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Messages - Chakas

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The Flood / Re: Fourth Tragic Death of 2015
« on: March 03, 2015, 05:36:00 PM »
I am so confused. Is this canon? If so, from what?

Its from the novel "New Blood", and yes, it's canon.

Why? Why would she kill him? What the hell is going on with Halo's canon?

The Flood / Re: Fourth Tragic Death of 2015
« on: March 03, 2015, 05:29:38 PM »
I am so confused. Is this canon? If so, from what?

The Flood / Re: What stage of boner is this?
« on: March 02, 2015, 09:04:05 AM »
You probably just needed to take a piss.

Having more rules makes rebelling against them even more fun.

The Flood / Re: anyone up for some plug dj
« on: March 01, 2015, 11:38:17 AM »
I joined and no one was there. What the hell?

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Rebels Season Finale
« on: February 26, 2015, 06:23:04 PM »
Is the series any good or is it just some shinier, watered down version of clone wars?

The Flood / Re: Users that would make horrible couples
« on: February 26, 2015, 06:20:43 PM »
Chakas and most anyone else here. I could get arrested.

The Flood / Re: Anyone here have difficulty sleeping?
« on: February 26, 2015, 04:45:10 AM »
Well right now, yes. Chakas is having difficulty sleeping. I can't sleep. My neck hurts, my dick won't stop bothering me, and there's a cat in my bed that won't give me enough room.

The Flood / Re: Nice try, gooks.
« on: February 25, 2015, 09:07:14 AM »
Why is this funny? What does gooks even mean?
Slanty eyed people
Well that's just ridiculous. I knew it referred to Asians, I just didn't know it literally meant slanty-eyed people. The insult has no meaning to it. It's not very suiting. It should make sense like the insult "wetback" does for Mexican and "Sand Monkeys" does for middle eastern people. What the hell is a gook? How does that refer to asians?

The Flood / Re: Nice try, gooks.
« on: February 25, 2015, 08:53:53 AM »
Why is this funny? What does gooks even mean?

The Flood / Re: The Official Memes of Sep7agon Thread
« on: February 25, 2015, 08:53:33 AM »
I'm not sure if I'm glad or dissapointed that I didn't make it onto the list.

The Flood / Re: Dredd Producer Makes Dark Power Rangers Reboot.....
« on: February 24, 2015, 08:46:21 PM »
Not as good as Dirty Laundry but still kind of cool.
Dirty Laundry was the shit. It was more of a one hit wonder to me though. I couldn't imagine it being an entire movie without it getting repetitive and boring.

The Flood / Re: Dredd Producer Makes Dark Power Rangers Reboot.....
« on: February 24, 2015, 07:26:07 PM »
It's always refreshing to see childhood memories turned into a much darker and grittier incarnation of themselves.

If you've made the freaking Power Rangers dark and gritty, you've missed the point entirely.
It did not need to happen. It was not something that anyone wanted to happen, but it happened and I'm glad it happened. Power Rangers is hilarious and entertaining though. My favorite was Dino Thunder.

The Flood / Re: Dredd Producer Makes Dark Power Rangers Reboot.....
« on: February 24, 2015, 07:19:52 PM »

But thanks for not linking kotaku.
Kotaku is the spawn of satan.

The Flood / Dredd Producer Makes Dark Power Rangers Reboot.....
« on: February 24, 2015, 07:15:10 PM »
T4R. I'm sure many of you have seen this already. I thought it was entertaining. It's always refreshing to see childhood memories turned into a much darker and grittier incarnation of themselves. Here's the vid:


The Flood / Re: Would you go to Mars?
« on: February 24, 2015, 08:00:49 AM »
It'd be some damn weird up there. I wouldn't go unless they supplied me with like every damn videogame, movie and book ever made. Like seriously. It would probably get old. It would be weird though. You could literally start digging a hole and contribute to the scientific community more than any Mars rover ever has. I'd probably make myself a little Mars hut out of rocks and such. I'd got out and hopefully dust off the Mars rovers that shut down because they got their solar panels smothered in dust. If I was allowed to have kids with a woman there, those children would be the first ever citizens of mars.

The Flood / Re: would you break the law if it made you safer?
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:59:08 PM »
You can break the law if you think it will make your life better. However, you risk facing consequences for doing such. It's better to get a permission, and keep the whole matter quiet. Never show or use your gun unless it's last resort. Keep the ammo and the gun separated.
I would never advise to keep the ammunition and the gun separated when carrying. It's a bad idea and it gives the attacker several extra seconds to get to you. Often time those are several extra seconds that you don't have. If you really don't trust yourself with the ammo and the gun together, the most I would ever except would be keeping the loaded magazine in the gun but the chamber empty. Even then, that's stretching it. If you're prepared to carry a firearm and use it in self-defense, you should be prepared to keep it loaded.



I dunno man, I had a habit of only loading five because old wheel gun and carrying on an empty chamber.
If you trained at it, it shouldn't take much more time to slide your action on a modern handgun, or even do it on the draw.

I only feel comfortable walking with a red m16 because it's in my hands and nothing but my thumb can fuck with that safety.
Refer to the videos above
I watched them.

And dry running with some reenactor-type prop-like weaponry, I don't think that girl reacted as fast as one could

I mean, I'm drunk, and it's still one fluid, quick motion from this
to this
Even with this stupidly long barrel that would be beyond reasonable for a CCW.
Revolvers are a completely different concept when it comes to having an empty chamber. I personally still wouldn't take the chance.
There can't be that much a time difference between cocking a hammer and pulling a slide, right?
I mean, yeah, I little further to move, but still... a similar draw can be made, right?
Do you even own a semi-automatic handgun? Cocking a hammer and racking a slide are two completely different motions that each require different applications of force. With a hammer, all you need is your thumb on one hand, With a slide, you need an entire free hand. If you are prepared to carry, you should be prepared to carry loaded.
No, I don't. That's why I'm asking these questions, and why if I ever get another handgun I'm going to be biased towards snubnose revolvers.
Well now you know. Carrying with an empty chamber in a revolver is a completely different concept than carrying with an empty chamber on a semi-automatic. Once you get one, you will understand

The Flood / Re: OMFG these Takis are amazing
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:55:43 PM »
Seriously, whats with people and getting shits over eating anything spicy, no matter how small the amount, or how mild it is?

Do people really have such an intolerance to spicy food that bad?
I live next to Mexico. Spicy food doesn't affect me that much. But TAKIS will definitely effect you if you eat too many too fast, It's literally like shitting out the powder itself. Your shit is red from the spices. These things make hot cheetos look like candy. The Salsa Bravo flavor isn't very spicy. The one you need to be careful with is FUEGO. That shit will leave you with 2nd degree burns on your anus.
I've had all the flavors, they might as well be regular Cheetos to me. Chakas pls, strengthen your digestive system.
LIAR. You lie like a rug! I cannot believe you. It is generally understood down here that eating too much takis will give you a nasty stomach ache.

The Flood / Re: OMFG these Takis are amazing
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:53:48 PM »
never had them but they sound good
They are. Very good. Like painful good. Literally.

The Flood / Re: OMFG these Takis are amazing
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:52:11 PM »
Seriously, whats with people and getting shits over eating anything spicy, no matter how small the amount, or how mild it is?

Do people really have such an intolerance to spicy food that bad?
I live next to Mexico. Spicy food doesn't affect me that much. But TAKIS will definitely effect you if you eat too many too fast, It's literally like shitting out the powder itself. Your shit is red from the spices. These things make hot cheetos look like candy. The Salsa Bravo flavor isn't very spicy. The one you need to be careful with is FUEGO. That shit will leave you with 2nd degree burns on your anus.

The Flood / Re: would you break the law if it made you safer?
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:49:50 PM »
You can break the law if you think it will make your life better. However, you risk facing consequences for doing such. It's better to get a permission, and keep the whole matter quiet. Never show or use your gun unless it's last resort. Keep the ammo and the gun separated.
I would never advise to keep the ammunition and the gun separated when carrying. It's a bad idea and it gives the attacker several extra seconds to get to you. Often time those are several extra seconds that you don't have. If you really don't trust yourself with the ammo and the gun together, the most I would ever except would be keeping the loaded magazine in the gun but the chamber empty. Even then, that's stretching it. If you're prepared to carry a firearm and use it in self-defense, you should be prepared to keep it loaded.



I dunno man, I had a habit of only loading five because old wheel gun and carrying on an empty chamber.
If you trained at it, it shouldn't take much more time to slide your action on a modern handgun, or even do it on the draw.

I only feel comfortable walking with a red m16 because it's in my hands and nothing but my thumb can fuck with that safety.
Refer to the videos above
I watched them.

And dry running with some reenactor-type prop-like weaponry, I don't think that girl reacted as fast as one could

I mean, I'm drunk, and it's still one fluid, quick motion from this
to this
Even with this stupidly long barrel that would be beyond reasonable for a CCW.
Revolvers are a completely different concept when it comes to having an empty chamber. I personally still wouldn't take the chance.
There can't be that much a time difference between cocking a hammer and pulling a slide, right?
I mean, yeah, I little further to move, but still... a similar draw can be made, right?
Do you even own a semi-automatic handgun? Cocking a hammer and racking a slide are two completely different motions that each require different applications of force. With a hammer, all you need is your thumb on one hand, With a slide, you need an entire free hand. If you are prepared to carry, you should be prepared to carry loaded.

The Flood / Re: would you break the law if it made you safer?
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:41:56 PM »
You can break the law if you think it will make your life better. However, you risk facing consequences for doing such. It's better to get a permission, and keep the whole matter quiet. Never show or use your gun unless it's last resort. Keep the ammo and the gun separated.
I would never advise to keep the ammunition and the gun separated when carrying. It's a bad idea and it gives the attacker several extra seconds to get to you. Often time those are several extra seconds that you don't have. If you really don't trust yourself with the ammo and the gun together, the most I would ever except would be keeping the loaded magazine in the gun but the chamber empty. Even then, that's stretching it. If you're prepared to carry a firearm and use it in self-defense, you should be prepared to keep it loaded.



I dunno man, I had a habit of only loading five because old wheel gun and carrying on an empty chamber.
If you trained at it, it shouldn't take much more time to slide your action on a modern handgun, or even do it on the draw.

I only feel comfortable walking with a red m16 because it's in my hands and nothing but my thumb can fuck with that safety.
Refer to the videos above
I watched them.

And dry running with some reenactor-type prop-like weaponry, I don't think that girl reacted as fast as one could

I mean, I'm drunk, and it's still one fluid, quick motion from this
to this
Even with this stupidly long barrel that would be beyond reasonable for a CCW.
Revolvers are a completely different concept when it comes to having an empty chamber. I personally still wouldn't take the chance.

The Flood / Re: would you break the law if it made you safer?
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:14:04 PM »
You can break the law if you think it will make your life better. However, you risk facing consequences for doing such. It's better to get a permission, and keep the whole matter quiet. Never show or use your gun unless it's last resort. Keep the ammo and the gun separated.
I would never advise to keep the ammunition and the gun separated when carrying. It's a bad idea and it gives the attacker several extra seconds to get to you. Often time those are several extra seconds that you don't have. If you really don't trust yourself with the ammo and the gun together, the most I would ever except would be keeping the loaded magazine in the gun but the chamber empty. Even then, that's stretching it. If you're prepared to carry a firearm and use it in self-defense, you should be prepared to keep it loaded.



I dunno man, I had a habit of only loading five because old wheel gun and carrying on an empty chamber.
If you trained at it, it shouldn't take much more time to slide your action on a modern handgun, or even do it on the draw.

I only feel comfortable walking with a red m16 because it's in my hands and nothing but my thumb can fuck with that safety.
Refer to the videos above

That would be amazeballs. I don't even know. The UN security council would likely have an emergency meeting and all sorts of stuff would happen.

The Flood / Re: would you break the law if it made you safer?
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:02:42 PM »
You can break the law if you think it will make your life better. However, you risk facing consequences for doing such. It's better to get a permission, and keep the whole matter quiet. Never show or use your gun unless it's last resort. Keep the ammo and the gun separated.
I would never advise to keep the ammunition and the gun separated when carrying. It's a bad idea and it gives the attacker several extra seconds to get to you. Often time those are several extra seconds that you don't have. If you really don't trust yourself with the ammo and the gun together, the most I would ever except would be keeping the loaded magazine in the gun but the chamber empty. Even then, that's stretching it. If you're prepared to carry a firearm and use it in self-defense, you should be prepared to keep it loaded.



The Flood / OMFG these Takis are amazing
« on: February 23, 2015, 07:58:06 PM »
So Takis, a snack food prominent down south and originally migrated from Mexico, recently came out with a new flavor for their classic rolled corn snacks. And these things taste like a fucking authentic Mexican restaurant. No joke. They taste exactly like the chips and salsa you would find at a Mexican restaurant. They are amazing and I can't stop being surprised by how much they taste like it. The flavor is called Salsa Brava. It's some good shit and you people need to try it ASAP along with every other Taki flavor in existence because all of them are delicious. Here's a pic

WARNING:Takis are known to cause nightmarish creeping lava-like volcano shits when eaten in excess. The likes of which you only hear about in stories or in exaggerated Taco Bell recollections, but only worse. Beware the burning ass. They don't just burn you anus, but your entire inner asscheeks as well.

Have some lady Taki for good measure. I thought I'd beat you guys to the post.

The Flood / Re: would you break the law if it made you safer?
« on: February 23, 2015, 07:50:23 PM »
I don't even know. I personally wouldn't take the risk. If you do use it, you might be charged anyway because you weren't supposed to have it in the first place. This would likely result in you losing the handgun and prevent you from buying guns in the future. I would try to get a better class schedule. If I couldn't do that, I would park in the safest and most publicly visible place possible. Even then, I would carry some mace. You can have a knife or a taser on you and that's fine. But at least mace has some range. Seriously, get some pepper spray. And don't get no pussy shit either. Get some of the hardcore stuff rated to take aot a damn bear(but still for humans). Don't be stingy with money over it either. When it comes to personal protection, you should never limit yourself to cheap and unreliable equipment. You should probably get a stun gun too. Just in case.

The Flood / Re: What Are You Going To Be When You Grow Up?
« on: February 23, 2015, 07:45:08 PM »
Your father....oh wait....I already am

But seriously. If anyone here has a mother named Jennifer who is missing her pinkie toe on her left foot, I might seriously be your father.

The Flood / Re: Furry army
« on: February 23, 2015, 07:43:15 PM »
If I was into that kind of thing, it would look so fun, but since I'm not, it makes me cringe and imagine how much that place would smell of old body odor and never cleaned fur suits. That and the general awkwardness of the convention itself. People not knowing how to be open and outward about their own fandom and completely overdoing it and coming off as socially awkward and trying too hard.

The Flood / Re: What's the most interesting space fact you know?
« on: February 23, 2015, 06:50:13 PM »
Betelgeuse going supernova one day. That shits supposed to be brighter than the moon for several weeks and will even be visible in the day time. Gonna be so cool. Just imagine seeing it hen it actually happens. Just looking into the sky and seeing this silent space explosion come up out of nowhere.

And the sad thing is we won't be around to see it.
We don't know that. We don't know exactly when it will blow. It could blow sooner or later.

It could have already blown but the light has yet to reach us.
I'm aware of that. I think it's kind of sad that so much has happened in space that we don't even know about because the light hasn't reached us yet.

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