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Messages - Sαndtrap

Pages: 1 ... 8910 1112 ... 36
The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: February 03, 2017, 01:38:01 AM »
So I did some investigating and found that the current shitbucket computer I have access to can run some of my old programs. Already tried experimenting and got good results even though I'm doing things with one hand. It's slow but I think it'll help me out in training lefty for better dexterity and control. And it gives me something to do while stuck here. Will post stuff when able.

The Flood / Re: Plz help
« on: February 03, 2017, 01:34:08 AM »
Procrastination strikes again
More like, spending hours figuring out what to do with no visible answers in sight  :'(

Ya'll can do it. I have faith that you can bullshit your way out of it with magic words to the teacher.

The Flood / Re: Plz help
« on: February 03, 2017, 01:14:39 AM »
Procrastination strikes again

The Flood / Re: Tailhole too tight for new boyfuriend
« on: February 02, 2017, 11:46:46 AM »

The Flood / Re: If a condemned prisoner accepts their fate...
« on: February 02, 2017, 11:39:57 AM »
I always found it funny how people are selective when it comes to suicide.

What about the people who walked into the chernobyl reactor to maintain critical parts to stop the damage from being worse? What about people in war who hit the front lines and know it's a one way deal? The rare person who willingly takes a bullet for another?

People seem to just magically forget these when they bring up their hate for suicide. If I had to guess why, it's probably because these are acts of suicide with an inherent outward benefit rather than singular.

As long as your suicide benefits somebody else all is forgiven apparently.
I don't get why some people hate suicide. It's horrible that some people feel the need to go through with it, but suiciders shouldn't be posthumously shamed.

If I had to guess, it's rooted somewhere in our culture. Specifically western culture. Look at old japanese culture or others and you'll find that suicide is viewed differently.

It seems like there's old remnants of early western views left behind, back from when people had to be a lot harder. There was a big emphasis on what was considered being a coward and what wasn't back then. I can only speak based around my location, but a lot of people out here are harsh when it comes to suicide. If my province has it then I can only assume that down in the states it's that much more emphasised.


Here's your motivation.

I actively hope that it never happens.
There's no point.
Sure there is. We could mine other planets, asteroids, moons. Discover new things. Maybe find life. And the future of humans depends on colonizing other planets.

As for the time it takes to travel to other places in response to the other post. We could always hope for a breakthrough. Like near or FTL travel or collapsing space time around you. Crazy how that all works with time dilation and all. Think I read if someone traveled at light speed for 1 year 10 years would pass for us here. But what if for example we're communicating over video chat? Seems like a paradox.

If you're going to bet all your hopes on being able to break the laws of physics, then there's really no point having a discussion.

For time dilation to kick in with noticeable effects you'd need to be travelling around 10%C.

Lightspeed is unatainable because to get anything that has more than zero mass to that velocity you would need literally infinite energy. To get anywhere near velocities measured in percentages of C you'd need the kind of tech you see in science fiction.

I hate to break it to you but science fiction is called science fiction for a reason.

If we harnessed the faggotry of this forum's weebs we'd have an infinite energy source.

The Flood / Re: If a condemned prisoner accepts their fate...
« on: February 02, 2017, 01:49:40 AM »
I always found it funny how people are selective when it comes to suicide.

What about the people who walked into the chernobyl reactor to maintain critical parts to stop the damage from being worse? What about people in war who hit the front lines and know it's a one way deal? The rare person who willingly takes a bullet for another?

People seem to just magically forget these when they bring up their hate for suicide. If I had to guess why, it's probably because these are acts of suicide with an inherent outward benefit rather than singular.

As long as your suicide benefits somebody else all is forgiven apparently.

I actively hope that it never happens.
There's no point.

I know you're usually a soggy napkin when it comes to these things, but I wanna ask it in a different context. A lot of people want to get out to space because they've something to gain. Resources, continued species stuff, all that.

The size and scope of everything just in our system alone would be something to see firsthand. You hear all these facts and see all these photos, but it never really dawns on you since you can't go there in person.

I like traveling. If you suddenly had access to a ship, a free all expense paid deal to just cruise around the solar system for one time, with the ability to land on any landable body in the system, would you take it?

Ya need to freshen those memes up. Change your routines. Part of the reason people get stuck is because they end up in repetition. Break the cycle.

The Flood / Re: Oh shit, how do I not fuck up?
« on: February 01, 2017, 12:15:33 PM »
I am so terrible at everything. Just awful. I was trying to be nice. I was trying to express that I was interested in friendship. I failed so horribly now I look like a fedora tipping serial killer.

Same rules to you. Trial and error. I'll have you know I used to pass as a serial killer too until I got a little better at navigating.

The Flood / Re: Oh shit, how do I not fuck up?
« on: February 01, 2017, 12:13:54 PM »
I was going to ask what she likes doing when she's not studying/doing homework. But now I feel like I'm gonna phrase it awkwardly cause the conversation is in a limbo state of being kind of half-over.

Little early in the conversation to bail. You don't know enough about the characteristics of that person to know that yet. It might feel one sided. Usually in text meetups that's the case. You ought to give it time. Change the subject too.

Best advice I can give at this point is to just try shit. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Talking and meeting people isn't like it used to be but the rules are still the same.

Either you're a natural at it, or you get good at it by building off a foundation of trial and error.

The Flood / Re: Oh shit, how do I not fuck up?
« on: February 01, 2017, 12:06:49 PM »
Unfortunately it seems you're right. Conversations are a two-way street and it already felt one-sided before getting a one word reply.

She sounds really uninterested.

Little early in the conversation to bail. You don't know enough about the characteristics of that person to know that yet. It might feel one sided. Usually in text meetups that's the case. You ought to give it time. Change the subject too.

The Flood / Re: Oh shit, how do I not fuck up?
« on: February 01, 2017, 12:03:30 PM »

Well, fuck it.
This is way too fucking formal and creepy lol

It's also probably a bot.
I don't think it is.

You'd be surprised how articulate some of them can be.

The Flood / Re: Oh shit, how do I not fuck up?
« on: February 01, 2017, 11:59:49 AM »

Well, fuck it.
This is way too fucking formal and creepy lol

It's also probably a bot.

The Flood / Re: I've been eating vegetarian for four days and counting
« on: February 01, 2017, 11:33:09 AM »
I miss vegtables.
Are they not available to you?

Body can't keep down solids. Been living off tasty tubes for a while. I test it everycouple weeks. If I start feeling like more ass or I throw it up I know I've not made progress.

Gaming / Re: For Honor Beta
« on: January 31, 2017, 06:27:47 PM »


Dunno how I'd get through the day without iron pineapple and co tbh

Gaming / Re: For Honor Beta
« on: January 31, 2017, 06:13:56 PM »

The Flood / Re: I've been eating vegetarian for four days and counting
« on: January 31, 2017, 05:59:59 PM »
I miss vegtables.

Reminds me of some of the stories I've heard from people I knew. Only difference was either the kids were used as shields or had hidden explosives on them.

Sealed deal I won't be having kids.

Wouldn't force anything if I did.

The Flood / Re: TV help
« on: January 31, 2017, 12:34:50 PM »
If you want the truth matey, even if you're looking at the best brands, you're not going to get anything real top quality tier for 500.

Note that reviews can be bullshit too. Most people don't handle their shit with care or know how to take proper care of it. It's too easy to go online and say that the damage came from out of the box rather than their own handling of it.

Best case scneario is it's just a prank bro. Hopefully nothing blows up even though I don't know what the JCC is.

Jewish Community Center

And here I was thinking Jewish Concentration Camp.

Maybe they should change the letters.

Best case scneario is it's just a prank bro. Hopefully nothing blows up even though I don't know what the JCC is.

The Flood / Re: TV help
« on: January 31, 2017, 12:10:58 PM »
Samsung is always good bro they're like the Hondas of TV

Can vouch on that.

There's an old samsung I have back home from the early 2000's during the time when "big" tv's weighed a hundred pounds or so. Still works as far as I know.

Do you mean you've been eating cheap grocies that taste like ass?

Or just eating ass?

Or both?

The Flood / Re: King of the Hill, good or bad and why?
« on: January 30, 2017, 11:56:31 PM »
I've got mixed opinions.

Liked it when I was younger. Not so much when older.

The Flood / Re: Let's ride the trolley
« on: January 30, 2017, 11:34:49 PM »
I smash the like button

The Flood / Re: Life outside our solar system.
« on: January 30, 2017, 11:32:04 PM »
I think it's risky. Think about evolution for a second.

We didn't get to the top of our game by coexisting with other lifeforms peacefully. We got up to our point due to evolution, yes, but what's important to note is what that evolution included. Violence. Predation. We're built for violence. It's an inherent part of our brain at the moment.

Now, since we have one current model of evolution, ours, and we don't know the possibilities of other branches of evolution on other worlds, I think it's safe to say that ours could potentially be a common one. So what might that mean? Apex predators.

Or, alternatly, let's say we find a species that has a different model of evolution than ours, one that was more peaceful, so to speak. We would be an incredibly terrifying species to meet even if we were considered primitive by their standards.

Another thing. We always seem to think of spacefaring alien lifeforms in a similar structure to ours. What if the apex predator is a virus or micro organism that can withstand the hardships of space and planetary entry? On our own planet, we have lifeforms capable of this.

Down to business. My honest thoughts are that discovering an intelligent space faring race in our current stage would destroy us. Either the race would be an apex predator and they'd have no qualms on bowling us over, or we ourselves may ignite conflict with them.

Even if the race was peaceful, the technology they'd need to possess in order to travel such massive distances would warrent significant evolutionary process both technologically AND physically. Such a gap would render them totally and completely alien to us.

Something so inhuman and alien is hard to relate to for us. At which point relations would again, sour.

The Flood / Re: whats the fucking point
« on: January 30, 2017, 02:14:34 AM »
Hey Meta. Gonna drop this here. Don't feel like talking to anybody specifically but I feel like saying something now that you brought the question up, serious or no.

I feel you on that.

I'm stuck here in my limbo. I watch the world outside and I listen to things. I just sit here in sickness. I climb up a little bit. Then I go back down. Family seems to be getting along well enough without my help the way I hear.

I sit here and ask myself the same question you ask. This whole thing's torn down my life and put the brakes on everything I know. But outside, life goes on.

All the effort it'll take for me to get out of here. I don't think even I know the extent of it until I go through with it. And I just sit here and listen to the world outside for the time being.

It's very tiring. Listening to all the stupid and the anger out there. There's bright spots, sure. But I get bad vibes about things ahead. Nevermind that, even. I feel like I myself am lost. I just slipped into some pocket where everything has stopped for me yet outside things still move.

Am I going to get out of here? What will I do if I do get out? So many things seem empty to me now. I keep asking myself why I'm still around. Why I haven't popped off yet. I don't know what's keeping me here.

It might be selfish of me to think it, knowing the amount of things given to keep me alive. But if I could trade or give my life to somebody who'd make better use of it in good health, I would. I don't know what's left for me out there anymore.

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