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Messages - Sαndtrap

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The Flood / Re: Petition to unban verbatim
« on: January 24, 2017, 12:09:33 AM »
I don't understand what you guys see in Verbatim. He's just an asshole that pretends to know what he's talking about.

You know, I'm sure in a lot of instances when looking at other members talk, if you take an outsider's stance on this, a lot of members might seem like assholes who pretend to know what they're talking about.

If you want some other reasons, personally, I don't think we should be so heavy on bans anymore. We're small enough as it is now that the last thing we need is to start the chopping block up and running.

And if you want my personal take on it, say whatever you will about either his past or present iterations of personality, at the very least, Verb is somebody you can have a discussion with. He's got his low points. Like I'm sure everybody here has had at one point. But on occassion he's got his upsides too.

His discussions are nothing more than trolling and outright refusal to converse in any meaningful context.

There are plenty of members here who have left because of him, it's a small community partly because of him.

Being a relentlessly negative twat doesn't make for a better forum.

This feeds into a point I was gonna make. This whole debacle just raises another point.

People taking things too seriously and forgetting the reality of this place. It's a place to talk and it has no physical bearing on you. It has no effect on you whatsoever unless you let it have one or somebody really goes out of their way to do shit like dox you.

But some guy writing mean words at you means jack shit. The same as trying so hard at "winning" any internet argument you stumble into.

I'll say that Verb is guilty of this. But when you look at it, those people who left didn't leave because of Verb. That's bullshit. He didn't hold a gun at them and say "get out." They chose to leave and Verb fit the bill as some form of validation of their choice to leave. If they left because of Verb then honestly, they were going to leave anyway.

When all you simply have to do is not read comments if you don't want to. You don't even have to respond. Hell, when you go through a lengthy thread, you skim sometimes right? That's all you've gotta do if you don't like somebody here. Just don't speak to em or acknowledge them. Exactly like dealing with people you don't particularily enjoy in the real world.

I also know that there is a certain limit to where you draw the line on taking something seriously. Doxxing people and getting personal with information and the like crosses a line.

But beyond that, people need to grow the fuck up here.

You're right in that nothing verb says should have any bearing on anyone's state of mind, I ignore him for the most part and I don't generally draw his ire.

The problem with someone as active on this site as verb is that he's literally in every thread, he derails a ton of topics and is not shy about showing his dislike for certain members.

He honestly doesn't bother me but to say that people should just ignore him is silly.

I know there's the news from Cheat but I want a solid answer on this one.

You pay no mind against Verb for the most part. So if that's working out for you, why exactly does other people who don't enjoy his presence ignoring him count as silly?

So what if Verb doesn't like people and he's vocal about it? Said people have just as much right to voice their opinion to him and it's pretty obvious that they do.

Lastly, if you're getting that offended, upset, or unnerved that somebody doesn't like you on an internet forum, then I'm sorry to say, you're gonna have a really shit time out in the real world when you meet somebody who doesn't like you. Way worse than anybody you'll likely ever meet on the internet.

You're missing the point. Verb being banned hasn't brought back the people who left, we haven't seen a huge increase in activity, no new members aside from the alts floating around.

Just because you can choose to ignore someone doesn't mean it doesn't affect you. Verb's brand of negativity makes it hard to have discussions about a lot of topics.

Queue the star wars threads, and verb trying desperately to derail them and shit on other people's opinions.

This isn't about having a thick skin or ignoring random people in the internet, it's about discussion on an internet forum.

It's about the one purpose of this whole website.

Sure, reading verb's shit opinions scattered throughout can be fun but there's a lot of discussion left on the table when he inevitably derails the topic.

Like I said. If those people left because Verb, they were going to leave anyway.

I don't see how Verb doing his thang has so much power over derailing a thread by itself. You can't derail a thread by yourself. Derailing a thread needs participation from two respective parties at a minimum.

The only reason a thread gets derailed is due to one very specific thing. Ego. Verb doesn't want to back down. And the person talking to him doesn't either. They want validation so they continue to talk back and forth and before you know it you've got a lot of pages. You know what the simple magic trick is to stop that? People need to get out of their own fucking way and get their heads out of their asses.

If you don't reply to a post, it loses all power. What's the agressor going to do? Spam talk to themselves? OH YOU BETTER BERIEVE THAT'S A BANNU.

Point being, it's entirely and easily possible to continue the original discussion between the parties that want to. I'm not saying everybody needs to just not talk to Verb, after all, he's part of the discussion. But if the discussion is going off the rails?

It's not just one person's fault. It's the agressor who started it, and the person who continues to fan flames. They're just as responsible. We already know that Verb's not going to step over his own ego anytime soon. That's his call. But it's also the person replying back who also has their own choice as to whether or not to step over their own ego.

I'll prove it to you right now. Let's me and you demonstrate an experiment in action.

That makes no fucking sense. Let's say a guy walks into a bank with a gun and demands money or else he will start shooting the place up, then according to you, everyone should just ignore him? And after he shoots someone it's partially the people's fault for ignoring him? No, i don't think so.

You're looking at it black and white. Your scenario doesn't pan out because these are two totally different cases. This is the apples and oranges bullshit.

This is a conversation that can be opted out of at ANY time by one of any of the two parties. There's logic that can be applied to this scenario whereas the scenario you suggested needs another, alternate way of thinking.

Now here's the important part. I want you to watch really closely what happens to the traction gained.

The Flood / Re: Petition to unban verbatim
« on: January 23, 2017, 11:47:45 PM »
I don't understand what you guys see in Verbatim. He's just an asshole that pretends to know what he's talking about.

You know, I'm sure in a lot of instances when looking at other members talk, if you take an outsider's stance on this, a lot of members might seem like assholes who pretend to know what they're talking about.

If you want some other reasons, personally, I don't think we should be so heavy on bans anymore. We're small enough as it is now that the last thing we need is to start the chopping block up and running.

And if you want my personal take on it, say whatever you will about either his past or present iterations of personality, at the very least, Verb is somebody you can have a discussion with. He's got his low points. Like I'm sure everybody here has had at one point. But on occassion he's got his upsides too.

His discussions are nothing more than trolling and outright refusal to converse in any meaningful context.

There are plenty of members here who have left because of him, it's a small community partly because of him.

Being a relentlessly negative twat doesn't make for a better forum.

This feeds into a point I was gonna make. This whole debacle just raises another point.

People taking things too seriously and forgetting the reality of this place. It's a place to talk and it has no physical bearing on you. It has no effect on you whatsoever unless you let it have one or somebody really goes out of their way to do shit like dox you.

But some guy writing mean words at you means jack shit. The same as trying so hard at "winning" any internet argument you stumble into.

I'll say that Verb is guilty of this. But when you look at it, those people who left didn't leave because of Verb. That's bullshit. He didn't hold a gun at them and say "get out." They chose to leave and Verb fit the bill as some form of validation of their choice to leave. If they left because of Verb then honestly, they were going to leave anyway.

When all you simply have to do is not read comments if you don't want to. You don't even have to respond. Hell, when you go through a lengthy thread, you skim sometimes right? That's all you've gotta do if you don't like somebody here. Just don't speak to em or acknowledge them. Exactly like dealing with people you don't particularily enjoy in the real world.

I also know that there is a certain limit to where you draw the line on taking something seriously. Doxxing people and getting personal with information and the like crosses a line.

But beyond that, people need to grow the fuck up here.

You're right in that nothing verb says should have any bearing on anyone's state of mind, I ignore him for the most part and I don't generally draw his ire.

The problem with someone as active on this site as verb is that he's literally in every thread, he derails a ton of topics and is not shy about showing his dislike for certain members.

He honestly doesn't bother me but to say that people should just ignore him is silly.

I know there's the news from Cheat but I want a solid answer on this one.

You pay no mind against Verb for the most part. So if that's working out for you, why exactly does other people who don't enjoy his presence ignoring him count as silly?

So what if Verb doesn't like people and he's vocal about it? Said people have just as much right to voice their opinion to him and it's pretty obvious that they do.

Lastly, if you're getting that offended, upset, or unnerved that somebody doesn't like you on an internet forum, then I'm sorry to say, you're gonna have a really shit time out in the real world when you meet somebody who doesn't like you. Way worse than anybody you'll likely ever meet on the internet.

You're missing the point. Verb being banned hasn't brought back the people who left, we haven't seen a huge increase in activity, no new members aside from the alts floating around.

Just because you can choose to ignore someone doesn't mean it doesn't affect you. Verb's brand of negativity makes it hard to have discussions about a lot of topics.

Queue the star wars threads, and verb trying desperately to derail them and shit on other people's opinions.

This isn't about having a thick skin or ignoring random people in the internet, it's about discussion on an internet forum.

It's about the one purpose of this whole website.

Sure, reading verb's shit opinions scattered throughout can be fun but there's a lot of discussion left on the table when he inevitably derails the topic.

Like I said. If those people left because Verb, they were going to leave anyway.

I don't see how Verb doing his thang has so much power over derailing a thread by itself. You can't derail a thread by yourself. Derailing a thread needs participation from two respective parties at a minimum.

The only reason a thread gets derailed is due to one very specific thing. Ego. Verb doesn't want to back down. And the person talking to him doesn't either. They want validation so they continue to talk back and forth and before you know it you've got a lot of pages. You know what the simple magic trick is to stop that? People need to get out of their own fucking way and get their heads out of their asses.

If you don't reply to a post, it loses all power. What's the agressor going to do? Spam talk to themselves? OH YOU BETTER BERIEVE THAT'S A BANNU.

Point being, it's entirely and easily possible to continue the original discussion between the parties that want to. I'm not saying everybody needs to just not talk to Verb, after all, he's part of the discussion. But if the discussion is going off the rails?

It's not just one person's fault. It's the agressor who started it, and the person who continues to fan flames. They're just as responsible. We already know that Verb's not going to step over his own ego anytime soon. That's his call. But it's also the person replying back who also has their own choice as to whether or not to step over their own ego.

I'll prove it to you right now. Let's me and you demonstrate an experiment in action.

The Flood / Re: Petition to unban verbatim
« on: January 23, 2017, 11:06:56 PM »
I don't understand what you guys see in Verbatim. He's just an asshole that pretends to know what he's talking about.

You know, I'm sure in a lot of instances when looking at other members talk, if you take an outsider's stance on this, a lot of members might seem like assholes who pretend to know what they're talking about.

If you want some other reasons, personally, I don't think we should be so heavy on bans anymore. We're small enough as it is now that the last thing we need is to start the chopping block up and running.

And if you want my personal take on it, say whatever you will about either his past or present iterations of personality, at the very least, Verb is somebody you can have a discussion with. He's got his low points. Like I'm sure everybody here has had at one point. But on occassion he's got his upsides too.

His discussions are nothing more than trolling and outright refusal to converse in any meaningful context.

There are plenty of members here who have left because of him, it's a small community partly because of him.

Being a relentlessly negative twat doesn't make for a better forum.

This feeds into a point I was gonna make. This whole debacle just raises another point.

People taking things too seriously and forgetting the reality of this place. It's a place to talk and it has no physical bearing on you. It has no effect on you whatsoever unless you let it have one or somebody really goes out of their way to do shit like dox you.

But some guy writing mean words at you means jack shit. The same as trying so hard at "winning" any internet argument you stumble into.

I'll say that Verb is guilty of this. But when you look at it, those people who left didn't leave because of Verb. That's bullshit. He didn't hold a gun at them and say "get out." They chose to leave and Verb fit the bill as some form of validation of their choice to leave. If they left because of Verb then honestly, they were going to leave anyway.

When all you simply have to do is not read comments if you don't want to. You don't even have to respond. Hell, when you go through a lengthy thread, you skim sometimes right? That's all you've gotta do if you don't like somebody here. Just don't speak to em or acknowledge them. Exactly like dealing with people you don't particularily enjoy in the real world.

I also know that there is a certain limit to where you draw the line on taking something seriously. Doxxing people and getting personal with information and the like crosses a line.

But beyond that, people need to grow the fuck up here.

You're right in that nothing verb says should have any bearing on anyone's state of mind, I ignore him for the most part and I don't generally draw his ire.

The problem with someone as active on this site as verb is that he's literally in every thread, he derails a ton of topics and is not shy about showing his dislike for certain members.

He honestly doesn't bother me but to say that people should just ignore him is silly.

I know there's the news from Cheat but I want a solid answer on this one.

You pay no mind against Verb for the most part. So if that's working out for you, why exactly does other people who don't enjoy his presence ignoring him count as silly?

So what if Verb doesn't like people and he's vocal about it? Said people have just as much right to voice their opinion to him and it's pretty obvious that they do.

Lastly, if you're getting that offended, upset, or unnerved that somebody doesn't like you on an internet forum, then I'm sorry to say, you're gonna have a really shit time out in the real world when you meet somebody who doesn't like you. Way worse than anybody you'll likely ever meet on the internet.

The Flood / Re: Petition to unban verbatim
« on: January 23, 2017, 02:50:49 PM »
I don't understand what you guys see in Verbatim. He's just an asshole that pretends to know what he's talking about.

You know, I'm sure in a lot of instances when looking at other members talk, if you take an outsider's stance on this, a lot of members might seem like assholes who pretend to know what they're talking about.

If you want some other reasons, personally, I don't think we should be so heavy on bans anymore. We're small enough as it is now that the last thing we need is to start the chopping block up and running.

And if you want my personal take on it, say whatever you will about either his past or present iterations of personality, at the very least, Verb is somebody you can have a discussion with. He's got his low points. Like I'm sure everybody here has had at one point. But on occassion he's got his upsides too.

His discussions are nothing more than trolling and outright refusal to converse in any meaningful context.

There are plenty of members here who have left because of him, it's a small community partly because of him.

Being a relentlessly negative twat doesn't make for a better forum.

This feeds into a point I was gonna make. This whole debacle just raises another point.

People taking things too seriously and forgetting the reality of this place. It's a place to talk and it has no physical bearing on you. It has no effect on you whatsoever unless you let it have one or somebody really goes out of their way to do shit like dox you.

But some guy writing mean words at you means jack shit. The same as trying so hard at "winning" any internet argument you stumble into.

I'll say that Verb is guilty of this. But when you look at it, those people who left didn't leave because of Verb. That's bullshit. He didn't hold a gun at them and say "get out." They chose to leave and Verb fit the bill as some form of validation of their choice to leave. If they left because of Verb then honestly, they were going to leave anyway.

When all you simply have to do is not read comments if you don't want to. You don't even have to respond. Hell, when you go through a lengthy thread, you skim sometimes right? That's all you've gotta do if you don't like somebody here. Just don't speak to em or acknowledge them. Exactly like dealing with people you don't particularily enjoy in the real world.

I also know that there is a certain limit to where you draw the line on taking something seriously. Doxxing people and getting personal with information and the like crosses a line.

But beyond that, people need to grow the fuck up here.

The Flood / Re: Petition to unban verbatim
« on: January 23, 2017, 02:37:13 PM »
I don't understand what you guys see in Verbatim. He's just an asshole that pretends to know what he's talking about.

You know, I'm sure in a lot of instances when looking at other members talk, if you take an outsider's stance on this, a lot of members might seem like assholes who pretend to know what they're talking about.

If you want some other reasons, personally, I don't think we should be so heavy on bans anymore. We're small enough as it is now that the last thing we need is to start the chopping block up and running.

And if you want my personal take on it, say whatever you will about either his past or present iterations of personality, at the very least, Verb is somebody you can have a discussion with. He's got his low points. Like I'm sure everybody here has had at one point. But on occassion he's got his upsides too.

The Flood / Re: Petition to unban verbatim
« on: January 23, 2017, 12:29:24 PM »
This is not a democracy

No but we could pretend like we are.

Serious / Re: First President Statement already looking bad
« on: January 22, 2017, 10:51:29 PM »

Aye it all makes sense now.

The Flood / Re: Petition to unban verbatim
« on: January 22, 2017, 10:34:22 PM »
Seems to be tied whenever I look. Let fate decide it.

Do a good old fashioned coin toss.
How shall we know if the coin "tosser" will be telling us the truth?

You'll have to take it on some measure of faith. That and pick somebody who's not particularily biased either way. I'd volunteer but I don't think I'd be able to get ahold of a coin.
I'll do it.

You're for keeping him banned though. Ya need somebody who either doesn't really care about the whole thing or sombody with a middle stance.

And of course, you'd need the backing of the mods in the first place. They're the ones that can undo the deal.

The Flood / Re: Petition to unban verbatim
« on: January 22, 2017, 10:29:58 PM »
Seems to be tied whenever I look. Let fate decide it.

Do a good old fashioned coin toss.
How shall we know if the coin "tosser" will be telling us the truth?

You'll have to take it on some measure of faith. That and pick somebody who's not particularily biased either way. I'd volunteer but I don't think I'd be able to get ahold of a coin.

The Flood / Re: kiss free razors goodbye
« on: January 22, 2017, 10:25:19 PM »
Always disliked razors. Never liked a full on shave. Trim with the scissors always worked.

The Flood / Re: Petition to unban verbatim
« on: January 22, 2017, 10:21:45 PM »
Seems to be tied whenever I look. Let fate decide it.

Do a good old fashioned coin toss.

Serious / Re: Some Photos from Yesterdays Protests
« on: January 22, 2017, 03:24:05 PM »
There were folks out here protesting even. Rare that my province ever gives a fuck about much of anything. Even with that, I don't see the point behind it. Even though I understand trying to make a point, it's largely useless when done in this manner.

These rallies only ever accomplish two things. They bring out the shitheads that like to loot and riot and cause trouble. And at the end of the day, they do nothing. Oh wow geez look at that, a one day message and then everybody goes home for the evening and goes back to work the next day.

I'll tell you what, if the numbers of people at these gatherings really wanted to make a message, and make it known, you know how you'd do it? Something along the lines of a famine protest. If everybody at these rallies stopped going to work for a week, two weeks, and completely stopped everything, and either stayed put or just went home but took no part in anything external, the entire system would buckle and crash.

That would make the message serious. That would make it heard. And boy would it get the point across. You make it known that you've put your collective feet down and that you're not moving until things change. The government, and especially the president, won't listen to fuck all unless they suddenly find enormous pressure on them.

Best way to do that is to completely throw a wrench into the system that they maintain. Otherwise, really, these protests accomplish nothing and will never be taken seriously by any high authority figures when everybody goes back home on the same day or the next day and contributes back into the system when they all go back to work and their lives.

The only message it shows is this.

You're angry enough to rant and rave, but you're not angry enough to get down into the mud and fight for what you're trying to say. You're not willing to give up what you have and stake everything on your belief. And that's why protests like these will NEVER accomplish anything concrete for the message they carry.

The Flood / Re: Trust me
« on: January 22, 2017, 02:57:40 PM »
Lot of jokes I could make here since I've got one arm. I'd be terrible at saving anybody at this point and I'd be a pain to haul back up since again, usually two arms are needed by both parties.

Honestly while I wouldn't place all my faith in Jive, I think he'd be the most physically capable of doing it.

You can still give people a hand.

Please forgive me.

I wanted to make that pun. Couldn't think of the right setup.

The Flood / Re: Fuckin Newegg sent me fake headphones.
« on: January 22, 2017, 02:52:34 AM »
No but I purchased shit parts from a suppossedly reputable dealer.

The Flood / Re: Trust me
« on: January 22, 2017, 02:48:47 AM »
Lot of jokes I could make here since I've got one arm. I'd be terrible at saving anybody at this point and I'd be a pain to haul back up since again, usually two arms are needed by both parties.

Honestly while I wouldn't place all my faith in Jive, I think he'd be the most physically capable of doing it.

« on: January 22, 2017, 02:25:05 AM »
Didn't know the speaker was a nazi supporter. I'll drop my two cents. I think there's something both viewpoints held in this thread are missing.

In most cases I'm not for assaulting people. Especially for speaking their mind. But to some degree, it's not wrong to say that man is a potential enabler. He's speaking a message and spreading it. While he's not overtly doing anything "bad," he is potentially providing the means to create movements, groups, or singular actions done by supporters. This falls into a vauge area. He's not directly harming anybody physically, but he is a puppateer. Same case with certain islamic preachers rooting for isis and spreading their message.

Does that mean you beat him with chains and drag him down the road? Him specifically? No. He doesn't seem overtly hostile enough to warrent it even though he promotes a toxic mindset. Personally I won't cry over that single punch that was given to him.

The issue here is that it seems like most people don't think as to where to draw the line. Or that there is one to be drawn. There needs to be a line. People like the fellow in the video, in other instances, go on to promote toxic ideals and mindsets through speech while not overtly doing any physical damage.

This is weaponizing speech. And when speech is used in such a manner, it has to be shut down. There has to be a point where somebody's message fills a quota of check marks to red flag it. The unfortante reality is that any power like this is often abused however. Can't seem to win no matter what we do.

I'll leave off on one last thing to ponder.

As I said, I'm not for assaulting people in a lot of cases. But consider this. Does that single punch given outweigh the harm done by the same ideology which was allowed to speak and spread it's toxic message which led to the deaths of untold millions?

Property is property. If it's broken it can be fixed. If he breaks it, he's in the wrong and fucked for sure. It's unlikely that he'd do anything in that regard. And, less likely that he'd do anything to family. A lot of construction guys can be rough. Some of them legitimately are. But a lot of them are walking puffed up egos and talk.

In the event that he's not, there's only one thing I can give for advice.

People like him, even if they are crazy, have a certain respect for guts. There's going to be a moment sometime in your life when you're afraid. I mean real fear. This is fear of your life. Fear that at this present moment, you're likely going to die.

I'm not a fighter. Don't like it, try to avoid it, and I've little to no fighting experience. There was only one occassion in my life where I had that fear. I said to myself, "Okay, you have no idea what you're doing. This guy knows more than you. He's going to hit harder. It's going to hurt. I can't get away from this. If I'm going down, he's coming with me and it doesn't matter how I do it." Those thoughts took the fear away and replaced it with enragement. I did what I could as hard as I could.

I mean that. If he comes around and you absolutely know that's what he's there for, then remove all your limits in those regards. But use your head. There's a lot of things you can quickly weaponize, and don't ever do what's expected. Just act. And if he's not there to fight, but he's there to lean on you, do your best not to show the fear. Show that you're not afraid to get down to it if that's where it has to go.

Call your family if you're worried. Just tell them that you've got a bad feeling about the mess and try to explain your line of reasoning. Most important, if he shows up, your first action should be to call the cops. You call them, but don't stake your life on waiting for them.

Other than that, my only advice is to rationalize things, look at the angles, and try to calm down a bit. Slow things down, and think.

« on: January 21, 2017, 01:31:41 AM »
So what's with the white lives matter too much sign in the back there?

Course I forget the important part.

When I worked on jobs, internally, I was falling apart somewhat. Double, triple, quadruple check my work. Second guess myself all the time. Continually question my work. Lot of anxiety.

It's a balancing act between letting that anxiety drive you forwards to ultimately do your best out of fear of failure, and not letting that anxiety overcome you so much that you regress and never accomplish anything out of fear.

I also can't tell you how to do that.

Dunno if this'll help but I'll offer my perspective. Somewhere along the way, I taught myself how to be dedicated. When working on a job, it's when I was most dedicated. Believe me when I say that people noticed. Strangers who never knew me, on the first day, would come up and say that they saw what I did while working. I can't give you a manual on how to be dedicated because I myself don't understand why I am for jobs and people around me.

But I know that it plays a part in your hobby.

Dedication to doing the best work on your task for somebody else transfers to your personal life. I wrote stories as a hobby. Over the years I had a lot of people tell me I could consider publishing if I wanted to. And I know they were right.

I got my fun from making the story. From putting my ideas and emotions behind settings, characters, and the work itself. But it was my dedication to doing the best work I could that drove improvement, and drove me to push my abilities farther every time.

In my opinion, if you allow yourself to have fun in what you do, but also have that spark of dedication to the craft, then your work can merit a proffession. That's what a proffession is all about.

It's the duality of both being something that generates happiness, but the hard gritty part where you push yourself harder through the tough spots every time.

The Flood / Re: I don't think I "get" art
« on: January 21, 2017, 12:51:25 AM »
Wanna hear a story Turkey? Comes from the oldest fellow I currently know in his mid 70's.

He attended university, and one year, decided he wanted to look into the art world, so he attended painting. I can't remember the specifics, but basically, he was late for a project. So he said to himself "fuck it, let's see if this works."

He splashed random colours down on a canvas and came in the next day. To his shock, the art teacher bought it. Was suppossedly completely fawning over it. You know, the usual "It represents this emotion so well!" You know, the complete steriotypical reaction that's often portrayed about modern art. He left the class after that. Couldn't believe the teacher bought it.

I get that art is art. It's not just skill but it's also emotion. But I think there's a point where you've got to draw a line when you consider what's art and what isn't. The more I hear stories like this the more I'm inclined to believe that a lot of modern art is just bloated, hollow imagery, nothing more than a cash grab capitalizing on stupid people.

Serious / Re: I need help. Please
« on: January 20, 2017, 12:30:26 PM »
Think of it this way. You might've had a relationship that lasted most of your life. Boom your wife dies and leaves you alone for the final years of your life. Those last years without somebody you've had with you most of your life are a long, long crawl.

You also could've gotten into a heavier relationship and then been ditched, leaving with half of your possessions gone if you're a material kind of guy.

Your friends, your family, every person you know will eventually die. Some sooner than others. It will be painful when it arrives, no doubt. But the sooner that you accept that everything ends no matter what it is, you can carry on a little easier. Everything has it's time, and therefore you have to learn to let go.

What's done is done, and now it's gone. Keep the pleasant memories. Keep even the bad ones. But understand that it's over now. One door shuts but another one opens up to you. You go through it when you're ready.
this calms me down a lot. Thank you.

Make a note to remember that if things flare up. It's over. No matter what you do or what you try, there's no going back to what it was, and that means the only thing left for you to do is go forwards.

Serious / Re: I need help. Please
« on: January 20, 2017, 12:24:53 PM »
Think of it this way. You might've had a relationship that lasted most of your life. Boom your wife dies and leaves you alone for the final years of your life. Those last years without somebody you've had with you most of your life are a long, long crawl.

You also could've gotten into a heavier relationship and then been ditched, leaving with half of your possessions gone if you're a material kind of guy.

Your friends, your family, every person you know will eventually die. Some sooner than others. It will be painful when it arrives, no doubt. But the sooner that you accept that everything ends no matter what it is, you can carry on a little easier. Everything has it's time, and therefore you have to learn to let go.

What's done is done, and now it's gone. Keep the pleasant memories. Keep even the bad ones. But understand that it's over now. One door shuts but another one opens up to you. You go through it when you're ready.

Serious / Re: The Chinese revealed a drone today
« on: January 20, 2017, 03:53:30 AM »
Dubbed ‘Sharp Sword’

I will dedicate my life to getting the job of naming military equipment just so I can dub something "Pointy Stick."

The Flood / Re: Is Powerade okay for a cold?
« on: January 20, 2017, 03:49:31 AM »
Probably not.

Eat pure garlic or honey. Those both have some helpful things in them for fighting off colds. You can try mixing a rough approximate of something like a spoonful of honey into milk and nuking it in the microwave for a bit to warm it up. Depends on the cold however if it's effecting your stomach don't go with the milk.

Sketchy shit.

The Flood / Re: Having sex with a perfect clone of yourself
« on: January 18, 2017, 06:41:34 PM »
it's actually the straightest form of sex possible


Fapping to trap porn is the least gay thing there is. If you fap to gay porn, that's 2 guys, and that's 100% gay. If you fap to 'straight' porn, then that has a woman, sure, but you're also fapping to a guy, which makes it 50% gay. But a trap is like half male, half female, and thus a trap with a girl would add up to 75% girl, and thus only 25% gay. 2 women would be ideal, but that would be a lesbian relationship, which brings it around to gay again.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: January 18, 2017, 06:35:12 PM »

this one took longer than it needed

I don't understand this joke.

Derpy goku
Oh thanks. Now I know that I cannot use well. I will continue my usage of mspaint.

gee thanks

Na he means use GIMP.

G something Image Manipulation Program.

The Flood / Re: Adrenaline is crazy high rn
« on: January 18, 2017, 06:32:35 PM »
Actually no.

Jive was charged for manslaughter when his muscles deflected the bullets into his attacker.

The Flood / Re: Adrenaline is crazy high rn
« on: January 18, 2017, 06:30:44 PM »
oh fuck sons
jive dead

Or he's busy talking to authorities. That shit can take an unreasonable amount of time.

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