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Messages - Sαndtrap

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The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 01:33:18 AM »
One thumb up and one thumb down.

But are you really sandtrap

It's me.

You had something wrong with your head. I don't remember if it was cancer or no but it had you worried. You did something nice for a little fellow who was ill by taking him for a spin in one of your fancy cars.

It makes me happy to see your back. How are things? and it was a cancer scare, anomaly in my brain, but it was eventually found to be nothing.

Thumbs up worthy?

-Disease spread rate warrented my death in June
-Happy Birthday to me today
-Meds started having a positive effect a few weeks ago

Thumbs down?

-Stuck to bed, deterioration renders me immobile
-Several organs taking big hits, hurts
-There's tubes and annoying shit in me
-I watch cnn for election coverage due to boredom and being immobile

What's your current situation? Recovering or?

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeell no. They're still trying to stabilize and contain. I won't be looking at recovering for years.

Where is the most of the cancer located?

Lower organs. Intestines, stomach, spleen. It's in my bloodstream and in my bones. They've been doing work on the blood and the bones but my internals are being dickheads about it.

Is it still spreading?

Not at the moment. I got positive test results back a few weeks ago showing a clearly visible decrease in spread. Right now I'm hoping that it stays that way and keeps going. I've gone through several recalibrations and drug varients that had no effect or weren't having enough of a punch.

Have they given you any time table in terms of remission or is it to unclear to say

Coin is up in the air. Won't have any details until I start showing better signs of improvement. If I can even get to that part, I'm looking at a couple years worth of physical therapy to begin with.

The Flood / Re: i turned 21 today
« on: October 31, 2016, 01:30:47 AM »
oh I turn 21 tomorrow

Do your parents cheap out and get you halloween candy and call it a birthday present?

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 01:29:17 AM »
One thumb up and one thumb down.

But are you really sandtrap

It's me.

You had something wrong with your head. I don't remember if it was cancer or no but it had you worried. You did something nice for a little fellow who was ill by taking him for a spin in one of your fancy cars.

It makes me happy to see your back. How are things? and it was a cancer scare, anomaly in my brain, but it was eventually found to be nothing.

Thumbs up worthy?

-Disease spread rate warrented my death in June
-Happy Birthday to me today
-Meds started having a positive effect a few weeks ago

Thumbs down?

-Stuck to bed, deterioration renders me immobile
-Several organs taking big hits, hurts
-There's tubes and annoying shit in me
-I watch cnn for election coverage due to boredom and being immobile

What's your current situation? Recovering or?

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeell no. They're still trying to stabilize and contain. I won't be looking at recovering for years.

Where is the most of the cancer located?

Lower organs. Intestines, stomach, spleen. It's in my bloodstream and in my bones. They've been doing work on the blood and the bones but my internals are being dickheads about it.

Is it still spreading?

Not at the moment. I got positive test results back a few weeks ago showing a clearly visible decrease in spread. Right now I'm hoping that it stays that way and keeps going. I've gone through several recalibrations and drug varients that had no effect or weren't having enough of a punch.

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 01:24:37 AM »
One thumb up and one thumb down.

But are you really sandtrap

It's me.

You had something wrong with your head. I don't remember if it was cancer or no but it had you worried. You did something nice for a little fellow who was ill by taking him for a spin in one of your fancy cars.

It makes me happy to see your back. How are things? and it was a cancer scare, anomaly in my brain, but it was eventually found to be nothing.

Thumbs up worthy?

-Disease spread rate warrented my death in June
-Happy Birthday to me today
-Meds started having a positive effect a few weeks ago

Thumbs down?

-Stuck to bed, deterioration renders me immobile
-Several organs taking big hits, hurts
-There's tubes and annoying shit in me
-I watch cnn for election coverage due to boredom and being immobile

What's your current situation? Recovering or?

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeell no. They're still trying to stabilize and contain. I won't be looking at recovering for years.

Where is the most of the cancer located?

Lower organs. Intestines, stomach, spleen. It's in my bloodstream and in my bones. They've been doing work on the blood and the bones but my internals are being dickheads about it.

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 01:19:26 AM »
One thumb up and one thumb down.

But are you really sandtrap

It's me.

You had something wrong with your head. I don't remember if it was cancer or no but it had you worried. You did something nice for a little fellow who was ill by taking him for a spin in one of your fancy cars.

It makes me happy to see your back. How are things? and it was a cancer scare, anomaly in my brain, but it was eventually found to be nothing.

Thumbs up worthy?

-Disease spread rate warrented my death in June
-Happy Birthday to me today
-Meds started having a positive effect a few weeks ago

Thumbs down?

-Stuck to bed, deterioration renders me immobile
-Several organs taking big hits, hurts
-There's tubes and annoying shit in me
-I watch cnn for election coverage due to boredom and being immobile

What's your current situation? Recovering or?

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeell no. They're still trying to stabilize and contain. I won't be looking at recovering for years.

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 01:14:37 AM »
One thumb up and one thumb down.

But are you really sandtrap

It's me.

You had something wrong with your head. I don't remember if it was cancer or no but it had you worried. You did something nice for a little fellow who was ill by taking him for a spin in one of your fancy cars.

It makes me happy to see your back. How are things? and it was a cancer scare, anomaly in my brain, but it was eventually found to be nothing.

Thumbs up worthy?

-Disease spread rate warrented my death in June
-Happy Birthday to me today
-Meds started having a positive effect a few weeks ago

Thumbs down?

-Stuck to bed, deterioration renders me immobile
-Several organs taking big hits, hurts
-There's tubes and annoying shit in me
-I watch cnn for election coverage due to boredom and being immobile

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:47:25 AM »
One thumb up and one thumb down.

But are you really sandtrap

It's me.

You had something wrong with your head. I don't remember if it was cancer or no but it had you worried. You did something nice for a little fellow who was ill by taking him for a spin in one of your fancy cars.

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:40:32 AM »
One thumb up and one thumb down.

The Flood / Re: i turned 21 today
« on: October 31, 2016, 12:30:29 AM »
Nice matey. We're birthday buds. Hope yours was as good as mine.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: October 30, 2016, 01:37:37 AM »
Longtime Bungie employee Brian Jarrard aka ske7ch on old Bnet is now the Community Manager at 343i

tweet for proof

Now all they gotta do is can brian reed.

Gaming / Re: What are some good historical games?
« on: October 30, 2016, 01:35:21 AM »
Sid Meyers Pirates

The Flood / Re: Politics is a stupid thing to be passionate about
« on: October 30, 2016, 01:33:14 AM »
Talking to people in general is a waste of time with the rare exception.

Think I found one.

Carpentry and the large encompassing blanket of skills needed to build a house.

As far as I know, I'm the only person on sep7agon who was going to build their house from scratch by themselves.

Carpentry is the family business on my mom's side, I've helped my grandpa and uncle build three homes and renovate countless others.

I fully intend on building my own home when and if I ever have the necessary finds.

Does that include your own electrical work, plumbing, heating, and foundation work?

Yes, although of the four I'll probably need help with the foundation most. We had to strengthen my grandpa's house's foundation (they live on a hill) and it was a bitch and a half. Spent six months straightening out the house and it still isn't great.

A good foundation is important in all things.

High five slick. We gotta take bets on who finishes their home first.

Serious / Re: Successful Suicide
« on: October 30, 2016, 01:20:10 AM »
Please tell me there's a plan for the medical bills. That's incredibly shitty of the doctors to save your life just to put you into medical bill slavery.
That's how healthcare works.

Not if you're a communist canadian.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Thread
« on: October 29, 2016, 01:40:36 AM »
It's sad how quickly ds3 became irrelevant.

What went wrong?

Could write a whole laundry list of things. Skim down it goes like so.

No room for creative builds in pvp

Real barebones as fuck gameplay with the illusion of flash and appeal

Dumbfuck decisions that were a step backward from good design elements in the first and second games

Honestly, they should have let Big M design the campaign and PvE. And let B-Team design the pvp.

Serious / Re: Successful Suicide
« on: October 29, 2016, 01:13:01 AM »
There's a lobe in your brain. Very small. Right in the middle. It's the most protected part of your brain. When you die, that lobe goes into overdrive and pumps out massive levels of some highly potent psychedelic chemical. It's manufactured varient is highly illegal. One of the notable features of it is time dilation. Up to eight minutes after your death, this lobe continues to pump out that chemical. That's a long enough drug trip that you could live out your entire life and more before your brain finally shuts off for good.
thats crazy

Would sound less crazy if I didn't have such half assed memory. The way I described it sounds like some shit tier description you'd hear in a movie trying to explain its premise.

It was a legitimate study I read through. Notable for bringing up the question of why we'd need a function like that in death.

The Flood / Re: goodnight
« on: October 29, 2016, 01:06:22 AM »
Sweet memes

The Flood / Re: what should i do?
« on: October 29, 2016, 01:06:00 AM »
Merge both into an unholy abomination.

The Flood / Re: "man that person has such a punchable face"
« on: October 29, 2016, 01:02:47 AM »
It has less to do with their looks and more to do with their attitude.

Outward smugness or the light of their eyes showing you how superior they like to prop themselves up as.

Think I found one.

Carpentry and the large encompassing blanket of skills needed to build a house.

As far as I know, I'm the only person on sep7agon who was going to build their house from scratch by themselves.

Carpentry is the family business on my mom's side, I've helped my grandpa and uncle build three homes and renovate countless others.

I fully intend on building my own home when and if I ever have the necessary finds.

Does that include your own electrical work, plumbing, heating, and foundation work?


Practical reasons.

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 28, 2016, 12:40:00 AM »
Nice to see sep7agon can still host a bonfire without the use of matches.

If ya want some context Class, while you're right that women can be as strong as men, you're missing stuff. Strength comes naturally for guys. That's not bravado. It's science. Hormones and chemical make-up. Males have a higher drive due to testosterone and their instinctual aggressiveness. They're more prone to harsher things which neccessitates a stronger physiology.

Any body builder is going to be stronger than the average joe. That accounts for either sex. But if you look at averages? An average guy and an average girl? There's an easy to see gap. And what if you look at body builder women? Well, you'll notice some of them don't look so womanly anymore. They look like guys.

And even then, if we're looking at the extremes? I don't think I've ever heard of a woman body builder who could come closs to the levels of strength that Lois Cyr displayed. If you can find me one, then hey, knowledge is cool.

But you can't argue that guys fit the role of strength. If we didn't, we wouldn't need so much testosterone or instinctual aggressiveness.
We DONT need testosterone or aggressiveness

a truly moral society is 100% passive all the time

and yeah, obviously the average male is stronger than the average female, the problem is when you conflating physicality with masculinity as if it was a gender exclusive trait

I'd disagree. There's a very fine line that needs to be walked between passiveness and agressiveness.

Too much agression isn't a good thing. Too much passiveness isn't either. No matter where you go on this planet or anywhere else, there will always be something that requires the usage of aggression for the sake of survival. If we had no aggression then we'd be extinct as a species.

any aggression is bad and even when necessary, you should feel bad about yourself afterward

I didn't feel a damn ounce of regret for standing up for a friend of mine when he was getting beaten down into the dirt for his sexual preference. And I feel no need to.

I've had my time to hate myself for who I was. But none of it was reserved for acts of aggression as I never acted without warrent when it was neccessary.
you should've felt bad that it had to come to that

No I shouldn't. That's how people create long lasting guilt for themselves. There's no shame in doing what you have to do if you're backed into a corner and out of options you already tried.
toxic mindset but ok

Apart from drug induced delirium and emotionally rough times in my life have you known me to be outwardly toxic since I've been around here?

Never mind my personal stance, let's ask another question. Why create needless guilt on yourself for things that you couldn't have changed?

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 28, 2016, 12:31:58 AM »
Nice to see sep7agon can still host a bonfire without the use of matches.

If ya want some context Class, while you're right that women can be as strong as men, you're missing stuff. Strength comes naturally for guys. That's not bravado. It's science. Hormones and chemical make-up. Males have a higher drive due to testosterone and their instinctual aggressiveness. They're more prone to harsher things which neccessitates a stronger physiology.

Any body builder is going to be stronger than the average joe. That accounts for either sex. But if you look at averages? An average guy and an average girl? There's an easy to see gap. And what if you look at body builder women? Well, you'll notice some of them don't look so womanly anymore. They look like guys.

And even then, if we're looking at the extremes? I don't think I've ever heard of a woman body builder who could come closs to the levels of strength that Lois Cyr displayed. If you can find me one, then hey, knowledge is cool.

But you can't argue that guys fit the role of strength. If we didn't, we wouldn't need so much testosterone or instinctual aggressiveness.
We DONT need testosterone or aggressiveness

a truly moral society is 100% passive all the time

and yeah, obviously the average male is stronger than the average female, the problem is when you conflating physicality with masculinity as if it was a gender exclusive trait

I'd disagree. There's a very fine line that needs to be walked between passiveness and agressiveness.

Too much agression isn't a good thing. Too much passiveness isn't either. No matter where you go on this planet or anywhere else, there will always be something that requires the usage of aggression for the sake of survival. If we had no aggression then we'd be extinct as a species.

any aggression is bad and even when necessary, you should feel bad about yourself afterward

I didn't feel a damn ounce of regret for standing up for a friend of mine when he was getting beaten down into the dirt for his sexual preference. And I feel no need to.

I've had my time to hate myself for who I was. But none of it was reserved for acts of aggression as I never acted without warrent when it was neccessary.
you should've felt bad that it had to come to that

No I shouldn't. That's how people create long lasting guilt for themselves. There's no shame in doing what you have to do if you're backed into a corner and out of options you already tried.

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 28, 2016, 12:21:01 AM »
Nice to see sep7agon can still host a bonfire without the use of matches.

If ya want some context Class, while you're right that women can be as strong as men, you're missing stuff. Strength comes naturally for guys. That's not bravado. It's science. Hormones and chemical make-up. Males have a higher drive due to testosterone and their instinctual aggressiveness. They're more prone to harsher things which neccessitates a stronger physiology.

Any body builder is going to be stronger than the average joe. That accounts for either sex. But if you look at averages? An average guy and an average girl? There's an easy to see gap. And what if you look at body builder women? Well, you'll notice some of them don't look so womanly anymore. They look like guys.

And even then, if we're looking at the extremes? I don't think I've ever heard of a woman body builder who could come closs to the levels of strength that Lois Cyr displayed. If you can find me one, then hey, knowledge is cool.

But you can't argue that guys fit the role of strength. If we didn't, we wouldn't need so much testosterone or instinctual aggressiveness.
We DONT need testosterone or aggressiveness

a truly moral society is 100% passive all the time

and yeah, obviously the average male is stronger than the average female, the problem is when you conflating physicality with masculinity as if it was a gender exclusive trait

I'd disagree. There's a very fine line that needs to be walked between passiveness and agressiveness.

Too much agression isn't a good thing. Too much passiveness isn't either. No matter where you go on this planet or anywhere else, there will always be something that requires the usage of aggression for the sake of survival. If we had no aggression then we'd be extinct as a species.

any aggression is bad and even when necessary, you should feel bad about yourself afterward

I didn't feel a damn ounce of regret for standing up for a friend of mine when he was getting beaten down into the dirt for his sexual preference. And I feel no need to.

I've had my time to hate myself for who I was. But none of it was reserved for acts of aggression as I never acted without warrent when it was neccessary.

Think I found one.

Carpentry and the large encompassing blanket of skills needed to build a house.

As far as I know, I'm the only person on sep7agon who was going to build their house from scratch by themselves.

Gaming / Re: Things we want to see in the next Destiny
« on: October 28, 2016, 12:00:52 AM »
A real beta with feedback and tweaks instead of 25% of the finished game.

The Flood / Re: please judge my new selfie
« on: October 27, 2016, 11:57:05 PM »
Nice to see sep7agon can still host a bonfire without the use of matches.

If ya want some context Class, while you're right that women can be as strong as men, you're missing stuff. Strength comes naturally for guys. That's not bravado. It's science. Hormones and chemical make-up. Males have a higher drive due to testosterone and their instinctual aggressiveness. They're more prone to harsher things which neccessitates a stronger physiology.

Any body builder is going to be stronger than the average joe. That accounts for either sex. But if you look at averages? An average guy and an average girl? There's an easy to see gap. And what if you look at body builder women? Well, you'll notice some of them don't look so womanly anymore. They look like guys.

And even then, if we're looking at the extremes? I don't think I've ever heard of a woman body builder who could come closs to the levels of strength that Lois Cyr displayed. If you can find me one, then hey, knowledge is cool.

But you can't argue that guys fit the role of strength. If we didn't, we wouldn't need so much testosterone or instinctual aggressiveness.
We DONT need testosterone or aggressiveness

a truly moral society is 100% passive all the time

and yeah, obviously the average male is stronger than the average female, the problem is when you conflating physicality with masculinity as if it was a gender exclusive trait

I'd disagree. There's a very fine line that needs to be walked between passiveness and agressiveness.

Too much agression isn't a good thing. Too much passiveness isn't either. No matter where you go on this planet or anywhere else, there will always be something that requires the usage of aggression for the sake of survival. If we had no aggression then we'd be extinct as a species.

The Flood / Re: Despicable
« on: October 27, 2016, 11:50:19 PM »
Big shocker. The parents hide stuff about their kids and the school covers for them. Not like they've done that before at all.

Whatever subject I think of, I can think of one person here who knows more than me.

At least it raises an interesting question. Is there anybody here who's more half versed than me in multiple subjects?

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