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Messages - Sαndtrap

Pages: 1 ... 303132 3334 ... 36
Serious / Re: Why is Globalism bad?
« on: September 01, 2016, 12:56:44 AM »
Do me a favor and look at the government of the respective country you live in. Does it have shit qualities? If so, multiply this by roughly 7 billion.

People won't ever be unified, plain and simple. And handing over power to a select governing group? No. It won't ever work and I can say with no doubt that it would be abused, and pulled off terribly.

Serious / Re: What media sources inform your opinions?
« on: August 31, 2016, 01:42:06 AM »
If I'm assed to watch the TV where I'm staying, there's CNN and respective canadian broadcast networks with sprinkles of other shit. Then there's sep7agon and other places on the internet. I take everything in as I can.

The Flood / Re: My room is fucked
« on: August 31, 2016, 01:37:01 AM »
When I first moved into a place a few years back, the entire shower wall was rotting and moldy. I tore the wall apart. Made sure to make the area well ventilated and to wear breathing masks rated for work like that.

I then had to to take a heat gun to the remaining intact wood and dry everything out completely if I didn't want the moisture to start mold on the new wall.

I reccommend that you don't seal the mold in too tightly with those bags of yours. I know it's not good if the spores are all over your house air supply, but sealing the mold in can create more problems. Namely, condensation, which speeds up the rotting process and allows the mold to spread faster.

I trust that vaccines perform as intended, for the most part. But it wouldn't surprise me if there is a slight risk or unintended side effects when they inject so many at the same time. Of course it's all overblown by the anti-vax crowd and yet I can't help but think that there's information being withheld by the suppliers/creators of the vaccines. There always is. But, it all comes down to the parents. Their dead or sickly kids. Not mine. Past that, I can't really say that I care.

Gaming / Re: ITT: the only correct way to play games
« on: August 29, 2016, 12:47:14 AM »
What if I enjoy increased difficulty?
this is less to do with what you enjoy and more to do with whether you care to play games properly or not

no one's saying you have to care

I care not for playing properly then.



Gaming / Re: ITT: the only correct way to play games
« on: August 29, 2016, 12:43:17 AM »
What if I enjoy increased difficulty?

The Flood / Re: Last Active: April 13, 2016, 10:42:42 AM
« on: August 29, 2016, 12:39:49 AM »
Tit's a me, mario

It makes me wonder how the internet was able to function at it's conception without the useage of ads.

Truly, a mystery for the ages.

The Flood / Re: Drunkposting AMA
« on: August 28, 2016, 01:14:46 AM »
if you dont hit the ground when you sky-dive, where do u go

To hell with all the weebs

The Flood / Re: Books that you never get tired of reading?
« on: August 28, 2016, 01:07:15 AM »
The good thing about having a spotty memory is that I can read through books again like new.

Every few years I pick my favorites from Heinlen and other sci-fi writers.

The Flood / Re: Finally got a permaban on Bungie
« on: August 28, 2016, 01:04:41 AM »
Is there even a point to stopping buy there anymore?

The Flood / Re: Drunkposting AMA
« on: August 28, 2016, 01:04:01 AM »
Wouldn't it be hilarious if we lived in a technologically advanced society that instead of locking away offenders, just engineers it so they can't do their favorite shit?

Heavy drinkers with engineered systems that filter the alcohol too fast for them to ever get drunk?

ect ect

Serious / Re: Why should I care if someone is a white supremacist
« on: August 27, 2016, 11:52:22 PM »
It's not really a question of why you should, or shouldn't care. It's a question of when you should.

You see a white nationalist minding his own business, not going out of their way to fuck something up for somebody? That's when you set not caring on cruise control. You bump into one that's being a cunt and it's within your possible realm of influence to potentially prevent or fix? Time to put your hands back on the steering wheel.

Why, you ask? Because there's enough people in the world being dickheads to each other as is.

The Flood / Re: Master Chief vs Imperial Japan.
« on: August 25, 2016, 01:24:08 AM »
We need some dedicated lore enthusiast to tally up chief's personal body count over the course of the series.
People did that on Waypoint, tried to tally up how many lives are on the ships he's blown up, with his confirmed kills.

They just gave up and said 500,000 or more

Whereas the Arbiter is responsible for like a billion human lives

Dunno if that's in personal combat though. No doubt Arby's killed several billion through being in command of a ship glassing a planet but I doubt that he's personally killed a billion people with his own hands.
Yeah, "responsible" just adds up all of them, from glassing, killing, commanding raids etc

I know the series is partially botched at this point, considering the direction 343 decided to go, but I'd still like to see some context brought to light. Maybe in a novel or something.

Arby comes from a warrior culture and he's good at his job of killing things. He's desensitized to death, somewhat. But that's got to be really heavy on him in some manner to realize that he'd killed that many inoccents for a lie.

The Flood / Re: Master Chief vs Imperial Japan.
« on: August 25, 2016, 01:20:24 AM »
We need some dedicated lore enthusiast to tally up chief's personal body count over the course of the series.
I love your avatar

I love my avatar

The Flood / Re: Master Chief vs Imperial Japan.
« on: August 25, 2016, 01:13:09 AM »
We need some dedicated lore enthusiast to tally up chief's personal body count over the course of the series.
People did that on Waypoint, tried to tally up how many lives are on the ships he's blown up, with his confirmed kills.

They just gave up and said 500,000 or more

Whereas the Arbiter is responsible for like a billion human lives

Dunno if that's in personal combat though. No doubt Arby's killed several billion through being in command of a ship glassing a planet but I doubt that he's personally killed a billion people with his own hands.

It makes for interesting thoughts though. Can only imagine what he felt when he learned the covenant religion was all a lie and that he'd essentially slaughtered innoccents.

The Flood / Re: Anything new in your lives?
« on: August 25, 2016, 01:07:39 AM »
moving a a couple and a half hours away from my house to university on saturday

Scared or excited about it?
excited honestly, i need time from my family since theyre (my mom mostly like 99%) are overprotective faggots about me staying out anytime late past 10 or even 9. i dislike the city so i wanna go to place more quiet and relaxed with stars in the sky. plus i love what im studying for. only drawback is the growing up part, leaving the girlfriend in the city for the time being, leaving friends behind for a while, and less food from family. its something i probably need in life to experience.

Actually, that reminds me. You're taking something along the lines of astronomy aren't ya? You own any kind of telescope?

The Flood / Re: Master Chief vs Imperial Japan.
« on: August 25, 2016, 01:05:14 AM »
We need some dedicated lore enthusiast to tally up chief's personal body count over the course of the series.

The Flood / Re: Anything new in your lives?
« on: August 25, 2016, 01:02:41 AM »
moving a a couple and a half hours away from my house to university on saturday

Scared or excited about it?
excited honestly, i need time from my family since theyre (my mom mostly like 99%) are overprotective faggots about me staying out anytime late past 10 or even 9. i dislike the city so i wanna go to place more quiet and relaxed with stars in the sky. plus i love what im studying for. only drawback is the growing up part, leaving the girlfriend in the city for the time being, leaving friends behind for a while, and less food from family. its something i probably need in life to experience.

Hope it goes well gasai. Personal space is a nice thing to have.

The Flood / Re: Anything new in your lives?
« on: August 25, 2016, 12:27:03 AM »
moving a a couple and a half hours away from my house to university on saturday

Scared or excited about it?

The Flood / Anything new in your lives?
« on: August 25, 2016, 12:13:00 AM »
Haven't had much of a chance to talk much to any of you for a long while. Anything interesting going on?

Serious / Re: Police Scotland introduce Hijabs into the official uniform
« on: August 24, 2016, 11:59:48 PM »
Don't get why this is an issue
Because the hijab is oppressive and should be discouraged at the least in western society.

What if somebody wants to wear it though?

The Flood / Re: I had somewhat of a mental breakdown today
« on: August 24, 2016, 11:58:13 PM »
I posted walls but at least I had the decency to try and space them out so they didn't burn the eyes.

I also can't tell if this is copy pasta or serious.

Serious / Re: Radical Islam>(((moderate))) Islam
« on: August 24, 2016, 11:54:12 PM »
radical everything is better

i hate fence-sitting gray-area fuckers

The Flood / Re: My son had a seizure tonight
« on: August 24, 2016, 01:37:31 AM »
I've got no experience with seizures. Glad it's just a temporary thing tied to the fever. Outside of that incident, how was the rest of the day?

Gaming / Re: Worst enemy in gaming?
« on: August 23, 2016, 12:08:22 AM »
Any enemies that are above your bounds of hitting them yet they can hit you. Like the mosquitoes in blighttown

Soul arrows fuck those with no effort though
i dont use magic

>Not using a bow

What are you? Some kind of peasant?

The Flood / Re: Platitudes that are actually pretty clever or true
« on: August 22, 2016, 11:51:57 PM »
Platitude is an irritating word.

The Flood / Re: These hormones messing with my mind
« on: August 22, 2016, 11:50:43 PM »
Get fat and develop a stable gravitational orbit.

The Flood / Re: These hormones messing with my mind
« on: August 22, 2016, 11:45:56 PM »
Usually what those tend to do Jive.

The Flood / Re: Say What You Want About Pedophiles
« on: August 22, 2016, 11:44:31 PM »
Some of them sure don't kid around

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