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The Flood / Re: Just a pleasure to serve others.
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:58:24 PM »
A coworker of mine was having a really bad day today. He was super bummed out.
He apparently got caught with a small amount of marijuana in his vehicle, and he's having to take a class. He was working a ton just so he could make ends meet with rent and everything.

I don't know if he has to pay for that class or if he just got a ticket, but dang he was down.
We're both servers, and we have our sections. He was my service partner today, so we are in the same area together.

I don't need money. I don't have bills to pay. And regardless of my views on whether he was getting what he deserved or not, you know what I did? I tried to make his day better.

We were slow and had no customers hardly. So I let him take my tables. I took orders and made salads and whatever he needed, and his mood completely changed. I was wiling to make nothing just to help this guy out.

And what happened? People came. And boy did they come. We got swamped and he made a killing, I did decent. I turned this guy's day around and dang it...............I'm happy.

I've got this fire in me right now, as I type this, of wanting to help people.
If you've never been generous before, start. Because you want this feeling. It's not about me anymore, its about somebody else. The moment you are so focused on somebody else that you forget you exist, for just a moment.............we get a glimpse of true selflessness.

I want all of this feeling. Not just a portion.
Am I boasting of myself? No. I am boasting of the goodness of loving others.
Because it overwhelms my name, my identity. I am nothing but a tool to be used by love.

If this is preachy, I'm sorry. I've just got to let this out of me.
Kinda wanna make a pegboy joke... but I'm way too nice.
How am I a peg boy? FIGHT ME IRL

Serious / Re: All my views can be summed up in this.
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:57:30 PM »
Oh, so you're cool with gays now?
they are free to make their own choices
I'm not sure if you're referring to the choice of marrying, or the choice of being gay...
Either. I've relaxed my views on gay marriage a lot, not in its authenticity but in the fact that arguing is pointless.

Like I said, I disagree but I will not condemn. I'm just supposed to love them.

Serious / Re: All my views can be summed up in this.
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:50:31 PM »
So how many passages do you use that are out of context? The most common verse used out of context is Jeremiah 29:11
The verses in the OP are very plain and simple. No wiggle room there. Love God, and Love People. That's what we've got to do.

Serious / Re: All my views can be summed up in this.
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:47:52 PM »
Oh, so you're cool with gays now?
I've been cool with the idea that they are free to make their own choices. I'm not here to order them around or condemn them.

Does the Bible speak out against it? Yes. Does the Bible tell me to make people live Biblically by force? No.

I'm supposed to love all sinners for I am one too.

The Flood / Re: Just a pleasure to serve others.
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:24:13 PM »
that sounds so cliché im thinking its a copy pasta. but honestly, good for you OP
i dont really feel jack shit after helping people, but i do so anyways

cliche, perhaps. Copypasta, nope.

I just felt so dang good after helping this guy out ya know?
He told me "I'm doing nice stuff for people all the time, but nobody has helped me out like that before. thanks man."

I was shocked that nobody had his back all this time, he's a nice guy.

The Flood / Re: Why Is Everybody's Avatar Anime?
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:10:16 PM »
[generalization intensifies]

Serious / Re: All my views can be summed up in this.
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:04:50 PM »
Loving your enemies is as dangerous as it is stupid.

Then I shall surely die. But it will be worth it all.

The Flood / Just a pleasure to serve others.
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:03:13 PM »
A coworker of mine was having a really bad day today. He was super bummed out.
He apparently got caught with a small amount of marijuana in his vehicle, and he's having to take a class. He was working a ton just so he could make ends meet with rent and everything.

I don't know if he has to pay for that class or if he just got a ticket, but dang he was down.
We're both servers, and we have our sections. He was my service partner today, so we are in the same area together.

I don't need money. I don't have bills to pay. And regardless of my views on whether he was getting what he deserved or not, you know what I did? I tried to make his day better.

We were slow and had no customers hardly. So I let him take my tables. I took orders and made salads and whatever he needed, and his mood completely changed. I was wiling to make nothing just to help this guy out.

And what happened? People came. And boy did they come. We got swamped and he made a killing, I did decent. I turned this guy's day around and dang it...............I'm happy.

I've got this fire in me right now, as I type this, of wanting to help people.
If you've never been generous before, start. Because you want this feeling. It's not about me anymore, its about somebody else. The moment you are so focused on somebody else that you forget you exist, for just a moment.............we get a glimpse of true selflessness.

I want all of this feeling. Not just a portion.
Am I boasting of myself? No. I am boasting of the goodness of loving others.
Because it overwhelms my name, my identity. I am nothing but a tool to be used by love.

If this is preachy, I'm sorry. I've just got to let this out of me.

Serious / All my views can be summed up in this.
« on: November 29, 2014, 04:48:17 PM »
I'm not sure if some of you actually know what my views are on many "controversial matters" (LGBT rights, drugs, etc.) All my views can be summarized in one way:

Sure, the Bible is what I follow. And it has specific commandments against certain things.
But what is the greatest commandment?

Matthew 22:36-40

Jesus replied: “'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

So you know what guys?
Sure, I love Christ. But with equal devotion I'm supposed to love people. Regardless of their decisions, Jesus COMMANDS me "You love them, as I have loved you."

I may not agree with you. But know that at the end of the day my faith or choices are not justified by telling you how to live your life, or whether something is right or wrong. You make your own choices, and I make my own as well. I can disagree all I want, but am I supposed to stop you from making your own choices? HECK NO! You live your life, and I live mine.

 I'm not here to judge you.
I'm here to love you.

The Flood / Re: Cheat, come on now.
« on: November 29, 2014, 04:31:02 PM »
Is this sexual harassment?


The Flood / Re: No, describe ME in ten words or fewer
« on: November 29, 2014, 04:21:33 PM »
Why do you keep on stealing his threads?


The Flood / Re: No, describe ME in ten words or fewer
« on: November 29, 2014, 04:21:16 PM »
Imitator >_>

The Flood / Cheat, come on now.
« on: November 29, 2014, 04:20:36 PM »

My undies are MY business!

The Flood / Re: Describe me in 10 words or less.
« on: November 29, 2014, 03:52:56 PM »
Well you are a Rocket then a man then numbers.
I'm just a number?


The Flood / Re: Describe me in 10 words or less.
« on: November 29, 2014, 03:52:10 PM »
100% obnoxious - Christian edition!
Do we even really interact?

The Flood / Re: Describe me in 10 words or less.
« on: November 29, 2014, 03:13:00 PM »
You're a cool guy, we should talk or stuff. My eyesight just went weird and now I can't see well, wtf. Okay now it's somewhat better. But yeah. OK?

The Flood / Re: Describe me in 10 words or less.
« on: November 29, 2014, 11:36:54 AM »
I don't know you.
We don't talk really >_>

The Flood / Re: Describe me in 10 words or less.
« on: November 29, 2014, 11:36:32 AM »
fgt fgt fgt fgt fgt fgt fgt fgt fgt fgt
That was gorgeous dude. I'm forever grateful.

The Flood / Describe me in 10 words or less.
« on: November 29, 2014, 11:21:57 AM »
Thank you

Serious / Re: Four Walls
« on: November 29, 2014, 11:02:11 AM » whatever happened to Quiet?

Quiet's far away now. About 6 hours away. He moved off from his town and into the city, roughly two weeks ago. Up here, it's just little old me now.
You should really consider just moving closer to him or something. Get over this fear of cities you have and just...get out there. More job opportunities, more people. Maybe even some new friendly faces.

It's not a fear. It's a fact. Cities are traps, plain and simple. Going over to one of em' up here wouldn't change anything. And, I can see the way things are going. Quiet's a good dude. But he's going his own way. Not a way I can or will follow.

I'll always have an open door. But that doesn't change the fact that things have been drifting apart for a few years now.
That's fear talking, man. Living in or near a city isn't as bad as you're making it sound. And I'm suggesting you move closer so that you can still spend time with your buddy on off days. You're a really nice person, but you really need to get out there and meet new people in the real world.

Okay. Here's the view on things. Here's what I've seen in my life. Here's what I've learned by watching.

Cities are okay. They're like snowglobes. Nice to look at. But not nice to live in. That's why I take trips. I go on out, get all the nice fancy shit I want, and then I leave. But here's the facts.

In order to function, cities need people. So, how do you get them filled with people? Two things. Money. And stuff. Stuff that you can't get outside of a city. Stuff that makes you feel safe, secure, and comfortable. Basically, a city says, "Okay dudes, if you live here, you get all this cool stuff, and you get the money to buy it."

And here's what that does to people. Wasted lives. And you can't refute that because I can read people. I watch them, and I see where they're at. Everybody on my construction job? They were dead inside. And not because of the labor. They were dead, because this was their life.

Earn money, buy shit that they think will make them happy, rinse and repeat. At 40 years old, most of them were burnt out. They smoked. They drank. They did drugs. Because that's all they had. As people, they were dead. Just a body waiting to die.

And I see it wherever I go.

So, here's the thing. I'm quiet. I don't party. Don't go out too often. If I was in a city, you'd probably only ever spot me in a library, or a quiet coffee shop. I don't buy shit. Because I'm a simple person. Doesn't take much to make me happy.

So, here's what would happen if I went into a city to live there.

1. I'd get caught in the money trap. Money to pay for the bills to live there and get access to all the spiffy stuff.

2. I'd get stuck in the job trap. When I work Nuka, I work. If I was ever going to have a job, it would be one where I have to move my ass. And if you spend too long on those jobs, you hit an off switch.

My days off would be spent healing and getting ready for the next shift of the job. I wouldn't do anything I enjoy, because there'd be no point. I'd only have, at the most, two days to do it. And I'd need all the time available to recover.

So in a city, I'd be dead as a person.

And now, here's the kicker. I don't mean to come across as insulting.

But your world, is different from mine. My reality, is different from yours. And you don't see that because you live in a city.

If you came up here, to where I live, you wouldn't even know where to start. None of you would. The only people up here who might even stand a chance of fitting in would be fellow Canadians. And even then, that's not a sure thing, because most of the canadian folks here live in cities.

This is my reality. I greatly enjoy peace and quiet. I detest crowds, and people. I work hard for what I make, but I don't kill myself over it. I enjoy my hobbies and try to get as much enjoyment out of my time that I have. Because that's what life should be.

Not a job. Not socializing. And certainly not after the aimless pursuit of money.

So, ask yourself, how would I find a friend? How would I find somebody like me? I'd have to keep my eyes sharp. Because somebody like me wouldn't appear often. They'd be quiet, and withdrawn from the crowd. Doing their own thing.

And if I spotted them, I'd have to jump. Because knowing me, I wouldn't take the first step. My best chances are here.

And most of all, I can't turn my back on my family. Because they need help. And they will need help. And money, money can't help or offer them what the need.

My mother's had a hard life. And it's left its marks on her. She's buried the scars too deep. But I can influence her, slowly. I can turn her attitude and misery around with humor. I can diffuse her anger.

My brother in law? He's old. I can help him when he needs another pair of hands.

My sister? She's blind. When her husband dies, everybody in the area will convince her to move off her farm. And she never will. And she can do it, believe me. But she'll need support. I'm the on;y one who can give that to her.

My little neice? She'll need her uncle to watch her back when she's older, in place of her father. And she'll need a friend, because she's as different as I am.

I can do more here, by staying in the area for all of these people, than I can by going out and making money. Because all of us currently make money anyway. Not a lot. But enough to get by as we need it. And if we need more, we get it.

I live a world apart from you. And it's not an easy one to live in some days. But it's worth it, over the alternative that modern society offers.

Cities aren't that bad.  The fact that you are aware they are a trap, gives you an advantage.
You feel alone? Not anymore, you are surrounded by people.
And you will find someone in the crowd who is like you. And you don't have to find somebody just like you. Differences make conversations interesting too.

You like working hard, but not to death. You can find a physical job in a city.  If you don't want a physical job, plenty of those too.

You  may not like it, but the city may be good for you Sandtrap.

The only thing I can say to this, is that I've gone over it again and again. Staying here is where I can do best. But it's certainly not easy.

But, the primary concern is, when you live in a city, you get comfortable. And when you get comfortable, you leave yourself open to have the rug pulled out from under you.

There are power outages up here. Our cities are remote, spread far apart from one another, and only connected through a few sparse roads. One good, solid winter snowstorm, and the power is knocked out. Roads are closed.

And cities have at the very most, only three days of available food in them. Cities are supply and demand. They are given food as they need it. But they don't have the largest store of it.

And second, look at the way the world is going. It's a fucking mess. And one day, that mess is going to explode.

If things go to crap, like riots, leave for a few days. Not all cities get overrun in turmoil, Nuka lives in one himself, he's telling you all about it now. If anything, move to a large town-small city like I live in. As for weather, just be prepared and you should be fine.

The Flood / Re: The most shoplifted book in the World?
« on: November 29, 2014, 03:43:19 AM »

Serious / Re: Four Walls
« on: November 29, 2014, 03:42:25 AM » whatever happened to Quiet?

Quiet's far away now. About 6 hours away. He moved off from his town and into the city, roughly two weeks ago. Up here, it's just little old me now.
You should really consider just moving closer to him or something. Get over this fear of cities you have and just...get out there. More job opportunities, more people. Maybe even some new friendly faces.

It's not a fear. It's a fact. Cities are traps, plain and simple. Going over to one of em' up here wouldn't change anything. And, I can see the way things are going. Quiet's a good dude. But he's going his own way. Not a way I can or will follow.

I'll always have an open door. But that doesn't change the fact that things have been drifting apart for a few years now.
That's fear talking, man. Living in or near a city isn't as bad as you're making it sound. And I'm suggesting you move closer so that you can still spend time with your buddy on off days. You're a really nice person, but you really need to get out there and meet new people in the real world.

Okay. Here's the view on things. Here's what I've seen in my life. Here's what I've learned by watching.

Cities are okay. They're like snowglobes. Nice to look at. But not nice to live in. That's why I take trips. I go on out, get all the nice fancy shit I want, and then I leave. But here's the facts.

In order to function, cities need people. So, how do you get them filled with people? Two things. Money. And stuff. Stuff that you can't get outside of a city. Stuff that makes you feel safe, secure, and comfortable. Basically, a city says, "Okay dudes, if you live here, you get all this cool stuff, and you get the money to buy it."

And here's what that does to people. Wasted lives. And you can't refute that because I can read people. I watch them, and I see where they're at. Everybody on my construction job? They were dead inside. And not because of the labor. They were dead, because this was their life.

Earn money, buy shit that they think will make them happy, rinse and repeat. At 40 years old, most of them were burnt out. They smoked. They drank. They did drugs. Because that's all they had. As people, they were dead. Just a body waiting to die.

And I see it wherever I go.

So, here's the thing. I'm quiet. I don't party. Don't go out too often. If I was in a city, you'd probably only ever spot me in a library, or a quiet coffee shop. I don't buy shit. Because I'm a simple person. Doesn't take much to make me happy.

So, here's what would happen if I went into a city to live there.

1. I'd get caught in the money trap. Money to pay for the bills to live there and get access to all the spiffy stuff.

2. I'd get stuck in the job trap. When I work Nuka, I work. If I was ever going to have a job, it would be one where I have to move my ass. And if you spend too long on those jobs, you hit an off switch.

My days off would be spent healing and getting ready for the next shift of the job. I wouldn't do anything I enjoy, because there'd be no point. I'd only have, at the most, two days to do it. And I'd need all the time available to recover.

So in a city, I'd be dead as a person.

And now, here's the kicker. I don't mean to come across as insulting.

But your world, is different from mine. My reality, is different from yours. And you don't see that because you live in a city.

If you came up here, to where I live, you wouldn't even know where to start. None of you would. The only people up here who might even stand a chance of fitting in would be fellow Canadians. And even then, that's not a sure thing, because most of the canadian folks here live in cities.

This is my reality. I greatly enjoy peace and quiet. I detest crowds, and people. I work hard for what I make, but I don't kill myself over it. I enjoy my hobbies and try to get as much enjoyment out of my time that I have. Because that's what life should be.

Not a job. Not socializing. And certainly not after the aimless pursuit of money.

So, ask yourself, how would I find a friend? How would I find somebody like me? I'd have to keep my eyes sharp. Because somebody like me wouldn't appear often. They'd be quiet, and withdrawn from the crowd. Doing their own thing.

And if I spotted them, I'd have to jump. Because knowing me, I wouldn't take the first step. My best chances are here.

And most of all, I can't turn my back on my family. Because they need help. And they will need help. And money, money can't help or offer them what the need.

My mother's had a hard life. And it's left its marks on her. She's buried the scars too deep. But I can influence her, slowly. I can turn her attitude and misery around with humor. I can diffuse her anger.

My brother in law? He's old. I can help him when he needs another pair of hands.

My sister? She's blind. When her husband dies, everybody in the area will convince her to move off her farm. And she never will. And she can do it, believe me. But she'll need support. I'm the on;y one who can give that to her.

My little neice? She'll need her uncle to watch her back when she's older, in place of her father. And she'll need a friend, because she's as different as I am.

I can do more here, by staying in the area for all of these people, than I can by going out and making money. Because all of us currently make money anyway. Not a lot. But enough to get by as we need it. And if we need more, we get it.

I live a world apart from you. And it's not an easy one to live in some days. But it's worth it, over the alternative that modern society offers.

Cities aren't that bad.  The fact that you are aware they are a trap, gives you an advantage.
You feel alone? Not anymore, you are surrounded by people.
And you will find someone in the crowd who is like you. And you don't have to find somebody just like you. Differences make conversations interesting too.

You like working hard, but not to death. You can find a physical job in a city.  If you don't want a physical job, plenty of those too.

You  may not like it, but the city may be good for you Sandtrap.

The Flood / Re: The first trailer for Star Wars Episode VII is here
« on: November 29, 2014, 03:23:44 AM »
>TFW when no one likes a teaser that was made after filming was wrapped up under a month a go.

Seriously, the fact they had anything to show us at all is surprising.

1. Black guy and chick are the main characters. Neither are Jedi. However, the chick may undergo training by Luke.

2. "Sith" we see (probably) isn't actually a Sith, but someone used to the Dark Side, who collects Sith artifacts.

3. Han Solo (may) grows to trust the collector, resulting in tension between him and Luke.

4. Luke may be falling to the Dark Side a-la the now non-canon EU.

5. Imperial forces we see are most likely fragmented factions from the Empire, now controlled by Moffs.

6. Simon Pegg is a Storm Trooper and has his arms ripped off by Chewbacca.

Wouldn't that be the "Imperial Remnant"?

The Flood / Re: Fucking Burito
« on: November 29, 2014, 03:20:52 AM »
i hate burritosenior, too
I hate that elitist personality he has.

I say that fits El Burinator quite well too.

The Flood / Re: The most shoplifted book in the World?
« on: November 29, 2014, 02:44:09 AM »
"Thou shalt not steal."

Gee now you tell me.

*thief opens stolen bible to that commandment*

...............are you there God?

Serious / Re: Four Walls
« on: November 29, 2014, 02:41:05 AM »
Can you give me one good reason why I should wait?

Because you Sandtrap, are a good person. A selfless person who has been there for others.
And no matter what doctors say, or you believe, miracles can happen. This is fact. This cancer can just vanish.

You have a life worth living, and you don't deserve this. To live in fear of what can happen, the pain or the results. Go out there and find people. They may not be perfect but dang it man, a friend changes so much. There is someone in your area whom you can talk with, relate to, have a nice chat with.

You can say "You don't know what this is like". And you are right, I don't. But if you make the decision to end it all now, you can never go back and see what would have really happened. You are a fighter, and a winner. You're freaking Superman.

If death comes to take you, make it drag you out the door. Because every moment you have is one you choose to keep, and you deserve them all.

The Flood / Re: The most shoplifted book in the World?
« on: November 29, 2014, 02:16:41 AM »
Take that Christians!
Christians: 0

*scratches head*

Gaming / Re: "Guilty pleasures" in gaming?
« on: November 29, 2014, 01:16:49 AM »
Um, you can have one of this involving gaming?

The Flood / The most shoplifted book in the World?
« on: November 29, 2014, 01:13:32 AM »

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