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The Flood / Re: Who wants to Christmasfy my new avatar?
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:53:22 PM »
god damn it it's not even december yet you idiots

They don't have a hat for Thanksgiving so........yeah.
We're as bad as Wal-Mart aren't we? XD

Gaming / Re: What if Halo 2 had actually been like this?
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:36:33 PM »
Reach should have been hell.

Instead we got farms and Sterile white cities.

Don't forget the lack of Spartans :/

One team is all we get? Seriously? I expected an army, or at least a handful of spartans on the front lines.
Instead we are always "infiltrating" or whatever.

Gaming / Re: What if Halo 2 had actually been like this?
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:22:29 PM »
Yeah... Bungie did a really bad job at portraying the Battles of Sol in general.

The H2A cutscenes do a great job at fixing this though.

For the most part, the worst devastation didn't happen in Kenya. Because, well, it's a lot of Savannah and a few interspersed installations as we saw in Halo 3.

If they wanted to show us absolute devastation, they would have had a mission or two in Australia.

The Covenant literally leveled every human structure there because it's where the HQ of the UNSC is located.

In Halo 2 on Metropolis, the sky actually looks orange, like its on fire.
In H2A it's more gray. The cutscenes may have shown more, but the gameplay dumbed down the visual destruction.
The orange sky was actually sort of visually annoying for me.

Well at least it looked like the world was ending :/

The Flood / Re: Who wants to Christmasfy my new avatar?
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:21:47 PM »

The Flood / Re: Who wants to Christmasfy my new avatar?
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:17:16 PM »

I made this.

if you want, you could make it less "landscape"/
i know you hate that XD

The Flood / Re: Who wants to Christmasfy my new avatar?
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:14:57 PM »
It would take me like 5 minutes :I
if you want to :/

The Flood / Re: Who wants to Christmasfy my new avatar?
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:01:34 PM »
>Landscape avatar

Ew. Pleb.

Nothing photoshop can't change.
I'll do it. At least try. A bit rusty in photoshop, but I have used that stock image of the Christmas hat before.

I appreciate it nexus :D

The Flood / Re: I feel like I'm at a crossroads
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:00:58 PM »
Yep. All college is, is weeding them out. Very few people use Differential Equations in their job, compared to the number of degrees that require it.

Just stick through it man. I'm about to have my 2nd year done when this semester ends.
I don't really make a lot of new friends at the college, unless they are classmates. Do you have a circle of friends you hang out with? Hit them up outside of school.
I'm frankly rather tired of the slogging uphill through a river of shit until you reach the end advice tagline at this point. Why not find another path?

Uhh, kinda used to. Still talk with some from time to time, but with everyone I know spread throughout the state, and the past months making me depressed to the point of not doing anything when they were nearby, getting together doesn't really happen anymore. That, and over the summer I was losing my mind due to the repetition and spending time with them felt like a chore since all we'd ever end up doing is watching movies the whole time. The only thing that pulled it through was signing up for camp at the last minute and getting to spend time and work with people I knew and got to know.

*sigh* I type too much.

Some people went to a Technical center in town instead of college. They got certifications in welding, stuff like that. They make great money starting out.

That may be for you. Skip the long college process, get a certification and start working?

The Flood / Re: Who wants to Christmasfy my new avatar?
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:58:47 PM »
>Landscape avatar

Ew. Pleb.

Nothing photoshop can't change.

The Flood / Re: merry easter to you
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:57:08 PM »
Easter? wat?

The Flood / Who wants to Christmasfy my new avatar?
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:56:06 PM »
Pretty please? Try to make it less "landscape" shaped if you don't mind.
I think the images are pretty self explanatory........

The Flood / Re: I feel like I'm at a crossroads
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:47:05 PM »
Just keep in mind what is important.
All this crappy homework (I'm lazy, but actually studying as I type this) will pay off. It will be worth it.
Me, I cannot devote all my time to school. I need socialization.

So lessen the work load to a comfortable level. Me? I work 3 days, got to 2 classes on 2 days (I would do more but I'll have my A.A), and I have one actual day off devoted to whatever. Church at night though.

Find your level, and do that. Don't overwhelm yourself to where you fail. It will simply waste time and money, and make you take longer to finish off school.
I suck shit at socializing with new people in real life, but from everyone I've listened to in my classes that are mostly Sophomore+(I took classes at Community college in HS) say "From what I've learned so far, all this work is really just to weed out people that aren't dedicated, persistent, and organized; and that it's really just to see who can get through it". I was losing my shit the last year and a half of High School because it was filler and I wanted to learn valuable things and get challenges that meant something and learn how to solve them, I don't enjoy the prospect of 4+ more years of that.

Yep. All college is, is weeding them out. Very few people use Differential Equations in their job, compared to the number of degrees that require it.

Just stick through it man. I'm about to have my 2nd year done when this semester ends.
I don't really make a lot of new friends at the college, unless they are classmates. Do you have a circle of friends you hang out with? Hit them up outside of school.

The Flood / Re: So I've finished editing the podcast
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:44:27 PM »
First I'd like to say that LC is a dick particularly at the end of the podcast. He also made a background for the podcast. See below.
Still waiting for Cheat's superior background.

So for the time being I'd thought I'd get some info about people who would like to be on future podcasts. Just tell me if you would like to, and what you would bring in as far as discussion value goes.

I'd like to be in it. I'm big into movies, video games, and music, but I'm not the only one.
I have an eye towards video games and their components more than anything else really. I like to talk about the story components, the music, the visuals, everything that drives a game forward.

As for music, I don't know the name of all the genres (because there are so dang many), but I know what I like. I can break down a song as well, it's components and everything in between. Instrumentally and lyrically.

I'm used to speaking in public or in a recording environment, since I record music. Friendly, so we don't have to worry about getting all pissy and what not. Since we are taking some user's questions, I'm sure people would ask me some messed up stuff (which would be hilarious by the way). And I'd get to know the other users on the podcast more.

and you get to hear the sexy voice of a singer  ;D
that reminds me, any particular subject matter or are you guys just bullshitting?
No, we bring in things to talk about this one just happened to be about answering questions from that one thread, along with stuff we happened to talk about.

I like including the thread questions. Adds some comedy :D
But obviously don't make that the source material for the entire podcast. Just a very small part.

Call it "Community Questions" or something like that.

In High School, all these Satanist kids would group together near me while I played guitar.

I'd play some Christian song while looking right at them, and they'd be gone within a minute.

Then the rest of my friends would show up and we'd have a jam session. Good times :D
So you're saying that gays are all satanists, and that they should all be stoned or burned alive?


how do you know the truth?

The Flood / Re: So I've finished editing the podcast
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:41:35 PM »
First I'd like to say that LC is a dick particularly at the end of the podcast. He also made a background for the podcast. See below.
Still waiting for Cheat's superior background.

So for the time being I'd thought I'd get some info about people who would like to be on future podcasts. Just tell me if you would like to, and what you would bring in as far as discussion value goes.

I'd like to be in it. I'm big into movies, video games, and music, but I'm not the only one.
I have an eye towards video games and their components more than anything else really. I like to talk about the story components, the music, the visuals, everything that drives a game forward.

As for music, I don't know the name of all the genres (because there are so dang many), but I know what I like. I can break down a song as well, it's components and everything in between. Instrumentally and lyrically.

I'm used to speaking in public or in a recording environment, since I record music. Friendly, so we don't have to worry about getting all pissy and what not. Since we are taking some user's questions, I'm sure people would ask me some messed up stuff (which would be hilarious by the way). And I'd get to know the other users on the podcast more.

and you get to hear the sexy voice of a singer  ;D
that reminds me, any particular subject matter or are you guys just bullshitting?

Throw in some ideas. They will consider them, and put something up to go by.
After the ideas have been run through, its probably going to be  freestyle.

Gaming / Re: What if Halo 2 had actually been like this?
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:39:59 PM »
Yeah... Bungie did a really bad job at portraying the Battles of Sol in general.

The H2A cutscenes do a great job at fixing this though.

For the most part, the worst devastation didn't happen in Kenya. Because, well, it's a lot of Savannah and a few interspersed installations as we saw in Halo 3.

If they wanted to show us absolute devastation, they would have had a mission or two in Australia.

The Covenant literally leveled every human structure there because it's where the HQ of the UNSC is located.

In Halo 2 on Metropolis, the sky actually looks orange, like its on fire.
In H2A it's more gray. The cutscenes may have shown more, but the gameplay dumbed down the visual destruction.

The Flood / Re: So I've finished editing the podcast
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:38:21 PM »
First I'd like to say that LC is a dick particularly at the end of the podcast. He also made a background for the podcast. See below.
Still waiting for Cheat's superior background.

So for the time being I'd thought I'd get some info about people who would like to be on future podcasts. Just tell me if you would like to, and what you would bring in as far as discussion value goes.

I'd like to be in it. I'm big into movies, video games, and music, but I'm not the only one.
I have an eye towards video games and their components more than anything else really. I like to talk about the story components, the music, the visuals, everything that drives a game forward.

As for music, I don't know the name of all the genres (because there are so dang many), but I know what I like. I can break down a song as well, it's components and everything in between. Instrumentally and lyrically.

I'm used to speaking in public or in a recording environment, since I record music. Friendly, so we don't have to worry about getting all pissy and what not. Since we are taking some user's questions, I'm sure people would ask me some messed up stuff (which would be hilarious by the way). And I'd get to know the other users on the podcast more.

and you get to hear the sexy voice of a singer  ;D
You'll be on the list of potential podcast members then.

Why thank you sir!

The Flood / Re: I feel like I'm at a crossroads
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:35:21 PM »
Just keep in mind what is important.
All this crappy homework (I'm lazy, but actually studying as I type this) will pay off. It will be worth it.
Me, I cannot devote all my time to school. I need socialization.

So lessen the work load to a comfortable level. Me? I work 3 days, got to 2 classes on 2 days (I would do more but I'll have my A.A), and I have one actual day off devoted to whatever. Church at night though.

Find your level, and do that. Don't overwhelm yourself to where you fail. It will simply waste time and money, and make you take longer to finish off school.

Gaming / Re: First Game Played?
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:32:27 PM »
I can't remember. I believe something either on the Super Nintendo or the N64.
I remember going to my friend Stan's house and playing the ORIGINAL Star Fox, after I had played Star Fox 64. So much fun :D

The Flood / Re: So I've finished editing the podcast
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:30:24 PM »
First I'd like to say that LC is a dick particularly at the end of the podcast. He also made a background for the podcast. See below.
Still waiting for Cheat's superior background.

So for the time being I'd thought I'd get some info about people who would like to be on future podcasts. Just tell me if you would like to, and what you would bring in as far as discussion value goes.

I'd like to be in it. I'm big into movies, video games, and music, but I'm not the only one.
I have an eye towards video games and their components more than anything else really. I like to talk about the story components, the music, the visuals, everything that drives a game forward.

As for music, I don't know the name of all the genres (because there are so dang many), but I know what I like. I can break down a song as well, it's components and everything in between. Instrumentally and lyrically.

I'm used to speaking in public or in a recording environment, since I record music. Friendly, so we don't have to worry about getting all pissy and what not. Since we are taking some user's questions, I'm sure people would ask me some messed up stuff (which would be hilarious by the way). And I'd get to know the other users on the podcast more.

and you get to hear the sexy voice of a singer  ;D

The Flood / Re: Do you take good care of your body?
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:06:58 PM »
I eat whatever I want and look decent. But I don't eat terrible. My job is my workout, and I don't drink or do drugs.

So I'd say I'm doing alright. Excellent hygiene

The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:02:28 PM »
This thread XD

The Flood / Re: Someone edit my avatar
« on: November 19, 2014, 08:56:21 PM »
It's November

Hush. It's always Christmas time
Am I the only person who gets flack for making a Christmas thread in November?


The Flood / Re: An Early Birthday Thread...
« on: November 19, 2014, 08:54:39 PM »

The Flood / Re: Worst Teachers You Have.
« on: November 19, 2014, 07:00:51 PM »
I can't tell about one without including the other.
These are college professors.

1st: Trigonometry Teacher

I go to the final exam review, wanting badly to pass. I was one of 4 students who actually went.
You would think the review would actually prepare you for the final right? Nope. The material was so off on the exam, and the teacher even lied about the format of the test when I asked her: how many questions and is it multiple choice?

When I confronted her about it, she said "I was joking".
HAHAHAHA no. I reported her.

2nd: Calculus Teacher (Online)

Reviews prepare you for tests right? Well, you need the answers for the reviews so you can check your work. This professor said "you don't need the answers to the review to know if you are doing things correctly." Unfortunately the book only shows the answers, not the process of attaining the answer. So I basically knew if I knew the material or not, based on my test grade.

I don't think this is that difficult to grasp:

Study Guides are used to study for tests. You cannot study if you do not have the answers to the study guide. Otherwise you will simply be studying your own answers, which could be incorrect.

This is why I hate my college.
Wolfram Alpha is good for checking your work. Don't let it do your homework, just use it to check it.
Already changed majors :/
oh >.>
Yep. The damage has already been done

I'll say it again because it feels so good: I hate my college

The Flood / Re: So there's this one neckbeard in my Philosophy class...
« on: November 19, 2014, 06:56:17 PM »
Is it Dustin?
Worse. He's like a Communist Verbatim...
May God deliver us from this evil.

The Flood / Re: Dating a girl with a boyfriend
« on: November 19, 2014, 06:53:56 PM »
In in a similar situation, except the guy this girl with is a jerk. She can do better, but she's dating him for now.

Keep your distance, but be there if she needs someone to talk to. If that relationship ends, you'll be in a good position.

Septagon / Re: Re: Apply to be a Monitor
« on: November 19, 2014, 06:48:41 PM »
This is a thread for people to apply in. Maybe you guys should take this discussion somewhere else if you really need to talk about this.
If a mod wants to move the posts, I welcome it.

It seems a comment of a vague idea I spouted offends people.
For someone applying to be a monitor, you're pretty bad at reading people if you think I'm "offended"and not just... you know, discussing the idea with you.
If you insist continuing this.

That was a poor choice of words.

How about this: For an idea I offhandedly offered at Slash, an idea I put only a small amount thought into before posting, you and Rocket seemed to decide to poke holes in it for no reason,

I responded to someone else with it. And Cheat responded to me in a positive manner.
What further need was there for discussing it?

Then when I try to point out the merits of the idea, you decide to dance around semantics.
That must mean I'm offended, right?
What's wrong with discussing it? Maybe something could come of it, like ironing out the problems it could potentially have.
Seriously, all I've done here is try to talk about your idea, and you're getting overly defensive about it. You did this before when I talked to cheat and you replied with "clearly Zizzy knows how to run your site better than you do". Do you understand that by spotting something that could be a problem, I'm not attacking you?
Basically ^

The Flood / Re: Worst Teachers You Have.
« on: November 19, 2014, 06:47:46 PM »
I can't tell about one without including the other.
These are college professors.

1st: Trigonometry Teacher

I go to the final exam review, wanting badly to pass. I was one of 4 students who actually went.
You would think the review would actually prepare you for the final right? Nope. The material was so off on the exam, and the teacher even lied about the format of the test when I asked her: how many questions and is it multiple choice?

When I confronted her about it, she said "I was joking".
HAHAHAHA no. I reported her.

2nd: Calculus Teacher (Online)

Reviews prepare you for tests right? Well, you need the answers for the reviews so you can check your work. This professor said "you don't need the answers to the review to know if you are doing things correctly." Unfortunately the book only shows the answers, not the process of attaining the answer. So I basically knew if I knew the material or not, based on my test grade.

I don't think this is that difficult to grasp:

Study Guides are used to study for tests. You cannot study if you do not have the answers to the study guide. Otherwise you will simply be studying your own answers, which could be incorrect.

This is why I hate my college.
Wolfram Alpha is good for checking your work. Don't let it do your homework, just use it to check it.
Already changed majors :/

The Flood / Re: The Story Of How I Lost My Virginity
« on: November 19, 2014, 06:41:28 PM »
This was a waste of time on your part OP, not mine.

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