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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 123124125 126127 ... 302
Gaming / Re: The worst thing about Destiny
« on: September 18, 2015, 07:17:40 PM »

Septagon / Re: Hey Cheat-Chan check this out
« on: September 18, 2015, 07:15:58 PM »
I love you.

Serious / Re: People like this exist
« on: September 18, 2015, 07:08:21 PM »
The only problem I see in this topic is that the OP is a Jew lover.

Gaming / Could a human combat form activate the Halo array?
« on: September 18, 2015, 07:19:54 AM »
As we seen in Halo 2 and 3 humans are able to activate the array which is something a non-human can't do besides the Forerunners. But what about a flood infected human? Would they still be able to do it since they still have human DNA or would the human either being controlled by an infection form or being infected by flood spores prevent that from happening?

Also when did the hunters go from being a single organism like an elite to a colony of worms? I know in the Halo CE book a rocket ended up going through a hunters spine which means they weren't a collection of worms back when that was writing. The spine also can't be that back plate the Halo 3 and after hunters have since those weren't modeled on the hunters yet.

The Flood / Re: women dont get their periods in space
« on: September 18, 2015, 06:45:45 AM »
I hate when I get my period.  Hurts like fuck.
But you're male.

The Flood / Re: Was Hitler actually the good guy?
« on: September 18, 2015, 06:44:27 AM »
Those advertisements.

The Flood / Re: Nuking Japan may have been a bad idea.(Monster like fish.)
« on: September 18, 2015, 04:40:49 AM »
As someone whose childhood trauma led to a fear of fish this is terrifying
What happened?

The Flood / Nuking Japan may have been a bad idea.(Monster like fish.)
« on: September 17, 2015, 06:32:07 AM »

Fisherman reels in SUPER-FISH off the coast of Japan near Fukushima plant
Visibly straining as he holds it aloft, a Japanese fisherman grimaces as he proudly displays a terrifyingly large fish caught in the waters off Japan. With a gaping mouth large enough to swallow a small child, this creature - believed to be a wolffish - would not look out of place in a science fiction film. The massive catch was reeled in by Hirasaka Hiroshi, a fisherman who has made a career of landing and then eating unusual fish. Caught off the coast of the island of Hokkaido, he said: 'It was worth flying to [Hokkaido] twice within three months. This guy is super cool,' the Daily Star reported.

Located just north of the mainland, Hirasaka said he landed the massive catch in the island's waters near Russia's coast.

Wolffish commonly live in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. As deep sea dwellers, they feed on smallers creatures along the ocean floor.

The creature has developed a reputation due to its size and fearsome appearance and one type of the species featured on the Animal Planet series River Monsters. Normally growing to about 1.2m in length, the wolffish Hirasaka caught measured close to two metres, The Sun reported. The catch may also add substance to Japanese fishermen's concerns over the effects the Fukushima nuclear accident is having on local fish populations.

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant meltdown was triggered by an 8.9 magnitude earthquake in 2011. The earthquake knocked out nuclear plant's cooling system, causing three reactor cores to melt and spew radiation into the ocean. The earthquake - which claimed the lives of 18,500 people - caused what was the largest nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl meltdown in 1986. In the years since, fish have been caught in the waters nearby with as much as 2,500 times the legal safe radiation limit.

The Flood / Re: Front page, bitches!
« on: September 17, 2015, 05:50:20 AM »
She's just a character from a child's cartoon...

Gaming / Re: wow BUNGiE is worse at killing off charachters than 3Fail3
« on: September 17, 2015, 05:10:43 AM »
I'd actually argue that since 343 has taken the wheel, they've started a rather quickly growing body count.

I can only really think of black team and Cortana. They've brought back characters like guilty spark and they're introducing far more characters than what they're killing off.
They also killed off the Rookie but he is one of the worse video game characters of all time so nothing of value was lost.

60 FPS.
In order for that to happen Microsoft would need to make an Xbox that can support it.

For myself I would replace the save feature for whatever game and replace it with the one that Fallout and the Elder Scrolls uses. To me anything else is just shit and a pain depending on how it's down. With Pokemon you can save whenever you like, but you only have one save slot which is retarded. For check points you have no freedom of wherever you like to save and there are times you might have fucked yourself in one. If that's the case you may have to restart the whole level. Then there's games like Star Ocean the Last Hope which has a shitty setup. For the areas there are save points but they are stupidly spread out. For some areas you actually have to travel for around an hour just to get to the next one. If you end up dying that hour you made progressing was for nothing. What makes it even worse is that the area you have to travel are loaded with enemies.

Serious / Re: New Poll Shows Carson Gaining Steam on Trump
« on: September 17, 2015, 04:50:18 AM »
I feel like people are only supporting Trump because of his celebrity and his wacky shit flinging. That just goes to prove that conservatives are bigger faggots than actual faggots.
I like what my dad said which seems to be true. That was the more of an asshole he makes himself the supporters he gains.

Gaming / Re: For those who cannot read what Flee typed
« on: September 16, 2015, 09:27:24 PM »
I doubt you've never played with the subtitles on.
When I started playing with them on it was after Reach. Any game I played before that I had them off and if they were on it was a game like KoTOR which the dialog system is just like current Fallout.
I doubt you've never seen this argument before.
Like I said today was the first time I've seen that being pointed out in a thread which also got pointed out to me, but you go believe whatever you want to. I see I'm not going to get past your "absent-minded fuckhead" since it seems you want to be right on this and can't admit you were wrong about me. But like I said above you got believe whatever you want to and throw more petty insults at me because of it.

Gaming / Re: For those who cannot read what Flee typed
« on: September 16, 2015, 09:09:06 PM »
I don't know how you don't frequent a Halo forum for years, discuss Halo at length, move to a Halo off-site, discuss Halo at length again, and still think this.
It's easy to do when I haven't played with the subtitles and when it comes to the forums I haven't seen any threads or posts about what he actually said. Every Reach topic I've been in was about the MP, maps, levels or the story and not a about a word being said by him. For your shit about moving to a Halo off-site as far as I know this is the first time what he actually said got brought up here and that was because I made that post. If it wasn't for me making that post I would have still thought that because I haven't seen any posts about it and I got rid of Reach.

Gaming / Re: For those who cannot read what Flee typed
« on: September 16, 2015, 08:59:16 PM »
I do like that he calls Dr. Halsey "mom".

How dumb do you have to be to still think this.

Like ffs the game has been out nearly 5 years and subtitles exist.

You don't have to be an ass because I misunderstood a character with a THICK ACCENT who said "ma'am" which sounds just like mom. Unless you played with the subtitles on which is something I didn't do anybody would make the same mistake and still think that. Also what does the game being 5 years old have to do with anything? Like I said I haven't played with them on and I never went through the transcript of the game so I wouldn't have caught that. Today is the first day withing those 5 years that somebody pointed out my error.

News / Re: Anarchy Weekend!
« on: September 16, 2015, 07:00:50 PM »
Hell yeah!

Serious / Re: What do you do to try to preserve the environment?
« on: September 16, 2015, 07:16:51 AM »
I don't pollute it and I don't litter besides dropping small things like gum wrappers on the ground.
Just put it in your fucking pocket if there's no can around you fucking hick.
I guess I shouldn't tell you that I took off a bumper on my car which was at my house and when I went for a walk I tossed it a mile down the road on the ground,.
I'm a lazy fuck.
But you walked a mile carrying a bumper
Oops, I didn't take the bumper off it was a bumper sticker. I forgot to add that in after bumper.
So you walked a mile to throw a bumper sticker into the woods

I already was going to go out and once I got by my car I noticed the sticker was falling off so I took it off.
So you just didn't feel like keeping it in your pocket then or what?
Yes. .____.

Gaming / Re: The Silent Cartographer: Evolved review.
« on: September 16, 2015, 06:48:28 AM »
Mods are bad.

Serious / Re: What do you do to try to preserve the environment?
« on: September 16, 2015, 06:47:15 AM »
I don't pollute it and I don't litter besides dropping small things like gum wrappers on the ground.
Just put it in your fucking pocket if there's no can around you fucking hick.
I guess I shouldn't tell you that I took off a bumper on my car which was at my house and when I went for a walk I tossed it a mile down the road on the ground,.
I'm a lazy fuck.
But you walked a mile carrying a bumper
Oops, I didn't take the bumper off it was a bumper sticker. I forgot to add that in after bumper.
So you walked a mile to throw a bumper sticker into the woods

I already was going to go out and once I got by my car I noticed the sticker was falling off so I took it off.

The Flood / Re: I hate myself so much, it's kind of painful.
« on: September 16, 2015, 06:22:33 AM »
Just remember, you'e not gay.
Have you seen those femboy and dick threads he posted?
There's nothing gay about those threads though.
How is having a sexual attraction towards other males and getting an erection from a bunch of dicks pics not gay?

Serious / Re: What do you do to try to preserve the environment?
« on: September 16, 2015, 06:20:15 AM »
I don't pollute it and I don't litter besides dropping small things like gum wrappers on the ground.
Just put it in your fucking pocket if there's no can around you fucking hick.
I guess I shouldn't tell you that I took off a bumper on my car which was at my house and when I went for a walk I tossed it a mile down the road on the ground,.
I'm a lazy fuck.
But you walked a mile carrying a bumper
Oops, I didn't take the bumper off it was a bumper sticker. I forgot to add that in after bumper. 

The Flood / Re: I hate myself so much, it's kind of painful.
« on: September 16, 2015, 06:18:28 AM »
Just remember, you'e not gay.
Have you seen those femboy and dick threads he posted?

Serious / Re: What do you do to try to preserve the environment?
« on: September 16, 2015, 05:41:21 AM »
I don't pollute it and I don't litter besides dropping small things like gum wrappers on the ground.
Just put it in your fucking pocket if there's no can around you fucking hick.
I guess I shouldn't tell you that I took off a bumper on my car which was at my house and when I went for a walk I tossed it a mile down the road on the ground,.
I'm a lazy fuck.

The Flood / Re: Black courtesy
« on: September 16, 2015, 05:37:26 AM »
You were speaking the wrong language

What you should have said was "ooga ooga"
I take it you know how to speak jive?

The Flood / Re: users that could be twins?
« on: September 16, 2015, 05:36:09 AM »
all the weebs
The weebs are one person.
Everybody on here is one person since we're all Cheat's alts.

Serious / Re: What do you do to try to preserve the environment?
« on: September 16, 2015, 05:24:18 AM »
I don't pollute it and I don't litter besides dropping small things like gum wrappers on the ground.
Just put it in your fucking pocket if there's no can around you fucking hick.
I guess I shouldn't tell you that I took off a bumper sticker on my car which was at my house and when I went for a walk I tossed it a mile down the road on the ground,. 

Gaming / Re: For those who cannot read what Flee typed
« on: September 16, 2015, 05:14:46 AM »
Halo Reach has an awful story, but Jorge is a fantastic character.
I haven't played the game in years but from what I remember I do like that he calls Dr. Halsey "mom". Instead of simply looking up to her or trusting her he sees her as a mother figure which is something he doesn't have anymore.

The Flood / Re: Why don't we just kill all insects?
« on: September 15, 2015, 06:36:05 PM »

Gaming / Re: Nope - Still Not Kingdom Hearts 3
« on: September 15, 2015, 06:33:49 PM »
Still Not Kingdom Hearts 3
Valve must be their role model. 

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