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Serious / Re: Europeans, whiteness, and ethnic identity.
« on: July 02, 2016, 05:06:03 PM »
I avoided using the word "race" for a reason.

The Flood / Re: Explain this liberals
« on: July 02, 2016, 03:04:58 PM »
probably because a slight majority of muslims are not very serious about Islam
fixed that for you

Serious / Europeans, whiteness, and ethnic identity.
« on: July 02, 2016, 03:03:15 PM »
Is anyone interested in having a discussion about ethnic identity as it relates to Europeans and European diaspora peoples?

I recently ran into some writings claiming that white southerners in the US form a distinct ethnic group, which has opened me up to maybe a more nuanced understanding of ethnicity and white identity.

Serious / Muh heritage
« on: July 02, 2016, 02:45:09 AM »

post your ethnic heritage

Serious / Really fascinating
« on: July 01, 2016, 02:15:38 AM »

I hope this fits in Serious because muh science

Some of his assertions are a little questionable though- like Neanderthals having black skin. I get why you would WANT to suggest that, looking at gorillas, but IIRC European humans developed light skin in order to better absorb what sunlight could be gotten in cold Europe. If that is the case, I don't see why it wouldn't happen for neanderthals, too.

The Flood / Re: Is the Alt Right real or edgy teens on line?
« on: July 01, 2016, 12:19:04 AM »
Smart liberals.

Serious / Re: Pentagon ends transgender ban
« on: July 01, 2016, 12:16:33 AM »
Only about 20% of military spending is payroll

The problem with military spending isn't its size, it's that we spend crazy shit like an estimated trillion dollars for the f-35 jsf program when we have perfectly good jets already
Hello boeing

The F35 itself is fucking fine, although care should be taken to keep such a money sink from happening in the future. Someone should have known it would be this costly.

You MUST be vigilant in keeping your advanced aircraft development ahead. Air superiority is THE deciding factor in modern warfare. It is incredibly essential that we be as far ahead of the Chinese as possible.

Serious / Re: Pentagon ends transgender ban
« on: June 30, 2016, 11:59:33 PM »

Serious / Blown the fuck out
« on: June 30, 2016, 11:42:45 PM »

why should we care about those things in the first place?
because they make sense--they can be understood, comprehended, and experienced
I'm inclined to think nothing can be truly understood, and what empirical science has said about our brains really makes me lean harder that way.

and they have utility--that is, we can use this knowledge to create real,
It's only real within its own context. For all we know what is empirically real could NOT be.
tangible, and valuable things that increase our quality of existence--that alone sounds like a pretty damn good reason to care
Value doesn't exist in a positivist world.

whatever else you're trying to suggest beyond positivism has no utility, because we can't grasp it--why even acknowledge it
I'm not really suggesting anything, I'm just becoming more and more critical of what has been suggested to me already.

define coherency
knowledge that is either a priori or a posteriori; nothing else, and nothing in between

why should we care about anything else
why should we care about those things in the first place?

because it's the only premise through which we can have a coherent basis for reality
please verify this empirically.
well, i can't; i can only ask that you present a coherent basis for reality that does not hinge on empiricism

failing that, there's no reason for me to assume that positivism isn't all there is
define coherency

because it's the only premise through which we can have a coherent basis for reality
please verify this empirically.

Serious / Tell me why I should give a fuck about logical positivism.
« on: June 27, 2016, 10:13:11 PM »

Serious / Re: . . . and today EU unveils its plans for military
« on: June 27, 2016, 09:22:52 PM »
Russia is an irrelevance, a temporary distraction that will not reemerge as a superpower.

The real threat to western interests is China. The answer to that threat is getting Russia on board, not alienating them.

The Flood / Re: I'm really stoned right now
« on: June 27, 2016, 08:36:19 PM »
get on discord faggot

The Flood / wHAT THE FUCK is this channel
« on: June 27, 2016, 08:34:10 PM »

freaking me out

Serious / Re: feeling trapped
« on: June 27, 2016, 04:31:09 AM »
whatever helps you cope w/ life fam
we're not coping, we're breaking out

Serious / Re: feeling trapped
« on: June 27, 2016, 04:29:02 AM »
yet your whole first assertion that the "divine" even exists is unfounded

a lie invented to give meaning to a meaningless world
all assertions are unfounded. none can be known, only felt and understood

we'll dig our way out of the flesh prison blind and deaf if we have to

Serious / Re: feeling trapped
« on: June 27, 2016, 04:21:13 AM »
so you trade the real god of human vices (which you can actually overcome if you want) for the christian god

for what reason?

transcendental quality, a risk worth taking for the bridge to the divine

it is the only way out of the fleshy plain, the indulgent prison-brothel

the only way ive found so far

Serious / Re: feeling trapped
« on: June 27, 2016, 04:17:44 AM »
you're no different than any of the other septillion humans who have walked this planet, door

they too had to believe in something or else they would have to die knowing that they would soon not exist, and their existence didn't mean anything
were all trapped in a horizontal prison, so well disguised it at first appears to be total freedom

its not about believing in something, everyone believes. but we've believed in lies. we're enslaved to our physicality, our urges, someone has tapped into them, is guiding them and tellng us it is moralty to act them out over and over. i have to find out who is selling us these gods

Serious / Re: feeling trapped
« on: June 27, 2016, 04:07:50 AM »
stop being religious then

we're all just waves and particles tbh
you're a slave to the mundane

we've been cut off from that which is higher, taught to worship the immediate and accessible. i don't want it. i need to get away. we all need to get away and we don't even know it. pleasure has become god to us, we can't keep going like this.
humans strive for meaning, desperately clinging to any fabric of importance they can find

yet there's nothing

we're organisms just like a protazoea or a spider: live, make more of us, die

beyond that, as an intelligent species, our individual meanings are a product of the individual

and being a slave isnt too bad fam
like i said, cut off

i won't take this lie

Serious / Re: feeling trapped
« on: June 27, 2016, 03:52:56 AM »
im really fucke dup right now

Serious / Re: feeling trapped
« on: June 27, 2016, 03:51:41 AM »
stop being religious then

we're all just waves and particles tbh
you're a slave to the mundane

we've been cut off from that which is higher, taught to worship the immediate and accessible. i don't want it. i need to get away. we all need to get away and we don't even know it. pleasure has become god to us, we can't keep going like this.

Serious / Re: feeling trapped
« on: June 27, 2016, 03:45:20 AM »
it's so hard even for my religion to take me a step away from it because even religion is under the lash today. even to pray, to pray for something other than change on the material has become an impossible act it seems like

Serious / feeling trapped
« on: June 27, 2016, 03:39:45 AM »
i'm having trouble seeing the point in continuation. i feel stuck and limited in a materialistic world i've been planted in. all advances seem horizontal and meaningless, there's no real point to anything. there is no truly higher state to aspire to, any and all attempts are shouted down as delusion and pretension. the highest aspirations allowed are to seek material and sensual pleasures. sexual and physical gratification has become god. to decry this and the role it plays in our lives is as heresy. how can you dislike freedom, you say? change the channel, change the channel if you don't like it. all the channels are the same shade of the same shit.

i hate it and I need to get away but there's nowhere to run. drugs and drink just make it worse.

Serious / Re: What is so horrible about populism, anyway?
« on: June 26, 2016, 08:54:44 PM »
Neoliberal doesn't mean the same thing as Liberal, in fact they're in no way alike.
Neoliberals are a subspecies of liberal. The enlightenment heritage is there.
Liberal is pretty much synonymous with "progressive" here in the US, which is why the term neoliberal can cause some confusion.

Neoliberalism represents the opposite of what progressivism/liberalism are about.
Neoliberalism is about privatization, free markets, deregulation of corporations. It's basically another term to describe anarcho-capitalism.
You have almost no idea what you're talking about.

Serious / Re: What is so horrible about populism, anyway?
« on: June 26, 2016, 06:54:37 PM »
Stop derailing my thread with your corn autism please

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