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Messages - Sαndtrap

Pages: 1 ... 242526 2728 ... 36
Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump
« on: November 09, 2016, 12:50:34 AM »
Canadian border's always open folks.

Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump
« on: November 09, 2016, 12:46:31 AM »
Colour me surprised. Feel free to say I told ya so Casp.

Serious / Re: Election Day 2016 Megathread
« on: November 08, 2016, 12:42:59 AM »
Offtopic slightly. Probably safe to say that I reached my goal of remaining alive long enough to laugh at the election's end ride. Oho and what a fun ride it was.

My condolonces to you folks down south of me.

Yeah matey. All's good.

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: November 06, 2016, 11:25:20 PM »

blizzard c'man

I get more vibes as if they borrowed from this guy, personally. Maybe it's all the purple.


those were the shit

What do you mean "were?"

Come to Canada and you can buy that shit by the truckload from any store.

The Flood / Re: Best Thanksgiving main course
« on: November 06, 2016, 10:59:05 PM »
When I was able to eat that stuff I didn't anyway. Roast was the only one you could nudge me to eat. Any ham I've had throughout my life was cheap cut, grisel and fat filled trash which put me off on it. I stopped eating turkey after I watched a detailed documentary on the process of how a turkey gets from point A to B for the holidays. Never actually had a chance to try tofu though.

The Flood / Re: We just time traveled Doc!
« on: November 06, 2016, 01:08:58 AM »
That's Heavy.


Serious / Re: Trump assassination attempt.
« on: November 06, 2016, 01:01:39 AM »
You'd be better off throwing both of them into a wood chipper.

I'd scavenge the shit outta that church.


Authentic photograph of Challenger engaging in combat with ISIS in his spare downtime.

The Flood / Re: My nephew has been cross-dressing lately.
« on: November 06, 2016, 12:52:06 AM »
Imma bump this thread because I have one final word to say.


The Flood / Re: Signed into
« on: November 04, 2016, 02:24:47 AM »
Wouldn't remember the last time I checked in there. Might not be able to anymore with my sacked email. I like that over the years we've become a close community. Still miss the folks that didn't come along for the ride.

The Flood / Re: My nephew has been cross-dressing lately.
« on: November 04, 2016, 02:17:51 AM »
By the time the little bugger is 15 it'll be likely that he won't remember that stuff anyway.

People treating the whole deal like it's do or die up in this shit.

It's a kid. He's four.

Serious / Re: Dakota Access Pipeline
« on: November 03, 2016, 01:31:17 PM »
I'll leave this here for you before I doze off Turkey. Here's my line of thought as to why I question if some of our heavier polluting technolgies are really neccessary.

I wanted to build my home. And I wanted to make it self sufficient. I was saving up for solar cells, a battery bank, and I'd already built myself a wind turbine with an old alternator. That was the first thing on my checklist. My end tier goal was to eventually modify my vehicle for using some other means of fuel.

I wanted those things because I'm not a fan of being dependant on providers who can and have failed to provide what they were selling. And, of course, I wanted to minimize my pollution output as much as possible. All of these things were possible for me to do on my own.

Secondly, if you talk to any person who's lived in my province for most of their lifespan, you'd soon find out that 40 years ago, this province had little to no electricty. Only the larger cities did. Go back 50 to 60 years? This province had no roads. No highways. No automated vehicles. More or less, the people here got along fine without those things. And they still do. There's rural parts to my province that still have no roads and no power.

While a lot of the technologies and changes introduced in the last 60 years have been beneficial in some way, most have come with a great cost in their own right.

This is something I mull over in all my spare time now. Why is it seemingly not possible to live simpler for people, without stepping back into the dark ages? Without needing all the excess and wasteful things our society currently produces?

Serious / Re: Dakota Access Pipeline
« on: November 03, 2016, 01:03:35 PM »
If there's one industry that needs to die, it's the oil industry. They've been holding things back for too long and riding on what by now, should be an obsolete usage of technology.

Everything else aside, oil won't go away until it's depleted (and there are more sources found every year). As a fuel, it's irreplaceable in machines which require a large amount of fuel, like industrial machines, planes, or generators. The ability to replace small engines with an electric battery is quite literally a first-world privilege. Even if 100% of fuel-burning engines were converted to electricity, roughly 40% of all the crude oil produced would still be used for synthetic manufacturing or generating that electricity.

I'm aware that the oil monster won't catch a cold and die off like it should any time soon. But it isn't doing me any good to be sitting here and know how much damage the industry causes, and how so little much of a shit the owners give about what they're doing to our world. And they won't ever pay for it. The generations born long after they're gone will.

I know there's a pollution cost to everything we do. It's hard to get away from. But imagine what we could accomplish if those companies stopped holding everything back. Instead of investing so much for their own gain it'd be nice to see what could be done if they invested in finding better technology.

I've got a question for you in regards to technology. Generators. Planes. Industrial grade machines. Why do we need them so badly? Are they really such a neccessity? People got along fine without their presence before they were invented. This doesn't advocate going back to the dark ages by the way. Just a consideration to take into account.

The Flood / Re: My nephew has been cross-dressing lately.
« on: November 03, 2016, 12:45:03 PM »
10 bucks says he wore them on his head.

Serious / Re: Dakota Access Pipeline
« on: November 03, 2016, 12:40:00 PM »
Pipelines may be significantly safer than train transport but that doesn't provide confidence to me in any way, considering that earlier this year in my province, an oil pipeline had technical issues and began spilling oil into one of our major rivers and completely contaminated the water supply to a city.

The kicker there is that the pipeline leaked oil for 14 hours straight. The company knew it was leaking. And they informed nobody and took no action for 14 hours. The end result there was a city without water for over a month and immense environmental damage that they can't even contain and are still struggling to right now.

As for the natives and the protests? They've been screwed over and over again. I can see why they're angry, at the very least. Does it mean their methods of protest are justified? No. The response from the oil company wasn't too peachy either, with those attack dogs.

There's a lot of shit coming from both sides and that whole affair is a mess. But, when it comes down to it, honestly, even if the tribe had no base for their protests I'd still say fuck the oil pipeline. They may be safer when compared to other means of transporting oil, but that doesn't just negate the massive damage they cause when they fail.

If there's one industry that needs to die, it's the oil industry. They've been holding things back for too long and riding on what by now, should be an obsolete usage of technology.

The Flood / Re: woops I missed anarchy apparently
« on: November 03, 2016, 01:02:34 AM »
Kupe and Verb discussed things.

Nuka and Class discussed things.

Jim acquired a fetish for tying knots in boyscouts.

Meta had sex while on drugs and then decided he wanted to know who the mystery woman was while not on drugs.

Gaming / Re: Most fucked up thing you've ever seen in a videogame?
« on: November 03, 2016, 12:51:21 AM »
First time I played Bioshock it was really late, dark, and I was definitely not supposed to be awake. Compared to Halo which is relatively tame, Bioshock was my first "real" rated M game. The first boss (the doctor that likes to cut people's faces up) and the buildup to it with all the audio recordings along with the creepy religious undertones left me pretty spooped.

Might not be the most fucked up thing I've seen but it certainly had an impact that led me to not touch the game for at least another year before I picked it back up again.

Then you got to the mannequin fellow and found out that some of those mannequins bled when you hit them and decided it was time for another break.

I can relate somewhat. I was sneaking around in a spooky area and I came across this dude's little hidey hole out of the way. He was dead and long since petrefied, and so was the cat at his side. It was a mixture of sadness and being creeped out.

« on: November 03, 2016, 12:46:17 AM »
To put it bluntly, looking at the two versions displayed of so called "spitefulness," there's a clear cut difference.

One version could lightly be considered as being a dickhead about things.

And the other is merely pointing that out in a reserved and respectful manner.

That's why it's okay. If Luci came out with the same obnoxious tone then it wouldn't be.
The principle that it's unacceptable to dislike something that's popular is still implicitly there, though.

Is it? I know for me it wasn't. I don't really give a flying shit what you like or dislike. Just don't go and be a sack about it. Then again, this is just a forum after all. No harm to be done there really. But if you waved it about in people's faces then you'd really be a sack of old sacks.

The Flood / Re: Scale of 1 to 10: how do you feel about your penis?
« on: November 03, 2016, 12:35:39 AM »
My dick's dead anyway. Nothing to be proud of and nothing to hate really.

Nuetral 5?

« on: November 03, 2016, 12:33:13 AM »
We should elect Heyward for president

His pep talk saved the game, and it could save the country papa bless



Verb, your spitefulness for other peoples enjoyment is a bit... immature, to use a nice word
An immature viewpoint--also hypocritical.

Why is it okay for you to spite me for doing what I enjoy?

I feel like we've been over this.

To put it bluntly, looking at the two versions displayed of so called "spitefulness," there's a clear cut difference.

One version could lightly be considered as being a dickhead about things.

And the other is merely pointing that out in a reserved and respectful manner.

That's why it's okay. If Luci came out with the same obnoxious tone then it wouldn't be.

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: November 01, 2016, 02:33:38 AM »

Never played the game but I enjoy the community output.

The Flood / Re: post relaxing music
« on: November 01, 2016, 01:30:48 AM »

The Flood / Re: Windows 10 update isn't working
« on: October 31, 2016, 07:26:29 PM »
Have you tried hitting it?

Gaming / Re: Most fucked up thing you've ever seen in a videogame?
« on: October 31, 2016, 01:16:42 PM »
The concept of necromorph babies in dead space always gave me the heebie jeebies.

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 01:52:17 AM »
One thumb up and one thumb down.

But are you really sandtrap

It's me.

You had something wrong with your head. I don't remember if it was cancer or no but it had you worried. You did something nice for a little fellow who was ill by taking him for a spin in one of your fancy cars.

It makes me happy to see your back. How are things? and it was a cancer scare, anomaly in my brain, but it was eventually found to be nothing.

Thumbs up worthy?

-Disease spread rate warrented my death in June
-Happy Birthday to me today
-Meds started having a positive effect a few weeks ago

Thumbs down?

-Stuck to bed, deterioration renders me immobile
-Several organs taking big hits, hurts
-There's tubes and annoying shit in me
-I watch cnn for election coverage due to boredom and being immobile

What's your current situation? Recovering or?

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeell no. They're still trying to stabilize and contain. I won't be looking at recovering for years.

Where is the most of the cancer located?

Lower organs. Intestines, stomach, spleen. It's in my bloodstream and in my bones. They've been doing work on the blood and the bones but my internals are being dickheads about it.

Is it still spreading?

Not at the moment. I got positive test results back a few weeks ago showing a clearly visible decrease in spread. Right now I'm hoping that it stays that way and keeps going. I've gone through several recalibrations and drug varients that had no effect or weren't having enough of a punch.

Have they given you any time table in terms of remission or is it to unclear to say

Coin is up in the air. Won't have any details until I start showing better signs of improvement. If I can even get to that part, I'm looking at a couple years worth of physical therapy to begin with.

Well, I would say you being alive is a good basis. You're a tough son of a bitch, you'll make it through whatever you need to do to get back to 100%. That I don't doubt

Had a fair amount of help that kept me going up to this point. If I was by myself watching cnn on the center's tv every night I would have died long ago.

Glad to hear you had help and people there with you buddy. I always got worried when you stopped posting for long times. Hell I'd even ask around to see if people knew how you were doing

I usually ditch communication and people when I'm going through tough times. Take some time to acclimate. Come back if I'm able to.

The Flood / Re: How are you guys doing?
« on: October 31, 2016, 01:36:16 AM »
One thumb up and one thumb down.

But are you really sandtrap

It's me.

You had something wrong with your head. I don't remember if it was cancer or no but it had you worried. You did something nice for a little fellow who was ill by taking him for a spin in one of your fancy cars.

It makes me happy to see your back. How are things? and it was a cancer scare, anomaly in my brain, but it was eventually found to be nothing.

Thumbs up worthy?

-Disease spread rate warrented my death in June
-Happy Birthday to me today
-Meds started having a positive effect a few weeks ago

Thumbs down?

-Stuck to bed, deterioration renders me immobile
-Several organs taking big hits, hurts
-There's tubes and annoying shit in me
-I watch cnn for election coverage due to boredom and being immobile

What's your current situation? Recovering or?

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeell no. They're still trying to stabilize and contain. I won't be looking at recovering for years.

Where is the most of the cancer located?

Lower organs. Intestines, stomach, spleen. It's in my bloodstream and in my bones. They've been doing work on the blood and the bones but my internals are being dickheads about it.

Is it still spreading?

Not at the moment. I got positive test results back a few weeks ago showing a clearly visible decrease in spread. Right now I'm hoping that it stays that way and keeps going. I've gone through several recalibrations and drug varients that had no effect or weren't having enough of a punch.

Have they given you any time table in terms of remission or is it to unclear to say

Coin is up in the air. Won't have any details until I start showing better signs of improvement. If I can even get to that part, I'm looking at a couple years worth of physical therapy to begin with.

Well, I would say you being alive is a good basis. You're a tough son of a bitch, you'll make it through whatever you need to do to get back to 100%. That I don't doubt

Had a fair amount of help that kept me going up to this point. If I was by myself watching cnn on the center's tv every night I would have died long ago.

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