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Serious / Re: Reminder that Assad is the protagonist of Syria
« on: August 07, 2016, 01:48:12 AM »
Both sides are fucked up. It's hard to stand against Assad in the US when this country is literally funding the rebels who rip out the hearts of their dead enemies and eat them.
The DoD proxy fighters sometimes clash with CIA backed ones it's messed up, sometimes I wonder why the CIA works against US interests considering their proxies tend to be batshit crazy.
4d chess

The Flood / Re: I was just served beer at the grocery store
« on: August 05, 2016, 07:35:47 PM »
lol did they ID you?
Drinking age here is 16, so you have to look extremely young to be carded.
H  A   R   A  M

Serious / Re: Reminder that Assad is the protagonist of Syria
« on: August 05, 2016, 06:53:23 PM »
Bluepilled Kikes in this bread
Not sure who you're referring to, because if anything the Jews and Israelis prefer Assad in power over Syria becoming ISIS: The Country
Nigga the whole point of the Arab spring was to destabilize states hostile or neutral toward Israel in order to deprive Iran of potential allies in the event of a conflict.

The Obama administration wanted Assad out because he wasn't hostile to Iran, and Israel didn't like the possibility of Iranian troops traveling through Syria to get to Israel.

Syria was destabilized and thrown into war largely to create a buffer region for Israel.

>BA in (((sociology)))

Serious / Re: Reminder that Assad is the protagonist of Syria
« on: August 05, 2016, 12:55:12 PM »
I'd still believe the theory that he's just a figurehead for his family. You don't go from being a mild-mannered, westernized optometrist to a tyrant overnight. He was next in line, so he had to do it. Still complicit, but I don't he's the boogeyman he's made out to be.
There's nothing mild mannered about Assad. He had been ordering the abduction and torture of Syrian civilians for a long time, as well as many other atrocities.

His regime has, yes. The point is that he may very well just be a puppet or figurehead for his tyranical family because he was next in line.
Did the family explicitly set up a monarchy?

It seems like a dictator's position wouldn't be subject to things like line of succession.

Except she's completely right. Marriage is a male-beneficial scam that traps women into becoming baby factories.
I know this is bait but fuck you

Women afraid of marriage because "Oh shit what if I decide I want back on the cock carousel in 5 years"

Men afraid of marriage because "Oh shit no fault divorce, child support and alimony can literally ruin my life if she wants back on the cock carousel in 5 years"

Holy shit your shitposting has seriously triggered me, find a new shtick to shit up this board with fucking please

Serious / "Wall Street Has Her Bought
« on: August 04, 2016, 05:53:22 PM »

Serious / Reminder that Assad is the protagonist of Syria
« on: August 04, 2016, 05:38:08 PM »


"I see my single status as something of a passport," Angela said. "I get to meet, work with, dance with, laugh with and sleep with whoever I want to at the time. I don't see anything changing my mind."

Lisa, also 27, echoed that sentiment: "I think of marriage as the ultimate gamble — you're essentially gambling that the person you love in your twenties (or whatever) will still be the person you love when one of you draws your last breath, with no way of knowing how you'll both change and grow in between."

"I'm a one-day-at-a-time kind of girl, and the idea of legally binding myself to another person for the rest of my life doesn't sound great," she continued.

The enlightenment was a tremendous failure

Serious / Re: Patriarchy is not evil
« on: July 29, 2016, 03:22:00 PM »
Women are generally more in tune with people and emotions, whereas a male leader is more nationalistic and cold logic-oriented. The latter obviously has failed.
And how exactly does that lend itself to a better society?
Because we're one people, not different nationalities or cultures. Not to mention the patriarchy has had their chance for the past 2,000 years, and they fucked it up. As I said, look outside.

It's time for a change.
the quality of this bait is degrading

Serious / Re: Patriarchy is not evil
« on: July 29, 2016, 02:56:59 PM »
Women are generally more in tune with people and emotions, whereas a male leader is more nationalistic and cold logic-oriented. The latter obviously has failed.
Female suffrage was a mistake

Serious / Re: Best Korea declares war on the US again
« on: July 29, 2016, 04:03:34 AM »
How can NK declare war on us when there's already a war going on between us which so far has lasted for decades?
They declared a second war.

We're currently at war with North Korea twice.

Serious / Re: Best Korea declares war on the US again
« on: July 29, 2016, 03:36:20 AM »
Can we just put them out of their misery

Serious / So we can all agree that Maoists are the real cancer, yeah?
« on: July 28, 2016, 04:39:30 AM »

Serious / Re: Here are a couple "what if" questions about history.
« on: July 28, 2016, 04:38:04 AM »
althis is pure autism

History is full of variables. I get the appeal, but there are so many factors behind every major historical event that you can't really say what might happen if one or two were changed up.

Serious / Re: Bullet point comparison of the RNC and DNC platforms
« on: July 27, 2016, 01:34:20 PM »
It seems like it always comes down to "cooperate because it is useful to you", which isn't really morality at all.
And "obey or you will be punished" is?
Not really. But that's a simplistic understanding of religious Tradition, only looking at exoteric law. One doesn't practice religion out of fear, one practices it to interface with the higher reality of the divine.

I'm not suggesting a deity represents a necessarily moral reality either. Morality could really just be nonsense. Although I'm on the fence about whether a right and wrong could be dictated.

But we're getting way off topic.

Serious / Re: Bullet point comparison of the RNC and DNC platforms
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:40:39 AM »
you must at least pretend there is a greater force you are subservient to.
I don't think abstract morality is a legitimate substitute. It's delusional.

I mean, I really understand the motivation- if you couldn't have human rights and dignity without God or gods, the Enlightenment project would largely be a failure.

But the solution is to say, "god may or not be real but here are a set of vague abstractions we KNOW aren't real. Let's worship those instead"?
I don't think so.

Serious / Re: Bullet point comparison of the RNC and DNC platforms
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:37:04 AM »
Daily reminder that the only conclusion of a godless or deistic universe is moral nihilism.
Come on, you don't really believe that shit, right?

Not to mention, even if that is true, it doesn't mean God exists.
Pretty much every argument for objective morality I've encountered, including the ones I used to use, seem to me now to boil down to nonsense or unwitting Stirnerism.

It seems like it always comes down to "cooperate because it is useful to you", which isn't really morality at all.

Serious / Re: Bullet point comparison of the RNC and DNC platforms
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:29:58 AM »
Daily reminder that abortion is murder.

Daily reminder that the only conclusion of a godless or deistic universe is moral nihilism.

Daily reminder if you want to have a sane and functional society you must at least pretend there is a greater force you are subservient to. That or become a communist.

The Flood / Absolutely indesputably 100% haram
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:41:01 PM »

Serious / Re: Nothing about the #DNCLeaks?
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:32:50 PM »
Any other society would be stringing these people up in the streets right now.

How far the west has fallen.
Idk man

Turkey is pretty much sucking Sultan Erdoğan's cock
Erdogan is a populist, this is anticipated.

The corrupt folks here are the ones trying to defeat a wave of populism. If we weren't so pussified they'd be facing violent backlash.

Serious / Re: Nothing about the #DNCLeaks?
« on: July 26, 2016, 10:16:04 PM »
Any other society would be stringing these people up in the streets right now.

How far the west has fallen.

The Flood / Re: I think I found Door's reddit account
« on: July 26, 2016, 05:40:33 PM »
o no

Serious / Re: The Religion of Peace beheads a Priest in France
« on: July 26, 2016, 05:35:58 PM »
Alright I can see maybe I got a little aggressive in that post.
do you want to talk about it

how are you feeling lately chally

Serious / Re: The Religion of Peace beheads a Priest in France
« on: July 26, 2016, 05:02:28 PM »
I agree that meddling wouldn't help. It's proven to backfire time and time again. I do think ISIS is an amalgamation of all of this stuff (Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc) America has gotten its fingers in.

I suppose a frustration and true approach to this, is that letting the Middle East attack and defeat ISIS as the primary force, is the right thing to do. With western support. Some ME countries could be pulling their weight more. Something we've called them out on (or Obama has) before.
ISIS is a kind of Islamic reaction, a purist and devout sect rising up against the different powers that have been running the region. Which is why ISIS will not last long with or without intervention.

But I would go as far as saying no to any western support beyond what is necessary to ensure the security of minority groups in the new states that will spring up in the aftermath of the violence. Once ISIS is bombed into irrelevance, Western support will turn (as it is already designed to) into manipulation, and the proxy war will get even hotter. ISIS is effectively nothing more than a distraction from the real issues, a violent and bloody attempt to return to cultural virility that will ultimately fail.

Serious / Re: The Religion of Peace beheads a Priest in France
« on: July 26, 2016, 04:36:52 PM »
Nazis weren't killing their own people though, the whole point of Nazism was to empower them against other peoples.

There's one, and only one way to bring peace to the middle east, and even that might fail. You have to remove Islam, be it by converting the people to a more peaceful religious tradition, or turning them into degenerate coke-drinking American secularists. I don't think we have a right to force either of those things on them. I think the peoples of the middle east have a right to cultural and political self-determination, even if that means slaughtering each other. If they want peace, they have to make it themselves.

The most intervention I'd be inclined to support would be an attempt to protect or extract religious and ethnic minority groups from the violence.
I can understand Islam being a part of the issue. I won't be so blind as to say everything the religion teaches is innocent and all that crap you'd hear. But to think it's the only problem is ridiculous, especially since the region wasn't as turbulent in the late 20th century as it is now. The Middle East blow up is due to a number of things, brought on over the course of decades of events.
Of course. Colonialism and exploitation have been major factors, which is why I wouldn't want to perpetuate those things by intervening.

The region is engaged in a gigantic proxy war right now between the US and it's allies (Israel, the Gulf states, Jordan, Turkey?) and the forces of multipolarity (Iran, Russia, China), with local ethnic factions trying to keep their people alive (Palestinians, Kurds, Assyrians, Shia/Sunni militias).

This isn't entirely our fault, but our meddling certainly hasn't helped. And we won't put the fire out by throwing more fuel on it.

Serious / Re: The Religion of Peace beheads a Priest in France
« on: July 26, 2016, 04:29:00 PM »
So you guys are saying when ISIS is slaughtering people in their own countries, it doesn't matter and you don't care?

Doesn't that just prove my point?
I have as much right to meddle in the affairs of Islamic countries as Muslims have the right to meddle in ours.

That is, none.

Is it upsetting? Sometimes, depending on the victims. But it isn't our concern.
So you'd rather turn a blind eye if a crazy radical faction rises up and slaughters people by the thousands. Until they finally step out of their borders and get rowdy? It's not just one country either which I could understand. It's an entire region. That's akin to saying (and forgive my Godwins law here) you don't care what the Nazi's do with how they're killing their own people or doing what they do until they start slowly expanding to other places.
Nazis weren't killing their own people though, the whole point of Nazism was to empower them against other peoples.

There's one, and only one way to bring peace to the middle east, and even that might fail. You have to remove Islam, be it by converting the people to a more peaceful religious tradition, or turning them into degenerate coke-drinking American secularists. I don't think we have a right to force either of those things on them. I think the peoples of the middle east have a right to cultural and political self-determination, even if that means slaughtering each other. If they want peace, they have to make it themselves.

The most intervention I'd be inclined to support would be an attempt to protect or extract religious and ethnic minority groups from the violence.

Not really surprising. Bernouts are just as cancerous as Trump supporters.
>he probably supports Gary "dude weed lmao" Johnson
I actually don't support any of the candidates the US political system has to offer right now. If I was American I just wouldn't bother voting.

Saying that however, and as much as it pains me to say, Hillary "supporters" seem to be the only ones acting with any kind of decorum right now.
They're being polite because there's enough shit to fling at Clinton to keep them from getting uppity.

Serious / Re: The Religion of Peace beheads a Priest in France
« on: July 26, 2016, 04:20:20 PM »
Sure there's kind of a double standard
Not some kind

it's completely double standard. You're not caring about people getting slaughtered until people of similar beliefs are getting hurt? Seems abhorrent. Isis is a cancer to humanity as a whole, not just the west.
Do Muslims in the Middle East care about our unique problems?

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