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Messages - R o c k e t

Pages: 1 ... 169170171 172173 ... 764
The Flood / Re: making my wishlist, fam
« on: November 28, 2015, 04:39:52 PM »
Just a chair, compressor pedal for my pedalboard, and money

The only thing that never made sense to me was that Sidious was, for all intents and purposes, defeated by Mace Windu. He was just about to kill him, then Anakin went full retard and ruined everything about literally anything. So why couldn't Yoda have done anything better? Mace wasn't more skilled than Yoda.
Mace was definitely a better duelist than Yoda. IMO, Yoda never should have used a lightsaber, since we've seen time and time again in the EU that there's a lot more to the Jedi than flips and lightsabers and throwing shit with the force.
I feel like that honestly doesn't make any sense.

Yoda is 900 years old. He should definitely be a better duelist than Windu.
He just said there is more to being a jedi than flips and lightsabers...
...Yes, I know. I'm not talking about those aspects of the Jedi skillset.

Yoda's the stronger Jedi, but Mace was an unrivaled swordsman. Yoda fights two Sith lords (Dooku and Palpatine), and loses to both. Mace defeated the Emperor (like it or not, it's canon; Lucas has said Mace was winning the fight, and that Palps wasn't faking it).
Yoda didn't lose to Dooku, Dooku tried to kill Anakin and Obi Wan by crushing them, and while Yoda saved them Dooku escaped.

And again, I think the fight between Sidious and Yoda was BS

The Flood / Re: Everyone in Sep7agon fights to the death.
« on: November 28, 2015, 03:26:02 PM »
I'm actually just curious as to why I'd be on the list at all. I don't even have a level of fighting expertise man. I'm physically strong. But I've avoided 90% of all the fights in my life so far by using my head and talking. Not throwing somebody around to the next province.

And I ain't gonna fool myself into thinking that just cause I'm strong that I'd be a good fighter. I could probably put up a fight. But I've got no experience otherwise.

Your persona online makes you seem like you have survival experience, living in secluded areas and such. That's all we can base it on.
If he's put in a warm climate, he'll probably die from heatstroke in minutes.

I went through the whole summer okay. We had a drought even. Bone dry rivers. I don't like the heat but I'm not one to sit down even if it wants to knock me out a bit.
No idea on Sandtrap's fighting ability. But he'd survive better than anybody here, he's already done that

The Flood / Re: Woman Kills Chipotle Worker
« on: November 28, 2015, 03:16:59 AM »
That's what happens when you are asexual Cheat

some hispanic nutjob stabs you in a chipotle bathroom then rapes your body

Gaming / Re: Waypoint's Gestapo finaly permabaned me for no reason
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:48:11 AM »
is this all you said: "This community is cancer"?

Serious / Re: How people thought the year 2000 would look like in the 1800s
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:33:20 AM »

I wish school was like this


Serious / Re: How people thought the year 2000 would look like in the 1800s
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:32:51 AM »
It's hilarious and charming and adorable. Fashion sense and aesthetics would have stayed the same, apparently.

I'm sure it's hard to depict styles that don't even exist yet

The Flood / Re: Zonda, holy shit man
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:29:34 AM »




Gaming / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD coming to Wii-U.
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:18:21 AM »
The only good game coming out soon except Fallout 4, how unfortunate

Septagon / Re: Is there a Sep7agon podcast
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:15:15 AM »
Rocket you should organize one for Christmas fam

My laptop sucks when it comes to audio quality, someone else would need to record it.

The Flood / Re: From now on, I will only date Irish gals
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:09:46 AM »
So what you actually mean is, you are never dating again?

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:05:21 AM »
I finished installing the update today and decided to play some Halo 5. Played some breakout, BTB and warzone. I really regret actually spending time to download that fucking update now.

A rant I made on another site I frequent
Considering how poor this console generation is, from a hardware standpoint, I don't see it lasting anywhere near as long as the 360/ PS3

Consequently, I heavily doubt we'll be getting any major Halo title after Halo 6 on the XB1. So really, Halo 6 is my make or break point for both the series and console gaming. Halo is the only console exclusive game I play or have any interest in, and I don't particularly want to spend money on a console just for a franchise that could be going downhill by that point when I could use the money to build a PC. If Halo 6 is as sub-par as Halo 5 (both story and multiplayer), I cannot see myself buying the next Xbox console. I'd probably just watch YT playthroughs of the games and buy the books, if they're even worth buying by that point.

Halo 5, Escalation, my general distaste for the Precursor/ Ancient Human stuff and shit like FoRAnimated is starting to pile up. I guess it took Halo 5 for me to start thinking critically about 343i properly, and now I just can't stop seeing warning signs that the franchise is going downhill even in the story department. Considering I've had literally no urges to play Halo 5 since the first week of launch (I only played as long as I did because I was too lazy to update Battlefield), that's saying something about the longevity of the game. At this point, if forge is in anyway broken and custom games options are sub-par, I'm removing Halo 5 from my hard drive. It's honestly ridiculous that a game with such little content as Halo 5 is taking up close to 80-fucking-gigabytes of hard drive space when Fallout 4 takes less than thirty. Reach and Halo Wars will be backwards compatible soon, and they are both far better and more enjoyable games each alone than Halo 5 is in it's current state. I was okay with forge having a delayed release because I thought there would be content enough to satisfy two months of play time - I barely got two weeks out of it. I think that this game's custom games community will end up the same way as Halo 4 and MCC - simply nonexistent. The more I play Halo 5, the more I realise that it's probably one of the worst value for money games I've ever bought. At this point, I would rather play vanilla Destiny. At least the gunplay in that wasn't terrible.

The multiplayer is just frustrating; I rarely feel I get killed because the other person was better than me. That, combined with a story that just gets worse every time I think about it (combined with lolescalation) and I'm left with pretty much two positive things to say about Halo 5; the soundtrack is awesome and seeing sanghelios was amazing. That's it.

The gunplay isn't bad though

Yoda's saber skills were fine in my opinion.

But the fight between Yoda and Sidious was my biggest complaint about Episode 3. No way that such a powerful Jedi loses in a duel like that. I get they had to make Sidious succeed for the story to make sense, but it could have happened lots of other ways.

The fight gets interrupted by something big happening, I dunno. But making Yoda lose is just stupid.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 27, 2015, 08:00:11 PM »
I liked escalation, sue me

Gaming / Re: Smash Bros Wii U Mega Thread
« on: November 27, 2015, 05:31:36 PM »
have you ever played melee

sometimes i wonder how you'd fare
Casually. I was like 8 and played it until Brawl came out.
Want to spar senor?
I'll be on later today.
Ok cool
Whenever you are done playing with them, we can spar if you'd like

Gaming / Re: Was Watch Dogs shit?
« on: November 27, 2015, 04:38:49 PM »
You are

The Flood / Re: Post user themesongs
« on: November 27, 2015, 03:34:59 PM »
I'm afraid of where this thread will go

The Flood / Re: What's your earliest memory?
« on: November 27, 2015, 03:30:00 PM »
I remember being in a stroller that blocked the sun, but had this clear plastic part i could look through

The Flood / Re: What's your earliest memory?
« on: November 27, 2015, 03:28:34 PM »

The Flood / Re: Has anyone here seen the Scorpion King sequels
« on: November 27, 2015, 03:28:02 PM »
Straight to DVD usually means it's shit

The Flood / Re: Post your Black Friday shopping
« on: November 27, 2015, 02:49:42 PM »

Killing yourself has never been cheaper!

The Flood / Re: Coffee lovers
« on: November 27, 2015, 02:48:56 PM »
Coffee makes me feel bad

The Flood / Re: Our lord and memeior
« on: November 27, 2015, 02:48:14 PM »
Yay finally

Gaming / Re: Smash Bros Wii U Mega Thread
« on: November 27, 2015, 02:47:35 PM »

The Flood / Re: Zonda, holy shit man
« on: November 27, 2015, 05:15:04 AM »
I remember the good old days when Byrne or I would get the last reply in all threads on the first page in the early hours of the morning when no one else was around. Good times.
Better go ban myself.
Nah just ask Cheat or El Cee

Gaming / Re: Streaming battlefront on twitch
« on: November 27, 2015, 05:11:05 AM »
I'll save any future streams for you guys to view later. Just now found out how to do that

The Flood / Re: Zonda, holy shit man
« on: November 27, 2015, 05:05:34 AM »
Ohhhhhhh ok

The Flood / Re: Zonda, holy shit man
« on: November 27, 2015, 05:03:56 AM »
I remember the good old days when Byrne or I would get the last reply in all threads on the first page in the early hours of the morning when no one else was around. Good times.

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