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Topics - Elegiac

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The Flood / I am a great explorer of Sep7agon.
« on: June 16, 2015, 10:06:12 AM »
I was the first one to find the Illuminati easter egg.

I know that some others have found hidden pages and stuff... who else is a great explorer of Sep7agon?

The Flood / Ants in your pants.
« on: June 15, 2015, 07:43:43 AM »
Teenager from Thailand has the genius idea of putting a nest of Red Ants down his pants.



Gaming / Gay Thug Trolling
« on: June 15, 2015, 07:41:16 AM »

The Flood / Bert and Ernie.
« on: June 15, 2015, 05:56:16 AM »
From Sesame Street. Are they a gay couple? Has this ever been confirmed?

What about Big Bird and Snuffy? Actually, didn't Snuffy turn out to be female or trans? I might do a little research.

The Flood / Your username.
« on: June 14, 2015, 05:59:01 AM »
Is now the name of your spaceship. Does it suit? What's your craft like?

The Elegiac

The Flood / What do you think
« on: June 13, 2015, 02:09:43 PM »

The Flood / Tsunami Attack
« on: June 12, 2015, 10:50:42 PM »
Do you think that despite the scariness of the huge wave it would actually be a quick and painless death? Crushed instantly by monumental forces? Or slowly drowned and battered to death while sucked up to the crest?

The Flood / An inspiring story that is important.
« on: June 12, 2015, 02:27:29 PM »
Apparently, Norman the scooter dog was taught to scoot when he was a pup in order to overcome anxiety issues. Now he is a Guinness World Record holder, holding the record for fastest dog on a scooter. Humanity can look at this dog and say "If that dog can achieve so much, why can't we better ourselves as well by turning away from violence and greed, and embracing a co-operative world society with the goal of colonising space, and furthering philanthropic scientific endeavour."


The Flood / What will your custom title be?
« on: June 12, 2015, 08:32:57 AM »
I know that for most of us it's a long way off, but we have a lot of mythics and a few people who'll go over 100 days online given a couple of months or so. So there'll be a few people with custom titles floating around before the year is out.

Mine will be the text in my signature.

The Flood / It's a good year in music so far.
« on: June 12, 2015, 08:15:53 AM »
For me personally, at least. Released so far:

The Grates - Dream Team
Adventures - Supersonic Home
Swervedriver - I Wasn't Born To Lose You
Blur - The Magic Whip
And So I watch You From Afar - Heirs
And still to come:

Failure - The Heart Is A Monster
God Is An Astronaut - Helios | Erebus

Seriously, I never get this many new releases. Anyone else having a good year in music?


The Flood / Hi.
« on: June 12, 2015, 07:15:34 AM »
I've tried to imagine making a return without Lemon & Co destroying the thread with their drama, but it's just not realistic (although here's hoping). So I'll make this a simple return thread, instead of jumping into some other topic straight away. I'll address the obvious, boring and unpleasant within the spoiler below and ask here:

Hey, what's been happening? I'm going to see Mad Max for a second time tomorrow. Since I've got a membership with the local cinema I've been sent a voucher to see it for $8.. how good is that?! Has anyone else thought it was worth watching more than once? This time I'm going to try to take in more of the action sequences since there is a lot happening on screen during them.

A wall of text follows.

Evidence for Lord Commissar:
Such an odious task. I've treated it like a school or university assignment that doesn't interest me. In other words, procrastinating and putting it off. Even in regards to Nick, whose actions have been remarked upon by a few people as being totally unacceptable (Chronic, if he tries it on again, I'll fetch the posts for you).

So if it was a scholastic assignment and it was due to be submitted today, I'd be failing, lol. Like I said, it's a shitty, boring task: going all the way back to january and working my way forwards, compiling threads and posts. I'm somewhat lazy, and not naturally vindictive, so it's very unappealing to me. Plus, once I'd settled into my Alt account, more than ever the motivation to do it fell away in the relative freedom of my new personage.

The Alt: Fierce Mild. There's your official confirmation. My intention was always to hide within plain sight. To achieve this was simple and there was a reasoning behind it. All I had to do was continue posting normally while not appearing as a fox and posting practically no fox content. The rationale behind this was that my detractors would suspect it was me, but wouldn't be able to follow me around harassing me as usual without being able to prove beyond a doubt that it was me (and no one could do that without breaking the rules). If they had it would have made obvious the depths of their obsession. They came close to doing it anyway, and LC dropped hints while trying to nudge the situation towards revealing me, but even he couldn't just out me without, as I said earlier, breaking the rules.

It all played out pretty much as I'd expected. Although it was so obvious that it was me, nobody went on the offensive until I'd posted an image of a fox. At that point Lemon found what he'd been searching for and tried to raise a witch-hunt, but all I had to do was play innocent and casually deny it. After that the haters were properly roused for a couple of days, following me around again and calling me Elegiac. Challenger made a thread, ect. Then they subsided to a low simmer when it became obvious that I wasn't going to out myself and give them the proper leverage to run the crusade full-scale again. Byrne carried on talking about me at every opportunity (real or contrived). Nick dropped comments here and there. As did Das. Lemon and Challenger were actually on their best behaviour. It was very impressive.

In closing: Now that I'm wearing my Elegiac suit again, there's bound to be a bit of trouble, but I hope that you can all remember how it's been with me on an alt over the past two weeks. Without the Elegiac name and the history attached to it, nobody tried to create reasons to be upset with me. My posts were taken as they are: easy-going, playful and down-to-earth. People who accuse me of being an arrogant shitposter are either hypocrites, or delusional. They support and enjoy shitposts made by others whom they like, and shitpost themselves. The accusations are without foundation, my posts and threads are far from being the worst on this forum. Before I posted a fox Lemon, Das and company even talked to me as they would to any other member, and treated me well. Although I couldn't quite stomach suddenly being found acceptable, it was also encouraging.

Finally, and most obviously, I've reflected on the role of the Fox within all this. Is my use of foxes for personal representation and expression the only thing that prevents me from being able to enjoy the forum without being harassed? Should I abandon the fox? I've decided that even if the answer to both of these questions is yes, I don't want to stop being my usual foxy self and dissolve into the general muddle of names and faces. I don't want to, and I shouldn't have to. If that is really all that's upsetting people, it's petty and moronic; and I won't yield to something so stupid. As I've said in the past: if foxes annoy you that much, you're not obliged to read my posts or be involved with them. If I can think of one concession that I'd make in order to encourage and assure this sensible mode of thought, it would be that I might spoiler the images from now on. Out of sight, out of mind, eh?

Message ends.

Pictured: I've been sitting on lucky sevens as a display of good faith and love for my friends of Sep7agon.


The Flood / fufu, flood
« on: May 29, 2015, 01:25:12 AM »
This'll likely be my last thread for a few days. As I mentioned in my good night thread, I'll be busy elsewhere.

The coast looks clear, so talk at me a bit. I just had my third coffee, should I go for a fourth?

The Flood / Goodnight, Flood.
« on: May 28, 2015, 06:44:41 PM »
I might not see you tomorrow, I've got a big weekend coming up. So let's say Monday. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

The Flood / I will also give my opinion of you.
« on: May 28, 2015, 08:49:46 AM »

The Flood / The Luft-wafer
« on: May 28, 2015, 12:41:39 AM »

Ice cream cone named after Adolf Hitler on sale in India sparks anger in Germany.

  • Germans are outraged by treat named after Adolf Hitler
  • Lack of Holocaust education in the country means the snack isn't shocking
  • The ice cream cones are readily-available across India
  • German newspaper Bild labelled the cones a macabre publicity stunt

The Flood / Find A Vein, You Nematode Sluts
« on: May 26, 2015, 10:45:54 PM »

Is this what you were looking for? That’s pure, mainlined Christmas right here.
Real high-quality squirm.

I can see that many of you have noticed it as well. I think that people who have been AFK like I was will notice it about as quickly as I did. Although if they don't, since most of us already know, they should discover it in short order.

Share your stories of when you noticed that the anarchy forum was gone.

The Flood / The Fall of Batch
« on: May 24, 2015, 06:58:59 AM »
12/05/15 Never Forget


The Flood / Today's letter is the letter F.
« on: May 22, 2015, 11:41:01 PM »

Can you think of any other words that begin with the letter F?

The Flood / Does anybody here have Williams syndrome?
« on: May 22, 2015, 10:40:32 AM »
Williams Syndrome: The Opposite Of Autism

I was thinking that we could pair up each of our Autistic users with a Willams user, as a social experiment.

The Flood / Spoiled Rabbit
« on: May 22, 2015, 10:28:28 AM »
Would you put up with this shit?


The Flood / Why do we have chins? (warning: fox related)
« on: May 19, 2015, 07:01:19 AM »

The chin serves no obvious purpose. One discarded theory speculated that it strengthened the jaw and developed over the course of a persons life to help with chewing, but a subsequent study found this to be inaccurate. A more recent theory, based on a fossil analysis published last year which seemed to indicate that the chin is a rather recent addition within human evolution, is that the development of the chin is related to hormonal changes within our species, and here I'll quote the article:
The authors’ theory is that our ancestors’ testosterone levels dropped as they began living side-by-side. High levels of testosterone, associated with aggressive behaviour and handy for solo hunters, would have been less than ideal in social groups.

Animal studies suggest that hormonal adjustments can alter the shape of faces. Changes in skull structure have been shown to coincide with hormonal changes in Russian silver foxes, for example. In a breeding project started in 1959, silver foxes captured from the wild were selectively bred over successive generations for traits of tameness, until they became domesticated. The skulls of the tamed foxes were shorter and wider, and they had lower levels of corticosteroids, hormones involved in stress responses including fight-or-flight.

The same could have happened in humans, with testosterone levels gradually falling over the generations. “Humans are essentially a self-domesticated species,” lead author Nathan Holton says. And as testosterone levels shrank, so did the face, which in the process changed shape and developed a chin.

Example of a Russian silver fox.

Scientists will be testing the theory of hormonal changes affecting skull shape on mice.

The Flood / A mystery. (warning: fox related)
« on: May 18, 2015, 06:43:59 AM »
Foxes stealing golf balls. If you search it on youtube, or through google, you'll find a long-running epidemic of golf ball theft by cheeky foxes. Why do the foxes want the golf balls? I suppose maybe they could think that they're eggs, but after the first couple of balls the fox would surely figure out that they're not. So to my mind that's not an answer.

Any theories?

The Flood / A story to warm your hearts. (warning: fox related)
« on: May 17, 2015, 07:25:30 AM »
A baby fox is rescued



The Flood / I know one joke, would you like to hear it?
« on: May 16, 2015, 01:11:21 PM »
You're hearing it.

In the shark-infested waters of the Caribbean, two prawns called Justin and Christian are discussing the pressures of being a preyed-upon prawn. “I hate being a prawn,” says Justin. “I wish I were a shark.” Suddenly, a mysterious cod appears. “Your wish is granted,” he says. Instantly, Justin becomes a shark. Horrified, Christian swims away, afraid his former friend might eat him. As time passes, Christian continues to avoid Justin, leaving the shrimp-turned-maneater lonely and frustrated. So when he bumps into the cod again, he begs the mysterious fish to change him back. Lo and behold, Justin is turned back into a prawn. With tears of joy in his tiny little eyes, he swims back to the reef to seek out Christian. As he approaches, he shouts out: “It’s me, Justin, your old friend. I’ve changed… I’ve found Cod. I’m a prawn again, Christian.”


The Flood / Man Kills Imaginary Friend
« on: May 13, 2015, 02:00:54 AM »

Geoff Gaylord walked into a Jacksonville Sheriff's Office and confessed to his crime: he had repeatedly stabbed his friend "Mr. Happy" with a kitchen knife, cut up Mr. Happy with a hatchet, and buried him in his backyard.

The Flood / I'd rather ask the forum.
« on: May 11, 2015, 10:42:55 PM »
Why do you put up with lemon? He's not pleasant to speak with. He doesn't add anything of value, to anything here. He isn't funny, or amusing. He abuses most of you. He doesn't display care for anyone or anything except himself. He derails my threads and tries to bully me like a 12 year old. His friends do the same. I can't do anything here without it being swamped in negativity.  And yet not only do you allow this, you encourage it. This is how you all want it to be. This is the forum you want.

I'm in the minority. I said to someone a little while back that if this forum didn't pull itself into a better shape, then I would likely leave. I've never been on the Flood to spam abuse or indulge some sort of childish aggression. This isn't fun for me, and that's all I've ever been here for: some light discussion/banter and fun. So the fact is that I'll probably leave before too long.

That doesn't mean that they've 'won' or something like that. As I also said to that person, I win whether I stay or go. If I stay it's because the forum is a place where I can thrive and enjoy myself, which would mean that a lot more people would be frequenting here and enjoying themselves aside from the shit-flinging crowd. If I leave (and I don't mean to sound self-important here) this place will be a lot closer to collapsing into the grey, dull, unpleasant heap that it's currently sliding towards. I don't imagine that it will survive on just bitchiness and negativity for any appreciable amount of time. But maybe it's hatred for me that's holding it back, and with me gone it'll become friendlier and new, imaginative people will step in and take my place. That's perfectly possible. That'd be a win for me too, I really don't wish ill upon you guys.

So, I'm not leaving just yet. But I'm virtually gone. You guys will decide what type of forum you want by your actions, and I'll roll with it.

The Flood / halo reach help
« on: May 11, 2015, 12:53:30 PM »
hey guys I need some help with a machinima watch the video for details

please like and subscribe


The Flood / The Rise Of The ‘Lumbersexual’
« on: May 11, 2015, 06:35:58 AM »
Yesterday’s urban male wore a slim-cut pair of pants, perhaps a button-down shirt with a narrow tie. He kept a clean shave, and generally looked tidy. His look was coined “metrosexual.”

Today, the metrosexual is a disappearing breed being quickly replaced by men more concerned with existing in the outdoors, or the pseudo-outdoors, than meticulous grooming habits.

The Flood / Boltgun vs Assault Rifle
« on: May 11, 2015, 05:57:04 AM »


I've previously proven that a Space Marine would defeat a jedi, a sith, a pokemon, hobbits, elves, dwarves, wizards and men of the west. This is the last of a series of polls pitting 40k against the Halo universe.

Choose the superior weapon.

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