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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

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Gaming / Re: How the fuck do you kill Warden Eternal on Legendary?
« on: November 01, 2015, 06:46:01 PM »
Blame the arenatards that cried about sprint in Halo 4 for that one.
Even then the campign should use a different balance than what the MP does. What works in the MP does not always work for the campaign. For the first time you use the scorpion that was a bitch because there is no cannon machine gun. You fire a round o and you're helpless until it reloads. That body machine gun turret is completely useless AI and player controlled. It has a shitty field of view and you're way to exposed. On Legendary you're just going to get yourself killed using it. People talk shit about CoD but at least the developers for that are smart enough to change the way gameplay works for that.

For my encounter it's the first one on  Meridian. 

Gaming / Re: How the fuck do you kill Warden Eternal on Legendary?
« on: November 01, 2015, 05:46:34 PM »
Just spam fire him anywhere. He's a bullet sponge but he goes down. His head takes damage though.

Try and use your team as distractions. If you can get a pillar between you and him, all the better as you can just hop to the other side when you need to reload

Also using a command on him will place a red marker on him so you can see where he is at all times.
I'm spamming him and it's still impossible to do with the smaller enemies. It doesn't matter where I go I'm getting fire from all sides. God forbid the fucking retards could have your shields recharge when you're sprinting in the campaign.

Gaming / I DID IT!!!!!
« on: November 01, 2015, 05:30:53 PM »
I just ran around like a retard spamming everything that moved with that launcher weapon which I already had and the other one up top.

Serious / Re: SQS: Is it good to be selfish?
« on: November 01, 2015, 06:33:23 AM »
If you have a family and all you're doing is buying shit for yourself I will say that's a bad thing. I'm not saying you can't buy yourself anything but you should buy your family something or do something with that money every now and then. Instead of buying yourself another video game which you don't need at the moment. You could use that money to buy your parents, sibling, wife or kid(s) something instead.

There's such an outrage over the graphics when I think the game looks great
Compared to the other games there differently is an improvement but to me they look late last gen or at least first wave games for this gen. They do look good but I still think they could have done a better job on them. Either way it's not a big issues and it's just some minor thing.

The Flood / Re: I hate Halloween
« on: November 01, 2015, 06:19:56 AM »
I only had one person knock so I turned off the tv and pretended I wasn't in.
The next time I see people in black outside my door I'm going to do the same thing.

The Flood / Re: Should the Elites reassemble?
« on: November 01, 2015, 05:55:47 AM »

Shouldn't the Elites be ganging up on the only red one in the room?

Gaming / Re: ITT: We post video game memes.
« on: November 01, 2015, 05:54:23 AM »

Gaming / Re: Halo 5: Guardians Sep7agon Company
« on: November 01, 2015, 05:42:09 AM »
God forbid I could check to see who is online in the company withing the game.

I don't think that many women really write sci fi.

Aside from the travissty.
You better start looking for ones you sexist bastard.

I never realized how much of a sexist bastard I was until I looked at my collection of books. The majority of mine are written by male authors and I have very few books written by female ones. Now I'm going to go onto Amazon and buy a bunch of books written by female authors that I have no interest in just so I don't look sexist. After all when you buy books you don't buy what you look or find interesting, you go by if the author is male or female.

Director and screenwriter John Waters once said: “If you go home with somebody, and they don’t have books, don’t fuck ‘em!” Wise words, but I’d add: Especially if they don’t have books by women.

When you live in a world with outrageous, explicit misogyny - domestic violence, sexual assault and attacks on reproductive rights, to name a few - it’s easy to breeze by the small stuff. After all, there are issues more pressing than whether or not the culture someone consumes is too homogenous.

But passive bias is still bias - and it has ripple effects into the broader culture. Is it really so much to ask that we pay attention to what shapes our tastes?

For example, I was riding the subway recently when I noticed my seatmate scrolling through a Twitter feed that looked remarkably like mine. I was tickled to be sitting next to a like-minded person, but as I looked on I noticed there was one thing that seemed to be missing from his newsfeed: women. He was following fantastic and smart men, but still - as far as I could tell, all men.

I got the same uneasy feeling when I listened to a podcast interview with a TV showrunner and writer that I admire. He spoke eloquently about his passions and mentors - and the people whose work he liked most. All men.

I’m sure both of these people are smart, engaged and not deliberately or actively sexist - but when your worldview is solely shaped by men, you are missing out. And like it or not, your taste in music, books, television or art says something about you: it sends a message about what you think is worth your time, what you think is interesting and who you think is smart. So if the only culture you pay attention to is created by men, or created by white people, you are making an explicit statement about who and what is important.

Part of the problem is that while art or books that white men put out is portrayed as universally appealing, culture produced by women or people of color is seen as specific to their gender or racial identity.

When author Shannon Hale visited an elementary school to talk about her work, for example, she realized that the audience was all girls: the school administration only allowed the female students out of class for her event. As Hale wrote at the time: “I do not talk about ‘girl’ stuff.”

“I talk about books and writing, reading, rejections and moving through them, how to come up with story ideas. But because I’m a woman, because some of my books have pictures of girls on the cover, because some of my books have ‘princess’ in the title, I’m stamped as ‘for girls only.’ However, the male writers who have boys on their covers speak to the entire school.”

This kind of passive sexism has wide-reaching impact -the annual VIDA count, which tallies the racial and gender diversities in magazines and newspaper bylines and books reviewed, for example, shows we still have a long way to go for equity in cultural representation.

Part of that challenge is not just about what kind of culture we consume - but what we put out into the world as well. Last year, technologist Anil Dash, for example, wrote about a new years resolution to only retweet women he came to the idea after realizing that even though he followed men and women equally, he retweeted men three times as often as women.

“This, despite my knowing how underrepresented women’s voices are in the areas I obsess over, such as technology and policy and culture. I could do better.”

We all could.

Yes, our tastes are our tastes - I’m not suggesting you put away all books written by men or only listen to female musicians (well, not yet anyway). But our cultural biases - as unintentional as they may be - are worth thinking about. Not just to address broad inequalities, but to open up our own minds.

Gaming / Re: ITT: We post video game memes.
« on: October 31, 2015, 06:26:01 PM »

Is this a ruse or did you just link the wrong article?
I fixed the link. What I ended up doing was I copied the URL once that article got finished. Instead of being it;s own page it brings up a new one down below it which changes the URL.

Gaming / Re: GwG November
« on: October 31, 2015, 03:50:53 PM »
Will the Xbone ever get a game that isn't some indie shit? Also for a laugh look at the comments for the thread and there is a user called Da Player 1 who is telling everybody they are entitled for not liking the lineup. Every comment where there is somebody saying something negative about the lineup that user is posting to them which there is a lot of.


I will say every white person is racist to a degree, but here's the thing though. When your race is the most common in your country or area you're going to look down upon other races due to them being a different color than you or looking different like Asians. Being racists to an extant is no different than looking down on fat people or people with a bunch of tattoos. That shit isn't normal so you're going to find it either odd or disgusting just like how you're going to feel uneasy when you're the only white person in a room filled with blacks. You're outside that normalcy zone in a room like that. Since there is more white people in the US you're going to find that normal and seeing a black person in an area that's mostly white is outside that normalcy.

Then for minorities you don't don't have to be the majority to be racist as well since blacks can be racists towards other minorities like Asians, even other blacks and they can look down on people from a different religion like the Jews. Everybody is going to be racists to an extent which is normalcy.

The Flood / Re: Could a robot party?
« on: October 31, 2015, 06:41:53 AM »
Could a retard make threads?

OP proves yes.
Not anymore since he's banned!

« on: October 31, 2015, 06:39:22 AM »
Cancer poster standing by.

The Flood / Re: Beer Thread
« on: October 31, 2015, 06:38:13 AM »

Pick one. 

The Flood / Re: tfw neighbor's guest takes your usual parking spot
« on: October 30, 2015, 07:48:06 PM »
Stop being poor and get a driveway.
Hell, one time my nigger neighbors had a party and one of their fucking ghetto monkey guests parked in front of our driveway.
Did you get it towed away?

The Flood / Re: tfw neighbor's guest takes your usual parking spot
« on: October 30, 2015, 07:47:17 PM »
I don't know that feeling since I have a driveway.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: October 30, 2015, 07:11:25 PM »
I ended up getting downed and instead of the AI picking me up she ended up taking the sniper rifle next to me and letting me die.

My favorite thing is "The Warden Rape Train"
>Get bitch slapped by Warden's sword
>Kelly comes to try to revive
>Get bitch slapped by Warden's sword
>Fred comes to try to revive
>Get bitch slapped by Warden's sword
>Linda comes to try to revive
>Get bitch slapped by Warden's sword
When I seen that retarded thing in Warzone I was hopping it was fake. Gaddamn 343 is trying to make Halo look like some JRPG.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: October 30, 2015, 06:53:43 PM »
I ended up getting downed and instead of the AI picking me up she ended up taking the sniper rifle next to me and letting me die.

You guys remember when that femtard website got hacked and on the front page there was an image of our lord and savoir?
Kaname Madoka?

Gaming / Re: Oh my, look at the tears
« on: October 30, 2015, 06:40:01 PM »
Halo 5: Locke. His backstory isn't interesting, fans not familiar with Nightfall won't care about him, and the player doesn't personally have a history with him compared to Chief. I could write a better campaign. This is basically his game, because 343i wants to be progressive and all.
Since you like Star Wars how did you handle the original trilogy being about Luke and the prequels being about his dad? That must have been hard for you since Luke wasn't in the prequels besides being a baby and for his dad he's hardly seen in the OG trilogy. Hell if you watch a TV series which may be hard for you how do you handle a new character coming into existence? For example in MASH BJ replacing Trapper or Cell in DBZ replacing Frieza? Then you have shows that add characters which may have episodes that are about them or they are seen a lot.
Anyway for your part about the player not having a personally history with him we didn't either with the Chief at first or any other thing out there that is new. How exactly would you suggest we get new characters into something when the player hasn't experienced them yet? It's kinda hard to get attached to someone when we haven't been able to do that yet. Locke is no different than the Chief when we first played as him in CE.

Serious / Re: Countries that you should stay away from.
« on: October 30, 2015, 07:37:14 AM »
I'm surprised the US isn't listed due to all the shooting we have.

Gaming / Re: Why do people complain about games getting delayed?
« on: October 30, 2015, 07:10:38 AM »
Food Fight sure was worth the wait.

Septagon / Re: >Greentext isn't green
« on: October 30, 2015, 05:07:11 AM »
>kill yourself

Septagon / Re: Cheat, what the FUCK is this.
« on: October 30, 2015, 05:06:37 AM »
That's what happens when you don't use Adblock.

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