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Messages - Sαndtrap

Pages: 1 ... 456 78 ... 36
The Flood / Re: <—
« on: February 22, 2017, 02:38:20 AM »
Why are you so lazy when it comes to writing engrish?

What's currently grinding your gears in your life?

How hard have you ever wanted to slap some kid's shit up?

Have you ever had your shit slapped up?

Would you ever go skydiving?

Do you piss in the shower?

What's your take on what if anything happens after you die?

Ever parry a bitch?

The Flood / Re: My abs hurt
« on: February 22, 2017, 02:31:39 AM »
What's the current big thing on your list of things to get done in life?

Favorite childhood toy?

Scariest thing to you as a kid?

Scariest thing to you at your current age?

Where are all the white women at?

Do you have any faith in your current president?

If you had control over a country as it's undisputed leader ala Kimmy Jong Un style, what would be your game plan?

The Flood / Re: My abs hurt
« on: February 22, 2017, 02:25:37 AM »

The Flood / Re: lol u know what would be funny
« on: February 21, 2017, 12:57:51 PM »









The Flood / Re: So I found out that I went to uni with a paedophile :(
« on: February 21, 2017, 12:48:14 PM »
But was he a trekkie?

The Flood / Re: Reaction videos are cancer
« on: February 21, 2017, 12:38:13 PM »
I think it's safe to agree that at least over 75-80% of videos on youtube are cancer.

At least

That's what I was thinking. But then I thought about all the music. The quality game channels and the quality humor channels, along with the quality information channels.

Course what people count as a quality game channel or humor is subjective. But I think if we add all those up together  they make a dent of about 15-20% through the garbage. 75 might be a stretch. 80 seems reasonable.
You have to think about how many total videos there are, 3% might not sound like a lot but it could be a few hundred thousand videos.

Hokay. We can settle the matter.

Even when there's a lot of cancer cells, a functioning, normal cell often remains.

Youtube is an advanced stage of cancer where very few healthy cells remain.

The Flood / Re: Reaction videos are cancer
« on: February 21, 2017, 12:29:52 PM »
I think it's safe to agree that at least over 75-80% of videos on youtube are cancer.

At least

That's what I was thinking. But then I thought about all the music. The quality game channels and the quality humor channels, along with the quality information channels.

Course what people count as a quality game channel or humor is subjective. But I think if we add all those up together  they make a dent of about 15-20% through the garbage. 75 might be a stretch. 80 seems reasonable.

The Flood / Re: I'm A Flat Earth Theorist That Is New to Sep7. AMA
« on: February 21, 2017, 12:26:01 PM »
Nearly had me there but you're too invested in it. Someone who actually believed it wouldn't need to bring it up as such a major issue.
Many are more modest in their presentation and discussion. But I am something of a firebrand though. I want to eradicate ignorance both in myself and in others. And who knows? I am open to the possibility my observations got it wrong, and that the earth is somehow actually round. Debating others keeps me exposed to that possibility. This is why I debate so avidly.
You are entitled to your opinion m8. Many people react to me this way, because my ideas are so different. But I cant "tone" myself down to seem genuine when I already am.

If I was arsed enough to really care I'd debate.

What made ya interested in stopping by here?

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: February 21, 2017, 12:17:53 PM »
Literally just rush the opponent and win.

and this is how i know you've never gotten good at any decent rts game
Online no. Because about 120 seconds into the game - guess what happens? My base gets gang raped by a mob of enemy units.

Yeah, counter a rush with turtling - but how the fuck am I meant to turtle if I am in the process of being raped?
And this happens with every rts online I played.

Taking a rush is always a gamble. The key is not to panic. I don't know how similiar mechanics are in Halo Wars 2 as opposed to the first. I'm gonna assume that locking a base down and hiding an army inside is still a thing.

As soon as you start the game you should have the setup to be operational for pumping out units as fast as possible to counter a rush. The easiest method is warthogs.

If it's a leader rush, you need three to five warthogs and you need to keep them moving. Their turrets auto target anything even if they're given the command to move. Keep ordering them to move and you can avoid covenant leaders and their powers like cake. Once those turrets are revved they can really whittle down an early game leader.

The second tactic is to have heavier units in the base and let your base take some hits while you fill up the inside and then open up the doors so that rather than pumping out one unit to get fucked, the whole army shows up at once.

Usually with either of these tactics, you buy yourself enough time for teammates to come and help.

The Flood / Re: I'm A Flat Earth Theorist That Is New to Sep7. AMA
« on: February 21, 2017, 12:06:44 PM »
Troll or no I've thought of a question.

Flat Earthers believe Earth flat right? Does that belief extend to the other bodies in our solar system, like the more obvious to see moon?
All other planetary bodies we have observed (so far) are spherical. However, it is important to remember that the sun, moon, planets, and stars are all smaller and much closer to the surface of the earth and orbit above its surface.

Yo momma much closer to the surface and orbit of my dick

I'd make a great sacrificial body if things went south.

The Flood / Re: I'm A Flat Earth Theorist That Is New to Sep7. AMA
« on: February 21, 2017, 12:03:09 PM »
Troll or no I've thought of a question.

Flat Earthers believe Earth flat right? Does that belief extend to the other bodies in our solar system, like the more obvious to see moon?

The Flood / Re: B
« on: February 21, 2017, 11:59:35 AM »
What's your favorite (video/real) pinball table?

Never gave that one any thought. Since I don't know much pinball I'll just pick what's on memory. Alien.

The Flood / Re: I'm A Flat Earth Theorist That Is New to Sep7. AMA
« on: February 21, 2017, 11:53:43 AM »
I hear there's a growing number of you folks all around the globe.

The Flood / Re: Reaction videos are cancer
« on: February 21, 2017, 11:50:47 AM »
I think it's safe to agree that at least over 75-80% of videos on youtube are cancer.

The Flood / AMA B
« on: February 21, 2017, 02:39:11 AM »
Want some variety dialogue.

The Flood / Re: Do your parents like your tastes in music?
« on: February 21, 2017, 02:34:30 AM »
Listen to almost anything.

Rarely showed my parents.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: February 21, 2017, 02:24:05 AM »
I don't get the people who say this one is less spammy than the first one.

So far I've played like ten games and been fucked in each one by people spamming hornets or some other singular unit.

May as well just play the first one. At least that has a less cluttered visual design.

Best tactic for halo wars was to make a joint counter army. Half anti-air and half anti vehicle while you let your second pal do the muscle work with your support. You cover for your pals weakness in mass single units while he covers for your lesser pushing power.

Assuming it can still work in 2.

The Flood / Re: Bungo's Down, So I'd Thought I'd Say "Hey"
« on: February 21, 2017, 02:20:08 AM »

The Flood / Re: bored af at work
« on: February 21, 2017, 02:19:13 AM »
How old do you think you'll live to be?

Knowing how much things have changed in the past 100 years, if you live to be even in your 80s do you think the world will have changed with as much magnitude previously or will the progress have slowed as the hurdles became larger?

Can you envision yourself at such an age?

Do you think your character will have changed in that time frame or are you just expecting to always be as you are now?

What's the darkest part of human nature you've seen in person?

Have you ever been scared for your life?

What's the angriest somebody ever made you?

Most adorable thing you've ever seen?

The Flood / Re: bored af at work
« on: February 21, 2017, 02:08:08 AM »
Gimme a sec to to make some questions.

The Flood / Re: Bungo's Down, So I'd Thought I'd Say "Hey"
« on: February 21, 2017, 01:01:13 AM »
What's your account name on Bungie?

The Flood / Re: This is the cast for the upcoming Predator movie
« on: February 21, 2017, 01:00:34 AM »
That too. I didn't hear about it.

The Flood / Re: This is the cast for the upcoming Predator movie
« on: February 21, 2017, 12:59:38 AM »
Now how do they decide who dies first
The one with the darkest skin obviously

Notice how most of them are wearing green?

But the black dude waaaaaay off to the left is wearing brown?

Calling it. He's got the most brown so he's gonna go first.

The Flood / Re: Bungo's Down, So I'd Thought I'd Say "Hey"
« on: February 21, 2017, 12:57:10 AM »
Are you here to pay your respects to the dead site that didn't last a week?

The Flood / Re: The Nature Of Truth
« on: February 21, 2017, 12:52:20 AM »
I’ve been thinking about what the ultimate nature of Gerber Baby Food™ actually is. Every person has a different sort of flavour in their mind, which is subjective to their interpretation of the world through their senses. Yet we still seem to think that there’s flavor, and that there’s a right and wrong answer. When you think about it, everyone’s interpretations of Gerber Baby Food™ are just a bunch of noises and sounds and sensations of eating it, etc. We add structure to  Gerber Baby Food™ and make patterns off of what we’ve absorbed through our mouths. I think in order to establish what is flavor, you’d have to establish what is vomit, because vomit inexplicably takes meaningless noises and eating and creates some sort of meaning out of it.

When you see the Gerber Baby Food™ enter the mouth are ultimately meaningless, you might even say that words are ultimately meaningless. Yet human beings mouths, I believe seek Gerber Baby Food™. Perhaps Gerber Baby Food™ is what distinguish from a meaningless flavour. A Gerber Baby Food™ is something which is flavourless with flavour attached to it; it’s a string of same flavours which are next to each other; next is a flavour which has flavour, and so on; it’s just a never ending hierarchy of flavours, where something that shouldn’t have any flavour keeps trying to add flavour to the next thing, but ultimately it leads to vomit. Perhaps this ultimately paradoxical endless string of vomit is the ultimate nature of Gerber Baby Food™. Gerber Baby Food™ itself is a paradox.

Yet it would seem that there’s a problem with saying that a string of meaningless flavours, adding flavour in a hierarchy of vomit, could be the only ultimate nature of Gerber Baby Food™, because obviously there is falsehood, Baby Formula™. Perhaps in the hierarchy, when one says eats Baby Formula™, one would attach erroneous, meaningless flavours to the hierarchy, which break the chain of vomit leading to more vomit; of meaningless flavours leading to contradictory concepts of flavour, which are paradoxical because the ultimate nature of Gerber Baby Food™ is meaningless. In this way, I believe the nature of Gerber Baby Food™ is paradoxical, the nature of the flavour seeking mind creates an illusion of taste.

The Flood / Re: Giving up on veganism
« on: February 20, 2017, 02:04:15 AM »
Something a litltle more serious.

Let's say a friend or family member is murded. What do you think you would you do? Let legal law run it's course or take your own measures?

Your country is invaded by an outside force that's gaining ground on territory. Join the army or strike out on your own? Alternatively, flee or do nothing?

You're stranded in deep wilderness. You have no idea what plants kill you and what plants don't. Would you hunt animals if you had to or just opt to starve?

If you were going to murder somebody and you didn't want to get caught, how do you think you'd do it?

Ever think you'll end up with a close partner in your life?

How long do your figure you'll be alive for?

What's your game plan for that estimated number of years you'll be living?

How do you think you'll get along when the time inevitiably comes that you'll put your parents to rest?

Favorite kind of candy if any?

The Flood / Re: Hey fellow robots
« on: February 20, 2017, 01:16:25 AM »
Bevadyvt cunvervatcg

Good job lefty.

The Flood / Re: Giving up on veganism
« on: February 20, 2017, 01:12:45 AM »
Why does senpai never respond reeeeeeeee

The Flood / Re: how to peacefully denazify someone
« on: February 19, 2017, 12:51:16 AM »
I'll give you my jewish babka

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