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The Flood / Re: So... Darth Vader's suit... Is it FULLY functional?
« on: December 16, 2015, 01:58:13 AM »

Gaming / Re: 2015 has been a pretty crap year for gaming
« on: December 16, 2015, 01:55:44 AM »

what's your favorite halo game storywise?

Or overall I guess.
you ask me this every time

I've asked you twice. And last time I never got a response.
You've asked me loads of times.

I don't have a clear cut favourite story, but ODST, 2 and 4 are pretty interchangeable in any order as my top 3.

Why you feel the need to ask when I talk about the story is beyond me.

Curiousity, and I tend to forget.

The Flood / Re: Count down for Star Wars Ep 7 (4 DAYS!!!!!!!!)
« on: December 16, 2015, 01:55:06 AM »
4 days until the flood of tears from the disappointed fans

IF it is disappointing, then i will name J.J (Jar Jar)

It will

You speak heresy.
Nope. The story has been leaked.

Laughably bad

I don't believe you, plus i never looked at the story anyways when leaked, spoils the fun.
Icy even made a spoiler thread. They're legit.

It's awful.

Icy should've not done that in the first place, I don't like it when people puts out the story, its even the main reason why i hated the BvS Trailer 2, it gave away the plot.
Except he's allowed to post them. The thread is tagged as a spoiler thread in accordance with the rules.
He hasn't just randomly posted them without warning.
Here's the problem, i want to look at the plot in either looking at the movies or playing it through with video games, i don't like to look at the plot in the internet because one, its the internet, two, if it was the real plot then i will not watch it, and three even if they put the plot in i still won't look at it.
Then don't open the thread, genius.

Really isn't that difficult.

It's not like you're being held at gunpoint and forced to enter the thread .

I guess it's like Prehistoric's complaints about LC talking about MGSV spoilers. He didn't actually spoil it, just said "oh this  particular thing is stupid".

Pretty sure you actually defended Prehistoric on that if I recall correctly.
Not even the same.

Icy's thread is clearly and explicitly labelled as a spoiler thread. LC entered Prehistoric's thread waving his dick about without caring about the people in the thread.

He didn't actually spoil anything

Gaming / Re: 2015 has been a pretty crap year for gaming
« on: December 16, 2015, 01:37:19 AM »

what's your favorite halo game storywise?

Or overall I guess.
you ask me this every time

I've asked you twice. And last time I never got a response.

The Flood / Re: Dumbest thing you've done while thinking with your penis
« on: December 16, 2015, 01:34:10 AM »
None because I'm not a dumbass

Gaming / Re: 2015 has been a pretty crap year for gaming
« on: December 16, 2015, 01:33:13 AM »

what's your favorite halo game storywise?

Or overall I guess.

The Flood / Re: AMA I'll answer with a GIF
« on: December 16, 2015, 01:29:49 AM »
Jester stop liking all these posts gosh
Rocket like my post.

will this instead suffice?

Instead of a button press, you got a legitimate personal response from a real human being.

The Flood / Re: Dumbest thing you've done while thinking with your penis
« on: December 16, 2015, 01:27:01 AM »
Wanked in public.

how public we talkin here?

The Flood / Re: Favourite Alton Towers ride?
« on: December 16, 2015, 01:23:18 AM »
is this the British Disney World?

Serious / Re: Donald Trump wants to 'close up' the Internet
« on: December 16, 2015, 01:21:52 AM »
Good. 90% of the Internet websites are horrible.

Damn Mad Max you are committed to this alt

The Flood / Re: Count down for Star Wars Ep 7 (4 DAYS!!!!!!!!)
« on: December 16, 2015, 01:14:44 AM »
4 days until the flood of tears from the disappointed fans

IF it is disappointing, then i will name J.J (Jar Jar)

It will

You speak heresy.
Nope. The story has been leaked.

Laughably bad

I don't believe you, plus i never looked at the story anyways when leaked, spoils the fun.
Icy even made a spoiler thread. They're legit.

It's awful.

Icy should've not done that in the first place, I don't like it when people puts out the story, its even the main reason why i hated the BvS Trailer 2, it gave away the plot.
Except he's allowed to post them. The thread is tagged as a spoiler thread in accordance with the rules.
He hasn't just randomly posted them without warning.
Here's the problem, i want to look at the plot in either looking at the movies or playing it through with video games, i don't like to look at the plot in the internet because one, its the internet, two, if it was the real plot then i will not watch it, and three even if they put the plot in i still won't look at it.
Then don't open the thread, genius.

Really isn't that difficult.

It's not like you're being held at gunpoint and forced to enter the thread .

I guess it's like Prehistoric's complaints about LC talking about MGSV spoilers. He didn't actually spoil it, just said "oh this  particular thing is stupid".

Pretty sure you actually defended Prehistoric on that if I recall correctly.

Septagon / Re: We have a limit on P.M's we can receive?
« on: December 16, 2015, 01:11:04 AM »
Where are you seeing percentages?

I deleted a bunch of old P.M's so it's gone. But it was a red bar, I think right above where the drop-downs are. Said 135.5% and a little white line where 100% was.
Are you on mobile?
I can't see anything like that on my end.

Nope, on web. I use tapatalk mainly on mobile.

And it's gone so I guess no big deal until I get a ton more P.M's

the better question is why do people still care about smash after melee?

apparently webms are forbidden
Melee may have been the best, but Smash 4 is still very fun. It puts the best parts of Brawl and Melee together, I think.

Melee is beyond me for sure, but I can at least learn and get pretty good in Sm4sh

Melee is just my sandbox game for fun

The Flood / Re: Making A Tinder & Grindr Account Under The Name of Vien.
« on: December 16, 2015, 01:08:03 AM »
time to creep the fuck out of people

Who is the one person who voted for option 1?

Damn Moonrunes
we may never know




Gaming / Re: I'm done.
« on: December 16, 2015, 12:34:53 AM »
And my point is mainly this: It's not that Ridley can never be a character. But for this game in particular it would be odd since he's a stage boss in it.
To be fair, mirror matches are possible.

They are. But Giant boss Ridley vs fighter Ridley?

Gaming / Re: I'm done.
« on: December 16, 2015, 12:32:20 AM »
Oh so Ridley is too big, but Ms. Legs-for-miles gets in. I see how it is, Sakurai.

He's also a stage boss
Hasn't Yoshi been a stage boss before too?


And my point is mainly this: It's not that Ridley can never be a character. But for this game in particular it would be odd since he's a stage boss in it.

Gaming / Re: I'm done.
« on: December 16, 2015, 12:30:12 AM »
everyone's butt-blasted about the final roster additions

and i'm just here adoring Tetsuya Nomura's Smash Bros. art

(except DK's cow udders for feet)

tfw no Fox

: (

Gaming / Re: I'm done.
« on: December 16, 2015, 12:29:56 AM »
Oh so Ridley is too big, but Ms. Legs-for-miles gets in. I see how it is, Sakurai.

He's also a stage boss

Who is the one person who voted for option 1?

Damn Moonrunes

Gaming / Re: GOTY 2016
« on: December 16, 2015, 12:25:32 AM »
People are creepy af

That means as frick

Shut the frick up

The Flood / Re: There are officially 4 states of matter.
« on: December 16, 2015, 12:23:17 AM »

who did you steal that one from
Your mother

The Flood / There are officially 4 states of matter.
« on: December 16, 2015, 12:19:32 AM »
Solid, liquid, gas, and Black lives

He's not my type.

He's not Catholic.
You are Catholic?

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder, never stick your dick in crazy.
« on: December 16, 2015, 12:15:47 AM »
Don't let crazy stick its dick in you, either.
But that's ga-

Oh yeah sep7agon

The Flood / Re: YO TBLOCKS
« on: December 16, 2015, 12:11:26 AM »
What are P.M's?
Oh please. You've done more than your fair share of "Call out" threads.
And I received the same response.


The Flood / Re: YO TBLOCKS
« on: December 16, 2015, 12:10:46 AM »
Thanks for the info fam

And Rocketman, all you do is make call out threads so shut the fuck up
You could have P.M'd me that

The Flood / Re: YO TBLOCKS
« on: December 16, 2015, 12:00:09 AM »
What are P.M's?
Oh please. You've done more than your fair share of "Call out" threads.
And I received the same response.


but at least I'm very likable in real life compared to Roman.
That has no credibility though because you're the one making the claim.

Sep7agon itself has zero credibility about my daily life.
It's a good thing nobody on here actually cares about anyone's personal life then

I plan on visiting England one day, when I do, I am going to stop by your house and drink tea.
I'm not English

Then I'll go to the UK and drink tea with you there.
I'm not even from the UK
Are you black?

Is Deci trying to use a Rocket Launcher in this fight?
Leave my family out of this shit

And fuck you

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