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Messages - Chakas

Pages: 1 ... 333435 3637 ... 86
Why on earth would you want to join Neogaf?
Because I want another forum. This one is rotting in its own filth
So going from a shit to a polished shit?

Neogaf isn't a good forum.
Well what would you recommend? At least NeoGaf is active.
find a weird tinkerbell fetish forum or something
The odds of there being something like that are not very good.

Why on earth would you want to join Neogaf?
Because I want another forum. This one is rotting in its own filth
So going from a shit to a polished shit?

Neogaf isn't a good forum.
Well what would you recommend? At least NeoGaf is active.

Why on earth would you want to join Neogaf?
Because I want another forum. This one is rotting in its own filth

Yes, but also state that you are a girl gamer while you are at it.
No thank you. I don't need that kind of attention.

t4r. It is making me put in my birthday so I was wondering if I should put in a date that would make me around 17 years old rather than 48. So? Should I?

The Flood / Re: Post what you think are your best threads.
« on: July 29, 2015, 07:31:36 AM »
I am disappointing by the lack of joke threads here.

The Flood / Re: Post what you think are your best threads.
« on: July 29, 2015, 07:31:14 AM »

If you're taking a permanent vacation Chalk, I honestly can't say. I keep my eyes out for places as I go along, but I can honestly say that there's no other place I've ever stumbled on that have ever had as much as a homey feeling as this place or Bungle.

You could, maybe try going back to Bungle and seeing what you can fish out of the garbage pile for quality. But, knowing your type, I think you might be here to stay Chalk. You're an outsider just like the rest of the bunch here.
But there's not enough of us outsiders here. This place would be great if the hostilities, drama, and sarcasm would die down. If people would start posting more and start posting things with actual discussion value and stop mocking any legitimate posts, than this place would be wonderful. But no. Shitposting and inactivity seems to be the way to go.

The Flood / Re: Fairies
« on: July 28, 2015, 11:50:29 PM »
Could you be a worse poster?
Yes. But only if you ask nicely.

The Flood / Fairies
« on: July 28, 2015, 11:45:12 PM »
Why are fairies so sexy?

The world may never know.

The Flood / Re: Post Songs that Hit You Right in the Feels
« on: July 28, 2015, 11:43:32 PM »
Posting for future reference.

They deleted all my non GT-linked accounts :(

great people great community

some even have their own youtube channels i'm subscribed to this one
This is the kind of sarcasm that I'm talking about.

T4R. This place is dead and a wasteland. Anyone who still comes here either shitposts or is exclusively hostile or sarcastic.

The Flood / Re: What the hell is wrong with teenage girls?
« on: July 28, 2015, 10:06:46 PM »
We've got a septic tank.
The year is 2015 and not the stone age OP.
This is an old house. It is basically living quarters built into the side of a massive garage. It is also on a ranch.

The Flood / Re: What the hell is wrong with teenage girls?
« on: July 28, 2015, 06:23:32 PM »
That's not exclusive to teenage girls
If that's the case, how come blood doesn't come out of my penis?

The Flood / Re: What the hell is wrong with teenage girls?
« on: July 28, 2015, 06:18:59 PM »
Cool blog post you fucking faggot
Half the shit on The Flood is shit like this. If anything, what I just posted is more exiting than all the dead shitpost threads out there. Stop acting like this forum has any value. This place is a wasteland.
Your mom's vagoo is a wasteland
Congratulations. You called a 48 year old man's mother's vagina a wasteland. Your parents must be so gleefully proud at how socially developed you are.
get that stick out of your arse
I'm not angry. I was being sarcastic. I've learned not to invest any real emotion into sites like these. Too much unnecessary stress over ridiculous topics. Once I learned not to care, I began to post my Tinkerbell threads.

The Flood / Re: What the hell is wrong with teenage girls?
« on: July 28, 2015, 05:23:54 PM »
Cool blog post you fucking faggot
Half the shit on The Flood is shit like this. If anything, what I just posted is more exiting than all the dead shitpost threads out there. Stop acting like this forum has any value. This place is a wasteland.
Your mom's vagoo is a wasteland
Congratulations. You called a 48 year old man's mother's vagina a wasteland. Your parents must be so gleefully proud at how socially developed you are.

The Flood / Re: What the hell is wrong with teenage girls?
« on: July 28, 2015, 05:22:09 PM »
Do they realize it's a septic tank/toilet?
Yes. I don't know what they were thinking

The Flood / Re: What the hell is wrong with teenage girls?
« on: July 28, 2015, 05:18:09 PM »
grow some balls its just blood lmao
And a filthy toilet. It's not the mess that gets to me. It's that they were careless enough to make the mess.

The Flood / Re: What the hell is wrong with teenage girls?
« on: July 28, 2015, 05:16:40 PM »
Cool blog post you fucking faggot
Half the shit on The Flood is shit like this. If anything, what I just posted is more exiting than all the dead shitpost threads out there. Stop acting like this forum has any value. This place is a wasteland.

The Flood / What the hell is wrong with teenage girls?
« on: July 28, 2015, 05:11:20 PM »
Blood. Blood everywhere. They share a house with several of their relatives. You'd think they'd be more considerate. I learned that two out of the four toilets in this house were clogged. I unclog one, which belongs to some boys and then I go down to the other and immediately NOPE the hell out of their. Blood soaked baby wipes littering the toilet bowl. Bloody sanitary pads and tampons on the top of the overflowing trash I don't know what they were thinking. We've got a septic tank. You can't put baby wipes in a septic tank. They don't break down and they clog the pipes. Even with a plunger I wouldn't be able to get that many wipes down that old toilet. The only other option would be to fish them out, which is something I am not doing. I've done a lot of dirty jobs, but fishing out menstrual blood soaked wipes from a toilet half my age is not going to be one of them. It's a shared bathroom. I left the plunger in it so they could figure it out themselves.

Gaming / Re: Games That Aged Like Fine Wine.
« on: July 27, 2015, 08:36:41 PM »

The Flood / Re: Where can you play Cards Against Humanity online?
« on: July 25, 2015, 01:10:27 PM »
there is one, but it's just a shitty weeb version
I'll take anything

The Flood / Where can you play Cards Against Humanity online?
« on: July 25, 2015, 12:59:50 PM »
T4R. I played a couple of games with the flood here but I don't remember the site. Would someone be so kind as to post it please?

The Flood / Re: Why do people want aliens to exist?
« on: July 22, 2015, 05:42:54 PM »
Because Mass Effect

The Flood / Re: Dude what the fuck
« on: July 11, 2015, 10:16:51 PM »
Why can't the world develop safe recreational drugs and not the crazy lethal shit that is around today? It would make the world a better place.

« on: July 11, 2015, 06:35:36 PM »
Wonder Woman seemed really out of place.

Agreed. Especially in her Wonder Woman costume. I could understand her being a political figure, being at Wayne's parties and shit. That might've been interesting.

But nah, we gotta have a shitty action scene that she has no idea how to play.

Plus the actress is a twig, Wonder woman isn't a super skinny chick

Honestly, I've seen people say she's "gorgeous" or whatever, but in all honesty, she's kind of gross...

I'm not quite sure how anyone can really be attracted to her... I mean, obviously her facial structure is quite pleasing (and she does look like Diana in that respect), but I don't understand the appeal. I'd rather sacrifice good looks for acting skill and a closer resemblance to WW.
That does not look healthy. She's so skinny that it's gross

The Flood / Re: What else besides religion...
« on: July 11, 2015, 06:23:45 PM »
The belief that America's government would never do anything bad to its own citizens

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