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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 737475 7677 ... 302
Septagon / Hey Cheat, can you bring back BasedLove?
« on: April 02, 2016, 05:57:10 AM »
You brought back Kinder so it wouldn't be fair to us and BL if you didn't give him a second chance. Maybe this time he would give a fuck.

In the South everyday is Jim Crow day.

Gaming / Re: There's going to be a Knack sequel!
« on: April 01, 2016, 05:40:33 PM »
This is a pretty fucked up April Fool's joke
I take it I went too far?

Septagon / Re: Is this a Social Justice site?
« on: March 31, 2016, 04:57:43 AM »
The only user on this site that is a SJW is Verb, also he may as well be a PETA member to.
I wouldn't really call him a SJW. He just follows the key principles of feminism, which is a good thing.
When there are women getting stoned to death for being rapped are the appearances of women in video games worth bringing up when shit like that is going on? The key principle of feminism shouldn't be bitching about pissant things like video games, it should be real life matters. Modern feminism is nothing more than a joke nowadays due to people like  Anita Sarkeesian making videos about video games instead of real life matters. Feminist should be making it more publicly aware about the treatment women receive in other countries, not bitching about video games.

What difference does it make when people still can't use the site due to not having a linked Destiny account?

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder that Hitler did nothing wrong.
« on: March 30, 2016, 06:33:07 PM »
Of course he did. He killed Hitler.

No he didn't. He fled to Argentina with his wife. He wanted people to think he was dead, when really get got away and lived until he was about 90 years old.
>not the hidden nazi moon base on the dark side of the moon
Learn your history, boy
What about that secret antarctic base of his? He also could have fled inside the Earth to raise an Aryan army which will do attacks that are similar to the Gears of War Locust.

Is it possible for the trench coat guy to look any gayer? 

Gaming / Re: Titanfall Shilling thread
« on: March 30, 2016, 07:06:49 AM »
I Have shit taste

My autism, and need need for constant gratification though pointless unlocks makes me unable to enjoy actually good gameplay.

That's why I love Destiny and sucking cocks

You shouldn't be throwing around insults at people especially the word "autism" when you made a thread which was about you crying over people's negatives opinions about 343 and Halo 4. You even called them morons for their criticism even though what they were saying were valid points. You're nothing more than a fanboy or some child who can't handle anything negative towards the things they like.

Also speaking of pointless unlocks Halo 5 has a lot of them which happens to be a game you like. What you said about SE needing constant gratification can be reflected back at you due to all the pointless unlocks Halo 5 has.

Septagon / Re: Is this a Social Justice site?
« on: March 30, 2016, 07:02:07 AM »
The only user on this site that is a SJW is Verb, also he may as well be a PETA member to.

The Flood / Re: Mtn Dew Black Label: Finest Dew to Date?
« on: March 30, 2016, 04:43:06 AM »
They all taste like shit to me.

A new report today from Game Informer shines a light on the work that Gears of War creator Epic Games did on Gears of War 4 before the studio ultimately decided to drop it and sell the franchise to Microsoft.

Epic did preproduction on Gears of War 4 for more than six months before deciding to move on--with the game and with the franchise overall. Producer Rod Fergusson, who worked on Gears of War 4 at Epic and is now leading the game at Microsoft studio The Coalition, said he saw the writing on the wall for Epic going in a different direction as it related to game development.

"Back in the days of Unreal Engine 3, [Epic] had this belief that we'd only build technology that we would use," he explained. "So if Gears didn't need it, it generally didn't get put into the engine. That was from a perspective of, if we don't use it, it’s going to decay. If we don't touch it, it will just rot on the vine and then we'd have bad code.

"That's not how it was with Gears 4," he added. "Epic's initial Gears 4 engine was very mobile- and PC-centric more than it was console-focused. You can see their focus shift towards games like Fortnite and Paragon and stuff like that."

Game Informer goes on to mention that, following Chinese Internet giant's major investment in Epic, the North Carolina-based studio started making more PC-focused titles. "It's possible that Epic didn't know how the Gears franchise fit into this new vision," it reported, adding that, after Fergusson and Gears of War designer Cliff Bleszinski exited Epic, questions about the future of the brand emerged.

Epic ultimately started up conversations with Microsoft about selling Gears of War. Head of Xbox Phil Spencer was part of those negotiations, and he told Game Informer, "[Epic] didn't have a real clear roadmap for where Gears was going" after Tencent invested in Epic and Fergusson and Bleszinski left.

Microsoft officially acquired the Gears of War franchise in January 2013 for an undisclosed sum.

As for how Epic's vision for Gears of War 4 differs from The Coalition's, it's not exactly clear. But it is known that Epic came up with the idea for the fourth game to be set in the future with Marcus Fenix's son in the lead role, two pieces of the story that The Coalition kept intact.

While the new Swarm enemy type was part of Epic's original plan for Gears of War 4, The Coalition changed it significantly. "We started talking about what the Swarm would be at Epic, but [The Coalition] completely changed it as we developed the game on our own. The name stuck, but none of the monsters stuck," he said.

Gaming / Re: I just bought Valkyria Chronicles™
« on: March 29, 2016, 06:17:18 PM »
I just prep-ordered the PS4 remaster of it :)

Serious / Re: Why are liberals so condescending?
« on: March 29, 2016, 06:16:35 PM »
Every political party has people that are like that or ones that are similar... 

The Flood / Re: Why is anime not real?
« on: March 29, 2016, 07:14:03 AM »
Why have that shit when we could have lolis instead?

Serious / Re: Thank you based Russkie
« on: March 29, 2016, 04:47:15 AM »

Is there a rare pepe for every event?

Gaming / Re: "PlayStation 4K To Launch by October"
« on: March 28, 2016, 04:30:26 PM »
Did somebody say, KNAAACK?!

Gaming / "PlayStation 4K To Launch by October"
« on: March 28, 2016, 04:22:35 PM »
The Wall Street Journal has reported that the new PlayStation 4 console, referred to as PlayStation 4.5 and PlayStation 4K, will release prior to the October launch of PlayStation VR.

On the heels of reports from Kotaku and Eurogamer that Sony is planning to release a new, upgraded version of the PlayStation 4, the Wall Street Journal has reported that this new console - known as "PlayStation 4.5" and 'PlayStation 4K
- will be announced prior to the launch of PlayStation VR, which is slated to release this October.

The paper cites "people familiar with the matter" and says that the upgraded console will be necessary in order to play 4K resolution content and "capture gamers willing to pay for a richer gaming environment, including a high-end virtual-reality experience." There has been no mention of pricing or any other specific details, although one source indicated that both the new console and the current PlayStation 4 are expected to share the same software catalog.

"The new console would be announced before the planned October release of the PlayStation VR, Sony's new virtual-reality headset, the people said," WSJ reports. "It would be able to handle ultra-high-definition resolution graphics. The upgraded console would also provide more power for running the PlayStation VR, whose main competitors, Facebook Inc.'s Oculus Rift and HTC Corp.'s Vive, are designed to work with top-shelf computers."

It has also been reported that production on the PlayStation 4 will continue, although current owners would need to buy the newer model "to take full advantage of the enhanced graphics and power."

PlayStation VR was originally expected to release in June, but an announcement earlier this month pushed the release to October with a $399 price tag, not including the PlayStation camera or the glowing orb Move controllers.

President and Global CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment Andrew House said: "For over two decades we have aspired to take gamers somewhere greater, and we believe that virtual reality is the next step on that journey and will usher in an entirely new era of gaming."

Sony has not yet commented on the reports of the new PlayStation 4 console. We will update this story if and when comment is given.

The Flood / Re: Thief in your house
« on: March 28, 2016, 02:16:29 PM »
Other than Das I don't think any of you could kill
DAS is all talk

It's Ryle we should be worried about
Maybe but I feel like das is more likely the psychopath
I agree, he is a gun nut and he has all of those knives.

The Flood / Re: Thief in your house
« on: March 28, 2016, 02:12:03 PM »
That doesn't matter
It does matter. If the thief is white then I know all they want are those items, but if they're black everything in my house is going to be stolen along with the lives of myself and my family.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 Forge and Custom Game Archive
« on: March 28, 2016, 10:43:45 AM »
let's not start this

I linked them for that reason. if you want to make sarcastic complaints about 343 please do that in the main Halo 5 thread.
Let this one just be about the maps themselves
Why is it wrong for him to post that in your thread but it's OK for you to post something similar in that BF4 thread BIg Boss made?
Why the hell do people like this game so much

The Flood / Re: Thief in your house
« on: March 28, 2016, 10:40:27 AM »
What color is this thief?

Serious / Re: Why people hate refugees
« on: March 28, 2016, 10:15:54 AM »
But OP the one rape was due to a sexual emergency.

The Flood / Re: Either I'm growing up or I'm really no longer myself.
« on: March 28, 2016, 10:02:06 AM »
For Halo I've lost a lot of interest in it after Reach. When I got older I realized the game is never going to change from the Halo CE campign setup and each release just got more disappointing.

For Star Wars once I got out of high school the majority of the interest I had in that died as well. There hasn't been a good Star Wars game since 2005 and there's far too many books for me to know what is going on with the universe. Even with the EU being axed I still don't care to catch up on it due the lost interest. Star Wars is just too black and white for me to have an interest in it like what I used to have.

For video games I hardly play them and when I do it's only for about an hour at a time. Once I got a job that cut my time down and I enjoy the outside more than I do for the inside now.

The Flood / Re: Wallpaper Megathread
« on: March 28, 2016, 05:34:55 AM »

Gaming / Re: Games you've got every achievement/platinumed?
« on: March 28, 2016, 05:00:41 AM »
Oblivion. CoD 2, and Halo Reach before the DLC's came out or it. 

Video games are serous business.   

The Flood / Re: FUUUUCK. both kids have Hand, Foot and Mouth disease
« on: March 27, 2016, 04:24:30 PM »
What STD did you give them?

You have to love how the authorities cannot seem to do anything about ISIS sympathizers blowing up and shooting the major cities of Europe
Unless you search and lock up every person you come across how exactly do you stop a terrorist attack when you have no information about one? It's going to be hard for the police in a place like time square to search every single person to see if they're carrying a bomb. 

The Flood / Re: Does your personality suit your avatar image?
« on: March 27, 2016, 03:56:00 PM »
My personality doesn't but something else of mine does.

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