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Messages - Chakas

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The Flood / Re: Things you would do to a 1911?
« on: February 17, 2015, 05:52:24 PM »
Nothing, I don't need a gun
Nobody needs a gun. It's a choice you make, It enhances your ability to better protect yourself and your family, but without proper handling and know-how, it may very well do the opposite. It's a responsibility and a burden. If you have a gun for self-defense, you better damn well be prepared for what happens when you use it.

The Flood / Re: Things you would do to a 1911?
« on: February 17, 2015, 05:49:56 PM »
Well if I was old enough to have a gun I would probably keep it in a drawer or some shit by my bed for defense.

Also I would probably jeep it the same, looks pretty nice as it is.
Unless you were using a 1911 with double stack magazines, having a 1911 for home-defense isn't very advisable. 8 rounds goes quickly when your blood is pumping and most of them are probably going to miss.

The Flood / Re: Things you would do to a 1911?
« on: February 17, 2015, 05:48:18 PM »
I would keep it unloaded under the cushion, and the ammo elsewhere.
I do not understand that. My guns and ammo are all close to each other. I have three full ammo cans in my closet next to my gun cabinet, and also have ammo in the cabinet. The keys to the cabinet I leave in the lock. My Ruger SR45 is in a drawer next to my bed, with six HP rounds with it in there. I do not keep them loaded in the magazine because I do not want to wear out the springs, but I always have ammo there.
What's the point of having the gun there if the gun isn't loaded. If someone breaks in, do you really want to spend the time to load the magazine, put it in the gun and chamber a round? That's a lot of time and is very hard to do under an adrenaline rush. If you really have it for home defense, you should keep it loaded with a round in the chamber. The magazines can take it. They are designed to have ammunition in them. Even if the springs do wear out, they are east to replace while lives are not

The Flood / Re: Things you would do to a 1911?
« on: February 17, 2015, 05:45:07 PM »
I would sell it and get a Colt
I wasn't referring to the specific brand in the image. It just happened to be the best representation of what I had in mind when I thought of a 1911

The Flood / Re: Things you would do to a 1911?
« on: February 17, 2015, 05:43:57 PM »
I would put a matte black Punisher or Predator style muzzle break on it
A muzzle brake on a .45 ACP handgun?.....

Why the hell? The only gun I have that has a muzzle brake is my .300 Win Mag Remington 700, because I actually need one on there so my rifle is not moving around too much while shooting at longer distances.
Completely unnecessary but totally badass looking.

The Flood / Things you would do to a 1911?
« on: February 17, 2015, 09:06:47 AM »

What would you do to such a sexy gun to make it yours? Would you keep it the same in all its classic glory or would you make it unique to you? Would you make it entirely impractical but sexy looking? Me? I would put a matte black Punisher or Predator style muzzle break on it, polish the slide to a mirror finish, polish the barrel and feed ramp,  put some aluminum grips on it, give it new sights, re-blue the frame, and put a new mainspring housing on it with a magwell attached, and to top it all off I'd put a 15 round single-stack magazine in the thing just cause.

To haters: I'm both a 1911 purist and a 1911 modification extremist. I'm not much one for tacticool and instead I'm more one for making the gun look completely alien.

The Flood / Re: Remember Lucy from Narnia (2005)
« on: February 17, 2015, 07:12:34 AM »
I seriously don't get why people oogle at celebrities so much. Women are often pretty. That's just a fact of life.

The Flood / Re: so i watched The Phantom menace last night
« on: February 16, 2015, 02:57:36 PM »
I hate it how they try to hit the opponents lightsabers more then they try to hit the other person. They sacrifice tactical advantage for fancy spin moves and choreography.

Lucas was literally just wanting to show off the different autistic dancing styles.  Sure they're cooler than just the standard slashing/stabbing, but the movies made it look way Too staged.

Fixed again

The Flood / Re: so i watched The Phantom menace last night
« on: February 16, 2015, 02:50:30 PM »
I hate it how they try to hit the opponents lightsabers more then they try to hit the other person. They sacrifice tactical advantage for fancy spin moves and choreography.

Lucas was literally just wanting to show off the different dancing styles.  Sure they're cooler than just the standard slashing/stabbing, but the movies made it look way Too staged.


The Flood / Re: so i watched The Phantom menace last night
« on: February 16, 2015, 11:52:16 AM »
I hate it how they try to hit the opponents lightsabers more then they try to hit the other person. They sacrifice tactical advantage for fancy spin moves and choreography.

The Flood / Re: Ok guys pick me a car
« on: February 16, 2015, 11:30:11 AM »
You can't got wrong with a Toyota Tacoma. If that's now what you're looking for, get yourself one of those new Volkswagen TDIs. Those things are great and get amazing mileage.
I've heard the newer diesels have reliability issues.
Not in my experience. Do some research on it.

The Flood / Re: Ok guys pick me a car
« on: February 16, 2015, 10:08:21 AM »
You can't got wrong with a Toyota Tacoma. If that's now what you're looking for, get yourself one of those new Volkswagen TDIs. Those things are great and get amazing mileage.

The Flood / Re: What country are you "from"?
« on: February 15, 2015, 09:46:19 AM »
I feel so bad for Koreans.

The Flood / Re: Shit that you thought was overrated
« on: February 15, 2015, 09:31:02 AM »
The first thing that comes to mind is The Avengers movie

Gaming / Re: Ideas for the next Mass Effect
« on: February 15, 2015, 05:30:25 AM »

More practical looking weapons would be nice. I'm a little tired of some of the weapons looking like a Super Soaker. It really gets rid of the tactical feel of things. I would also like more cultural expansion among the races. It never showed the unique architecture of each species and their cultural practices. We need some serious fanservice here. The codex needs to be expanded to an absurd extent. They also need to make a lot of the weapons, vehicles, and armor more practical. I'm a little tired of slick super armor with no ammo or equipment pouches to hold all of the gear you are carrying. I hate how it all magically appears when you need it. In Halo Reach, they added more practicality to the armor with all sorts of badass gadgets and pouches. I would like to see something like this in ME.
Holy fuck I was shit posting, playa
Then you are terrible at shitposting

The Flood / Re: Why is being a virgin socially unacceptable?
« on: February 14, 2015, 07:45:15 PM »
Holy fucking shit this thread
I'm enjoying it.

The Flood / Re: Why is being a virgin socially unacceptable?
« on: February 14, 2015, 07:42:11 PM »
Also, why do people think that waiting until marriage is ridiculous? Don't you want to be able to say that you were the only one who has fucked your spouse and that no else has ever touched them, and vice versa? Isn't that something special? Something to be proud of? And don't give me all that, "Well it's boring. I need some variety." bullshit. If your sex life with your spouse is boring well than that's your fault.
Your sex life would be boring because you'd suck due to no experience.
A lot of marriages end because they're either sexually incompatible or just flat out suck dick in bed, y'know.

So yes, reserving yourself until you're married is ridiculous.

Marrying or divorcing someone based on sexual performance is ridiculous.
Sexual compatibility is extremely important

Define "sexual compatibility".
>compatible libidos
>willingness to satisfy each other sexually
>sexual attraction towards each other
>accepting of fetishes, kinks, boundaries, etc.

These are things you have to find out before marriage. Sex is an important part of a relationship. That doesn't mean you have to have sex all the time. Some people don't like sex as much as others, that's fine, but if you have a low libido or NO libido and you're with someone who loves sex and wants it frequently, you WILL have problems.
>compatible libidos
>willingness to satisfy each other sexually
>sexual attraction towards each other
>accepting of fetishes, kinks, boundaries, etc.
None of these things are things that cannot be fixed after marriage. It all comes down to initiative that a couple has to work out their sexual relationship.
I would like you to ask an asexual if they think they can change.

People do not change like that. It doesn't happen. To think it does is stupid and naive.
I said fix, not change. That suggests other ways to solve the problem. You can work your way around sexual incompatibility. It is a stumbling block, but not something that cannot be solved. Like I said, It all depends on the initiative of the couple.
Please, enlighten me with your vast wisdom
You don't have to come off as an arrogant prick. You're making this discussion unpleasant. If you would please enlighten me more on why you disagree without insults or asshatery, this would be a much more educational experience for both sides.
I said you cannot change sexual compatibility. You said you can "fix" it and you did not say how. I want you to tell me how you can "fix" sexual incompatibility.
You can work around it. It is not such a far fetched concept. I keep saying it all comes down to the communication and initiative of the couple but it really doesn't seem like you're reading what I'm saying. Yes, it's a big problem with a lot of relationships, but it can be fixed through communication between partners and so on and so forth. This falls into what I've been saying about people getting to know their spouses and themselves after their marriage rather than before.
In some cases yes, sexual frustrations can be worked out through communication. Often, actually. But what I am talking about is INCOMPATIBILITY. If your wife refuses to go down on you even though you do it for her when she asks, that is uncool and should be talked about. Sometimes it can be solved. I am not denying that, but when someone simply does not enjoy sex as much as you do, you are incompatible and it cannot be fixed or worked around because they will always see it as a chore and not enjoyable.
What I have been referring to this whole time is sexual incompatibility. What is your point?
Sexual incompatibility is a fixed thing. It cannot be changed, worked around or ignored.

End of story.
That's your opinion. I think it's an incorrect opinion as many people have worked around, and may even ignored sexual incompatibility. If you don't believe me, you can just look it up. Sexual incompatibility is a very common and major issue in marriage, but I think it is not as you describe. I don't know if you are speaking from personal experience or just assumptions, but either way, what I have read up on says otherwise. I'm not even sure you entirely understand what sexual incompatibility is at this point, but okay. You've shown your stance on the subject.
Sexual incompatibility is exactly what I described and I'm correct. You are wrong. This isn't just my opinion.
Please, describe it to me again, and if you are correct in what it is, then why would you say there is no way to get around it when so many people have?

Not going to be able to reply for a while. Possibly not even until tomorrow.

The Flood / Re: Why is being a virgin socially unacceptable?
« on: February 14, 2015, 07:30:58 PM »
This thread is awesome.
Yes. Yes it is. The only thing that kind of spoils it is people becoming more and more hostile as the discussion goes on. The insults and condescending attitudes only lessen my respect for other people.
That's because you're wrong.

Some people just aren't sexually compatible. Yeah, you can work on parts of it, but that work is going to change one or both of you. Sometimes compromise isn't possible.

That's why you work these things out before marriage.
Where are you getting this information? Experience or just your idea of how it would play out? I would like to know.

There are women I have dated where we just didn't click sexually. A balance of emotional and sexual elements is important to having a healthy, well-rounded relationship. Too much of one and not enough of the other doesn't work.
I know some people aren't sexually compatible, but I've already said how I think people can get over than issue. Other than that, everything else you said is opinion based off of past experience and I can say nothing to change that. I don't know what happened to you, and that's where that line ends. The thing is, I believe there is always such a thing as compromise. There is always something people can do. Many times it may not be conventional at all and sometimes even mad freaky, but I believe there is always a solution.
And as I said, there's some things you just can't compromise on. If Partner A has a high libido and wants to have sex every day, and Partner B only wants to have sex every month or so, a compromise will make both uncomfortable and unhappy, which is a lose-lose.
That depends on what you consider a compromise.
Do you understand what compromising is? It's meeting someone halfway on something. In this situation, compromising would be having sex maybe once a week. That's less often than Partner A is comfortable with, and more often than Partner B is comfortable with, leaving nobody satisfied.
I understand what a compromise is. What I meant is that there is no way to clearly define a definite compromise on the subject because it would change from couple to couple. Sorry I didn't specify that more.

The Flood / Re: Why is being a virgin socially unacceptable?
« on: February 14, 2015, 07:27:43 PM »
Also, why do people think that waiting until marriage is ridiculous? Don't you want to be able to say that you were the only one who has fucked your spouse and that no else has ever touched them, and vice versa? Isn't that something special? Something to be proud of? And don't give me all that, "Well it's boring. I need some variety." bullshit. If your sex life with your spouse is boring well than that's your fault.
Your sex life would be boring because you'd suck due to no experience.
A lot of marriages end because they're either sexually incompatible or just flat out suck dick in bed, y'know.

So yes, reserving yourself until you're married is ridiculous.

Marrying or divorcing someone based on sexual performance is ridiculous.
Sexual compatibility is extremely important

Define "sexual compatibility".
>compatible libidos
>willingness to satisfy each other sexually
>sexual attraction towards each other
>accepting of fetishes, kinks, boundaries, etc.

These are things you have to find out before marriage. Sex is an important part of a relationship. That doesn't mean you have to have sex all the time. Some people don't like sex as much as others, that's fine, but if you have a low libido or NO libido and you're with someone who loves sex and wants it frequently, you WILL have problems.
>compatible libidos
>willingness to satisfy each other sexually
>sexual attraction towards each other
>accepting of fetishes, kinks, boundaries, etc.
None of these things are things that cannot be fixed after marriage. It all comes down to initiative that a couple has to work out their sexual relationship.
I would like you to ask an asexual if they think they can change.

People do not change like that. It doesn't happen. To think it does is stupid and naive.
I said fix, not change. That suggests other ways to solve the problem. You can work your way around sexual incompatibility. It is a stumbling block, but not something that cannot be solved. Like I said, It all depends on the initiative of the couple.
Please, enlighten me with your vast wisdom
You don't have to come off as an arrogant prick. You're making this discussion unpleasant. If you would please enlighten me more on why you disagree without insults or asshatery, this would be a much more educational experience for both sides.
I said you cannot change sexual compatibility. You said you can "fix" it and you did not say how. I want you to tell me how you can "fix" sexual incompatibility.
You can work around it. It is not such a far fetched concept. I keep saying it all comes down to the communication and initiative of the couple but it really doesn't seem like you're reading what I'm saying. Yes, it's a big problem with a lot of relationships, but it can be fixed through communication between partners and so on and so forth. This falls into what I've been saying about people getting to know their spouses and themselves after their marriage rather than before.
In some cases yes, sexual frustrations can be worked out through communication. Often, actually. But what I am talking about is INCOMPATIBILITY. If your wife refuses to go down on you even though you do it for her when she asks, that is uncool and should be talked about. Sometimes it can be solved. I am not denying that, but when someone simply does not enjoy sex as much as you do, you are incompatible and it cannot be fixed or worked around because they will always see it as a chore and not enjoyable.
What I have been referring to this whole time is sexual incompatibility. What is your point?
Sexual incompatibility is a fixed thing. It cannot be changed, worked around or ignored.

End of story.
That's your opinion. I think it's an incorrect opinion as many people have worked around, and may even ignored sexual incompatibility. If you don't believe me, you can just look it up. Sexual incompatibility is a very common and major issue in marriage, but I think it is not as you describe. I don't know if you are speaking from personal experience or just assumptions, but either way, what I have read up on says otherwise. I'm not even sure you entirely understand what sexual incompatibility is at this point, but okay. You've shown your stance on the subject.

The Flood / Re: Why is being a virgin socially unacceptable?
« on: February 14, 2015, 07:23:08 PM »
This thread is awesome.
Yes. Yes it is. The only thing that kind of spoils it is people becoming more and more hostile as the discussion goes on. The insults and condescending attitudes only lessen my respect for other people.
That's because you're wrong.

Some people just aren't sexually compatible. Yeah, you can work on parts of it, but that work is going to change one or both of you. Sometimes compromise isn't possible.

That's why you work these things out before marriage.
Where are you getting this information? Experience or just your idea of how it would play out? I would like to know.

There are women I have dated where we just didn't click sexually. A balance of emotional and sexual elements is important to having a healthy, well-rounded relationship. Too much of one and not enough of the other doesn't work.
I know some people aren't sexually compatible, but I've already said how I think people can get over than issue. Other than that, everything else you said is opinion based off of past experience and I can say nothing to change that. I don't know what happened to you, and that's where that line ends. The thing is, I believe there is always such a thing as compromise. There is always something people can do. Many times it may not be conventional at all and sometimes even mad freaky, but I believe there is always a solution.
And as I said, there's some things you just can't compromise on. If Partner A has a high libido and wants to have sex every day, and Partner B only wants to have sex every month or so, a compromise will make both uncomfortable and unhappy, which is a lose-lose.
That depends on what you consider a compromise. I can't really give an answer to that specific of a scenario because I'd have to have a partner with that issue in order to come with a solution. Other than that, what you are saying is opinion and I can't really say much else about that. I have stated my opinion on compromise and so have you. There doesn't seem to be any more to this disagreement.

The Flood / Re: Why is being a virgin socially unacceptable?
« on: February 14, 2015, 07:20:56 PM »
Also, why do people think that waiting until marriage is ridiculous? Don't you want to be able to say that you were the only one who has fucked your spouse and that no else has ever touched them, and vice versa? Isn't that something special? Something to be proud of? And don't give me all that, "Well it's boring. I need some variety." bullshit. If your sex life with your spouse is boring well than that's your fault.
Your sex life would be boring because you'd suck due to no experience.
A lot of marriages end because they're either sexually incompatible or just flat out suck dick in bed, y'know.

So yes, reserving yourself until you're married is ridiculous.

Marrying or divorcing someone based on sexual performance is ridiculous.
Sexual compatibility is extremely important

Define "sexual compatibility".
>compatible libidos
>willingness to satisfy each other sexually
>sexual attraction towards each other
>accepting of fetishes, kinks, boundaries, etc.

These are things you have to find out before marriage. Sex is an important part of a relationship. That doesn't mean you have to have sex all the time. Some people don't like sex as much as others, that's fine, but if you have a low libido or NO libido and you're with someone who loves sex and wants it frequently, you WILL have problems.
>compatible libidos
>willingness to satisfy each other sexually
>sexual attraction towards each other
>accepting of fetishes, kinks, boundaries, etc.
None of these things are things that cannot be fixed after marriage. It all comes down to initiative that a couple has to work out their sexual relationship.
I would like you to ask an asexual if they think they can change.

People do not change like that. It doesn't happen. To think it does is stupid and naive.
I said fix, not change. That suggests other ways to solve the problem. You can work your way around sexual incompatibility. It is a stumbling block, but not something that cannot be solved. Like I said, It all depends on the initiative of the couple.
Please, enlighten me with your vast wisdom
You don't have to come off as an arrogant prick. You're making this discussion unpleasant. If you would please enlighten me more on why you disagree without insults or asshatery, this would be a much more educational experience for both sides.
I said you cannot change sexual compatibility. You said you can "fix" it and you did not say how. I want you to tell me how you can "fix" sexual incompatibility.
You can work around it. It is not such a far fetched concept. I keep saying it all comes down to the communication and initiative of the couple but it really doesn't seem like you're reading what I'm saying. Yes, it's a big problem with a lot of relationships, but it can be fixed through communication between partners and so on and so forth. This falls into what I've been saying about people getting to know their spouses and themselves after their marriage rather than before.
In some cases yes, sexual frustrations can be worked out through communication. Often, actually. But what I am talking about is INCOMPATIBILITY. If your wife refuses to go down on you even though you do it for her when she asks, that is uncool and should be talked about. Sometimes it can be solved. I am not denying that, but when someone simply does not enjoy sex as much as you do, you are incompatible and it cannot be fixed or worked around because they will always see it as a chore and not enjoyable.
What I have been referring to this whole time is sexual incompatibility. What is your point?

The Flood / Re: Why is being a virgin socially unacceptable?
« on: February 14, 2015, 07:15:56 PM »
This thread is awesome.
Yes. Yes it is. The only thing that kind of spoils it is people becoming more and more hostile as the discussion goes on. The insults and condescending attitudes only lessen my respect for other people.
That's because you're wrong.

Some people just aren't sexually compatible. Yeah, you can work on parts of it, but that work is going to change one or both of you. Sometimes compromise isn't possible.

That's why you work these things out before marriage.
Where are you getting this information? Experience or just your idea of how it would play out? I would like to know.

There are women I have dated where we just didn't click sexually. A balance of emotional and sexual elements is important to having a healthy, well-rounded relationship. Too much of one and not enough of the other doesn't work.
I know some people aren't sexually compatible, but I've already said how I think people can get over than issue. Other than that, everything else you said is opinion based off of past experience and I can say nothing to change that. I don't know what happened to you, and that's where that line ends. The thing is, I believe there is always such a thing as compromise. There is always something people can do. Many times it may not be conventional at all and sometimes even mad freaky, but I believe there is always a solution. People should always take these things into consideration before they get married. Marriage is a commitment to stay with each other no matter what. If you are willing enough to get married, you should be willing enough to get through your sexual issues.

The Flood / Re: Why is being a virgin socially unacceptable?
« on: February 14, 2015, 07:08:53 PM »
This thread is awesome.
Yes. Yes it is. The only thing that kind of spoils it is people becoming more and more hostile as the discussion goes on. The insults and condescending attitudes only lessen my respect for other people.
That's because you're wrong.

Some people just aren't sexually compatible. Yeah, you can work on parts of it, but that work is going to change one or both of you. Sometimes compromise isn't possible.

That's why you work these things out before marriage.
Where are you getting this information? Experience or just your idea of how it would play out? I would like to know.

The Flood / Re: Why is being a virgin socially unacceptable?
« on: February 14, 2015, 07:07:21 PM »
Also, why do people think that waiting until marriage is ridiculous? Don't you want to be able to say that you were the only one who has fucked your spouse and that no else has ever touched them, and vice versa? Isn't that something special? Something to be proud of? And don't give me all that, "Well it's boring. I need some variety." bullshit. If your sex life with your spouse is boring well than that's your fault.
Your sex life would be boring because you'd suck due to no experience.
A lot of marriages end because they're either sexually incompatible or just flat out suck dick in bed, y'know.

So yes, reserving yourself until you're married is ridiculous.

Marrying or divorcing someone based on sexual performance is ridiculous.
Sexual compatibility is extremely important

Define "sexual compatibility".
>compatible libidos
>willingness to satisfy each other sexually
>sexual attraction towards each other
>accepting of fetishes, kinks, boundaries, etc.

These are things you have to find out before marriage. Sex is an important part of a relationship. That doesn't mean you have to have sex all the time. Some people don't like sex as much as others, that's fine, but if you have a low libido or NO libido and you're with someone who loves sex and wants it frequently, you WILL have problems.
>compatible libidos
>willingness to satisfy each other sexually
>sexual attraction towards each other
>accepting of fetishes, kinks, boundaries, etc.
None of these things are things that cannot be fixed after marriage. It all comes down to initiative that a couple has to work out their sexual relationship.
I would like you to ask an asexual if they think they can change.

People do not change like that. It doesn't happen. To think it does is stupid and naive.
I said fix, not change. That suggests other ways to solve the problem. You can work your way around sexual incompatibility. It is a stumbling block, but not something that cannot be solved. Like I said, It all depends on the initiative of the couple.
Please, enlighten me with your vast wisdom
You don't have to come off as an arrogant prick. You're making this discussion unpleasant. If you would please enlighten me more on why you disagree without insults or asshatery, this would be a much more educational experience for both sides.
I said you cannot change sexual compatibility. You said you can "fix" it and you did not say how. I want you to tell me how you can "fix" sexual incompatibility.
You can work around it. It is not such a far fetched concept. I keep saying it all comes down to the communication and initiative of the couple but it really doesn't seem like you're reading what I'm saying. Yes, it's a big problem with a lot of relationships, but it can be fixed through communication between partners and so on and so forth. This falls into what I've been saying about people getting to know their spouses and themselves after their marriage rather than before.

The Flood / Re: Why is being a virgin socially unacceptable?
« on: February 14, 2015, 07:02:06 PM »
This thread is awesome.
Yes. Yes it is. The only thing that kind of spoils it is people becoming more and more hostile as the discussion goes on. The insults and condescending attitudes only lessen my respect for other people.

The Flood / Re: Why is being a virgin socially unacceptable?
« on: February 14, 2015, 06:59:29 PM »
Also, why do people think that waiting until marriage is ridiculous? Don't you want to be able to say that you were the only one who has fucked your spouse and that no else has ever touched them, and vice versa? Isn't that something special? Something to be proud of? And don't give me all that, "Well it's boring. I need some variety." bullshit. If your sex life with your spouse is boring well than that's your fault.
Your sex life would be boring because you'd suck due to no experience.
A lot of marriages end because they're either sexually incompatible or just flat out suck dick in bed, y'know.

So yes, reserving yourself until you're married is ridiculous.

Marrying or divorcing someone based on sexual performance is ridiculous.
Sexual compatibility is extremely important

Define "sexual compatibility".
>compatible libidos
>willingness to satisfy each other sexually
>sexual attraction towards each other
>accepting of fetishes, kinks, boundaries, etc.

These are things you have to find out before marriage. Sex is an important part of a relationship. That doesn't mean you have to have sex all the time. Some people don't like sex as much as others, that's fine, but if you have a low libido or NO libido and you're with someone who loves sex and wants it frequently, you WILL have problems.
>compatible libidos
>willingness to satisfy each other sexually
>sexual attraction towards each other
>accepting of fetishes, kinks, boundaries, etc.
None of these things are things that cannot be fixed after marriage. It all comes down to initiative that a couple has to work out their sexual relationship.
I would like you to ask an asexual if they think they can change.

People do not change like that. It doesn't happen. To think it does is stupid and naive.
I said fix, not change. That suggests other ways to solve the problem. You can work your way around sexual incompatibility. It is a stumbling block, but not something that cannot be solved. Like I said, It all depends on the initiative of the couple.
Please, enlighten me with your vast wisdom
You don't have to come off as an arrogant prick. You're making this discussion unpleasant. If you would please enlighten me more on why you disagree without insults or asshatery, this would be a much more enjoyable experience for both sides.

The Flood / Re: Why is being a virgin socially unacceptable?
« on: February 14, 2015, 06:56:55 PM »
Also, why do people think that waiting until marriage is ridiculous? Don't you want to be able to say that you were the only one who has fucked your spouse and that no else has ever touched them, and vice versa? Isn't that something special? Something to be proud of? And don't give me all that, "Well it's boring. I need some variety." bullshit. If your sex life with your spouse is boring well than that's your fault.
Your sex life would be boring because you'd suck due to no experience.
A lot of marriages end because they're either sexually incompatible or just flat out suck dick in bed, y'know.

So yes, reserving yourself until you're married is ridiculous.
You quoted my answer to what you just said. Congratulations.
Umm, no I didn't.

You said that waiting until marriage isn't ridiculous, and I gave factual reasons as to why it is ridiculous.
You didn't read the OP very well. I didn't say what you think I said. And yes, many marriages end because of sexual dissatisfaction. That is the couples fault an no on else. They didn't take the initiative to make their sex life with their partner any better. That's on them, and they chose to divorce rather than communicate with their partner. And it is likely that someone wouldn't be too experience in bed because of them being a virgin. I do not see this as a bad thing. Have you never considered the possibility of someone practicing in bed with their partner after marriage and learning each other kinks rather than doing the same thing before marriage on other people? It's a much more intimate experience. I'd rather marry someone who sucked in bed so we could both learn how the other works than marry someone who's amazing in bed but practiced on countless other guys to acquire that ability
That's how sex becomes boring.
You only know what they like because you've never slept with anyone else.

Doing the same thing becomes boring in almost everything you do.

Also, no sexual compatibility between two people isn't something you can change.
If you only have sex after marriage and find out you're not sexually compatible, then your sex life will be terrible and your marriage will probably end in divorce.
Can you link me to something that says sexual compatibility isn't something that you can change. It would very much help. I never said anything about doing the same thing. Learning what your partner likes is only a first step. There are all sorts of things that you can try afterwards. The excitement in sex varies from couple to couple. Doing the same thing may or may not get boring depending on the people. There is no way to say with any credibility.
Refer to Jim's post.

If someone doesn't enjoy sex as much as their partner, that's something you can't change.
You can't force them to like sex more or less and how often they want it.
You can't change people's fetishes and their acceptance of other people's fetishes.
You can't change someone's sexual attraction towards someone.

You're just kicking yourself in the teeth if you wait until marriage, which is why waiting is a ridiculous concept.

These are all things that can be worked out after marriage. Communication can do wonders. People aren't just some carnal fuckbeasts who can't control themselves.

The Flood / Re: Why is being a virgin socially unacceptable?
« on: February 14, 2015, 06:55:37 PM »
Also, why do people think that waiting until marriage is ridiculous? Don't you want to be able to say that you were the only one who has fucked your spouse and that no else has ever touched them, and vice versa? Isn't that something special? Something to be proud of? And don't give me all that, "Well it's boring. I need some variety." bullshit. If your sex life with your spouse is boring well than that's your fault.
Your sex life would be boring because you'd suck due to no experience.
A lot of marriages end because they're either sexually incompatible or just flat out suck dick in bed, y'know.

So yes, reserving yourself until you're married is ridiculous.

Marrying or divorcing someone based on sexual performance is ridiculous.
Sexual compatibility is extremely important

Define "sexual compatibility".
>compatible libidos
>willingness to satisfy each other sexually
>sexual attraction towards each other
>accepting of fetishes, kinks, boundaries, etc.

These are things you have to find out before marriage. Sex is an important part of a relationship. That doesn't mean you have to have sex all the time. Some people don't like sex as much as others, that's fine, but if you have a low libido or NO libido and you're with someone who loves sex and wants it frequently, you WILL have problems.
>compatible libidos
>willingness to satisfy each other sexually
>sexual attraction towards each other
>accepting of fetishes, kinks, boundaries, etc.
None of these things are things that cannot be fixed after marriage. It all comes down to initiative that a couple has to work out their sexual relationship.
I would like you to ask an asexual if they think they can change.

People do not change like that. It doesn't happen. To think it does is stupid and naive.
I said fix, not change. That suggests other ways to solve the problem. You can work your way around sexual incompatibility. It is a stumbling block, but not something that cannot be solved. Like I said, It all depends on the initiative of the couple.

The Flood / Re: Why is being a virgin socially unacceptable?
« on: February 14, 2015, 06:47:49 PM »
Also, why do people think that waiting until marriage is ridiculous? Don't you want to be able to say that you were the only one who has fucked your spouse and that no else has ever touched them, and vice versa? Isn't that something special? Something to be proud of? And don't give me all that, "Well it's boring. I need some variety." bullshit. If your sex life with your spouse is boring well than that's your fault.
Your sex life would be boring because you'd suck due to no experience.
A lot of marriages end because they're either sexually incompatible or just flat out suck dick in bed, y'know.

So yes, reserving yourself until you're married is ridiculous.
You quoted my answer to what you just said. Congratulations.
Umm, no I didn't.

You said that waiting until marriage isn't ridiculous, and I gave factual reasons as to why it is ridiculous.
You didn't read the OP very well. I didn't say what you think I said. And yes, many marriages end because of sexual dissatisfaction. That is the couples fault an no on else. They didn't take the initiative to make their sex life with their partner any better. That's on them, and they chose to divorce rather than communicate with their partner. And it is likely that someone wouldn't be too experience in bed because of them being a virgin. I do not see this as a bad thing. Have you never considered the possibility of someone practicing in bed with their partner after marriage and learning each other kinks rather than doing the same thing before marriage on other people? It's a much more intimate experience. I'd rather marry someone who sucked in bed so we could both learn how the other works than marry someone who's amazing in bed but practiced on countless other guys to acquire that ability
That's how sex becomes boring.
You only know what they like because you've never slept with anyone else.

Doing the same thing becomes boring in almost everything you do.

Also, no sexual compatibility between two people isn't something you can change.
If you only have sex after marriage and find out you're not sexually compatible, then your sex life will be terrible and your marriage will probably end in divorce.
Can you link me to something that says sexual compatibility isn't something that you can change or work around? Libidos may be different, but it can be helped with communication between couples. It's not an absolute marriage destroyer. I never said anything about doing the same thing. Learning what your partner likes is only a first step. There are all sorts of things that you can try afterwards. The excitement in sex varies from couple to couple. Doing the same thing may or may not get boring depending on the people. There is no way to say with any credibility.

The Flood / Re: Why is being a virgin socially unacceptable?
« on: February 14, 2015, 06:44:15 PM »
Also, why do people think that waiting until marriage is ridiculous? Don't you want to be able to say that you were the only one who has fucked your spouse and that no else has ever touched them, and vice versa? Isn't that something special? Something to be proud of? And don't give me all that, "Well it's boring. I need some variety." bullshit. If your sex life with your spouse is boring well than that's your fault.
Your sex life would be boring because you'd suck due to no experience.
A lot of marriages end because they're either sexually incompatible or just flat out suck dick in bed, y'know.

So yes, reserving yourself until you're married is ridiculous.

Marrying or divorcing someone based on sexual performance is ridiculous.
Sexual compatibility is extremely important

Define "sexual compatibility".
>compatible libidos
>willingness to satisfy each other sexually
>sexual attraction towards each other
>accepting of fetishes, kinks, boundaries, etc.

These are things you have to find out before marriage. Sex is an important part of a relationship. That doesn't mean you have to have sex all the time. Some people don't like sex as much as others, that's fine, but if you have a low libido or NO libido and you're with someone who loves sex and wants it frequently, you WILL have problems.
>compatible libidos
>willingness to satisfy each other sexually
>sexual attraction towards each other
>accepting of fetishes, kinks, boundaries, etc.
None of these things are things that cannot be fixed after marriage. It all comes down to initiative that a couple has to work out their sexual relationship.

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