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Messages - Mattie G Indahouse

Pages: 1 ... 373839 4041 ... 302
Gaming / Re: Battlefield 1
« on: October 03, 2016, 06:05:04 AM »
Yeah but if something is too realistic, people will bitch (and rightfully so). Same if its too arcade like. I'm pretty sure everyone knows running around in the open and shooting people, and shooting flamethrower tanks won't make them explode (thanks Hollywood).

But the atmosphere and sound effects are the main selling point, along with the characters (the single player).
I know it's silly shooting cars make them explode. But I actually thought shooting the fuel tank to a flamethrower would ignite it. Oh well lol. And ARMA is a niche game, obviously. It's made for those who enjoy the gameplay. They don't care about selling millions.
Yeah the flamethrower thing is a popular misconception due to Saving Private Ryan making it very popular that it blows up. In reality, it just leaks out.
Tracer rounds could catch the furl on fire due to the pyrotechnic charge.

Septagon / Re: We should really consider adding a Destiny board
« on: October 02, 2016, 06:06:14 AM »
We have one. It's called the dumpster and it's where posts go to die.
So that's where you've been posting.

Despite being a first installment, there are games which the developers did a bad job at doing, for example Halo CE. Now that I'm older and Halo lost its appeal to me, I'm able to see the faults with the first game which there's a decent amount of.

-For some odd reason Earth is the only planet the UNSC cares about even though they have many other ones just like it. You would think the UNSC would try to keep every planet a secret or at least the ones which have been colonized for the least amount of time. Earth would be the last planet I would care about due to the resources on it being fewer than newer planets which the UNSC is on.

-Even though we play as a Spartan II we have no idea what that is besides the MC being super solider. The book could at least explain the back story behind the creation of the product.
size=18pt]Level Design:[/size]
-Every single level ends up repeating an area more than once, some levels almost end up doing it throughout the whole thing. 343 Guilty Spark, The Library and Assault on The Control Room/Two Betrayals are the worse at doing that. For example AOTCR you start out in the top room of a tower and you have to make your way down it going through rooms which look just like the ones you went through before. Once you get out side you make your way to another tower latter on which you do the same exact thing, but in reverse.

-Three out of the ten levels you end up playing again. I know for Keys and The Maw you end up going through different areas, but you're still basically replaying a previous level. I wouldn't have much of a problem with it if there was more than ten levels, but there isn't. Almost half of the levels we have for the game are previous ones. 

-The Library I find to be extremely annoying with little enjoyment at all to it. Besides getting spammed by flood and going through areas which are cloned after each other, the level makes no sense at all. There's no logic at all with the way the building is designed lore wise. Instead of having an elevator which takes you to the top, you have to go on multiple ones even though the index is above you.

-No matter how fast a vehicle is going if it touches you, you're dead.

-The friendly AI is just shit compared to the enemy AI. I don't care if it would make the game easier. If there is going to be AI fighting with you, then this AI should actually be there for a reason.

-The vehicle controls are just shit. Instead of the right trigger being forward and the left being reverse, we use the left thump stick for every decree of motion.

-The Warthog was probably the worse vehicle there was to control up until the APC in Mass Effect and the Mongoose in Halo 3.

-The pistol makes using any other weapon besides the rocket launcher redundant. The gun can be used as a sniper rifle and it's able to be used in close quarters. It's literally the only gun in the game which you can use from start to finish without needing to swap it out.

-The assault rifle is next to useless due to the damage output.

-The hunters are able to be killed with one shot from the pistol or sniper rifle on their skin, not matter how much health they have. I know the reason behind it was due to the orange being a head shot, but it's retarded that the strongest non-vehicle enemy in the game can be killed that easily.

-The marines are able to use the Ghost which was a horrible decision due to how badly they use it. If you're on foot then you're most likely going to get ran over by them.

Serious / Re: NYTimes Releases Report on Trump's Tax Records
« on: October 02, 2016, 04:53:57 AM »
fiduciary responsibility to his family
Lel, he cut of medical support to his nephew's sick baby.
fiduciary responsibility to his employees
Top fucking lel, there's a shit load of cases where he didn't pay his contractors or workers.

Gaming / Re: Sep7agon Game Reviews
« on: October 01, 2016, 07:16:25 PM »

The Flood / Re: Super Fun Forum Game, Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: October 01, 2016, 04:25:13 PM »
I see my years of shit posting finally paid off.

Gaming / Re: No Mans Sky investigated for false advertising
« on: October 01, 2016, 12:56:41 PM »
If people are getting this mad over No Man's Sky and how it was a kick starter, I can't wait for people to wake up to the Star Citizen scam.
What about it is a scam?
How is that any different than the tanks in World of Tanks or paid DLC?

The Flood / Re: Is it only me or are youtube ads getting smarter?
« on: October 01, 2016, 12:54:01 PM »
>Not using Adblock Plus
>being a selfish cunt who wants to destroy the internet as we know it

if i could just crush your skull
Son, you have anger issues.

Gaming / Re: Titanfall 2 has gone Gold
« on: October 01, 2016, 12:44:30 PM »
You guys think the hype for this game is going to fall faster than the titans, just like what happened with the first game?

there's hype for this game?
So I take it people learned their lesson with the first game?

The Flood / Re: Is it only me or are youtube ads getting smarter?
« on: October 01, 2016, 12:44:04 PM »
>Not using Adblock Plus
I have this problem because of individuals such as yourself, you balding small dick cunt
I would rather be a "balding small dick cunt" than a camel ridding dune coon, like yourself.

The Flood / Re: Is it only me or are youtube ads getting smarter?
« on: October 01, 2016, 12:33:16 PM »
>Not using Adblock Plus

Gaming / Re: No Mans Sky investigated for false advertising
« on: October 01, 2016, 11:59:52 AM »
If people are getting this mad over No Man's Sky and how it was a kick starter, I can't wait for people to wake up to the Star Citizen scam.
What about it is a scam?

The Flood / Re: Who's the hottest female on all of sep7agon?
« on: October 01, 2016, 06:41:21 AM »

Gaming / Re: No Mans Sky investigated for false advertising
« on: October 01, 2016, 06:32:26 AM »
If the stance or opinion is edgy or unpopular, we all know Verb is going to either agree with it or support it. 

Gaming / Re: Titanfall 2 has gone Gold
« on: October 01, 2016, 06:09:35 AM »
You guys think the hype for this game is going to fall faster than the titans, just like what happened with the first game?

Serious / Re: Earth passes 400 PPM Carbon Dioxide Threshold
« on: October 01, 2016, 06:07:36 AM »
Honestly? Climate change will suck balls, but I don't think we'll actually go extinct from it. TBH, with the scientific boom we're going through right now, chances are we'll just be able to genetically modify ourselves to have gills by the time shit starts getting really bad. Personally, I think that the 21st century will see the fall of democracy. If the US is the SPQR, then this will be the century it goes full Roman Empire, which in modern terms I would assume equivocates to National Socialism. This is a very scary thought. Sure, we all like to meme about "muh hitler did nothing wrong", but it's all fun and games until these people get actual power and the Gestapo comes knocking at your door.
The fuck are you talking about.
Our democracy has become increasingly corrupt and inefficient. If things keep going the way they currently are, then people are going to get extremely fed up with it. When the normies start to go full /pol/, there's going to be hell to pay.
Son, when you typed both of those posts were you wearing your tinfoil hat?

The Flood / Re: He's got a gun in his hand!
« on: September 30, 2016, 05:28:15 PM »
What color is the guy?

Scream singing is like modern country, it's shit.

Serious / Re: Earth passes 400 PPM Carbon Dioxide Threshold
« on: September 30, 2016, 09:53:06 AM »
We can probably expect a lot more wars in Africa
Does anybody else feel more for the animal life there than the humans who live there?

The Flood / Re: Luke Cage netflix series
« on: September 30, 2016, 09:51:32 AM »
Imprisoned for a crime he did not commit
he gains superpowers in the form of unbreakable skin and superhuman strength.
Wow, so original.

Serious / Re: Does Size Matter?
« on: September 30, 2016, 06:02:17 AM »
I see the OP's avatar is an accurate depiction of a Trump supporter.

Gaming / Re: No Mans Sky investigated for false advertising
« on: September 30, 2016, 05:40:37 AM »
During the investigation you guys think Sean is going to be giving these people straight forward responses or do you think he's going to be dodging questions which cryptic ones? 

Serious / Re: Earth passes 400 PPM Carbon Dioxide Threshold
« on: September 30, 2016, 05:18:37 AM »
I'm sure a certain political party is going to be saying this is made up. After all science is just a bunch of made up bullshit unlike religion. Why trust something which has facts to back it up when you can instead believe in some book which is no different than any other fantasy book.

They're heroes.
Son, you probably would say the same for a group of people who gives the same treatment towards pregnant women due to them bringing another human into this world at some point which they baby didn't ask to be born in.

Maybe people shouldn't be posting things which results in people making fun of them. Roman was basically asking to be made fun of due to the cringy threads he posted and his posts in other threads. It's hard to not make fun of a person like Roman when he not only thinks land whales are 10/10 material, but he also posted a thread about him injuring his dick.

Gaming / Re: No Mans Sky investigated for false advertising
« on: September 29, 2016, 06:43:29 AM »
Hopefully Hello Games gets punished so badly that they become "Goodby Games". 

Gaming / Re: What would you consider the WORST game of the decade?
« on: September 29, 2016, 04:25:17 AM »
Whichever game inspired Nintendo to make those god awful fucking amiibos
What's so bad about them?

During the scene where Judy causes those wolfs to start howling, did every single furry in the room join in with them?

The Flood / Re: Das, you wanna read some hooah shit?
« on: September 29, 2016, 03:44:17 AM »
She's probably the closet thing we have to a real life version of Lady Stoneheart.

The Flood / Re: Got in a car accident today
« on: September 28, 2016, 05:17:56 PM »
You should sue her for billions, if not trillions of dollars!

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