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Messages - Sαndtrap

Pages: 1 ... 222324 2526 ... 36
The Flood / Re: Christmas is a joke
« on: November 30, 2016, 01:11:33 AM »
Lots of holidays are commercialized. Doesn't mean that you aren't unable to enjoy them in your own way.

The Flood / Re: If you threw a piano down a flight of stairs...
« on: November 30, 2016, 01:07:50 AM »
You can tune a piano.

But you can't tuna fish.

The Flood / Re: Iron Maiden thread
« on: November 30, 2016, 01:04:42 AM »
I was expecting something else for some reason.


The Flood / Re: Update: 11/29/16
« on: November 30, 2016, 01:00:19 AM »
You shoulda looked for help after your first attempt. Maybe you did and I just don't know. Either way, it's good to see that you're still around. I don't wanna guilt trip ya here, just put some food for thought on your plate, even if it doesn't ring home with you. I know that it helps me in my present situation when I think about it, at least.

I lost a longtime friend that I'd known for more than a decade this year. He was driving home and he got T-boned by a drunk driver through an intersection on the driver side and was killed instantly.

I know that in your state of mind it's hard to find a grasp on anything that has positive meaning. And likely harder to hold onto it. That's not your fault. But it is up to you to fight for it, and for yourself. I'll get to the point. Being stuck in my current condition gets me down some days. I look ahead and see everything I'm going to have to try and rebuild from scratch. I'll be in over my head, to put it blunt.

When things look insurmountable to me, I remember my pal. And I remember that like him, I have the opportunities and possibilites of living a life, even if my life will include difficulty along the way. He had no choice in losing what he had. But to some extent, I do.

And likewise, so do you. You always have another option. You always have some direction that you can take. It's something to think about when you're faced with the off switch and wanting to hit it. Glad to see that you're still breathing, Jester.

just shoot nuclear waste into space

That would be a tremendous waste of expensive rocket fuel, and have the risk of blowing up and spreading radioactive debris over a large area.
It was the only alternative solution I could come up to for "what do we do with all this radioactive waste material". Don't tell me nuclear rockets wouldn't be awesome.

Nuclear rockets along the lines of Project Orion would be cool.

But shooting nuclear waste into the sun like so many people think we should do is dumb.

If we had an orbital elevator to ship garbage up into low-g orbit and then gave the pile a gentle boost with a cheap rocket, then it might be a slightly more feasible line of thinking.
"If we had a near indestructible material that could withstand the forces required to build a space elevator, then we could do x y z"

I get what you're saying, but it will always be a nerd's fantasy and nothing more, unless we have some breakthrough in materials science.

Give it some time.
I will give it until I die of medically extended old age, but I wont bet on it. I'm just saying it's funny that sandtrap's solution to nuclear dumping in space being unfeasible, is to answer with something even more impossible.

Getting ahead of yourself there matey. I've no solution to nuclear dumping in space. Just the occassional thought or suggestion to consider. I'm aware of the difficulties associated with building a giant rope out to space.
It's just got me laughing at how silly the logic involved is, it's like saying
"we can't make project orion work, because it's launch will end all life on earth. So the solution is to put all life on earth inside the orion spacecraft and go from there"
Solving a difficult problem by using a much more difficult unsolved problem.

Based off people I've bumped into who had engineering backgrounds, that about sums it up.

just shoot nuclear waste into space

That would be a tremendous waste of expensive rocket fuel, and have the risk of blowing up and spreading radioactive debris over a large area.
It was the only alternative solution I could come up to for "what do we do with all this radioactive waste material". Don't tell me nuclear rockets wouldn't be awesome.

Nuclear rockets along the lines of Project Orion would be cool.

But shooting nuclear waste into the sun like so many people think we should do is dumb.

If we had an orbital elevator to ship garbage up into low-g orbit and then gave the pile a gentle boost with a cheap rocket, then it might be a slightly more feasible line of thinking.
"If we had a near indestructible material that could withstand the forces required to build a space elevator, then we could do x y z"

I get what you're saying, but it will always be a nerd's fantasy and nothing more, unless we have some breakthrough in materials science.

Give it some time.
I will give it until I die of medically extended old age, but I wont bet on it. I'm just saying it's funny that sandtrap's solution to nuclear dumping in space being unfeasible, is to answer with something even more impossible.

Getting ahead of yourself there matey. I've no solution to nuclear dumping in space. Just the occassional thought or suggestion to consider. I'm aware of the difficulties associated with building a giant rope out to space.

The Flood / Re: Most boring book ever
« on: November 28, 2016, 02:12:16 AM »
Can't say I do since I never read it.

just shoot nuclear waste into space

That would be a tremendous waste of expensive rocket fuel, and have the risk of blowing up and spreading radioactive debris over a large area.
It was the only alternative solution I could come up to for "what do we do with all this radioactive waste material". Don't tell me nuclear rockets wouldn't be awesome.

Nuclear rockets along the lines of Project Orion would be cool.

But shooting nuclear waste into the sun like so many people think we should do is dumb.

If we had an orbital elevator to ship garbage up into low-g orbit and then gave the pile a gentle boost with a cheap rocket, then it might be a slightly more feasible line of thinking.
"If we had a near indestructible material that could withstand the forces required to build a space elevator, then we could do x y z"

I get what you're saying, but it will always be a nerd's fantasy and nothing more, unless we have some breakthrough in materials science.

Give it some time.

The Flood / Re: Been a long day
« on: November 28, 2016, 01:36:19 AM »
Have you ever watched someone die?
In person?

It really changes things.

I watched a boy get hit by a bus once.
He was riding a bike, and it came and struck him head on. When the paramedics arrived he was already gone.

I stood there and watched until they had taken him away, his blood still on the street.
It was just outside of a football stadium, where we were about to play.

I put it back in the corner of my mind, and played our stand tunes, and tried to focus on the marching drill, but that night I didn't sleep, or get on the internet, or distract myself.

I lay awake all night staring at the ceiling.

Really shaking stuff.

I've watched several people go throughout the year. By the time they reached a dying state I was too sick myself to see them, and was stuck in my respective ward for sanitary purposes. I never watched them until the last moments, but I was there for those month long crawls where what disease they had wittled the last of what they had left away down to nothing. I only recieved news of their passing by loose word of mouth some time after they were already gone. They're all still there on my head when I wake up.

The Flood / Re: Is this okay to have as an avatar
« on: November 28, 2016, 01:11:24 AM »
Someone reported me for this avatar and cheat was compelled to remove it.
LOL that was me

and yeah that's obviously not okay, but mine is more ambiguous
yours portrays the president elect of the united states blowing his brains out of his skull in graphic detail

so a dinosaur is a g string is merely risque in comparison
A dinosaur? What?


The Flood / Re: hi fuck you lol
« on: November 28, 2016, 01:08:17 AM »
What if I made you hurt to the core because you were laughing too hard?

Serious / Re: Fidel Castro is dead
« on: November 28, 2016, 01:05:48 AM »

just shoot nuclear waste into space

That would be a tremendous waste of expensive rocket fuel, and have the risk of blowing up and spreading radioactive debris over a large area.
It was the only alternative solution I could come up to for "what do we do with all this radioactive waste material". Don't tell me nuclear rockets wouldn't be awesome.

Nuclear rockets along the lines of Project Orion would be cool.

But shooting nuclear waste into the sun like so many people think we should do is dumb.

If we had an orbital elevator to ship garbage up into low-g orbit and then gave the pile a gentle boost with a cheap rocket, then it might be a slightly more feasible line of thinking.

Serious / Re: Give me one reason why I should want "unification"
« on: November 28, 2016, 12:46:31 AM »
You're for globalisation if half a brain cell of mine works.

Can't have both matey.

The Flood / Re: Been a long day
« on: November 28, 2016, 12:44:38 AM »
It's an odd feeling, ain't it.

The Flood / Re: haha
« on: November 27, 2016, 03:10:38 AM »
Anyway, I think that's all I cqan manage. Big walls I know. I'll catch you some other night. Back to sleep, I think.

The Flood / Re: haha
« on: November 27, 2016, 03:09:24 AM »
I'll tell ya a story before I'm out again. Actually I think it's less of a story and more of a thought I had at one time or another. I can't know what it's really like walking in somebody else's shoes. I know the context might not apply to you in the whole sense, but I'll give it a go.

Suppossedly there's a part of your life that you'd like to change that's more or less unreachable to a degree. You know, I think everybody has that one thing in their life. The one thing that's out of their reach. It probably varies from person to person in magnitude and importance. But all the same, it's still there.

I'll tell you one of mine. The place where I was going to build my home. On a list of countries and environments, and places where I could build my home, the property that I owned could be considered not the best in general. A less than stellar environment that's not hospitable for about 6-8 months of the year, limited resources, and being in what's likely the shittiest province in canada.

I could certainly do better. I could also do worse as well. But, daydream all I want about being somewhere else, it does not change my reality. I am, or was, there. Likely that no matter how much I chose to dislike that environment, it wouldn't go away. And I would not live it willingly unless every last one of my family members was dead.

Point being, life throws some curveballs that you can't catch. It's unfortunate that it happens. But, being the unique form of consciousness that people are, we still have a choice. I could sit around and bitch all day about how that environment back there isn't perfect to my liking or standards.

Or I can get up and move on. If I sit around and scream at it, it won't piss off. But if I get up and try the best that I can within my ability to influence things, then I move on. I shape things to a degree that I can enjoy them. And that curveball that I couldn't catch or dodge will just pass me by instead of knocking me down.

More or less, what I'm trying to say, is that my environment taught me an important lesson. You make the best of what you can with what you have. And you try your best about it. Otherwise, you sit there in a pool of your own misery of your own creation, more or less.

And I understand, you can't wake up everyday with a smile. You can't justify some of the things that happen. I can't justify the deaths of people I've gotten to know over this last year, whether it be kids with conditions worse than mine, or failing older people recieving the last blow they could withstand from a disease in a long life full of hard days.

All of those people, with their limited time left, had a choice. Be miserable. And maybe rightfully so. But not one of them was. They were probably the happiest people I've been around in my entire life. That says something to me. Life can be a pain in the ass. Big time. But you won't know how much you'll miss it until it's being forcefully taken from you, or it leaves you gently and quietly, at an old age. We take it for granted quite often.

The Flood / Re: haha
« on: November 27, 2016, 02:39:56 AM »
For the time that I'm around tonight doors are open. I got nothing better to do and nothing else I can do.
dw about it if you dont want to

but what do you want to talk about I'm desperate and will talk about legit anything

Dunno if I've got much in my repitoire. First time awake in a few days I think. I'm still playing catch up to see what I missed.
you've been sleeping for days?

Yeah. I go down in patches like that.
god I've been kinda distancing myself from you cause I cant even imagine how shitty it is to know youre going to die

I fall asleep every night only by distraction

I think about death and about nonexistence and worry that 'holy shit, I could die tomorrow. I could experience a literal cessation of time, space, and identity on I-75 tomorrow', and only comfort myself with the knowledge that hey, my grandpa is 76, I have another 56 years to worry about this stuff

but I'm not my grandpa, I fuck everything up and am completely corrupted as a person, if someone was going to die at 20 it would definitely be me

but even still, that's a superstition. Your situation is a borderline certainty. I cant imagine KNOWING "I'm going to die soon". Death isn't a release or a stopping, it's a fucking travesty. How can you stop existing? But how can you continue living? It's a lose-lose and it makes me sick. It makes me so depresssed knowing you're going to die soon and you cant change it. You can sit here and give me eight paragraphs on how it's all about perspective or how it's some cosmic eventuality, but that doesn't change the fact that you'll literally experience a total end of consciousness It shouldnt be that way, you should be your own personality and eternally be able to shine. The fact that that personality,those memories and essence, can be wiped away with a car crash is indefensivable. The fact that everyone isnt an antinatalist baffles me

anyway this post is dumb and Im a bad person for making it, whatever

I'm sorry

Well, here's my thought on it. And a of news after I'm finished. People are so sure of their reality around them. So sure of it's stability and it's presence. They don't ever really stop to consider what's out of their senses and beyond their range of experience.

You want an example? Take somebody like Donald Trump. He's got enough money to personally give one million dollars to every single person on the planet. He lives a highly extravagent lifestlye. He's got the access to everything, and the best of everything.

Now take my old life. Put good old trumpy in my shoes for a day. Send him out into the woods to cut down old dead trees to use as fuel for making fires to heat a home. Put him in the passenger seat of an old truck as it drives for 100 miles to pick up water from a spring, and then come home another hundred miles, only to have that water tank last about a week or two before it needs filling again.

To somebody like Trump, my life is completely alien. It'd be almost unthinkable to him. And likewise, the same applies to me. I will likely never know or experience what it's like to live in a place like libiya or the congo, or the scorched places of Africa, Asia, or the east.

And this is all just with concerns to being alive. How about being dead? Well, for starters, the info on being dead is sketchy. Whether it be hoaxes or people that've come back from it describing things. There's nothing real solid. And to me, all that means is that I can't really assume anything. So I won't assume anything concrete. Even total blackness and unawarness.

But to me, the prospect of having a human learn so much over the span of so many years, never truly having an understanding of the world until their 60's or 70's, learning so much, and then dropping dead more or less. It seems wasteful. Back to my point. I don't believe that after we're dead that we just entirely vanish. I think there's something left behind. Is it aware? What happens to it? Who can say. Not me until I get there and see for myself. It's the only way to be certain.

And until that happens, I think it's foolish for anybody to be certain on what happens after they're dead, if anything at all. Look at it this way. I can't really place a certainty on another person's life or lifestyle as I haven't experienced such a thing. So why would I make such an assumption about death?

That's my line of thought. My news for the night is that I've survived for quite some time after the death date the docs gave me. And things are very slowly looking upwards for me right now. It's a bit sketchy and bumpy and uncertain, but I'm still here.

The Flood / Re: haha
« on: November 27, 2016, 02:04:53 AM »
For the time that I'm around tonight doors are open. I got nothing better to do and nothing else I can do.
dw about it if you dont want to

but what do you want to talk about I'm desperate and will talk about legit anything

Dunno if I've got much in my repitoire. First time awake in a few days I think. I'm still playing catch up to see what I missed.
you've been sleeping for days?

Yeah. I go down in patches like that.

The Flood / Re: haha
« on: November 27, 2016, 02:03:50 AM »
Heyo Class. You're sullen tonight. Let's give things a whirl. What's your game plan for life? Keep on going or hit the off switch someday?

The Flood / Re: haha
« on: November 27, 2016, 01:55:16 AM »
For the time that I'm around tonight doors are open. I got nothing better to do and nothing else I can do.
dw about it if you dont want to

but what do you want to talk about I'm desperate and will talk about legit anything

Dunno if I've got much in my repitoire. First time awake in a few days I think. I'm still playing catch up to see what I missed.

The Flood / Re: haha
« on: November 27, 2016, 01:49:13 AM »
For the time that I'm around tonight doors are open. I got nothing better to do and nothing else I can do.

The Flood / Re: haha
« on: November 27, 2016, 01:36:37 AM »
Watch your kidney's there matey. One of these days ee's gonna wanna walk out on ya.
I can only dream

Won't be fun. I've been around the family members who had one of them lobbed off. You're more liekyl to be medically saved than to die.

The Flood / Re: haha
« on: November 27, 2016, 01:32:35 AM »
Watch your kidney's there matey. One of these days ee's gonna wanna walk out on ya.

Gaming / Re: How did Locke's punch crack the MC''s visor?
« on: November 27, 2016, 01:30:34 AM »
I'll cough up whatever loose info's in my head.

Spartans usually survive orbital fall with special equipment, a makeshift shield of some kind, or even armour that's built for that specific purpose. In one of the older novels, it's explained that the suit's cushioning gel layer can essentially be amped up to survive a fall of that kind. The success margin is dependant on where and what the spartan lands on as well. In the novel, the spartans that performed the jump didn't all make it. They were II's by the way.

Chief's visor cracking could be explained with simple physics. Application of force to a small directed area as oppossed to a wider margin. Aka spears puncturing through thick metal armour or maces flat out crushing it. It also covers the knife explanation as well.

The nanobot stuff was just lazy in my opinion. I would've been fine if 343 had just said, "Hey, due to our art direction and interpretation, Chief's gonna look a little different."

It's one of the things I actually really don't particularily like about 343. They try to patch up every single little hole with an explanation of some kind, which ends up with a big pile of  stupid and silly explanations that are almost irrelevant to what they were trying to fill up.

For instance. MP fitting into canon and the universe lore. Bungie never specified that their MP was involved in anything, and thus they had the freedom to do whatever really, wheras suddenly, highly interactive hologram tech and simulation programs that interface with the user pop into 343's Halo's universe out of the blue, and we're all just supposed to go, "K."

Serious / Re: Fidel Castro is dead
« on: November 27, 2016, 01:02:55 AM »
Dunno how I feel on that. Castro's a hard figure for me to weigh in on. He was harsh, and likely overly so in his actions. But at the same time there's somewhat of an admirable quality to him in a weird way. What I'm curious to see is what happens to Cuba now? Does his brother maintain the old setup or will he let big corps in?

It's a funny thought if he does let them back in. Castro would've spent his lifetime fighting for what he believed in and built, only for it to be washed away a few years after his passing.

The Flood / Re: Degenerate Thanksgiving
« on: November 27, 2016, 12:53:46 AM »
I think I had dunksgiving in october.

Gaming / Re: Worth downloading games for gold, december list.
« on: November 24, 2016, 02:49:51 AM »
Friend of mine used to call it games with mold.

Got a good ring to it I think.

Forgot the part that ushan mentioned too. Every city has it's own flavor and no two are alike. You'll be able to enjoy certain ones for longer than you could others.

It really all comes down to what you enjoy as a person. Through the span of my life, I've lived in at least one city in most of the mainland provinces of my country minus the east coast and the three northern territories. It was finding small town life, and eventually distant rural life that made me realize how much I enjoy isolation. I said it once before. Cities are a lot like snow globes. Fun to peer into. Stop by and visit for a time. But never to get trapped in.

If you're into the respective things that cities do offer, and are willing to undertake what you have to sacrifice to live in one, then by all means, try it. The one thing I can reccomend, is having an exit strategy. If the city life proves to be too much for you, you can always return home.

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