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The Flood / Re: I just found out today that I'm autistic
« on: August 01, 2017, 02:06:38 PM »
Like where on the spectrum? Too much stimuli and you REEEEEEEEEEE? Or you more Aspergers?
Low functioning

Am I autistic?

The Flood / Re: ama will respond in a fortnight
« on: July 31, 2017, 02:18:51 AM »
favorite hobby?

Drinking until I go to sleep on my porch.

I enjoy drinking, but my porch isn't one I spend any time on.

Gaming / Re: "In Defense of MGS4."
« on: July 31, 2017, 01:40:03 AM »
I actually watched that same vid not too long ago. It made me want to go play Metal Gear already.

He uploaded it today, how long ago did you watch it?

today :^)

The Flood / Re: ama will respond in a fortnight
« on: July 31, 2017, 01:37:32 AM »
favorite hobby?

The Flood / Re: [OFFICIAL] Acceptable Waifu List
« on: July 29, 2017, 10:57:11 PM »
>not krystal

ok ya'll don't like quality shit like SAO FUK DIS

trying to plan out my course so far. gunna be a road trip

people i'm going to visit, whether they want to or not




The Flood / Re: I'm not the joke
« on: July 29, 2017, 10:50:19 PM »

The Flood / Re: What do you think happens when you die
« on: July 29, 2017, 10:42:42 PM »
I would prefer the feeling of nothingness over the concept of paradise. Heaven would become boring over time.
It's not allowed to become boring tho

Gaming / Re: Will do resonable things in exchange for PC games
« on: July 28, 2017, 02:51:12 PM »
how old are you

might want to get this out of the way first so we can avoid the eyes of the FBI

what the fuck is your avatar and name btw

The Flood / Re: Cheat exposed 2k17
« on: July 28, 2017, 02:48:23 PM »
I physically cringed





The Flood / What's up?
« on: July 28, 2017, 02:45:40 PM »
I am requesting orders to be transferred to your Spartan Company. My reflexes are sharp, my aim is true, and I am ready for service.

FAKE news

ok killing myself

The Flood / Re: that feeling when [official]
« on: July 27, 2017, 02:41:53 PM »
When the brother is cuter than the sister

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk

hey nice phone

The Flood / Re: We give each other real names
« on: July 27, 2017, 02:36:00 PM »
Desty- Bitch

I saw this thread and wanted to comment this FUCK

The Flood / Re: archaic sep7agon memories
« on: July 27, 2017, 02:01:34 AM »
Oh fuck those memories I the babe : O

idk why but that pic reminded me of some drake and josh episode where theyre on the side of the road.

pretty sure thats the exact layout of the road. Space on the left, sign on the right.

and trees. lots of trees.

The Flood / Re: would you enslavs me y/n
« on: July 27, 2017, 01:43:10 AM »
You could be the vocalist in a rock band tbh

Gaming / Re: I just pre-ordered Destiny 2. Here's why.
« on: July 27, 2017, 01:41:18 AM »
You're an idiot for giving your money to rambling retards like Luke Smith

You actually remembered his name? Damn I forgot almost everything involving destiny.

The Flood / Re: UGH
« on: July 27, 2017, 01:39:16 AM »
secondclass is better than firstclass

The Flood / Re: How did I do on Al Baghdadi's birthday?
« on: July 26, 2017, 03:45:54 PM »





MyNameIs "I'm raising my kids To be challenger X's bitches" Charlie

I'll bodyslam your kids and your wife I don't give a FUCK

And be shot for resisting arrest minutes later.
Corpses can't call the cops Charlie I'll throw your family in a blender

You realize you have a problem, right?
I eat children

for breakfast lunch and dinner

The Flood / Re: I took all the pills
« on: July 26, 2017, 03:29:47 PM »
please don't hurt yourself doing that

Gaming / Re: 🤔Destiny🤔2🤔Beta🤔Thread🤔
« on: July 23, 2017, 11:22:55 PM »
why do i get the feeling that, even if the game turns out super good, there won't be a single person on the forum who won't be a salty biased little bitch about it and hate it anyway
Because the tactics Bungie uses are still despicable. Like as good as the gameplay is, and it is (though that's never been the issue), I can't get over how shameless they are. They announced the 2 DLCs before showing gameplay of the base game.

I think what's going to happen is this:

Bungie cutting content then re-releasing it as DLC for destiny 1 was a result of development troubles. Any DLC for Destiny 2 will be the same, cut content, however it will be cut intentionally rather than due to development constraints.

They saw how much money it printed, no stopping it now.
They were pretty much working on Destiny for 5 years. That's plenty of time of make a game filled with shit tons of content at release instead of cutting it.

I'm definitely not defending it at all, but from all the info we got about destiny's development, they basically changed everything a bit too close to launch then had to catch up, which meant cuts.

The sooner the site becomes forgotten by everyone the better.
I will show my grandchildren your posts

Print them out for the extra wow factor, so you can be like "....woah......paper"

Gaming / Re: 🤔Destiny🤔2🤔Beta🤔Thread🤔
« on: July 23, 2017, 11:18:29 PM »
why do i get the feeling that, even if the game turns out super good, there won't be a single person on the forum who won't be a salty biased little bitch about it and hate it anyway
Because the tactics Bungie uses are still despicable. Like as good as the gameplay is, and it is (though that's never been the issue), I can't get over how shameless they are. They announced the 2 DLCs before showing gameplay of the base game.

I think what's going to happen is this:

Bungie cutting content then re-releasing it as DLC for destiny 1 was a result of development troubles. Any DLC for Destiny 2 will be the same, cut content, however it will be cut intentionally rather than due to development constraints.

They saw how much money it printed, no stopping it now.

The Flood / Re: 4:35 A M
« on: July 14, 2017, 12:17:14 AM »

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: July 13, 2017, 12:36:18 AM »
Halo 5's forge mode is cool as fuck. They made so many improvements and added way more features that I always wanted ever since Halo 3.

You can make sounds, change the weather, add debris that flies through the level and adjust the wind patterns to make the debris fly a certain way, dead bodies, and a whole bunch of other cool shit.

The best feature has to be the ability to grab up to 64 objects at once. It's so much easier to build and move things that way.
And it's potential is wasted on a shit game.

Halo 3 Anniversary when? Oh wait they'll somehow fuck up the visuals and engine of that too

The Flood / Re: what should i order to eat
« on: July 12, 2017, 01:59:44 PM »
I ordered pizza

The Flood / Re: Report July 2K17
« on: July 09, 2017, 04:39:28 PM »
verb isn't a weeb the same way that xsean isn't a furry
we all know they secretly enjoy and jerk off to it, but both refuse to admit it

me not being mentioned here, makes me feel a little left out :c

The Flood / Re: Report July 2K17
« on: July 09, 2017, 03:04:37 AM »
I'm already covered
you are pushing it as far as the bill can go, but it's your smash main, so you just barely scrape by


The Flood / Re: Report July 2K17
« on: July 08, 2017, 03:34:39 PM »
I'm already covered

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