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Topics - Elegiac

Pages: 1 ... 678 910 ... 59
The Flood / Fox massacres Melbourne Zoo penguins
« on: November 10, 2015, 05:46:05 AM »

The survivors of a vicious fox attack that killed almost half of Melbourne Zoo's little penguin population on Tuesday night remain in isolation as measures are taken to hunt down the culprit, which returned to the scene of the slaughter last night.

New security footage shows the marauding fox returning to the penguin exhibit, which is one of the zoo's most exposed, the creature apparently still hungry after the massacre of 14 penguins.

The 15 survivors of the attack have been moved to a secure location onsite, as have the zoo's quokkas, which were also deemed at risk of attack from the voracious intruder, which is believed to have breached the grounds sometime in the past week.

Pictured: The nocturnal predator.

The Flood / Why it’s time for the red fox to have some good PR
« on: November 10, 2015, 05:43:26 AM »

Foxes have been the baddies of children’s tales since the Ancient Greeks. This has made it easier to hunt and torment them – but how much of the myth is based in fact? What would the fox say if she told her own story?

Shapeshifter, swindler and devil’s minion: the red fox is in urgent need of good PR. For thousands of years, the fox has played the villain of folk tales and legends, from Aesop’s fables to Beatrix Potter.

How many animals have had their (alleged) misdeeds immortalised by both a noun (a crafty, cunning person) and a verb (to deceive, mislead and outwit)? “Weasel” and “rat” share this dubious distinction. Informally, the fox has leant its name to an adjective, too – foxy – used to describe an attractive woman, but not necessarily one to be trusted.
The Little Black Fish and other stories: Iranian illustrated children's books – in pictures
View gallery

The more I saw foxes in the streets where I lived, the more I questioned the popular myths that surrounded them: fox as child-snatcher, cat-muncher, vermin. Fox as scourge of the countryside.

The truth is, we’d got it wrong. Foxes are social animals that pair bond, often for life. Despite a rogues’ gallery of villainous vulpines, they’re usually the victims of a brutal human world.

Pictured: A beautiful sparkle fox.

The Flood / Behold (with dread): Rumblr
« on: November 09, 2015, 09:12:52 PM »
Article: the Tinder of street fighting.

Imagine if members of Fight Club didn’t have to talk about Fight Club because they had smartphones.

Imagine if Tinder users swiped right not to hook up, but throw punches.

This is Rumblr – “Meet. Fight. Conquer” its tagline – and its development team says it’s a real thing.

“We have raised relatively substantial funding from private American investors and the app is fully developed,” an unnamed spokesperson for Rumblr told

The app offers “casualty-free casual fighting for free,” borrowing smartphone dating technology to match complete strangers for love at first fight.

Users get a profile pic and list their stats, including “MMA specialty,” to potential matches.

“Pro-tip: Tell your match what you don’t like about their picture,” the website reads.

A chat function allows users to “heat up” after arranging a fight and a filter for female and group fights. They can also broadcast fights’ location so others can gawk – or perhaps become accessories to – the action.

Pictured: A pro-tip being put into action.

The Flood / The Deadly Truth About Loneliness
« on: November 09, 2015, 08:19:23 PM »

Almost all of us have experienced loneliness at some point. It is the pain we have felt following a breakup, perhaps the loss of a loved one, or a move away from home. We are vulnerable to feeling lonely at any point in our lives.

Loneliness is commonly used to describe a negative emotional state experienced when there is a difference between the relationships one wishes to have and those one perceives one has.

The unpleasant feelings of loneliness are subjective; researchers have found loneliness is not about the amount of time one spends with other people or alone. It is related more to quality of relationships, rather than quantity. A lonely person feels that he or she is not understood by others, and may not think they hold meaningful relationships.

Researchers have found social isolation is a risk factor for disease and premature death. Findings from a recent review of multiple studies indicated that a lack of social connection poses a similar risk of early death to physical indicators such as obesity.

Loneliness is a risk factor for many physical health difficulties, from fragmented sleep and dementia to lower cardiovascular output.

Some individuals may also be biologically vulnerable to feeling lonely. Evidence from twin studies found that loneliness may be partly heritable.
To access the full article click the link at the top of this post.

Pictured: Loneliness is not just about whether there are people around.

The Flood / Wassup, Flood. Pt. 2
« on: November 09, 2015, 11:30:59 AM »

Yes, after being attacked by Oss for months on end, I bit back. I don't go looking for trouble, or to hurt others. Since then he's had two apologies from me.

None of this is true.
Don't we have every thread still sitting around? You could go and find out. In fact he told me to off myself on multiple occasions before I said it back to him. Truth.
Give some evidence, that'll help right?

Oh wait you tried that and turned up with nothing but a wall of china to LC in which had nothing prior to evidence, thus, you had nothing. Just jumping around words Again.

Tfw you take a jab at 'Oss's depression'
Tfw you take a jab at him "Wanting to kill himself"
All before your attempt.

He mocked you? what like laughed at your fucking Fox posting because its annoying?

WELL OH MY LORDY, shit son, that's worse than what you ever did, huh?

A question, Ele, Why do you bother?
See the above response. I bother because I'm right. It's just so crazy. I'm such an honest, friendly person that I'm not used to having my word doubted like this. To have the truth distorted like this. And I honestly think it's a reflection on you guys, not me. and here are my first and only forums. Before this I'd never interacted with these sorts of people for prolonged periods of time. It's crazy.

The Flood / Thread for me and Loaf to post good music in.
« on: November 09, 2015, 11:21:07 AM »
Good evening, Loaf, what have you been listening to?


The Flood / Wassup, Fladdies?
« on: November 09, 2015, 07:59:35 AM »
I forgot about this place for a minute there. Then I logged back in and my notifications reminded me why I wandered off for some days. Still, I'm the eternal optimist, and I believe that people and situations might always be about to better themselves.

So what's been happening? Is everyone okay? I've discovered Pineapple liquorice and it is DELICIOUS!

The Flood / Could a robot party?
« on: October 28, 2015, 09:04:45 AM »
Like, experience something analogous to emotionally feeling and acting like a 'party animal'? I suppose it relates to a sense of play. I'm thinking of a robot more realistic than Bender.

The Flood / Friend, I really can't deal with this
« on: October 28, 2015, 01:08:14 AM »
Shit, dude


Gaming / 'Sean Schemmel' in Halo 5 Voice Actor Credits
« on: October 28, 2015, 12:29:21 AM »
Is it Goku? Or simply someone with the EXACT SAME NAME.

I can't find anything to confirm or deny this online.

The Flood / I've decided to become like SecondClass
« on: October 27, 2015, 07:43:19 PM »
by which I mean like Zesty

maintaining all of these high caliber high intellectual posts is tiresome, so I decided to just write stream of consciousness posts that make like 10% sense from now on, and I figured that it was a good idea to see who else was thinking of going Zesty, as it would be easier for a bunch of entry-level Zesty's to march together and support each other rather than struggle through the missions alone

just a heads up fam

The Flood / Do you live in a village?
« on: October 27, 2015, 06:20:53 AM »
Like a really interesting small british village? I myself live in a smallish Australian city. Well. 4th biggest in Oz, but still smallish by world standards.

Discuss small fascinating villages.

The Flood / 92 posts
« on: October 27, 2015, 04:25:57 AM »
I have 92 posts in gaming? When the fuck did I spend that much time in there? I mean, of course it's right, but it feels like way too many. When you think of that forum you don't think of Elegiac.

Discuss forum-by-forum stats.

The Flood / 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:25:16 AM »
Please download, read and share my new FREE ebook:

200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball! PDF

This 35 page ebook full of photographs and diagrams is the perfect tool to help spark conversation and awaken your friends and family to the mother of all conspiracies.  Please make copies, print, distribute, re-upload and do everything you can to get this most important information out to the masses!

Download from the link above or read the entire thing online below:

The Flood / New Berserk Chapter!!!
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:16:54 AM »
For those of ye still following:


The Flood / Join me.
« on: October 24, 2015, 11:50:29 PM »
get in here

« on: October 24, 2015, 10:43:04 PM »



Imagine scuba diving in the quiet depths of the ocean and spotting an enormous shape emerging from the blue. This is what some divers faced when they approached a gigantic sunfish and began taking videos and photos while trying to contain their excitement for the rare size of the animal. This type of fish can weigh up to 5,000 pounds and grow to as much as 9 feet long, but luckily they don't eat humans.

The Flood / I have your ass for an unlimited amount of time
« on: October 24, 2015, 05:51:11 AM »
I pity the ass

The Flood / if a bird flies near your head
« on: October 24, 2015, 03:07:00 AM »
what do you do

The Flood / What does the little Sep7agon next to my name mean?
« on: October 22, 2015, 07:09:57 AM »
I can't locate the information in any pinned posts.

The Flood / megathread and chill
« on: October 22, 2015, 05:29:25 AM »
post them

The Flood / Sperm Whale Shit Will Make You Rich
« on: October 22, 2015, 05:19:47 AM »

Between 7 billion human asses and countless bird, fish, and animal butts, our planet pumps out an ungodly amount of poop every day. Few of those turds—if any—are as valuable as the mysterious and rare fudge dragons dooked out by sperm whales.

In late January, a British man named Ken Wilman found a six-pound lump of sperm whale shit (also known as ambergris) while walking his dog on the beach. Afterward, a French dealer offered him $70,000 for what was, in all seriousness, a piece of crap. Wilman's story has a precedent. In 2012, an eight-year-old boy walking with his father along a beach in England found some sperm whale poo worth $63,000. Before that, in 2006, a couple in Australia came across a 32-pound log that reportedly netted them almost $300,000.

What the fuck is going on? What makes sperm whale ass ham so damn expensive?

Pictured: A sperm whale shitting in the ocean.

The Flood / Do you like my future avatar?
« on: October 22, 2015, 03:45:09 AM »
It's not here yet, but it will be in about two hours.

The Flood / Look at this guy I found on Facebook.
« on: October 21, 2015, 06:18:34 AM »

The Flood / Who else is listening to this?
« on: October 21, 2015, 04:49:40 AM »
Pretty dope.


The Flood / Girls Only Thread (& me & tru, ect)
« on: October 21, 2015, 04:45:23 AM »
This is a thread for the fairer sex, and those who possess certain graces, to recline in.

We will shoot the wind, and be merry.

Girls Only

(Also, me, true turquoise, human24, loaf, jim, rc, door and slash)

(casper and fruit are not allowed because they've been getting really swole and aggressive and 420ing posts)

The Flood / I'm making a six cheese pizza.
« on: October 19, 2015, 11:27:45 AM »
What are you guyses having?

The Flood / A message for Pip.
« on: October 19, 2015, 10:10:13 AM »
I see you online, Pip. You don't have to have 'Fatherly' in your name anymore. The craze has died off. But I think it might get put in the Sep7agon records. You did well, Pip. I knew I could rely on you.

The Flood / The time draws near.
« on: October 19, 2015, 08:23:33 AM »
In a matter of fourteen hours I assume my true sovereign state. My final form.


Have those with custom titles been enjoying them (I know how Verbatim will respond)?

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