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Messages - Sαndtrap

Pages: 1 ... 272829 3031 ... 36
The Flood / Re: explicit content in TV programs irritates me
« on: October 23, 2016, 03:16:29 PM »
You need to learn when to switch up the filters you see the world through.

Not that your point is moot. TV, in general, is a mirror of society. If people didn't want violence and sex on the airwaves, they'd make a point to complain about it and stop it.

Personally, I'm a fan of older programs that kept the shock/sex factor to a minimum, or out of the main focal point.

The Flood / Re: Should porn be allowed on the internet?
« on: October 23, 2016, 03:10:05 PM »
Put a wall in the way and people will figure out how to jump over it. Or go through it. Or climb it.

The Flood / Re: Dear Jivary Part 2: The diary of jive
« on: October 22, 2016, 11:30:37 PM »
This is a blog thread, I think this is what Sep7agon needs to get activity back up.

You fucking genius.

There'd be too many sad blogs methinks.

Gaming / Re: Civilization 6 thread
« on: October 22, 2016, 12:45:15 AM »

Serious / Re: Black guy anxiety
« on: October 20, 2016, 07:44:50 PM »
Regardless of the word switch and replacement you did, I find it funny that either way you read the article, it doesn't end up empowering or really helping anybody.

The Flood / Re: nicotine withdrawal
« on: October 20, 2016, 06:12:17 PM »
When you're smack in the middle of it, it sucks dick. And I know this'll sound cliche. Once you're done, you'll realize how easy it is to just stop.

The Flood / Re: Wew!
« on: October 20, 2016, 12:01:46 AM »
Can only talk so much and throw so much poop before it begins to lose some appeal.

The Flood / Re: What. The. Holy. Fuck.
« on: October 18, 2016, 01:10:00 AM »
I mean broadcasting christmas shit way too early and newly elected presidents ending the world, of course.

Serious / Re: So can someone explain the middle east?
« on: October 18, 2016, 01:04:39 AM »
Imagine a board game of monopoly.

Every other player is raging and fighting for scraps while there's that one fucker who usually controls half the board or more and reaps the benefit.

Then replace the board with sand.

Instead of four to six players there's a small college campus's worth of people all playing at the same time.

The Flood / Re: question
« on: October 18, 2016, 12:59:48 AM »
Nobody's ever really slated me to be the caretaker of possessions before. The closest thing I can think of would be when I was written in on my sister's will. Should her and her husband pass away at the same time I would become the legal guardian of my niece and the owner of their property until my niece turned 18.

They entrusted the property to me since minors can't own property and pay the bills and so on. And because I would honour their wishes in keeping the property nice. No cut down trees for farmland or stuff like that.

As far as possessions though, interesting question. I've had to sell or ditch personal belongings of meaning before. It's not exactly easy to do. But it has taught me not to hang on to things when they become cumbersome. I honestly can't really say for sure.

I don't think I'd sell possessions for a quick buck. But if I had to let them go, I could. The only exception to the rule is if they explicitely asked me to keep them. I try to hold honour to words if people need my help with something.

The Flood / Re: What. The. Holy. Fuck.
« on: October 18, 2016, 12:45:38 AM »
They do that every year.

The Flood / Re: I've stopped exercising
« on: October 17, 2016, 12:38:49 AM »
Do you feel like a sluggish fatass whenever the slightest hint of activity happens now?

Serious / Re: Do yourself a favor
« on: October 16, 2016, 03:36:44 AM »
Last note to add here before I sleep.

When I refer to the ends justify the means deal. If you had a red button that instantly poofed everybody out of existence, you'd press it. I'd be willing to bet whatever semi-functioning organ of mine that's left, that if you had a red button that casued excruciating pain before killing everybody dead, you'd still press it, due to the moral belief that the end result would outweigh that pain.

Since the button doesn't exist, all you're left with is the hard and slow way, that may or may not involve bullshit and hypocrisy along the way.

Now then. It's my personal belief that a decent majority of people tend to be shitty. And it's likely that they'll do shitty things. I'm under no guise that following the road of evolutionarily advancing ourselves will be pretty. As I said, people tend to be shitty.

But that applies to your approach as well, funny enough. You really think it'll be a clean trip to offing ourselves? I betcha one day some disturbed mind is going to commit something horrible and suddenly the term anti-natalism will have a big media spotlight dropped on it.

Leave it to people to abuse things. The respective end I talk about, really, is the same end as yours, just on the opposite side of the coin. But both ways end up having a hard trail to walk because of shitheaded people that will no doubt abuse things/lead things astray.

Go figure.

Serious / Re: Do yourself a favor
« on: October 16, 2016, 03:14:48 AM »
Picked up the sendoff from last time. 33:10 mark.

First point, I don't neccessarily see why he solely equates traveling to Mars as a need to fuck elsewhere. Granted, the question was based around colonization of Mars. There's other reasons that people hold for wanting to travel.

Second point. When he lists off the four magic words of evolution and talks about it, he's missing something. In the case of our planet, our world is the only current case of evolution we have. With how many combinations that matter can arrange itself into and the complexity of it, the options likely exist that the model of evolution on another world could be entirely different from ours. And the potential exists that you might even coin the respective evolutionary path and result as "better" than ours.

I can agree with his point that for the most part, people are stupid. The term I would use instead however, would be primitive. Our current state is by no means neccessarily the final end product, just a potential work in progress.

Third point. So far, this discussion has been about humans in their present state, complete with positive and negative emotions/feelings. The guy asking the questions seems to be stuck to asking about making a working utopia with the current status of human beings.

The whole point about us being primitively stupid is missed both by Ham and the fellow asking questions. In our current state, I'd be 100% certain that we could never achieve a "utopia" of any kind. If we moved past our simple, basic attributes, which I would say contain both negative and positive emotions, then maybe we could.

But that all comes down to the very simple question you can ask. Why?

Why go through that undertaking if the universe doesn't need us? I can take that very same line of reasoning and ask you the same thing. Why go through your respective undertaking? Because if you stop and look at it, reaching the end goal of anti-natalism is just as much of an undertaking as is speeding up our evolutionary process into something that is unrefutably "better."

Your answer to the question of "why" probably is to due with being morally right. From the stance of morals, the best way to prevent harm is to prevent a thing that can be harmed from ever being made. And to that end game, the ends justify the means even if they end up being hypocrytical or shitty, correct?

I can only ask, technically, isn't making something that can't be harmed just the same end game? Coming out with an end result that's beyond what we are now, that isn't bound by to simple things that we currently are?

The Flood / Re: Fuck this hangover.
« on: October 16, 2016, 02:02:48 AM »
A good way to deal with hangovers?

Why, dealing with them of course.

Serious / Re: Do yourself a favor
« on: October 14, 2016, 01:56:47 AM »
16:19 mark. I don't have enough time in my awake periods to watch the whole thing. I'll watch it in gaps when I can.

First thing I'll talk about is the red button deal. If we're going with the stance that people don't have a right to make life, or, introduce it to existence, then I'd argue that at the same time, neither should anybody ever have the right to forcefully remove it if it doesn't want to be removed.

He's not wrong about people making things unneccessarily complicated however.

Gaming / Re: I Bought The Art of Halo 3 for Around $20.
« on: October 14, 2016, 01:28:46 AM »
This guy compiled all the concept art for all the games (Except H5). There's some really cool stuff in it.

Thanks. I'll be making more Sangheili lewds soon.

Bacon confirmed for closet xenophile?

You guys act like nuclear war would be a thing and that modern Russia is more rogue than the Soviet Union. They're not. Nuclear war ensures the side who launches it, loses, and even then, the US would just launch them right back. They could even come into direct conflict and probably not launch them unless the homeland was threatened, and NEITHER side wants to invade the other lol. No point whatsoever.

Nothing will come of this.

Putin's a dickhead for sure but he's not dumb enough to launch nukes.

The Flood / Re: "woooah, september blew by so fast, man"
« on: October 13, 2016, 01:14:01 AM »
Every moment in my current residence has been slow as shit.

The Flood / Re: Time continually moves forward
« on: October 11, 2016, 07:07:35 PM »
No it doesn't. Time occurs simultaneously all at once. Your stream of consciousness is purely illusionary.

But only if you're lodged balls deep in dat boipussy

Serious / Re: OK, so what happens if Trump loses?
« on: October 11, 2016, 06:41:58 PM »
I get the feeling that there's a potential for some fighting of sorts to go on. There may be rioting of some kind from Trump supporters but I don't think it'll be widespread. With Hillary in office, I actually don't think much of anything will happen. She'll just try to coast along and play it like everything's normal, fine and dandy. Basically keep things as they are now. The only concern I've got with her is her apparent need to start a slapfight with russia.

The Flood / Re: If you were to die today
« on: October 11, 2016, 06:34:56 PM »
I asked specifically not for a burial or a funeral. Just burn what's left to ash and let it loose on the wind. Plant a tree with it. Flush it down the toilet. Don't matter.

He's not actually a wizard.

He's a novice necromancer. He's taking names so he knows who he can ressurect for the upcoming skeletal war.

The Flood / Re: what you enjoy says a lot about your intelligence
« on: October 11, 2016, 06:30:39 PM »
I'm gonna chalk up a "no" to that. I've seen too many people who otherwise excel in one area of intelligence, but otherwise enjoy or do questionable things.

You're not exactly wrong in that you can partially gauge someone's intelligence by what they enjoy, but it doesn't hold as much weight as you figure it would.

The Flood / Re: Anime is a legitimate form of artistic expression
« on: October 09, 2016, 11:52:27 PM »
Anime is a legitimate form of autistic expression

The Flood / Re: wish I could sleep forever
« on: October 09, 2016, 11:30:23 PM »
You want to sleep forever?

There's a way to do that. Go to your kitchen. Look below the sink for a white bottle. Drink that bad boy.

Experience the bliss of eternal sleep.

That's just the bliss of eternal memes silly.

The Flood / Re: wish I could sleep forever
« on: October 09, 2016, 11:25:41 PM »
Bed rashes kinda blow Jive.

Playing The Rig with Baconshelf on Galo 5 gave me double cancer. And this gives me triple cancer. Fucking nice.

Gaming / Re: Is Dragon's Dogma good?
« on: October 09, 2016, 11:17:22 PM »
When I played it, I noticed that the opening of the game is really fucking slow. Like trying to climb up a muddy hill on a unicycle slow.

If you can make it past the no man's land of an opening, then you're good to go apparently. Super in depth character creator too. You could make an army of nicholas cages if you're into that kinda stuff.

Just rip his arms off like you rip off the lids to the various body building drugs you eat.

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