • Miltary saves literal boat loads of money
  • Use in prisons to rehabilitate inmates, reduce prison violence and gang activity

  • Inconceivable torture and interrogation possibilities
  • Will add more as they are suggested

          What I have listed so far are the thoughts I've had on the subject and all the implications I can think of. Of course, there are plenty more which I'm sure plenty of you will think of. I'll be happy to hear what you all have to think of the concept. Who knows? Maybe this kind of technology exists already. I think it's alreadya given that the government is in possesion of and is developing technologically that is at least several decades more advanced than the public sector. Some believe they are even more advanced than that. If there is an occult group of people runnig the world who horde this technology and whos objectives are to morally degenerate and reduce the population, FSVR would certainly contribute to such a cause, and they very well may release it to the world. Anyway here are some more thoughts that occured to me regarding the subject. Also, please forgive my shit grammar. What do you all think of the concept of FSVR and the implications it would have on modern society?
  • Incredible therapeutic applications.
  • Movies would be completely changed.
  • Space exploration may die because people would opt to explore virtual space instead.[/l]
    • Large amounts of people would die of starvations and dehydration and overall neglect of their own bodies in preference of the virtual life.
    • Services keeping people alive through IV and machines while they spend extensive periods of time in FSVR would likely arise.
    • FSVR slums could very easily become a reality.
    • Sublimnal messaging, predictive programming and desensitization to certain stimuli would be much more intense. You can only be brainwashed so much by looing at a screen for several hours a day, but full access to all of your senses? That would make for some scary possibilities.
    • I just realized that FSVR commercials might actually become a thing. That'd be terrible. Just imagine being in the middle of something and than you are suddenly thrown into a full sensory commercial for some random product, and have to feel whatever is programmed into the commercial. "No I don't want your fucking lotion! Stop rubbing it all over me!"
    • Haha virtual scandals incolving politicians. That be funny. People would want to know what kind of bad things their congressmen are doing in VR.
    • Also, if someone wants to commit virtual crime, would there be legislation against that? Would we rather have people commiting degenerate acts in VR that would be illegal in reality with no consequence, giving them an outlet that doesn't hurt anyone? Or would we rather have these things done less, albeit in reality and causing real harm, but sparing the access to moral degeneracy from the general population? With regulation, could we really outlaw what people could feel virtually, regardless of how morally objectionable it might be? Can a sensation crime really be such a thing?

I'm glad Netflix picked up Young Justice. My body is ready for Season 3.
Need Artemis nudes

I want them to uncancel Marco Polo.
They probably just can't find the cast.

I heard they're rebooting the Animaniacs and I'm dreading it because I know they're going to ruin it. Studios have proven time and time again that they're too incompetent to do reboots correctly without shitting all over the source material and its fans.
Meh. That was after my time. I wouldn't mind too much if they ruined it.

ace combat has a story?
Shame upon the heretic!


no more remakes

no more sequels

is nothing sacred to you
This thread answers that question.

honestly a percy jackson series would be pretty cool. the movies butchered it so badly.

i always liked it more than harry potter (even though i concede rowling is a far better writer), and i think the way the story is told would work better as a television series. especially for the first 5 books.
Hur Dur mah lighting bolt

A Star Wars Netflix series about Imperial political intrigue
Star Wars House of Cards sounds amazing

avatar would be cool

more disney or pixar movies plz
We need an Avatar sequel with guns. That'd mix things up a little.
We need a direct sequel about Aang bringing a broken world together after he ends the Hundred Years War.
Well, we already have several comics, which I think are basically canonized fanfiction. But it is something.

 Halp. Haven't been here in ages. Forgot how to use.

Edit: I'm serious.

So all these wars happen in the same world with the same countries but do they happen in the same timeline?

avatar would be cool

more disney or pixar movies plz
We need an Avatar sequel with guns. That'd mix things up a little.

Avatar:TLoK or a sequel series
A new Code Lyoko show
How Wheels Acceleracers
Annything Halo
Anythying Mass Effect
Country Mouse and City Mouse Adventures
Original Teen Titans
Star Wars Game of Thrones
Anything StarGate

I'll add more as I think of them. What do you all think Netflix should obtain, remake, or continue?

The Flood / Re: I'm just going to say this now.
« on: July 01, 2017, 01:07:34 PM »

The Flood / Re: Should I get one?
« on: June 26, 2017, 08:34:45 PM »
Do they have the fleshlight pocket?

The Flood / Re: Something I've been wondering about Big Hero 6
« on: June 26, 2017, 08:32:42 PM »

I don't know about the rest of them but Gogo has a future in waifuism
Pretty sure she was fucking Wasabi. the positioning of the group in the movie always have those two together. Glances and such.

shut up
It hurts doesn't it. I'm pretty sure in the end when the portal is falling apart, he shields her with his arm for a moment. In GoGo and Wasabi's bios, they each mention each other and the are the only bios out of all of them that mention another character of the group. There's no denying it. They were fucking

The Flood / Re: Something I've been wondering about Big Hero 6
« on: June 26, 2017, 07:18:39 PM »

I don't know about the rest of them but Gogo has a future in waifuism
Pretty sure she was fucking Wasabi. the positioning of the group in the movie always have those two together. Glances and such.

The Flood / Re: Something I've been wondering about Big Hero 6
« on: June 26, 2017, 06:25:02 PM »
They're based on a very much darker Marvel comic. The Disney flick they basically go on to be an all human paw patrol

japan marketed it as a cuddly story about a boy who has a robot to get over his dead brother

and then were surprised when it's actually a superhero story about a boy who has a robot to avenge his dead brother

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