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Messages - EarningAttorney

Pages: 12 34 ... 8
The Flood / Re: My nephew has been cross-dressing lately.
« on: November 03, 2016, 12:28:47 PM »
Its not that big a deal. But he might be gay. Show him some tits.

The Flood / Re: Gene Wilder dead at 83
« on: August 29, 2016, 08:53:23 PM »
True shame.

The Flood / Re: Onison Is a Pussy
« on: August 06, 2016, 06:00:10 PM »
Everyone--everyone--hates Onision. This is a redundant thread.

I'm glad you somehow felt the need to throw in "the left" at the end there, as if Onision represents the left.

Well he's a leftist so...

The Flood / Re: Do you guys have users you don't take seriously?
« on: August 06, 2016, 05:30:23 PM »

The Flood / Re: Onison Is a Pussy
« on: August 06, 2016, 05:28:14 PM »
Why the fuck would you watch Onision? Don't even answer that.

I watch Onision like I use emojis, ironically.   8)

The Flood / Onison Is a Pussy
« on: August 06, 2016, 05:18:47 PM »
#Invalid YouTube Link#

Suck my ass over the link embedding

So I watched Onison rant about his Airforce service and I relized, wait, he's just a bitch. He's a pussy.

"We had to carry heavy packs for 4 miles" oh no shit you're in the Goddam military.

 "We walked through a swamp in TEXAS and the only reason why I didn't get bit is because one of the other Airmen saw it." Yeah no fucking kidding what the hell do you think the point of that exercise was? Goin for a nice swim on hot ol TEXAS!!!!

Like shit this is exactly the cancer I expect from the left.

Nothing is socialist to you socialist.
Except the economies of Northern Europe are not socialist.

They're co-ordinated markets, as opposed to the liberal markets of the US and the UK.

oh yeah I forgot. its not socialism when its socialism.
You should know you're talking to a conservative who adamantly opposed socialism.

is. socialism
sorry for bad english

am russian

where were u wen socialism ded

stalin fone me

"socialism is kill"

stalin was communist

Nothing is socialist to you socialist.
Except the economies of Northern Europe are not socialist.

They're co-ordinated markets, as opposed to the liberal markets of the US and the UK.

oh yeah I forgot. its not socialism when its socialism.
You should know you're talking to a conservative who adamantly opposed socialism.

is. socialism

Nothing is socialist to you socialist.
Except the economies of Northern Europe are not socialist.

They're co-ordinated markets, as opposed to the liberal markets of the US and the UK.

oh yeah I forgot. its not socialism when its socialism.

The Flood / Re: Did someone say all too easy?
« on: August 02, 2016, 04:13:50 PM »
I have been summoned back with an update on my personal life, comrades. It seems my penis is doing well, perhaps even better than before. No circumcision required, just removal of a small skin tag. The foreskin can now be pulled down farther than before for increased pleasure, and I can even look like cut guys. It can also be cleaned much better now, and it's overall hygiene has been increased.

Next, I have a full-time teaching interview this afternoon; although it is still a substitute position and different classes everyday. Meh...

Third, I met an amazing girl Saturday night. She is as nerdy as I am and literally likes most things that I do, and we really clicked. She is gorgeous and looks like Scarlet Johannsen mixed with Adele and Marilyn Monroe. She looks like a doll and we had instant chemistry. I'm glad we met each other, and I realized I don't want to just hook up. Only problem is she just got out of a four year relationship, so I don't want to seem too pushy with her. But she does want to see me again and watch the Force Awakens together on Wednesday. She is just as unlucky as I am. On our first date we went to a park with our coffees. It rained and we got soaked, she spilled hers, and by the end of the night my car battery had died.

"mixed with Adele"

So she's fat?
You must be new here.

Roman won't even look at someone if they're under 250 lbs.

not new just ijnactive
lol um yes you most definitely are new, Mr. July 3, 2016.

Shut up nigger faggot.
wow um rude

Awww I think he fits right in ^.^


The Flood / Re: Did someone say all too easy?
« on: August 02, 2016, 12:41:30 PM »
I have been summoned back with an update on my personal life, comrades. It seems my penis is doing well, perhaps even better than before. No circumcision required, just removal of a small skin tag. The foreskin can now be pulled down farther than before for increased pleasure, and I can even look like cut guys. It can also be cleaned much better now, and it's overall hygiene has been increased.

Next, I have a full-time teaching interview this afternoon; although it is still a substitute position and different classes everyday. Meh...

Third, I met an amazing girl Saturday night. She is as nerdy as I am and literally likes most things that I do, and we really clicked. She is gorgeous and looks like Scarlet Johannsen mixed with Adele and Marilyn Monroe. She looks like a doll and we had instant chemistry. I'm glad we met each other, and I realized I don't want to just hook up. Only problem is she just got out of a four year relationship, so I don't want to seem too pushy with her. But she does want to see me again and watch the Force Awakens together on Wednesday. She is just as unlucky as I am. On our first date we went to a park with our coffees. It rained and we got soaked, she spilled hers, and by the end of the night my car battery had died.

"mixed with Adele"

So she's fat?
You must be new here.

Roman won't even look at someone if they're under 250 lbs.

not new just ijnactive
lol um yes you most definitely are new, Mr. July 3, 2016.

Shut up nigger faggot.

Why cant America be more like Sweden?

1. Do you know what the Swedish income tax is? 80%
2. Do you know who pays for Sweden's defense? America/NATO
3. Sweden has a declining birth rate and an influx of refugees/terrorist.

Their socialism will collapse soon in the mean time us capitalist are busy profiting so they don't have to have an army.

More like Nordic Capitalism lmao

Nothing is socialist to you socialist. Except your socialism. Your socialism is the only real socialism.

Unless it fails.




The Flood / Re: Did someone say all too easy?
« on: August 01, 2016, 03:27:49 PM »
I have been summoned back with an update on my personal life, comrades. It seems my penis is doing well, perhaps even better than before. No circumcision required, just removal of a small skin tag. The foreskin can now be pulled down farther than before for increased pleasure, and I can even look like cut guys. It can also be cleaned much better now, and it's overall hygiene has been increased.

Next, I have a full-time teaching interview this afternoon; although it is still a substitute position and different classes everyday. Meh...

Third, I met an amazing girl Saturday night. She is as nerdy as I am and literally likes most things that I do, and we really clicked. She is gorgeous and looks like Scarlet Johannsen mixed with Adele and Marilyn Monroe. She looks like a doll and we had instant chemistry. I'm glad we met each other, and I realized I don't want to just hook up. Only problem is she just got out of a four year relationship, so I don't want to seem too pushy with her. But she does want to see me again and watch the Force Awakens together on Wednesday. She is just as unlucky as I am. On our first date we went to a park with our coffees. It rained and we got soaked, she spilled hers, and by the end of the night my car battery had died.

"mixed with Adele"

So she's fat?
You must be new here.

Roman won't even look at someone if they're under 250 lbs.

not new just ijnactive

The Flood / Re: Did someone say all too easy?
« on: August 01, 2016, 12:22:13 PM »
I have been summoned back with an update on my personal life, comrades. It seems my penis is doing well, perhaps even better than before. No circumcision required, just removal of a small skin tag. The foreskin can now be pulled down farther than before for increased pleasure, and I can even look like cut guys. It can also be cleaned much better now, and it's overall hygiene has been increased.

Next, I have a full-time teaching interview this afternoon; although it is still a substitute position and different classes everyday. Meh...

Third, I met an amazing girl Saturday night. She is as nerdy as I am and literally likes most things that I do, and we really clicked. She is gorgeous and looks like Scarlet Johannsen mixed with Adele and Marilyn Monroe. She looks like a doll and we had instant chemistry. I'm glad we met each other, and I realized I don't want to just hook up. Only problem is she just got out of a four year relationship, so I don't want to seem too pushy with her. But she does want to see me again and watch the Force Awakens together on Wednesday. She is just as unlucky as I am. On our first date we went to a park with our coffees. It rained and we got soaked, she spilled hers, and by the end of the night my car battery had died.

"mixed with Adele"

So she's fat?

well... it got better...

The Flood / Re: Anyone else see the Melania Trump nudes?
« on: July 31, 2016, 10:06:03 PM »

Serious / Re: Patriarchy is not evil
« on: July 31, 2016, 05:22:46 PM »
Truth doe

Why cant America be more like Sweden?

1. Do you know what the Swedish income tax is? 80%
2. Do you know who pays for Sweden's defense? America/NATO
3. Sweden has a declining birth rate and an influx of refugees/terrorist.

Their socialism will collapse soon in the mean time us capitalist are busy profiting so they don't have to have an army.

The Flood / Re: UN Game Star Wars
« on: July 31, 2016, 05:06:25 PM »
First Order refugees, soldiers, knights, and other survivors, that did not go to the unknown regions in exile, pledge allegiance to the Vong.

The Flood / Re: um... dad
« on: July 31, 2016, 05:02:15 PM »
"What are you fucking gay?"

that video was cancer

my shadowplay's stopped working ever since i upgraded to windows 10 :(

That sucks. Have you updated your drivers?

What game did you play anon?

Middle Earth Shadow of mordor

Gaming / AMA I Just Recorded My First Gameplay Using NVIDIA Shadowplay AMA
« on: July 30, 2016, 06:32:34 PM »
I built my rig almost a month ago now (GTX 1070 i5-6600 16GB RAM0 and I decided to play around with GeForce Experience. AMA

Hey, how are ya.

The Flood / Re: All Too Easy - The Sep7agon UN Game
« on: July 29, 2016, 11:51:58 PM »

The Flood / Re: Guys. I fucked up. Badly. I'm probably gonna die
« on: July 29, 2016, 11:49:43 PM »
OP is probaly already dead tbh.

The Flood / Re: Who Wins For Having The Best Avatar This Furry July?
« on: July 29, 2016, 08:04:47 PM »
me bitch

The Flood / Re: What do you believe happens when you die
« on: July 29, 2016, 12:28:48 PM »
you die and then whatever you believe will happen happens.

So if you believe you just die you just die
if you believe you will go to heaven you go to heaven
if you believe that everyone is going to burn in hell then you will go to hell
if you believe you will be reincarnated you will be reincarnated
If you believe that you will fly through space and time infinitely then you will do so.

I think the human brain is powerful enough to make this happen.

I wanna die and wake up in an endless line of h4wt babes ready to fuk.

If i drink bleach will it happen?

It depends on what you believe in, not me.
If you believe if you commit suicide you will go to hell then that's what happens, so if you believe that nothing bad happens to you in the after life for committing suicide then you will get your h4wt babes.


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