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Messages - R o c k e t

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Gaming / Re: >E3 2017
« on: December 03, 2015, 02:37:36 AM »
>A Woman who isn't even pregnant has gone into labor from the excitement

I fucking lost it

The Flood / Re: Death left a year ago to go shill for a cult
« on: December 03, 2015, 02:36:02 AM »
Did you get autism while you were gone?

The Flood / Re: Today I bench'd my entire bodyweight
« on: December 03, 2015, 02:34:59 AM »
Too bad bench pressing has no viable means of strength IRL other than a bragging notion and aesthetics.
Something falls on you.

Benchpress it off.


LMFAO, like you would ever be in a circumstance where something falls on you WHILE you're lying prone AND it requires a fucking bench press to get it off. Give me a fucking break you tard.

ok, well when it happens your scrawny t-rex arms won't save you

Serious / Re: Consent is the greatest illusion of the 21st century.
« on: December 03, 2015, 02:17:51 AM »
So there is a part of me that doesn't want to see Star Wars Episode VII?

The Flood / Re: Today I bench'd my entire bodyweight
« on: December 03, 2015, 02:06:19 AM »
Too bad bench pressing has no viable means of strength IRL other than a bragging notion and aesthetics.
Something falls on you.

Benchpress it off.


The Flood / Re: If someone can tell me what "dubs" means...
« on: December 02, 2015, 10:42:26 PM »
check them dubs

The Flood / Re: how long have you been ugly?
« on: December 02, 2015, 10:29:05 PM »

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 is pretty awesome.
« on: December 02, 2015, 09:53:21 PM »
i should get around to finishing that
whoops lol

I may be on again in a little while. Would you want to join me?
I could join in for an hour and a half. I get out of class at 3:25 and go eat at 5:00.

Think you'll be on then?

Is that CST?

If so then yeah, I may have an hour or two before dinner. And I don't know how many times i'll be pulled away to do stuff. (Like laundry) but yeah I can possible get on at around 3:30
Yeah, CST, so a bit less than an hour from now.

Yeah, just send me a friend request so that I can invite you when we're both on.
What level you on?

Don't remember the name, i'm on the Meridian mission just after the

Master Chief and Spartan Locke fistfight.

And just passed the elevator section before hopping off.

Major Spoilers
Hope you enjoyed all 3 missions of "The Greatest Manhunt in Gaming History"
4 actually. And the hunt lasts until the last mission of the game...

Serious Spoiler:
...when you rescue Blue Team from Cortana.

Why'd you spoil the game?

I'm impatient

You were patient enough to not spoil it this far, don't see the point in ruining the ending when you are literally playing the game.

Oh well, to each his own.

The Flood / Re: I have over 100GB of Hentai
« on: December 02, 2015, 09:49:53 PM »
Yep I feel inferior now

The Flood / Re: What do you think you're known for on sep7agon?
« on: December 02, 2015, 09:48:47 PM »
Most likely nothing.

Unless being shipped w/ a Elite counts
Well anything really counts I guess. And Blue is best raptor so that's another thing.

Never thought I was known for the Blue is best raptor thing here. I don't reference it as much as I did on before they killed Off-topic.

Well it's just what comes to mind when I think of you, a defining trait I suppose.

The Flood / Re: Dubs and I will post a random Floodians phone number
« on: December 02, 2015, 08:34:21 PM »
oh would you look at that

If you rearrange the digits in the correct order, that would be rocketmans phone number.

I'm thinking you used an incredibly obvious way of getting my number.


Numbers of my Skype contacts auto populate on my contact list.

I don't have a file on you.
No offense but you're really not interesting/drama inducing enough.
Do I have a file?
some rudimentary stuff that's literally just a formality in case I forget.

Nothing like what I got on that Ukrainian girl.

You know, real name, contact info, junk like that.

Although I guess nobody has a file now that my laptop is gone.
Good. This is the first step in not being creepy and having files on people.

Stay strong comrade

The Flood / Re: What do you think you're known for on sep7agon?
« on: December 02, 2015, 08:32:47 PM »
Most likely nothing.

Unless being shipped w/ a Elite counts
Well anything really counts I guess. And Blue is best raptor so that's another thing.

Gaming / Re: Biggest shark jumps in gaming
« on: December 02, 2015, 08:24:17 PM »
not sure how that qualifies as jumping the shark.
It's pretty obvious. Smash games have been on quality decline ever since, and SSE is a stark reminder of that for me. It seems like they spent all their time developing SSE instead of actually, you know, making the game fun to play.

Smash 4 is "good" (as in tolerable), but it's still no Melee.
Quality decline since? Smash 4 is infinitely better than brawl.
And I'd say 4 and Melee are both good. They are just good in different ways. Sort of a subjective matter eventually
Melee has overall better gameplay, while Smash 4 offers loads of content and a great balance between serious and casual.
Well that's really what I meant, a balance of competitive and casual. Though, how is Melee's game play better? Seems subjective to me

And I actually do prefer melee

The Flood / Re: what am I known for on this site
« on: December 02, 2015, 08:15:58 PM »
Your overpriced Premium Membership

The Flood / Re: Worst endings of all time
« on: December 02, 2015, 08:06:42 PM »
No one says Skyline?
Shit I remember that now....weren't they going to make a sequel?

Gaming / Re: Biggest shark jumps in gaming
« on: December 02, 2015, 08:00:11 PM »
not sure how that qualifies as jumping the shark.
It's pretty obvious. Smash games have been on quality decline ever since, and SSE is a stark reminder of that for me. It seems like they spent all their time developing SSE instead of actually, you know, making the game fun to play.

Smash 4 is "good" (as in tolerable), but it's still no Melee.
Quality decline since? Smash 4 is infinitely better than brawl.
And I'd say 4 and Melee are both good. They are just good in different ways. Sort of a subjective matter eventually

Gaming / Re: Biggest shark jumps in gaming
« on: December 02, 2015, 07:28:35 PM »
SSE in Brawl was long, boring, and ultimately underwhelming. For some reason, despite being a game where all the big Nintendo franchises come together, it felt the need to be excruciatingly dark and depressing. Even Mario doesn't crack a smile once in the entire game. On top of that, since there was no dialogue at all, it's hard to tell just what the fuck is going on, or why any of the characters are doing anything. Some character appearances felt useless to the plot (Ice Climbers) or shoehorned in at the last second (Sonic). The level designs were pretty damn atrocious, and you had to play through it all again twice.

And yet, it was advertised to be one of the most "epic" and exciting things about Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

not sure how that qualifies as jumping the shark.

 but I liked Subspace Emissary (Exept for that fucking "maze" at the end just for padding.)
I found keeping up with the story easy even without any dialogue.
I enjoyed the interactions of Fox, Falco, and Diddy a ton

Subspace emissary cutscenes  were cool, didn't care for the actual game play though. And once they went in the big portal I didn't really like where the story went

Gaming / Re: best use of classic songs in video games?
« on: December 02, 2015, 07:23:14 PM »
"Elegia" by New Order, for MGSV

I didn't know it was a classic song which made it better.

Using classic rock songs is too cliche for me

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 is pretty awesome.
« on: December 02, 2015, 07:21:57 PM »
What's your gamertag? I'll be up for playing occasionally

The Flood / Re: Dubs and I will post a random Floodians phone number
« on: December 02, 2015, 07:20:45 PM »
oh would you look at that

If you rearrange the digits in the correct order, that would be rocketmans phone number.

I'm thinking you used an incredibly obvious way of getting my number.


Numbers of my Skype contacts auto populate on my contact list.

I don't have a file on you.
No offense but you're really not interesting/drama inducing enough.
Glad im not drama inducing then

The Flood / Re: Dubs and I will post a random Floodians phone number
« on: December 02, 2015, 07:13:58 PM »
oh would you look at that

If you rearrange the digits in the correct order, that would be rocketmans phone number.

I'm thinking you used an incredibly obvious way of getting my number.


The Flood / Re: Christmas Thread
« on: December 02, 2015, 07:09:15 PM »
Belgian hot chocolate. Tasted good, but hurt my stomach ;_____;

L.O.L, although I never tasted Belgian hot chocolate, is it really that hot?
The temperature was fine. Coffee and hot chocolate just doesn't agree with me for some reason. Tasted good at least

The Flood / Re: Dubs and I will post a random Floodians phone number
« on: December 02, 2015, 06:14:05 PM »
You getting those numbers from your portfolios?

The Flood / Re: Bet you Christians can't answer this.
« on: December 02, 2015, 06:13:32 PM »
I am now an Atheist. Batch's superior intellect has proved all scripture wrong.

The Flood / Re: Christmas Thread
« on: December 02, 2015, 06:09:23 PM »
Belgian hot chocolate. Tasted good, but hurt my stomach ;_____;

The Flood / Re: Bet you Christians can't answer this.
« on: December 02, 2015, 05:24:22 PM »
>the bible

not even once
66 times every day

The Flood / Re: Do you think people like you IRL?
« on: December 02, 2015, 04:54:13 PM »
I don't think I'd get bugged to go out and do shit and be room mates with people if they didn't like me.
They beg you to get drunk all the time because then they can tolerate you.

Umm no, cause I'm usually the one who does the second run. I can't do the second run if I'm the one who's plastered at the start of the party. You don't entrust the runner with every bodies money if you don't like and trust them when they're sober. Not to mention that I met and hung out with these people long before I started drinking with them.

Don't get mad because you can't maintain any sort of meaningful relationship with someone outside of the internet rocketbutt. I mean if you can call being TIC's chew toy a meaningful relationship.
You're supposed to say "oh" or some shit, not prove my joke wrong through explanation.


The Flood / Re: Worst endings of all time
« on: December 02, 2015, 04:49:46 PM »
Wait, how has nobody mentioned  Destiny?

The Flood / Re: What do you think you're known for on sep7agon?
« on: December 02, 2015, 04:44:57 PM »
Lets see: Not a mOD. One of the few with an Elite avatar. Everyone wants to fuck me and also turn me atheist

The Flood / Re: Is Finn a discount Kyle Katarn?
« on: December 02, 2015, 04:42:37 PM »
He'll only ever be 3/5th of Kyle Katarn.
Well, that Three Fifths Compromise showed up finally, though in a different  thread.

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