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« on: July 14, 2016, 05:41:40 PM »

Video of the scene, very disturbing

Eiffel tower on fire (might be fireworks):

>|religion of peace ||l “”|””\_,



The driver's ethnicity is so far unspecified, and we all know what that means.

Serious / Re: Bernie endorsing Hillary
« on: July 13, 2016, 05:56:25 PM »
I want to punch every fucknut Bernie supporter that's saying they will support Trump now. Like, do they not realize that Trump is on the complete opposite end of the political spectrum than Bernie?
He's really not, and the fact that you believe that indicates you probably don't know much about Trump.

Trump is part of the mercantile international capitalist class running most of the western world, but he is opposed to their agenda, as is Sanders. It seems to me that most Bernie supporters are anti-establishment types, there's really more to it than voting for the candidate who offers the most gibs.


Serious / Are Bernie supporters the biggest cucks since the Sabines?
« on: July 13, 2016, 03:03:52 AM »

All of this sweet donated cash is now going to Clinton's campaign. It's fucking hilarious. Some individuals spent thousands of dollars on this man.

Serious / Re: Black cop tears BLM a new one
« on: July 12, 2016, 02:03:08 AM »
And my point is avoided.

Your opinion is discarded. Go ahead and shave that head and put those white (or red, I always get confused here) in. Show the world what an asshole you really are and stop hiding behind the anonymity a forum provides.
p quick to strawman, aren't you?

there's a reason you keep getting laughed off of this board

I have been? News to me


No response to my points. Wanna stop ad hominem?
I'm not interested in your points about BLM, we've had these discussions over and over.

But you keep talking about this alt right boogeyman and you sound like a fucking mongoloid. The alt right is not a concrete movement, it has no established orthodoxy and no set boundaries. You can find people identifying as alt right ranging from hardcore ancaps to cultural libertarians like Milo and Sargon to racist liberals like Metokur to NRxers to Men' Rights faggots to actual fascists and reactionaries to radical traditionalists like myself. You don't know shit about the movement other than that being called a cuck triggers you so you pretend to be unmoved when somebody uses it as a short and sweet way to describe your weak and self-flagellating politico-philosophical views.

I hate to go here but you're really pissing me off because you come into this board sounding like any other old person on my facebook acting like he's above petty politics and pretending he actually knows what the fuck he's talking about. I bet you genuinely think Republicans aren't liberal, that's how shitty a taste your arguments put in my mouth.

Anyway, I don't feel the need to talk about BLM or address those arguments because they're fucking meaningless to me. Either you're a universalist liberal and therefore a hypocrite for defending an ethnocentrist identarian group when you'd be quick to decry a white identarian group, or you're ideologically okay with identarianism- in which case you're a self-hating weakling defending a group that is opposed to the interests of your tribe (see:cuck, cuckold, beta, nu-male). Either way you're ideologically degenerate, and not worth my time. It's the same reason I ignore verb's anti-natalism now- it's an unvigorous and life-denying dead end.

The Flood / Re: Describe another user, without being obvious
« on: July 12, 2016, 01:26:28 AM »
bitch made spooked out faggot

Serious / Re: Black cop tears BLM a new one
« on: July 12, 2016, 01:24:01 AM »
And my point is avoided.

Your opinion is discarded. Go ahead and shave that head and put those white (or red, I always get confused here) in. Show the world what an asshole you really are and stop hiding behind the anonymity a forum provides.
p quick to strawman, aren't you?

there's a reason you keep getting laughed off of this board

Serious / Re: Black cop tears BLM a new one
« on: July 12, 2016, 01:15:59 AM »
Somebody couldn't handle the bantz.

Serious / Re: A message to those of you who work.
« on: July 11, 2016, 12:06:11 AM »
Another thread ruined by GMO's. When will you sheeple fucking wake up?
Except this topic revolves around the fact that people on welfare are FORCED to eat GMOs, which just drives them further into disease and poverty. You can't talk about welfare without talking about GMOs.
Morality and ideals are far more important than human life. Soldiers sign up to die every day, it means NOTHING if they're fighting to protect an evil and fucked up society.

Class' posts got way funnier when I realized he was just being ironic and shitposting.

I am a vet. I do know.
MOS? Time frame? Your job and the time you did it have a pretty big bearing on what you'd experience.

Well, to be fair, I expect this reaction from him. He's from a generation that this wasn't even thought about. There were former police saying women would cost live on patrol too.
Right, and as we all know, every generation is more morally upstanding and intelligent than the last. This guy is just on the Wrong Side Of History™.


The Flood / Re: >watches bullfighting match
« on: July 10, 2016, 02:24:48 PM »
Domesticated bovine literally exist to serve our whims. That's why their species exist, we made them the way they are.

Fuck outta here with those spooks.

Serious / Re: Texas Real Talk
« on: July 08, 2016, 05:14:16 PM »
Take the Carolinas with you

Serious / Re: 10 Officers Shot, 3 Dead in Dallas
« on: July 07, 2016, 11:25:33 PM »
Just remember guys, it wasn't BLM, it was radical melanin extremists.

Serious / Re: I'm tired of hearing about racism
« on: July 07, 2016, 06:12:18 PM »
I find it surprising how much race still matters in the US. It's one of the things my girlfriend sometimes talks about and I found it hard to believe at first. So I can't really relate here as I almost never hear or read about racism.
It has a lot to do with the after effects of the conflict over slavery and the integration of European immigrants. Our understanding of ethnicity has, broadly speaking, been melted into a flawed understanding of "race" that's held over from attempts to justify slavery. Most people in the US can't differentiate between ethnos and race.

Serious / Re: I'm tired of hearing about racism
« on: July 07, 2016, 06:04:50 PM »
A good chunk of people categorized as white, and therefore held accountable for muh privilege, are not even a part of the same ethnic group as other "whites". White, as a label, is largely a tool used to suppress political mobilization and self-interest in European peoples and their various diaspora groups. "White" people only exist in the US, and there are many regions where things are MUCH more nuanced.

Further, I don't really care if someone thinks better of me for the color of my skin. Good on my ancestors for not fucking up and having a good image, if only by looking like a wealthier type of European.

lmao at all these people bitching about the decision when the literal alternative is a Trump presidency
Still better than having a warmonger and a criminal for a President.
Trump "we'll need tens of thousands of boots on the ground to crush ISIS", "bomb Iraq oil fields to stop Muslim extremism" and "pre-emptively use force to stop North Korea from making nukes" looking to strengthen the US military to be globally untouchable and put up displays of force all over? Or the Trump who's been involved in a list of scandals and criminal allegations longer than the character limit on here would allow?

Hillary is shit. But this idea that Trump is not just as corrupt, bought, self-serving and out for personal gain is very naive.
If you have a case for Trump being even NEARLY as corrupt as Clinton, please share it here. I'm genuinely interested.

Because so far I haven't seen Trump taking in a fraction of what Clinton does from special interest groups, especially not ones as shady as the Clintons pal around with. In fact, he's been outright decrying it. I'm sure, if there was some notable evidence of corruption, the Clinton shills running every media outlet would've made sure we knew about it.

Is this really a surprise? Clinton's people own the executive branch.

The Flood / Re: Was there a recruitment thread on Bnet or something?
« on: July 03, 2016, 07:38:14 PM »
I'd like you all to consider suicide as an alternative to your current situations.

Most, if not all, of these identities are completely made up nonsense promoted by the bourgeois powers-that-be as part of a larger effort to undermine resistant Tradition and cultures that have not already been swallowed up by America's imperialist liberal un-culture.

It's all going to crash and burn in a century or two anyway, so I'm not too worried about the next few decades of degeneracy. This was an inevitable result of consumerism anyway, which is itself a much more destructive symptom of this plague.

Most, if not all, of these identities are completely made up nonsense promoted by the bourgeois powers-that-be as part of a larger effort to undermine resistant Tradition and cultures that have not already been swallowed up by America's imperialist liberal un-culture.

It's all going to crash and burn in a century or two anyway, so I'm not too worried about the next few decades of degeneracy. This was an inevitable result of consumerism anyway, which is itself a much more destructive symptom of this plague.


not all opinions should be respected
You're right in saying this, but I don't think it occurred to you that this is an argument against what are probably some of your core political and philosophical beliefs.

This picture is a pretty clear demonstration of how little people outside the alt-right understand the movement.

I swear this maymay could have been made in 2012 if you removed the bit about "cuck" and the Trump poster.

Serious / Re: Holocaust "survivor" lied about the whole thing
« on: July 02, 2016, 11:21:40 PM »
I'd be much more sympathetic to the new right and alt right if they weren't so into the whole jew thing. Half the time I can't tell what's a joke and what's supposed to be serious.

It seems like half of these people are just racist liberals.

The Flood / Re: Wow. Can't believe Trump took it that far
« on: July 02, 2016, 10:25:19 PM »
dude what a racist haha lmao

upvoted :)

Serious / Re: Europeans, whiteness, and ethnic identity.
« on: July 02, 2016, 10:22:03 PM »
It seems like there really isn't a conversation to be had here beyond memes and shitposting

Serious / Re: Muh heritage
« on: July 02, 2016, 10:21:10 PM »
This isn't what I meant.

lock pls

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