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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 252627 2829 ... 302
Big Smoke's order with face tracking in 4k.
Lance Vance Dance with Playstation™  VR®
Oh god, the game could take place at that dance club which has the Village People parody.

id rather then just allow backwards compatibility for all these games than remaster them
Why wouldn't you want a GTA SA which is using the GTA 5 engine along with superior graphics? The problem with backwards is that if it's the 360 version, then we're going to get the shitty mobile port of the game.
San Andreas and GTA 5 don't run on the same engine you fucktard
You don't fucking say? If there's a remaster of it then there's the possibility that the engine may get changed due to the old one being severely outdated. I hardly doubt the engine SA is using would be able to handle modern graphics along with a good frame rate. Fallout 4 has outdated graphics and frame rate issues due an outdated engine, so a GTA remaster of 3, VC and SA would require a new engine for it to look good and not run like shit. The newest engine being in use at the moment would be the one GTA 5 is suing.

Really, was that insult actually called for? For that one you were really grasping at straws for a reason to insult me.

id rather then just allow backwards compatibility for all these games than remaster them
Why wouldn't you want a GTA SA which is using the GTA 5 engine along with superior graphics? The problem with backwards is that if it's the 360 version, then we're going to get the shitty mobile port of the game.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: December 12, 2016, 04:00:05 AM »
]They need to remove it completely. Getting rewarded for sprinting is probably the single most dumbest design idea ever. Thats why halo will never be a big esport.

Can somebody here tell me what the reason for that post getting flagged for being "non-constructive" is? He is right about comparing it to sprint. All you do is move faster at somebody which results in a kill, there is no skill at all in it.

Then for the esports thing he's right as well. Having features like that charge which takes little to no skill to use is going to turn off the game for competitive play.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: December 12, 2016, 03:54:44 AM »
Does anybody else hate that boost ability which is able to kill people if you're in range of it? For myself I keep forgetting about it(Due to me being used to the real Halo's.) which results in me getting killed and not using it.
Spartan charge shouldn't be in the game tbh
With that hover ground pound attack, that one at least has a counter to it due the the user being in the air for a good amount of time  and you can dodge it. With that charge it's almost an instant attack and there's really no time to dodge due to CQC.

Gaming / Re: Convince me to play Witcher 3
« on: December 12, 2016, 03:51:29 AM »
Game of Thrones is also shit because of that.
Agreed, the producers should have focused more on the troy and characters who were actually from the books, rather than focusing on pointless nude and sex scenes.
You completely took what I said out of context as if I actually meant that.

If you want them to focus on characters from the books, have fun learning a bunch of convoluted stuff that spans for freaking ever.
Not every character from the book has to be in the show, but it would be nice to see the scenes how they actually happened. For example in the book Renly was telling Ned that he would be a better choice for a king to due the people loving him a hell of a lot more than his brother. In the show it just made him out to be a selfish asshole. Hell even Cersei in the book was trying to suddce Ned into ruling until Joff came of age. In the show that scene for some odd reason was butchered.

Then for characters Young Griff's story line would be a hell of a lot more interesting to watch than every nude scene and those scenes with that pointless whore known as Ros.

But hey, why have a story worth watching when we can have great moments like "You want a good girl, but you need the bad pussy" and seeing Renly getting head from Ser Loras.

Gaming / Re: Convince me to play Witcher 3
« on: December 11, 2016, 05:49:29 AM »
Game of Thrones is also shit because of that.
Agreed, the producers should have focused more on the troy and characters who were actually from the books, rather than focusing on pointless nude and sex scenes.

The Flood / Re: Dragon Ball Thread (DBS epispde 67)
« on: December 11, 2016, 05:47:16 AM »
I kinda want Towa and Mira to become canon, but they work pretty good as game villains

Dat chest.

If you two don't like my posting then why not mute me instead of always bitching about it? God damn how dare I make a thread about DC and Marvel which seems to be popular here along with Dragon Ball as well.
Muting is for pussies and your threads and posts are retarded and make no sense 9 times out of 10
The problem with this one, is? Also like I said, if you find my posts and threads to be shit then mute me, continuing to bitch about them when you have the means to not see them is no different than me posting them.

you're like a small child on a sugar rush or something
So what's the big deal about me making this thread instead of one of the hundreds of meme related threads which users spam here? Would you rather have me making a thread about my penis hurting or a thread about whatever the hell this thing is?

If you two don't like my posting then why not mute me instead of always bitching about it? God damn how dare I make a thread about DC and Marvel which seems to be popular here along with Dragon Ball as well.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: December 11, 2016, 03:41:44 AM »
Does anybody else hate that boost ability which is able to kill people if you're in range of it? For myself I keep forgetting about it(Due to me being used to the real Halo's.) which results in me getting killed and not using it.

In that episode it's able to erase anything it makes contact with from existence so would it be able to erase certain characters from those universes? Also would Boss Rabbit from DragonBall be able to turn those characters into carrots along with Buu turning them into whatever?   

The Flood / Re: I believe I know where Roman Gladiator disappeared to.
« on: December 10, 2016, 05:50:29 AM »
It's like you're trying to be funny but you don't think you are

Gaming / Re: Titanfall 2 Tournament Grand Prize $5OO
« on: December 10, 2016, 04:20:42 AM »
It's six man teams
Wouldn't that be the whole population of the game, or did this game end up being more successful than the first?

The Flood / I believe I know where Roman Gladiator disappeared to.
« on: December 10, 2016, 03:45:36 AM »

The Flood / Re: i think my sex drive is going up
« on: December 09, 2016, 04:24:52 AM »

-MS wanted an esports scene for Halo because that's the thing the cool kids are doing. This backlashed for casual players who now had the majority of fan favourite gametypes like Infection, Assault, Grifball and even Forge missing from the game for up to 7 months to be patched in as "free dlc".  Even now, there are no Big Team Battle maps (Just community-made forge ones), and a significant majority of gametypes are missing. This also backfired considering that the Halo Championship Series has done pitifully in viewercount when compared to pretty much every other major Esports title out there (Averaging from a few hundred to a few thousand viewers with finals sometimes reaching 10k or more).
For the beta was aiming in that as difficult as it is in the final product? Despite playing a few games I don't recall having any difficulties playing it. Hell if I remember correctly I played better in the beta than the game. I just don't know if I played against players who were worse than the ones I encountered in the game or if aiming in the beta was truly easier.

Small Business Administrator
Would that included my penis?

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: December 08, 2016, 04:23:20 AM »
Watch, they'll remaster the H3 campaign and make you buy that for the armor.
The sad thing is that a H3A will end up having a larger population than Halo 5 if there's MP to it, along with every map being included.

Serious / Re: Thoughts on this?
« on: December 08, 2016, 04:20:31 AM »
Reading about the Vietnam war isn't going to stir up some desire to collect gook ears from the Chinese students in the uni

That's where you're wrong kiddo
You know what the OG image is from?

4 is literally irrelevant
1) Killed off Cortana - just to revive her in the next game.
2) Introduce a new leader of the covenant who opposes the Arbiter (with three novels revolving around him + Spartan Ops) - kills him in the next game, in a fkn cutscene.
3) Get MC to 'face his humanity' and think about stuff - do not talk about it in the next game, don't even show how MC and Blue team re-united. I really think it would have been an amazing cutscene to see John's old friends welcome him back. (I know it was done in escalations, but c'mon. If Osiris got a cool intro, why not blue team?)
4) Fight Didact and make him go away - kill him off in a comic
5) Prometheans are controlled by Didact, Didact is dead, why are Prometheans still hostile towards humans?

Its like Halo 4 did not even happen.
What was the reason for Halo 4 and the books becoming irrelevant? Did 343 decide to change the direction of the story with Halo 5(Just like Bungie changing the Forerunner's from being human in CE, to them being their own thing) or were they running out off time with Halo 5 which resulted in the OG story being scraped for the half assed thing we have now?

Serious / Re: Aleppo could be liberated before my exams are over
« on: December 08, 2016, 03:47:29 AM »
Once this battle is over with, is Europe going to do the smart thing and send its refuges back to where they came from?

Serious / Re: Aleppo could be liberated before my exams are over
« on: December 07, 2016, 04:33:32 AM »
And what is Aleppo?

For the Bungie Halo's all three games either has something major happening or some discovery which greatly effects the story.
-Humanity discovered Halo, the Forerunner's and the Flood.
-The destruction of Halo resulted in the current Arbiter.

-Two of the three Prophet's ended up dying.
-Humanity discovered that there's a series of Halo rings, the Flood is not an isolated thing and The Ark.
-The Covenant Civil War brakes out which eventually leads to the Elites, Grunts and I believe Hunters joining forces with the Humans. If it wasn't for those groups joining us then we would have lost the war.

-The end of the Covenant Civil War and the start of the Elite and Human alliance. I know that began in Halo 2 but I day say it really became official after the war.

Now for Halo 4 what major thing happened which would change the story if that game was removed? The Didact' got killed off in that game so he's not going to be back, the composer got blown up, that elite leader from Spartan OPS got killed off in a Halo 5 cut scene near the beginning, so he wasn't anything major.

The only thing I can think off is Cortana blowing herself up which results in the MC going to her location, but that could have simply happened somewhere in Halo 5. If Halo 5 had a few more levels then we could fit in Cortana getting separated and the MC eventually goes looking for her which results in the same things happening.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: December 07, 2016, 03:51:00 AM »

"Coming in 2017"
You think the game will still have a playable population by then?

I might just have to start doing cam stuff online for some extra money
What site, Motherless, xHamster, RedTube or PornHub?
You better give us a link to it when you're recording.

I might just have to start doing cam stuff online for some extra money
What site, Motherless, xHamster, RedTube or PornHub?

Serious / Re: So much for draining the swamp
« on: December 06, 2016, 03:41:47 AM »
Is there anything he is so far sticking to which he said he was going to do? So far he's coming off exactly like Microsoft before and after the Xbone launched.

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