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The Flood / Re: i'm a wreck
« on: December 03, 2015, 01:59:14 PM »
Is something making you anxious or is it some weird chemical imbalance shiz?
He is becoming a beautiful woman

With a buzzcut

The Flood / Re: i'm a wreck
« on: December 03, 2015, 01:57:24 PM »
Mfw Verb is broken
i'd use the word "malfunctioning"

but i guess that's the same thing as broken so whatever

combination of finals week, no sleep, and a severe depression low
also i have like six things i need to be doing but i don't feel like doing ANY OF THEM
Dude, I feel you. Gotta play music and parades all this weekend, along with 2 reviews (skipped 2 weeks of class woops). Monday I have 2 tests, Tuesday a final.


The Flood / Re: i'm a wreck
« on: December 03, 2015, 01:55:54 PM »
Regular show is indeed my favorite TV show

Tbqh Nashville kind of sucks unless you're into country music. All the good stuff in Tennessee is out towards Knoxville, just the eastern portion of the state in general is really beautiful. That being said I didn't spend much time in Nashville so there's probably a lot of hidden goodies. I'd suggest you check out Knoxville if you ever go back though.
Downtown Nashville is a country music fan's dream.

.......I'm not into country music. Had a conference at Life way plaza there, and we were right by downtown.

So I think slash is right, check out Knoxville

The Flood / Re: All of Sep7agon's users are now their avatars
« on: December 03, 2015, 12:49:02 PM »
I ally with Kupo for Autism Goku. The dream team.

I could roll some heads with the Fused Shadows but there's probs some even more OP shit out there ayy.
Zonda and autism Goku, join and we will be victorious!

The Flood / Re: All of Sep7agon's users are now their avatars
« on: December 03, 2015, 12:44:30 PM »
dug could destroy any in a Doctor Manhattan like fashion
Dug cannot be defeated. Join the RocketRaptor alliance!
Who wants to be my ally?! 😃☺😏
You too m80

The Flood / Re: All of Sep7agon's users are now their avatars
« on: December 03, 2015, 12:38:49 PM »
If this were to be taken seriously, then you're all screwed.
Well not everyone, because there are 2 teams making up all of sep7agon

The Flood / Re: All of Sep7agon's users are now their avatars
« on: December 03, 2015, 12:37:27 PM »
I guess I'm a Velociraptor now.

ROCKET! Am I still part of your space faring race? Cause if I am, you're my ally.

The Flood / Re: New Batman vs Superman trailer just came out
« on: December 03, 2015, 04:12:02 AM »
Don't think of it as Batman vs Superman anymore.

Instead think of it as "Batman doesn't like Superman initially until Doomsday fucks their shit up, oh and also Wonder Woman"

And a question, Affleck's Batman voice? Is he just copying Bale now?

edit: holy shit I'll stop posting for a while lol

The Flood / Re: All of Sep7agon's users are now their avatars
« on: December 03, 2015, 04:04:56 AM »

Sit on my lap, rocket.

Can i have a Camaro?

The Flood / Re: All of Sep7agon's users are now their avatars
« on: December 03, 2015, 04:04:31 AM »
I'm a the Memer Chief.

Literally unstoppable.

Your memes are too dank for the enemy

The Flood / Re: All of Sep7agon's users are now their avatars
« on: December 03, 2015, 04:04:05 AM »
The one time of the year when I don't have an Azula avatar....sigh

Well at least I'm a robot now

Oh yeah......that timing.

The Flood / Re: New Batman vs Superman trailer just came out
« on: December 03, 2015, 03:40:10 AM »
>Batman vs. Superman
>Except not really, here's Doomsday too
>And Wonder Woman
>Lex Luthor is just a cheap imitation of the Joker now
>That's it, that's our whole movie in a trailer

Press F to pay respects. Marvel has won lads.
The only real bad parts of this trailer is Jesse Eisenberg. I thought he would do better after the first trailer but he's even worse in this one.

Why did they pick a comedian for Lex Luthor?

The Flood / All of Sep7agon's users are now their avatars
« on: December 03, 2015, 03:39:28 AM »
And you are forced to form alliances and do battle. There can only be two teams.

Who is on yours, and who would win?

The Flood / Re: A formal apology
« on: December 03, 2015, 03:37:29 AM »
Are you like.......mad or something?

I really can't tell.
Just don't care anymore. Had a talk with Nuka, talked some sense into me.

I just don't know why people are freaking out that I made two posts, one of which was a litteral shit-post about Hentai/Scat Porn.

It's out of character and to be frank, just odd.

Apparently I am a character. I have shitposted plenty of times before, not sure why it would be "out of character".

I guess you are just shitposting in an unusual way? Not for you necessarily, but from the norm.

Gaming / Re: Finally 3-starred everything in Mario Kart 8.
« on: December 03, 2015, 03:36:36 AM »
I don't know why I stopped playing this game.
Did the RNG shit on you 800,000 times in a row denying you 3 gold stars in the Crossing Cup because Cheese land and Animal Crossing are the 2 biggest rape dungeons in the entire game? That'll do it fam

Mad cause the RNG was feeling friendly and you finished the entire game in a single day, leaving yourself nothing to do after that and having a frustratingly boring experience

Didn't play any DLCs. The base game kicked my ass enough, I didn't want to start paying it to try again.

The Flood / Re: A formal apology
« on: December 03, 2015, 03:32:41 AM »
Are you like.......mad or something?

I really can't tell.
Just don't care anymore. Had a talk with Nuka, talked some sense into me.

I just don't know why people are freaking out that I made two posts, one of which was a litteral shit-post about Hentai/Scat Porn.

It's out of character and to be frank, just odd.

The Flood / Re: New Batman vs Superman trailer just came out
« on: December 03, 2015, 03:31:50 AM »
Man, I enjoyed watching the entire movie. Thanks.

You didn't pay for your ticket sir.

The Flood / Re: New Batman vs Superman trailer just came out
« on: December 03, 2015, 03:29:25 AM »
it doesnt look like anyone even wants this movie to be good. just a bunch of immediate negative reactions every fucking time for the weirdest reasons.

pretty sure most are just annoyed that they showed every key plot point in a trailer

The Flood / Re: A formal apology
« on: December 03, 2015, 03:26:46 AM »
Are you like.......mad or something?

I really can't tell.

The Flood / Re: FFS, this article man
« on: December 03, 2015, 03:25:20 AM »
Eleanor, 26, also uses social media to find footballers, but without success. "It's always English players," she says. "They respond, ask for pictures, you chat—they ask where you live, when are you coming to a game—and then they ask for your number. But when you give it to them, they never, ever respond. It's frustrating because you want that opportunity to prove that you're not like all the other girls."

Eleanor insists she is different. She is high-powered. A city broker, she says she wants a footballer to keep her in the style to which she has become accustomed, and that looking for a rich footballing husband is about being "empowered."

I literally wasn't kidding

why would you post this
my girlfriend is crying into my shoulder now HOW COULD YOU HURT YOKO LIKE THAT
....who are you?

You don't know Sam?

Could have swore you knew who Sam was.....

Hi Sam.

what is your title bar even
Shapeshifting meme

Look out, the men in the white coats are calling for you

Katayama you son of a bitch

The Flood / Re: LAMA
« on: December 03, 2015, 03:00:14 AM »
Yesterday I died, tomorrow's bleeding.
Fall into your sunlight.
The future's open wide, beyond believing.
To know why, hope dies.
Losing what was found, a world so hollow.
Suspended in a compromise.
The silence of this sound, is soon to follow.
Somehow, sundown.

And finding answers.
Is forgetting all of the questions we called home.
Passing the graves of the unknown.

As reason clouds my eyes, with splendor fading.
Illusions of the sunlight.
And a reflection of a lie, will keep me waiting.
With love gone, for so long.

And this day's ending.
Is the proof of time killing, all the faith I know.
Knowing that faith, is all I hold.

And I've lost who I am, and I can't understand.
Why my heart is so broken, rejecting your love,
without, love gone wrong, lifeless words carry on.
But I know, all I know, is that the end's beginning.
Who I am from the start, take me home to my heart.
Let me go and I will run, I will not be silent.
All this time spent in vain, wasted years, wasted gain.
All is lost, hope remains, and this war's not over.
There's a light, there's a sun, taking all shattered ones.
To the place we belong, and his love will conquer all.

Yesterday I died, tomorrow's bleeding.
Fall into your sunlight.

The Flood / Re: FFS, this article man
« on: December 03, 2015, 02:57:02 AM »
It shouldn't surprise us that some women are actually like this

But actually read it, it's far deeper then I imagined.

It's not just a generilization, but the fact they sound like legitimately educated people on this.

oh my fuck

The Flood / Re: FFS, this article man
« on: December 03, 2015, 02:49:08 AM »
It shouldn't surprise us that some women are actually like this

Septagon / Re: How's a nigga tryna block a hoe?
« on: December 03, 2015, 02:48:22 AM »
Don't mute reketmang, am sorry : (

The Flood / Re: New Batman vs Superman trailer just came out
« on: December 03, 2015, 02:43:12 AM »
>That's it, that's our whole movie in a trailer

I guess we should just stop watching trailers now

The Flood / Re: Yo latsu
« on: December 03, 2015, 02:38:43 AM »



tru-chan noticed me!


I never know who any of these characters you guys post are.
Who is this?

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