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Messages - EarningAttorney

Pages: 1 ... 456 78
Serious / Re: Texas Real Talk
« on: July 08, 2016, 07:04:23 AM »
I think you've embarrassed yourself in your other thread enough already.

I stand by what I said. Its not my fault there are many retards on this site.

Serious / Texas Real Talk
« on: July 08, 2016, 06:57:46 AM »
After last nights terror attack I'm seriously considering becoming a Texas secessionist. I thought we could turn the nation around and always favored revolution over secession.

However, if Obama does not out right condem this terror attack as such than I am left no choice but to now advocate for Texas secession.

He's divided the nation too much. He's encouraged the delusions of movements such as BLM for too long. Its too late for revolution or reformation. There is only secession.

"This is leftism?"

Shut the fuck up.

No, seriously, shut up.

This is a fucked up situation made worse by people like you drawing arbitrary lines.

This is very much the product of our president and leftist dividing the nation on race.

Maybe enact legislation that holds corporate media accountable for propagating shit that leads to this kind of stuff. They glorify this kind of shit because they know it'll cause more to happen and they can keep pulling in that sweet sweet ad revenue from the increase of viewership whenever some sort of tragedy happens.

Infringement on free speech and I don't trust the Govt to handle that power responsibly.

I expected some racist kinda posts in Sept from this, but OP you're completely incorrect on so many levels.

I assume since you posted this in the flood though that you're not completely serious. I can only hope you're not that ignorant.

Hoe is this racist?

Serious / Re: 10 Officers Shot, 3 Dead in Dallas
« on: July 07, 2016, 11:59:07 PM »
Just remember guys, it wasn't BLM, it was radical melanin extremists.


can't tell what's worse. the niggers or the nigger loving white guilters.

Can't have one without the other.

can we just lynch the niggers and say theyre terrorists?
yall's cops are doing that for you already

Did you know that you're more likely to be shot by a cop if you're white than black?

The Flood / 11 Shot 4 Dead. Texas BLM protest Turned Into Shooting.
« on: July 07, 2016, 11:27:47 PM »
I am a resident of Dallas Texas. And tonight. 11 and counting officers have been shot 4 and counting dead by protestors. The peaceful protest proves to be an ambush and BLM is now calling for the death of ALL Dallas Officers. This is leftism. This is the Democrats doing. This is disgusting. And this will not be condemed by the President.

Fellow Texans, its time we left a union that cares for us not and lynched a group that wishes us dead.

Yup typical liberal moderation on this site.
I genuinely believe Psy is a Jew and/or nigger.

It's honestly the only explanation.


Gaming / Re: So Tmartn apologizes for CS:GO lotto scam.
« on: July 06, 2016, 07:04:29 PM »
They need to take legal action.

Gaming / Re: settled on RX 480
« on: July 06, 2016, 07:03:14 PM »
Rx 480 has power draw issues. Its taking too much power through the mother board causing crashes. I mysleft have a 1070 in the mail!

Gaming / Re: DOOM Thread
« on: July 06, 2016, 12:51:30 AM »
Getting DOOM on my PC featuring a gtx 1070!!

Gaming / Is It Just Me Or Does Tmartn Really Suck at Sports Games?
« on: July 06, 2016, 12:49:38 AM »

(Pesky YouTube Link embeddor is broke)

As someone who played baseball up through High School I'm pretty appalled at his performance and utter incompetence. Like its a small gripe but WHO THE FUCK RUNS TO SECOND ON A LINER THAT THE CENTER FEILDER PICKED UP LIKE THE FUCK TEEBALLERS KNOW WHEN TO NOT CONTINUE!!!!

Homosexuality offers no conceivable benifet to society.
orphanages would say otherwise

The best environment for a kid to be raised in is by a mom and dad.

So you wanna take advantages away from children?
I don't know about you, but Id rather be raised by a gay couple than spend my life in a stacked system that works against my wellbeing.

The orphanage system? Or what system? And how is that acting against you and how does a gay couple change that. Retard.
Uh, yeah. That system. That's kinda what started this quote chain, guy. It's fucked up and the state essentially works against clearing people out of it. I'll tell ya son, after seven years of trying to adopt domestically instead of just fostering differen kids every year, a lot of couples get fucking fed up and just pull a baby from China in two weeks.

If a gay couple can help a kid get out of that, then let's give more fags some more kids. We're not taking an advantage away from anyone by doing that. We're giving them an advantage over what they had before.

I wouldn't force a kid into an unstable home.

Homosexuality offers no conceivable benifet to society.
orphanages would say otherwise

The best environment for a kid to be raised in is by a mom and dad.

So you wanna take advantages away from children?
I don't know about you, but Id rather be raised by a gay couple than spend my life in a stacked system that works against my wellbeing.

The orphanage system? Or what system? And how is that acting against you and how does a gay couple change that. Retard.

Gaming / Re: I Never Liked Tmartn But This Is... Well...
« on: July 04, 2016, 01:24:54 PM »
Fixed the link for you, this might fit better in the gaming board though. I'll give it a watch while I have breakfast and see.

Thanks babe.

Homosexuality offers no conceivable benifet to society.
orphanages would say otherwise

The best environment for a kid to be raised in is by a mom and dad.

So you wanna take advantages away from children?

The Flood / Re: Explain this liberals
« on: July 04, 2016, 12:46:28 PM »

It is

Haters will say its photoshoped.

Homosexuality offers no conceivable benifet to society.
orphanages would say otherwise

The best environment for a kid to be raised in is by a mom and dad.

The Flood / Re: Happy 4th
« on: July 04, 2016, 01:03:52 AM »
When the site doesn't support the U.S flag emoji...

The Flood / Happy 4th
« on: July 04, 2016, 01:00:12 AM »
πŸ”«ΛŽβ‚β€’Κšβ€’β‚ŽΛπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ  πŸ”«ΛŽβ‚β€’Κšβ€’β‚ŽΛπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ”«ΛŽβ‚β€’Κšβ€’β‚ŽΛπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ”«ΛŽβ‚β€’Κšβ€’β‚ŽΛπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ”«ΛŽβ‚β€’Κšβ€’β‚ŽΛπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ”«ΛŽβ‚β€’Κšβ€’β‚ŽΛπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ”«ΛŽβ‚β€’Κšβ€’β‚ŽΛπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ”«ΛŽβ‚β€’Κšβ€’β‚ŽΛπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ”«ΛŽβ‚β€’Κšβ€’β‚ŽΛπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ”«ΛŽβ‚β€’Κšβ€’β‚ŽΛπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ”«ΛŽβ‚β€’Κšβ€’β‚ŽΛπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ”«ΛŽβ‚β€’Κšβ€’β‚ŽΛπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ”«ΛŽβ‚β€’Κšβ€’β‚ŽΛπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ”«ΛŽβ‚β€’Κšβ€’β‚ŽΛπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Happy 4th

Gaming / Re: I Never Liked Tmartn But This Is... Well...
« on: July 04, 2016, 12:56:14 AM »

Fucking lol

Prolly one of the best YouTubers to date aside from his liberal views on politics.

Gaming / Re: I Never Liked Tmartn But This Is... Well...
« on: July 04, 2016, 12:50:15 AM »
You can embed Youtube links ya know.


I know. And I did. But it said it was invalid so I eddited it out. Link still works.

Homosexuality offers no conceivable benifet to society.

Gaming / I Never Liked Tmartn But This Is... Well...
« on: July 04, 2016, 12:45:26 AM »

This is just disposable. And I hope BDobbinsFTW also jumps on them since this would also explain their promotion of supply drops in CoD as it is essentially the same thing as gambling in CS:GO.

The Flood / Re: Explain this liberals
« on: July 04, 2016, 12:42:49 AM »
I wasn't denying anything. I'm not saying what we did to the Indians should be replicated nor what we did to thw Japs. But this disgusting narrative of an evile America is just that, disgusting. And I would consider myself pretty patriotic.

The Flood / Re: Explain this liberals
« on: July 03, 2016, 11:27:23 PM »
A very one sided war. And the soldiers used germ warfare, and gunned down whole tribes of women and children. It wasn't just another war. I love the US enough that I served as an Infantryman. But I don't gloss over our stains. We committed just a horrible crime as Germany.

You realize know one knew about germs back then right?
They didn't realize Germ Theory yet, but they sure as hell knew what smallpox was and how to use it as a weapon.

They knew what small pox was but they didn't know about microorganisms and didn't intentionally give out pox blankets.

The Flood / Re: Explain this liberals
« on: July 03, 2016, 08:52:12 PM »
Germans killed plenty of civilians.
My point is that the US isn't free of committing atrocities against civilians. To me your post made it seem like the US is some golden child compared to the Soviets when in reality we did some bad stuff as well.
And I wouldn't equate death camps to separate water fountains
We didn't have death camps, but we sure did have concentration camps. We placed our own civilians in them out of fear of them for simply being Japanese. In the end the US wasn't any different than the Nazi's. A few generations before WW2 we committed genocide against the Indians, we placed our own civilians in CC's for being Japaneses and we treated people like shit for being black which was backed up by the government.
unless I was a morally bankrupt disgusting human being like you.
Which you are. You think the genocide against the Indians was justified all because we were superior and they weren't.

Yeah we put Japs in camps. We didn't gas them.

The indian wars were just that a war. It Wasn't genocide.

A genocide

It was 93 of them. 93 culturally different groups died in a period of 30 years

Yeah in a war. They weren't defensless.
I'm no kind of liberal faggot apologist, but if you're just going to justify it like that while demonizing das Dritte Reich and its inhabitants, you're about as retarded as a Hillary voter.

Not really. The nazis killed millions of innocents. We didn't.

The Flood / Re: Explain this liberals
« on: July 03, 2016, 08:51:20 PM »
A very one sided war. And the soldiers used germ warfare, and gunned down whole tribes of women and children. It wasn't just another war. I love the US enough that I served as an Infantryman. But I don't gloss over our stains. We committed just a horrible crime as Germany.

You realize know one knew about germs back then right?

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