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Serious / Re: Should the British have stayed out of World War One?
« on: September 05, 2016, 06:04:08 PM »
Stop using the term kraut, Grand Spook lover.
Stay mad barbaroi
If you like Varg so much why aren't you a pagan?
If you like Krauts so much why haven't you let an Arab fuck your girlfriend?

Serious / Re: Should the British have stayed out of World War One?
« on: September 05, 2016, 04:08:10 PM »
Stop using the term kraut, Grand Spook lover.
Stay mad barbaroi

Serious / Re: Should the British have stayed out of World War One?
« on: September 05, 2016, 04:07:08 PM »
but both missing crucial parts of the big picture.
Mind elaborating on what that is?
but both missing crucial parts of the big picture.
Mind elaborating on what that is?
the danger of complex alliances, Austro-Hungarian incompetence/tomfoolery, Russia's rapid development (and the fear that put into the hearts of the German and Austrian leadership), the birth of nationalist movements, Serbs being Serbs, etc.

It seems to me like the Germans and British are giving themselves a little bit too much credit. There's a lot more to it than Le Eternal Anglo vs Le ebil Nazi Kraut.

Either way, I think this kind of blame-throwing is silly. Should/shouldn't've gets us nowhere. We play the hand we're dealt, why fantasize about alternate draws?

Serious / Re: Should the British have stayed out of World War One?
« on: September 05, 2016, 03:01:22 PM »
Sounds like an Anglocentric wehraboo and a bunch of self-hating Krauts spouting autism at each other, neither entirely wrong but both missing crucial parts of the big picture.

Did any of you fags even read the link

Did any of you fags even read the link

and we shouldn't live based on instincts.
you're right.

So I can assume you're going to join us at the next anti-gay anti-birth control rally?

The Flood / Re: We won, Verb
« on: September 03, 2016, 07:51:06 PM »
>giving ad money to news sites

I get supporting sep7, but you're lining the pockets of literal subhuman scuzz.

The Flood / Re: remember when deej banned me for two years
« on: September 03, 2016, 09:06:19 AM »
Remember when Recon banned me for a year for impersonation when I told everyone to change their name to Elegiac in solidarity with him?

Serious / Re: Bank of Canada on Bitcoin
« on: September 02, 2016, 12:32:50 PM »
Bank of (((Canada)))

The Flood / Re: Killing animals is fucking awesome.
« on: September 02, 2016, 12:08:43 PM »
Does a bad kill really make the meat taste bad?
Yeah. If an animal is wounded, but not killed, it will panic. Adrenaline can then flood the muscles, making the meat taste godawful.

Someone with a better grasp of biology could probably explain it better.

What did he mean by this?

The Flood / Re: Daily reminder that being a vegan, sure thats alright
« on: September 02, 2016, 10:35:25 AM »
Just out of curiosity, because I can't be assed to read the rest of the thread, how many vegans/vegetarians here would be fine with consuming meat in a non-industrialized society? That is, if meat products weren't mass produced, and we weren't wrecking the environment, would you eat a pork chop?

The Flood / Re: Arguments for and against incest
« on: September 02, 2016, 10:29:47 AM »
Do you want a planet of Afghans?

Because that's how you get a planet of Afghans

The fuck is "alternately abled"? Fancy way to say crippled?
P sure you can also use it for retards and amputees.

The Flood / Killing animals is fucking awesome.
« on: September 02, 2016, 10:22:46 AM »
I love to eat what was once a living thing. Tastes so good.

I especially like meat tainted from adrenaline from a botched kill. It tastes bad, but being able to taste my prey's suffering makes me feel so fucking cool.

The Flood / I had to read this piece of shit for my College Writing class
« on: September 02, 2016, 10:19:26 AM »
I Am Not My Body Lisa Sandin - Big Rapids, Michigan As heard on The Bob Edwards Show, July 6, 2012
I believe I am not my body.
Every day, we see images of perfect bodies we can never have, and we become convinced our bodies are who we are. Passing through puberty, into adulthood and now into middle-age, I’ve
wasted a lot of time lamenting the size of my hips, the gray in my hair, and the lines in my face. Finally, as I approach my 50s, I believe my parents were right all along: I am not my body.
I was born in 1959, at the tail end of the baby boom. Unfortunately I arrived without all my body parts fully intact. My left arm is a short stub with a small hand and three fingers, reminiscent of a thalidomide defect. To my good fortune, I had superb parents. They were fighters who struck “I can’t” from my vocabulary, and replaced it with “I will find a way.” They believed the
development of the mind, heart and soul determine who you are and who you will become. My body was not to be used as an excuse; instead it was a catalyst.
My body was not neglected, though. It endured surgery; it was dragged to physical therapy, then to swimming, and finally to yoga. But it was not the focus of my life. I was taught to respect my body, but to remember that it was only a vehicle that carried the important things: my brain and soul. Moreover, I was taught that bodies come in all shapes, colors and sizes, and that everyone was struggling in some way with their physical inadequacies. Infomercials have convinced me this must be true, although through adolescence I found it difficult to believe the cheerleading squad had any self-doubts.
In my alternately formed body, I have learned lessons about patience, determination, frustration and success. This body can’t play the piano or climb rock walls, but it taught all the
neighborhood kids to eat with their feet, a skill it learned in the children’s hospital. Eventually it
learned to tie shoes, crossed a stage to pick up a college diploma, backpacked through Europe and changed my baby’s diapers.
Some people think I am my body and treat me with prejudice or pity. Some are just curious. It took years, but I have learned to ignore the stares and just smile back. My body has taught me to respect my fellow humans — even the thin, able-bodied, beautiful ones.
I am my words, my ideas and my actions. I am filled with love, humor, ambition and intelligence. This I believe: I am your fellow human being and, like you, I am so much more than a body.
Lisa Sandin lives with her husband and their two college-age children in Big Rapids, Michigan. She owns Heart and Sole Yoga studio, where she teaches yoga and meditation to students with both able and alternately-abled bodies. Sandin’s essay was originally published in USA
Weekend magazine.


rip corbyn

I like nigger bass in my car for sure, but when I'm using headphones I'm after a more clear listening experience.

Serious / Re: Enlightenment is a spook
« on: August 31, 2016, 08:02:36 PM »
Interfacing with higher levels of reality you fucking coward

Serious / Re: Should the burden of proof be a logical fallacy anymore?
« on: August 31, 2016, 01:57:29 PM »
The nature of subjectivity eliminates the possibility of objectively proving anything.
It's pretty clear that, in this instance, "prove" means "demonstrate the probability of".

You can't absolutely prove any synthetic proposition.
So why worry about anything beyond the immediately practical?

Serious / Re: Should the burden of proof be a logical fallacy anymore?
« on: August 31, 2016, 12:42:30 PM »
The nature of subjectivity eliminates the possibility of objectively proving anything.

Might as well be wallowing in our own hallucinations.

Serious / Is Donald Trump antifragile?
« on: August 31, 2016, 12:34:47 PM »

Antifragility is a property of systems that increase in capability, resilience, or robustness as a result of stressors, shocks, volatility, noise, mistakes, faults, attacks, or failures. It is a concept developed by Professor Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his book, Antifragile.[1] As Taleb explains in his book, antifragility is fundamentally different from the concepts of resiliency (i.e. the ability to recover from failure) and robustness (that is, the ability to resist failure). The concept has been applied in risk analysis,[2][3] physics,[4] molecular biology,[5][6] transportation planning,[7][8] engineering,[9][10][11] and computer science.[10][12][13][14][15]

Taleb defines it as follows in Nature:

Taleb defines it as follows in Nature:

    Simply, antifragility is defined as a convex response to a stressor or source of harm (for some range of variation), leading to a positive sensitivity to increase in volatility (or variability, stress, dispersion of outcomes, or uncertainty, what is grouped under the designation "disorder cluster"). Likewise fragility is defined as a concave sensitivity to stressors, leading a negative sensitivity to increase in volatility. The relation between fragility, convexity, and sensitivity to disorder is mathematical, obtained by theorem, not derived from empirical data mining or some historical narrative. It is a priori".[16][17]

The Flood / Re: seriously FUCK nature
« on: August 31, 2016, 08:09:56 AM »
Civilizationfags BTFO

Serious / Re: What media sources inform your opinions?
« on: August 30, 2016, 08:03:04 PM »
I find I hear all I need to from talk on campus and on imageboards.

Do you believe this results in an informed, well-rounded opinion of current events?
Well-rounded, yes. Informed- depends on the matter. The more relevant the matter to my interests, the better I understand it. I couldn't tell you shit about Harambe or the state of British politics post-brexit, but I consider myself up to speed on the situation in Syria and the upcoming election.

The nice thing about these imageboards is the wild diversity of the userbase- I can get input from people on the ground anywhere, usually multiple perspectives on the story, and I can understand what the government or media narrative is in different parts of the world.

Serious / Re: Why should I care if someone is a white supremacist
« on: August 30, 2016, 06:43:22 PM »
and culture.
Nah, that's faggot shit. If that was the case then I'd have to believe that Italians and Iberians and Hellenic peoples are actually white.
They are.

You know there was a study released that proves the majority of the English are descended from inhabitants of what is now Galicia in Spain?

And we all descended from Sumerians too, what's that got to do with anything?
shut the fuck up elomite honkey

Sumerians was black

Good to see parents respecting the NAP.

Now we just need to stop them enrolling children in school against their will.

Serious / Re: Why should I care if someone is a white supremacist
« on: August 30, 2016, 06:38:57 PM »
and culture.
Nah, that's faggot shit. If that was the case then I'd have to believe that Italians and Iberians and Hellenic peoples are actually white.
They are.

You know there was a study released that proves the majority of the English are descended from inhabitants of what is now Galicia in Spain?

Serious / Re: The free market has hit a wall
« on: August 30, 2016, 04:55:04 PM »
I know the US has some socialist policies. Medicade and Medicare are one of them, which is why I find it so funny a lot of far right Republicans freak out at the very things they support.

Thanks for the info on the other stuff.
Republicans and Democrats should be seen less as competing factions and more as two schizophrenic heads on a monstrous body.

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