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Messages - Dave

Pages: 123 456
Because unlike your lazy begging ass I did a Google search before posting and didn't like the fact that some said there was correlation and some said there weren't. So I gave my opinion on it after saying I don't know if there is a valid and trustworthy statistic that isn't just pushing some agenda.

It's a forum. People come here to talk. We're not your servants and we're not here to make your life easy. Do some research or accept the fact that I have my opinion to give because you brought it up. I didn't even state it as if it were fact, I just said what I thought was most logical.

So yes, you're being an asshole. You were being hostile the entire thread, and you're hostile in most every other thread. You're incredibly arrogant. Take a step back and shut the fuck up if you don't have anything important to say. Don't ask us something while we're having a friendly discussion then go postal on somebody who says they don't know if there's a statistic but they assume such and such. If you don't want a conversation in the first place, why ask the question? Why not look it up?
Jesus Christ, you're oversensitive.

I said that I'd like to see statistical evidence if anyone had any to link, no one forced you to reply to my request.

I'm sorry if it hurts your feeling so much, but I don't accept assumptions as fact.

Sorry, I asked for hard evidence and you replied with conjecture.

Not seeing what's so uncivil about trusting the facts over baseless speculation.

I don't know if there is a statistic
Then I'm not interested in your anecdote.

Serious / Re: Anti-theists are as bad as evangelical Christians
« on: August 26, 2014, 06:29:08 PM »
He did certainly encourage a cult of personality, but generally the only people he persecuted were those he perceived as political threats.

No, the point is not a normative, but a descriptive one.

The rapists should be completely morally and legally accountable for their actions. It seems obvious to suggest, however, that as the vulnerability of women declines so would the level of rapes. That's the only point being made.
From the eyes of a judge, that point shouldn't be relevant. A judge's duty is to rule in accordance with the law, not make arbitrary value judgments on what the victim was doing at the time the crime was committed.

That said, if anyone has any credible statistical evidence that alcohol plays a role in the majority of sexual assault cases, I'd like to see it.

Well... she isn't wrong. At least in the sense that rape statistics would improve if women would stop getting drunk.
Is it against the law for women to get drunk?

Serious / Re: Anti-theists are as bad as evangelical Christians
« on: August 26, 2014, 05:31:40 PM »
So...basically what I said, but with more details?
Mostly, yes.

Saying that Stalin wasn't defined by being tied to anti-worship isn't quite accurate, though, as he clearly was.

Serious / Re: Anti-theists are as bad as evangelical Christians
« on: August 26, 2014, 05:23:01 PM »
Speaking as someone who has at least a vague idea of what he's talking about, let me give you the actual facts about Hitler & Stalin's supposed religious beliefs.

- Hitler's religious views aren't really clear, as even among close friends he tended to be tight-lipped on the subject. While he did at various points of his life criticize organized religion and traditional christian morality, he was wary to attack them in public, as a lot of German right-wingers were christian and pissing them off wasn't in his best interest. That being said, he did often express belief in an "almighty creator" while in public, and was willing to use religion to justify his actions, which might say something about religion as an institution.

tl;dr Hitler's religious beliefs were somewhat ambiguous, but claiming that he was an atheist is just as disingenuous as claiming that he was a christian (hint hint, kinder)

- Stalin, on the other hand, was very open about his atheism, and wasn't shy about persecuting religious people in Russia. This was largely an ideological move, as the official Marxist-Leninist party line was that religion was an opiate and needed to be eliminated in order to produce a truly socialist society, but it's important to remember that the Russian Orthodox Church at the time had a bit of a bad rep among the general public for their support of the former Czarist regime (and as awful as the Soviet Union was, it's important to remember that Czarist Russia was just as bad), so there was a pragmatic element to the religious persecution, in addition to the ideological one.

If you want to learn more, Wikipedia has some pretty good articles on the subject:

Serious / Re: Your political opinions which make people rage
« on: August 26, 2014, 04:39:01 PM »
Fucking probably.

Have you ever read Mein Kampf? Thing reads like a fucking brick with braille on it. I didn't get further than 150 pages.
Jokes on me, you were only pretending to be retarded?

Serious / Re: Your political opinions which make people rage
« on: August 26, 2014, 04:38:18 PM »
What countries are these officers going to be from? Is there a selection process or does each member nation get to appoint a set number of people?

And more to the point, what conflict are we currently involved in that makes any of that shit necessary?

Serious / Re: Your political opinions which make people rage
« on: August 26, 2014, 04:27:35 PM »
so were you just kidding when you were talking about how great his book was and how much you respected him (while paradoxically praising nietzsche in the same sentence)?

Serious / Re: Your political opinions which make people rage
« on: August 26, 2014, 04:02:59 PM »
oh no, the seventeen-year-old who went from socialism to hitler-fanboyism to thatcherism within the span of two years thinks i'm retarded, how ever shall my fragile self-esteem recover ;_;

> arguing that a federalised military is the same as a political union

Are you retarded?
who's going to be in charge of this "federalized military" then?

rape convictions won't improve until judges stop being retarded

aka never

Serious / Re: Your political opinions which make people rage
« on: August 25, 2014, 05:21:00 PM »
- Anti-EU
- Anti-UN (in it's current form)
- Pro-NATO (this was controversial with all the hippies that want to see us get invaded lol)
- Pro-federalised military of the British commonwealth (fuck you sjw faggots and your white guilt)
- Pro-lower, flatter tax rate
- Pro-abolishment of the welfare state
- Pro-less government interference in business
- Pro-private parties right to discriminate
- Pro-fucking free speech and the abolishment of our current basis for thought crime laws.
- Anti-Anglo/Amero special relationship (they only seem to want us to do stuff that hurts the power of the British nation without equal compensation)
- Pro-nukes
- Pro-nuclear power
- Pro-military
- Pro-commonwealth and British legacy (again, go fuck yourselves sjw)

I can't think of anymore right now.
>want out of EU because muh sovereignty
>hey canada, australia and NZ, we want to control your military pls gib nao :DDDDDD

-the british right-wing in a nutshell

Serious / Re: Leading Scottish intellectual supports Yes Campaign
« on: August 24, 2014, 11:24:45 AM »
> Scots complain about Opresshun
> mfw it was the Scottish who conquered England and not the other way around.
is this a joke post?

Serious / Re: Just your daily reminder that...
« on: August 24, 2014, 11:09:20 AM »
Well, it worked for the Etruscans.
Not so much.

Serious / Re: Your political opinions which make people rage
« on: August 23, 2014, 08:05:29 PM »
free trade is imperialism re-branded

Serious / Re: Wow, my respect for Recon just tanked (Ferguson shooting)
« on: August 23, 2014, 09:18:43 AM »
Recon has always been full of shit when it comes to politics.

They cuffin' him, he already dead.
Cops confirmed for retards.

Serious / Re: Chelsea Manning denied treatment
« on: August 22, 2014, 07:41:05 PM »
I think the moderation is fine as it is.
I'm not attacking the moderation team, I'm just questioning their policy regarding trolling/shitposting.

Serious / Re: Chelsea Manning denied treatment
« on: August 22, 2014, 07:35:57 PM »
If we take a very strict approach to that issue then it has the potential to cause problems for people who may not have been acting very seriously and it leaves much less room for 'joshing' other members. I dig lax moderation and a less uptight board.

Some kid can make a joke and a mod could potentially take offense and give him the boot. Then you get people complaining about harsh rules etc. and so much more shit for mods to have to take care of.
That would be a fine justification for The Flood or Gaming, but isn't this forum in particular supposed to be dedicated to serious discussion (hence the name)?

I don't really see that much difference between Putin's Russia and the USSR, aside from the lip-service paid to Marxism.

Serious / Re: Chelsea Manning denied treatment
« on: August 22, 2014, 07:23:25 PM »
But then where would we be if we disallowed controversial topics like this one? While I do get the vibe that PSU is deliberately trying to piss people off with her opinions, this is one of those nation-wide news stories that has a lot of people split.

In any case, forcing this person to serve her sentence without treatment seems a bit cruel and unusual, in my opinion.
Controversial opinions are fine, but posts made for the specific purpose of antagonizing people shouldn't be tolerated, IMO. All it does is drive down the level of discourse and derail otherwise quality threads.

Serious / Re: Chelsea Manning denied treatment
« on: August 22, 2014, 07:17:54 PM »
Bigotry isn't exactly against the rules unless it's directed at another member.

Nor do I but hey I don't make the rules, only enforce em. :)
Fair enough.

You're a much more professional mod than I would be in your position. Be proud of that.

edit: also ^lol @ demonic's post

The Flood / Re: So Godzilla sucked ass.
« on: August 22, 2014, 07:10:56 PM »
It's sad to see Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul's post-Breaking Bad careers turn out so lackluster.

They're both fantastic actors, and they deserve better than the gigs they've been getting so far.

Serious / Re: Chelsea Manning denied treatment
« on: August 22, 2014, 07:07:33 PM »
Well he's not breaking any rules. Besides we aren't Waypoint, we don't ban based on differing opinions :)
I'd argue that differing opinions are a whole different beast than naked bigotry, but hey, you're the mod.

I just don't think PSU-style shitposting is appropriate for a forum dedicated to serious discussion.

Serious / Re: Chelsea Manning denied treatment
« on: August 22, 2014, 06:55:21 PM »
Reported for harassment.

Cool it.

Serious / Re: Chelsea Manning denied treatment
« on: August 22, 2014, 06:53:09 PM »
kiyo, why are you wasting your time debating with PSU?

would we be worse off without his shitty opinions? would anyone object if you just banned him?

Serious / Re: Chelsea Manning denied treatment
« on: August 22, 2014, 06:48:19 PM »

Serious / Re: Chelsea Manning denied treatment
« on: August 22, 2014, 06:45:34 PM »
your daddy's money does not make you any less retarded

I'm sorry no one told you before now

Pages: 123 456