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Messages - R o c k e t

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The Flood / Re: Zonda, holy shit man
« on: November 28, 2015, 11:53:41 PM »
rocket, why you never join my party fam?

I'm sorry brah, peeps wanted to do a H5 gamenight

The Flood / Re: Zonda, holy shit man
« on: November 28, 2015, 11:53:18 PM »

The Flood / Re: Some of the best channels on YouTube
« on: November 28, 2015, 10:21:25 PM »




The Flood / Re: Holy shit a dumb cunt actually did this
« on: November 28, 2015, 09:37:54 PM »
removing tape from a dogs face is trivial
It's the fact she put it there in the first place you idiot.

Now go back to fetishing over your limb porn and trying to advocate fucking dogs. I don't think anything with regards to animals needs to be taken seriously from you.

Like verb said, it's ad hominem but i'll go there.
What is so awful about restricting it so it can't bark?
A muzzle does the same fucking thing yet you consider that humane.

also fucking lmao it's hilarious that you imitate verb immediately after my last post
I want you to do a little experiment for me.

Go and get some gorilla tape from the nearest DIY store.
Then wrap it around your bottom jaw and the top of your head, twice.
Then take it off.
Without scissors, water, soap or anything. Just rip it off.

See if you think that is in any way acceptable to do to a dog for anything, let alone fucking barking.

One of my dogs never shuts the fuck up, I mean never.
He's usually barking for a reason though, same way that babies cry for attention. If he doesn't need to go outside to piss, or is starving hungry because he didn't eat his dinner - you use a water squirter.
Harmless, unpleasant and above all safe to do so for your operant conditioning.
Short hair is very different from long hair with that junk. And I could gladly wrap that stuff around my thigh and say it's trivial.
The thigh is not as sensitive as your face and scalp, a dog's snout is a lot more sensitive than your leg.

The pain it will cause the dog is a lot more than you sticking some duct-tape on your leg, let alone the psychological pain of having it's owner do something so vindictive to the poor bastard.
Not so much behind the whiskers. The bridge and jaw are just skin over bone.
You did pass biology in school right?

Where exactly do you think the nerves in the whiskers travel to get to the brain?

A tesla-relay? Wifi?
Or along the bridge of the dog's face.

I wish my dog had WiFi


The Flood / Re: how do you feel about tattoos
« on: November 28, 2015, 09:33:15 PM »
Not a fan, but if they have one or two it's not too bad.

But sleeves or full body tattoos are just too much

The Flood / Re: King Kong vs. Godzilla
« on: November 28, 2015, 06:53:08 PM »
King Kong was killed by airplane machine guns and only around 20 feet tall.
Godzilla gets tickled by military weapons and is around 150 meters tall. Did I also mention he's indestructible?

They'll find a way to make King Kong stand a chance somehow, for the sake of plot
Unless they give King Kong some super weapon that hurts Godzilla that dumb ape literally stands no chance.

They'll probably make him way bigger, but not Godzilla sized I'd hope, that's too much
Even if they make him bigger, he still won't stand a chance. Godzilla has atomic breath, a nuclear pulse, and regenerates his energy super quick. King Kong would be disintegrated by Godzilla without any hassle.
who's to say Godzilla will have any of those powers in the movie

He will most likely literally just be a big lizard

This will most likely be the Godzilla from the 2O14 movie since there will be a Godzilla 2 and then the meet up

No doubt some bullshit will happen to get Kong up to Godzilla size
Toho is also making another Godzilla film that comes out next year and they claim this Godzilla will be even bigger and stronger than Legendary's Godzilla.

U avin a giggle m8

Film companies having a dick measuring contest


The Flood / Re: King Kong vs. Godzilla
« on: November 28, 2015, 06:25:22 PM »
King Kong was killed by airplane machine guns and only around 20 feet tall.
Godzilla gets tickled by military weapons and is around 150 meters tall. Did I also mention he's indestructible?

They'll find a way to make King Kong stand a chance somehow, for the sake of plot
Unless they give King Kong some super weapon that hurts Godzilla that dumb ape literally stands no chance.

They'll probably make him way bigger, but not Godzilla sized I'd hope, that's too much
Or they'll gimp Godzilla

If they did that, they probably wouldn't explain why he's suddenly different.
The filmmakers would just roll with it, or have a super shitty reason for it.

where creativity goes to die

Septagon / Re: Is there a Sep7agon podcast
« on: November 28, 2015, 06:24:39 PM »
It's all fun and games until it comes out and everyone mocks it for being useless...

It's amazing how opinions change after a few months
I mean they were pretty long and probably would have benefited from being shorter.


I was just the editor until I recorded one(it was the shortest of them all I believe). The moustached man just told me what to do.

The Flood / Re: King Kong vs. Godzilla
« on: November 28, 2015, 06:23:17 PM »
King Kong was killed by airplane machine guns and only around 20 feet tall.
Godzilla gets tickled by military weapons and is around 150 meters tall. Did I also mention he's indestructible?

They'll find a way to make King Kong stand a chance somehow, for the sake of plot
Unless they give King Kong some super weapon that hurts Godzilla that dumb ape literally stands no chance.

They'll probably make him way bigger, but not Godzilla sized I'd hope, that's too much
Or they'll gimp Godzilla

If they did that, they probably wouldn't explain why he's suddenly different.
The filmmakers would just roll with it, or have a super shitty reason for it.

Septagon / Re: Is there a Sep7agon podcast
« on: November 28, 2015, 06:21:54 PM »
It's all fun and games until it comes out and everyone mocks it for being useless...

It's amazing how opinions change after a few months

The Flood / Re: King Kong vs. Godzilla
« on: November 28, 2015, 06:19:52 PM »
King Kong was killed by airplane machine guns and only around 20 feet tall.
Godzilla gets tickled by military weapons and is around 150 meters tall. Did I also mention he's indestructible?

They'll find a way to make King Kong stand a chance somehow, for the sake of plot
Unless they give King Kong some super weapon that hurts Godzilla that dumb ape literally stands no chance.

They'll probably make him way bigger, but not Godzilla sized I'd hope, that's too much

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: November 28, 2015, 06:19:06 PM »
We don't need daily reminders for this stuff

Gaming / Re: Waypoint's Gestapo finaly permabaned me for no reason
« on: November 28, 2015, 06:18:31 PM »
I think the Sep7 mods could learn a lot from the waypoint staff

How to kill your community 101 hosted by Snickerdoodle and the rest of the waypoint mods.

Will there be homework?
Having someone in charge called "snickerdoodle" is their first mistake
I don't see how

It's the name of a cookie.


Naming yourself after a cookie should bar you from any positions of authority
It's just a name

The power of a name and its value has long been immortalized in prose, poetry, and religious ceremony. Everyone recognizes himself or herself by name.
It's a name for an Internet forum for a video game

Literally has nothing to do with authority and how well one would perform in such a position

but it does
LC shouldn't be an admin because of his title "Best girl".

Listen to how dumb you sound.

Literally has nothing to do with authority and how well one would perform in such a position

it's so easy to mess with you now holy shit
I mean, you are pretty retarded, so this is hardly out there

excuses excuses

The Flood / Re: King Kong vs. Godzilla
« on: November 28, 2015, 06:16:39 PM »
King Kong was killed by airplane machine guns and only around 20 feet tall.
Godzilla gets tickled by military weapons and is around 150 meters tall. Did I also mention he's indestructible?

They'll find a way to make King Kong stand a chance somehow, for the sake of plot

Gaming / Re: Waypoint's Gestapo finaly permabaned me for no reason
« on: November 28, 2015, 06:15:29 PM »
I think the Sep7 mods could learn a lot from the waypoint staff

How to kill your community 101 hosted by Snickerdoodle and the rest of the waypoint mods.

Will there be homework?
Having someone in charge called "snickerdoodle" is their first mistake
I don't see how

It's the name of a cookie.


Naming yourself after a cookie should bar you from any positions of authority
It's just a name

The power of a name and its value has long been immortalized in prose, poetry, and religious ceremony. Everyone recognizes himself or herself by name.
It's a name for an Internet forum for a video game

Literally has nothing to do with authority and how well one would perform in such a position

but it does
LC shouldn't be an admin because of his title "Best girl".

Listen to how dumb you sound.

Literally has nothing to do with authority and how well one would perform in such a position

it's so easy to mess with you now holy shit

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: November 28, 2015, 06:06:29 PM »
What do gay people even do? Play joust with each other's dicks?

I believe the proper term is "Baseball"

Gaming / Re: Waypoint's Gestapo finaly permabaned me for no reason
« on: November 28, 2015, 06:05:27 PM »
I think the Sep7 mods could learn a lot from the waypoint staff

How to kill your community 101 hosted by Snickerdoodle and the rest of the waypoint mods.

Will there be homework?
Having someone in charge called "snickerdoodle" is their first mistake
I don't see how

It's the name of a cookie.


Naming yourself after a cookie should bar you from any positions of authority
It's just a name

The power of a name and its value has long been immortalized in prose, poetry, and religious ceremony. Everyone recognizes himself or herself by name.
It's a name for an Internet forum for a video game

Literally has nothing to do with authority and how well one would perform in such a position

but it does

The Flood / King Kong vs. Godzilla
« on: November 28, 2015, 06:05:05 PM »

Similar to the Avengers, Universal is making a "Shared Monster Universe" where they will eventually tie in together.
Pretty cool if you ask me.

Gaming / Re: Waypoint's Gestapo finaly permabaned me for no reason
« on: November 28, 2015, 05:56:06 PM »
I think the Sep7 mods could learn a lot from the waypoint staff

How to kill your community 101 hosted by Snickerdoodle and the rest of the waypoint mods.

Will there be homework?
Having someone in charge called "snickerdoodle" is their first mistake
I don't see how

It's the name of a cookie.


Naming yourself after a cookie should bar you from any positions of authority
It's just a name

The power of a name and its value has long been immortalized in prose, poetry, and religious ceremony. Everyone recognizes himself or herself by name.

Gaming / Re: Waypoint's Gestapo finaly permabaned me for no reason
« on: November 28, 2015, 05:48:48 PM »
I think the Sep7 mods could learn a lot from the waypoint staff

How to kill your community 101 hosted by Snickerdoodle and the rest of the waypoint mods.

Will there be homework?
Having someone in charge called "snickerdoodle" is their first mistake
I don't see how

It's the name of a cookie.


Naming yourself after a cookie should bar you from any positions of authority

Gaming / Re: Waypoint's Gestapo finaly permabaned me for no reason
« on: November 28, 2015, 05:42:21 PM »
I think the Sep7 mods could learn a lot from the waypoint staff

How to kill your community 101 hosted by Snickerdoodle and the rest of the waypoint mods.

Will there be homework?
Having someone in charge called "snickerdoodle" is their first mistake
I don't see how


The Flood / Re: if flood was an acronym
« on: November 28, 2015, 05:22:06 PM »
But only a tiny minority overreacts

Gaming / The reason I never beat certain N64 games
« on: November 28, 2015, 05:12:26 PM »
I wasn't able to save my games. I had to try to beat Rayman 2 in a single day, could never do it. Same with many others. I think Rogue Squadron had the same problem too.

I even had that little pack you plug in the controller that saved data. But it never worked for some reason.

Gaming / Re: Waypoint's Gestapo finaly permabaned me for no reason
« on: November 28, 2015, 05:04:29 PM »
I think the Sep7 mods could learn a lot from the waypoint staff

How to kill your community 101 hosted by Snickerdoodle and the rest of the waypoint mods.

Will there be homework?
Having someone in charge called "snickerdoodle" is their first mistake

Gaming / Re: Help me build a good Pokemon team
« on: November 28, 2015, 05:02:44 PM »

The Flood / Re: Holy shit a dumb cunt actually did this
« on: November 28, 2015, 05:02:12 PM »
Dug cannot be silenced

The Flood / Re: Holy shit a dumb cunt actually did this
« on: November 28, 2015, 05:01:51 PM »
Welcome to Sep7agon. Where the most unexpected issues begin to trend

Looks cool to me

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 28, 2015, 04:47:36 PM »
Honestly, after playing Halo 5 nearly every day for about two weeks (no-lifing it will continue after finals >.>) aiming is pretty good. Sniping especially is great. Still feels a bit weird, but sniping is the easiest it's ever been IMO. Unless that's secretly just wonky hitboxes ._.
Aim assist on the sniper isn't strong. The bullet magnetism however is a bit generous on headshots. You cant completely aim away from someone and get a headshot. But if you are pretty close to their head (meaning you just barely would miss them) it's a headshot

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: November 28, 2015, 04:44:30 PM »
Am I the only one using sensitivities 7-10 in H5? I switch depending on how well I'm keeping my aim on people

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