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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

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Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: February 10, 2016, 04:43:57 AM »
Page 132: It has been many days, and yet still Lemon hasn't made an appearance. My hope is beginning to wear thin. For, if Lemon isn't around to defend the perfectly valid complaints being proposed against 343 and Halo 5, who will be there to carry on the mantle? Who will stand up and say; "This was intended to be in the game" when an unbalanced or downright terrible feature is pointed out? Who will be there to say; "343 didn't have enough time/resources for what they were hoping for" when the Campaign ending is ridiculed?

These are dark times, and I pray that Lemon returns before that last spark of hope fades in the night.
Lord Admirals still posts so he can defend this shit stain which is on the underwear of Halo.

Hot damn this is funny.

Probably the most hearty and fun people would be military.
A guy I worked with is in the Air Force and he was talking about the Drill Sergent's there weren't allowed to swear at the recruits. That resulted in them making up things like "Get your Justin Bieber passes over here".

Ah, memories.
You ain't never lived until you've made walls sweat.
I'm thinking about joining up and I know not to raise your hand if the drill SGT asks a question about something stick related. I know him asking a question like "Does anybody here know how to drive a stick" is him asking people in a hiding way if they want to volunteer to push a broom.

Some of these are just gold.

One guy in my Navy Boot Camp class did that. Our CC just smiled and said "The Rainmaker shall be appeased." We finished the day normally (For Bootcamp), and when lights out came we hit our racks wondering what the hell was going on. Later that night, we found out. At 0300 sharp a huge black Chief in a hula skirt and white tribal facepaint busted open the doors and screamed "You have summoned the Rainmaker....Now I stand before you! Get out of yo trees and appease me!" Needless to say we jumped out of our racks and mustered in formation. He screamed at us to do standing PT right there for at least an hour solid. We did nonstop push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks until half of the Company was puking. When someone would puke, he would squeal like a pig. Grown men were openly crying. The more misery he created, the louder and faster he screamed. He was a man possessed with a sadistic fever....then it happened. It began to rain in our compartment. All of a sudden, there were the drops of our condensed sweat pouring from the ceiling. When The Rainmaker saw this he became calm. He smiled like someone who has been dying of thirst and finally given water. I have never been more confused and scared in my life. Then in a low quiet voice he simply said "Thank You" and turned around and walked out of the door. We never saw him after that. A few weeks later, someone asked about The Rainmaker. Our CC said "Who the fuck is the Rainmaker?"

TL;DR: Company Commanders love to fuck with recruits minds.
I went to the Coast Guard Academy, so we didn't have Drill Sergeants/Company Commanders, just senior cadets who are the cadre for our version of basic training.

One of the things we have to do is, when running through the building, turn all corners at exactly 90 degrees, and we have to keep our arms pinned to our sides (bent at 90 degrees, forearms parallel to the deck, upper arm perpendicular).

One kid always ran with his hands open while doing this, instead of closed fists for some reason. When the cadre saw that, they had him yell "ROAR I'M A TREX SIR" and wave his stubby little claw arms around every time he squared a corner.

And then I would get in trouble for laughing my ass off in the hallway.

Not a soldier but a Marine here, and this is always my favorite. Before we start, it should be known my last name is Miller, you'll understand why its relevant. It was 0030 (12:30 AM) and I was standing 'Firewatch' (standing guard in front of the door to make sure nobody came in without proper authority, among other duties).

My DI walks in with some random ass recruit. He yells 'You! Stand in front of Firewatch!' and the kid just walks in front of me. Then he yells 'State your name!' and the kid yells 'RECRUIT MILLER, SIR!'. Then my DI yells 'Firewatch, state your name!' and I yell 'RECRUIT MILLER, SIR!'. My DI then goes 'Well holy shit. It looks like we have TWO Recruit Millers! It looks like we're gonna have to find out who the real Recruit Miller is...'.

For the next 10 minutes we had to scream out the top of our lungs back and forth 'YOU'RE NOT THE REAL RECRUIT MILLER, THIS RECRUIT IS!'. Half the fucking platoon got woken up, they pretended to cough to cover up their laughter, and for the rest of bootcamp all the recruits called me 'The Real Recruit Miller'. Good fuckin times.

There's more to the story but its already long enough and I'm sure nobody really cares :P

Since a few people asked for it, scroll down and theres a little reply to Penguinman575 where I go into the rest of the story.

Well alright, here it goes. So after that took place, another DI came up and said 'Enough of this shit, we're going to figure out who the real Recruit Miller is my way'. He asks us both what our PFT scores were (physical fitness test). He was faster than me but I outdid him in pullups, so my DI looked at him and said 'So, you're the faster Miller', then back at me and said 'and you're the stronger Miller... so what would happen if we... if we combined the two Millers together?!' I had no clue what the fuck to say but the first thing that popped into my head was 'A BETTER MILLER, SIR!' and he looked at me with huge, wide eyes and said 'You're damn right a better Miller, it'd be like a... LIKE A SUPER MILLER OR SOME SHIT!'. He was no shit treating it like if we combined us two Millers together we would become the USMC version of Captain America.

Anyways, that was the last any DIs spoke of the 'Real Recruit Miller' incident as we called it, atleast until Marine week. After we finish the Crucible (a 3 day event with little sleep or food and a lot of events, finished with a 10 mile hike with packs and gear) you become a Marine and spend the last week as Marine instead of recruit. It just so happened that somehow the day we finished The Crucible there was a wildfire on it, smoke was EVERYWHERE. The night before heading back to Recruit Depot, I was outside for firewatch guarding Seabags (green bags that we carry gear in). There was so much smoke I could barely see 5 feet infront of me, but as I stood guard my Drill Instructor came up and said 'What are you doing, firewatch?' and I said 'Guarding seabags Gunnery Sgt!'. He said 'Miller, is that you?' and I replied it was. He said 'Miller, is there a fire?' and I replied yes again. He asked 'Where is it?' and I told him I didn't know. He said 'There is no fire, Miller. Me and Sgt _____ just went on a patrol. Its out now. Its safe'. I responded with an ayeaye and he said 'I have a job for you Miller. We can't go back to the Depot with our bags smelling like smoke. Do you know why?' and I said I didn't, he responded 'If we go back smelling like smoke recruits are gonna think there was a fire. Then they're gonna get scared. We can't have that happening. So, I want you to get all the smoke out of the seabags'. I said 'Ayeaye, Gunnery Sgt' and he said 'Do you know how to get the smoke out, Miller?'. I said no and he said 'Like this' and made this movement with his arms. I said ayeaye, and he said, in a very quite, very serious tone 'Miller... are you the real Private Miller?' and I excitedly scream 'YES GUNNERY SGT!' and he firmly says 'Than you know what I expect of you' and walked into the barracks. I spend 15 minutes flapping the smoke out of seabags until the next hour relieved me from firewatch and was confused as fuck as to why I was doing it.

Long story short, the RDC's look every wrapper and hid them around the building one night, and woke us all up to find every last wrapper that hey hid. That was a long nigh/day.

For the most part it was serious business as usual through out the base, but you could tell there were a few RDC's with that twinkle in their eye for a good time. From time to time when you were marching or in line for the good ol' fashion hurry up and wait, RDC's would get behind you and just start screaming shit, like once I had two RDC's sing then entire song of "Party in the USA" right behind my back, trying to get us to laugh so they could beat us.

Some of the best shit was them throwing anything they could get their hands on, across the room, Racks, chairs, table.

On this one occasion we were going through a thorough rack inspection. Everything had to be folded to the T and edged off of everything. Well I fucked up, like we all do in boot, and didnt fold a blue t-shirt correctly so i was forced to do 50 push ups. Not shit, bang them out, but feeling lazy, so I only do about 40. So the ass-hat next to me yells out "Petty officer, Socomplex only did 40" and i give him the most horrifying fucking death stare of my life. People around the room are all looking him him like 'Da Fuq'. RDC comes back. "IS THIS TRUE, DID YOU ONLY DO 40 FUCKING PUSHUPS?" "YES PETTY OFFICER" "WELL THEN, IF YOUR GOING TO FUCK ME OUT OF 10 PUSHUPS, YOU BETTER NOT LET YOUR BUDDY FUCKER BLUE FALCON RACK MATE SEE" then he left me to my last 10 pushups. But for those last 10. I made them painfully slow, and stared into the eyes of my buddy fucker as I counted off "ONE BUDDY FUCKER, TWO BUDDY FUCKER" ect.. The whole compartment was laughing so hard as this kid started crying. He was later medically separated due to a broke arm. It was for the best of the division.

Gaming / Re: Does ANYONE have any good maps and gamemodes for Halo 5?
« on: February 09, 2016, 04:22:52 AM »

TFA has surpassed $2 billion worldwide, and $900 million domestically.
Hopefully they use that money to make a better movie than TFA-We-Condensed-The-OG-Trilogy-Into-A-Fucking-Rehash
Don't forget Ben basically being a rehash or at least a copy of Jacen from the EU.

It's just a game, get over it.

The Flood / Re: eddy "meme man" wally died today
« on: February 08, 2016, 04:55:57 AM »

The Flood / Re: Going out with a 5'8" blonde
« on: February 08, 2016, 04:37:27 AM »
How long do you think it's going to be before you make a thread about you guy's breaking up?

The Flood / Re: My snaps are too lit
« on: February 08, 2016, 04:32:15 AM »
What difference does it make? Those cars wouldn't last a day out in the wasteland. In order to survive you would have to build them to look something like this.

Thats if the wasteland was flat
It is in Mad Max.

The Flood / Re: My snaps are too lit
« on: February 07, 2016, 11:53:39 AM »
What difference does it make? Those cars wouldn't last a day out in the wasteland. In order to survive you would have to build them to look something like this.

The Flood / Re: The Perfect Size.
« on: February 07, 2016, 09:54:33 AM »

The last one on the right.

The Flood / Re: New story: Winter's End
« on: February 07, 2016, 08:59:21 AM »
What a story! What a lovely story!

The Flood / Re: The ugly bin
« on: February 07, 2016, 08:43:10 AM »
Minivans. Every design for those things looks ugly.

Gaming / Re: holy shit GUYS THIS ACTUALLY WORKS!!!!
« on: February 06, 2016, 09:42:29 AM »
God damn it's been about 10 minutes since I read this and my dick is still hard as fuck from it. I wish I had a printer so I could print this thread out and fuck it.

Gaming / Re: holy shit GUYS THIS ACTUALLY WORKS!!!!
« on: February 06, 2016, 09:17:01 AM »
This joke was so funny that I pissed myself. God damn OP you should feel proud of this well thought out quality thread you made.

The Flood / Re: Alright so I think my libido is dependent on my food intake
« on: February 06, 2016, 08:10:58 AM »
That song sucks and you should feel bad.

The Flood / Re: That was creepy
« on: February 06, 2016, 05:19:05 AM »
We can only hope.

The Flood / Re: Now that I have a beard, I don't feel like shaving it
« on: February 06, 2016, 05:18:22 AM »
I tried growing one but it ends up failing due to my face having too many bare spots and spots where the hair is too thin. 

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: February 06, 2016, 05:13:10 AM »
That feeling when I almost got raped by three cars with level two armor.

Gaming / Re: Some predictions about more Halo Anniversary games...
« on: February 06, 2016, 05:10:19 AM »
The only game on that I list I see having one is Halo 3 and that to me is a very low maybe. For Halo CE that was the first game in the series and Halo 2 was the first Halo with Live. Halo 3 on the other hand doesn't have anything which makes it special.

Then for ODST that game might as well not exists and it already got a port for the Xbone. For Halo Reach to me that game was despised too much for it to be considered. The other problem would be due you release it as it was or with the 343 update which made the game playable. There's people who like only one of those versions which would case a problem.     

« on: February 05, 2016, 05:04:44 PM »
>you will never fly your BF109 over the skies of England for glory and the Reich
That feeling when Germany never flew any long range bombers over England and the USSR.

Gaming / Re: WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO!?
« on: February 05, 2016, 05:02:37 PM »
>Playing on Habbo

I haven't played Habbo in months. I played it for like 30 minutes, and while you were offline, Habbo became a thing on here.


Uh oh deci, u better make an account so we can kill people IRL
The only killing deci is going to be involved in is him dying 25 times.

The Flood / Re: So I'll probably be in Euroland in a month
« on: February 05, 2016, 04:56:45 PM »

Do you weebs have a stash of anime gifs which are in reserve until a certain thread comes up?

The Flood / Re: How far down do you go?
« on: February 05, 2016, 04:43:58 PM »
Why do I have the feeling "Garden gnomes" doesn't actually mean what I think it does

You better get

The Flood / Re: I could shatter the jaw of everyone here boi
« on: February 05, 2016, 07:29:54 AM »
little cock
I take it that's the reason why you lift?

Gaming / Re: Who still has and uses their PSP?
« on: February 05, 2016, 07:27:54 AM »
I will always have my pretty small penis til the day I die.

For the reason why Locke was hunting the chief to me this would be a far better reason than what we got. It strats off the same but when we catch up with the Chief this is what we see. The Chief ends up getting tricked into activating the guardians which Locke doesn't know, but he still see's him doing it. Before they can have their encounter they both end up getting separated and when Locke gets back up to the surface. He see's the guarding leaving and the whole colony is destroyed before anybody was able to make it out. Due to this along with the mass destruction on other human colonies he ends up having the hatred for the Chief we see in the trailer.

It would've been even better if they'd have added Biko to the story so that all that business could have been pinned on him, too
It's sad that people can come up with something withing minutes which is a better story than what 343 did.

For the reason why Locke was hunting the chief to me this would be a far better reason than what we got. It strats off the same but when we catch up with the Chief this is what we see. The Chief ends up getting tricked into activating the guardians which Locke doesn't know, but he still see's him doing it. Before they can have their encounter they both end up getting separated and when Locke gets back up to the surface. He see's the guarding leaving and the whole colony is destroyed before anybody was able to make it out. Due to this along with the mass destruction on other human colonies he ends up having the hatred for the Chief we see in the trailer. 

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